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ESGF Portal at CEDA
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CEDA ESGF Search Portal

Use this portal to find, select and download data held in the globally distributed Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) archives.

Start searching now

  • For a faceted search across all projects, click here, or the "Search with options" link on the right.
  • For a free-text search, type some text in the box on the right and click "Go".

What can you find here?

The ESGF consists of federated data centres that enable access to the largest archive of climate data world-wide. This portal allows you to find, select and download data files from the federation.

You will find data from CMIP5, CMIP6CORDEX and many other high-profile projects through this portal.

For more information about the projects, please use the links on the right (under "child projects").

Project-specific searches

The following projects require an account at CEDA (create CEDA account) or an openID from an ESGF peer site, and some also require a Group Registration (see links below) to access their data. Exceptions are flagged as "publicly available".

Search data for... Register to...
All projects (see below for project-specific registration details)
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6
These data are publicly available without registration.
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5
Includes related MIP data from EUCLIPSE, GeoMIP, LUCID, PMIP3 and TAMIP
CMIP5 Research
CMIP5 Commercial
Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment
Please perform an HTTP download of a single file to register for CORDEX access.
Registration links will follow soon.
Observations for Climate Model Intercomparisons
obs4MIPs Research
Seasonal-to-decadal climate Prediction for the improvement of European Climate Services
These data are publicly available without registration.
EUCLEIA: EUropean CLimate and weather Events: Interpretation and Attribution
These data are publicly available without registration.
CLIPC: Climate Information Platform for Copernicus
These data are publicly available without registration.

(Note: for ESA Climate Change Initiative data, please search via the CCI Portal.)

New server side processing capabilities

CEDA is part of the European IS-ENES Infrastructure. New services are developed within the project to provide users with server-side processing capabilities. It means your analyses can be performed near the data at the IS-ENES HPC centers and you will donwload the results of your analyses and avoid the heavy data download of raw model data. This is especially beneficial for users with low network bandwidth or limited access to high performance facilities.
Please visit our new server-side services:
  • the Analysis Platforms open call for multimodel analyses of the CMIP6 and CORDEX model data and apply for CPU computing hours at the IS-ENES HPC centers with direct access to locally maintaned high volume data sets
  • the Climate4Impact portal dedicated to climate impact users who want to perform server-side visualizations, indices calculations, downscaling, subsetting, and regridding and download the lightweight results of their analyses.

Are you a JASMIN User?

If you are a JASMIN login user you may be able to access many of the data sets available through this portal directly on the JASMIN platform.

Provided by CEDA

This portal is provided by the STFC Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) in collaboration with the InfraStructure for the European Network for Earth System Modelling (IS-ENES) and the Natural Environment Research Council via the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS). Click the "About Us" link to read more about our partners and funders.


For model related questions, please find the modelling group contact info in the header of the netcdf file. For data management issues, please write the following to the esgf user support emailing list ( -- see also list joining instructions)

- Your browser and operating system, for instance: Firefox 68.0.2 on Ubuntu 18.04

- Your OpenID

- The complete download URL of the file(s) you attempt to download

- The index node used for searching, for instance:

- The steps required to reproduce the problem

- The exact error message


For assistance on matters relating specifically to this search index or the data nodes at CEDA, please contact the CEDA helpdesk mentioning ESGF in your enquiry.


See also

IPCC / WMO / WCRP / CMIP / es-doc / errata service docs / tutorial and FAQS / data nodes status

REST API (for expert users)

Last Update: June 21, 2024, 3:08 p.m. by Admin User

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