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The CORDEX vision is to advance and coordinate the science and application of regional climate downscaling through global partnerships. CORDEX goals are:

  • To better understand relevant regional/local climate phenomena, their variability and changes, through downscaling,
  • To evaluate and improve regional climate downscaling models and techniques,
  • To produce coordinated sets of regional downscaled projections worldwide, and
  • To foster communication and knowledge exchange with users of regional climate information.

The International Project Office for CORDEX (IPOC) is hosted by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) at their headquarters in Norrköping, Sweden. The role of the IPOC is to:

  • Support the CORDEX Science Advisory Team (CORDEX-SAT) in the planning and implementation of CORDEX priorities,
  • Ensure appropriate international coordination between the CORDEX regions, institutes and individuals,
  • Build relationships with the impacts and adaptation, and end user communities to ensure their needs are addressed by CORDEX activities,
  • Collaborate with relevant WCRP and other international programmes,
  • To promote capacity development particularly in developing regions and among young scientists,
  • Actively disseminate and communicate the work of CORDEX.

Closely tied projects

The data of following projects with close ties to CORDEX are provided beside CORDEX data:

Experiment design

  • The General instructions for CORDEX integrations describes the recommended scenarios, resolution, and time periods that should be utilized.
  • The CORDEX Archive specification document specifies technical aspects of CORDEX archive file and data formats, as well as archive content. It includes a common naming system, the Data Reference Syntax (DRS), which allows the identification of data sets wherever they might be located in a distributed CORDEX archive.
  • The CORDEX Variables requirement document defines what CORDEX simulation variables should be saved, their attributes (including short name, long name, units) and time resolution.


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Last Update: Nov. 2, 2016, 2:12 p.m. by Ruth Petrie
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