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Technical Support
CORDEX (181327)
output (178716)
AFR-22 (5582)
AFR-44 (14554)
AFR-44i (3796)
ANT-44 (2333)
ANT-44i (1734)
ARC-11 (688)
ARC-22 (79)
ARC-44 (4504)
ARC-44i (2249)
AUS (199)
AUS-22 (5500)
AUS-44 (7278)
AUS-44i (10849)
CAM-22 (3758)
CAM-44 (4292)
CAM-44i (2436)
CAS-22 (1160)
CAS-44 (227)
EAS-22 (3351)
EAS-44 (2541)
EAS-44i (80)
EUR-11 (36262)
EUR-11i (1650)
EUR-22 (1220)
EUR-44 (13447)
EUR-44i (3864)
MED-11 (536)
MNA-22 (806)
MNA-22i (420)
MNA-44 (1767)
MNA-44i (924)
NAM-11 (118)
NAM-22 (1759)
NAM-44 (2920)
NAM-44i (768)
SAM-20 (38)
SAM-22 (3633)
SAM-44 (7067)
SAM-44i (2852)
SEA-22 (6435)
WAS-22 (6629)
WAS-44 (6690)
WAS-44i (4332)
AWI (1186)
BCCR (14)
BOM (199)
BOUN (112)
CCCMA (376)
CLMcom (7188)
CLMcom-CMCC (51)
CLMcom-ETH (9308)
CLMcom-GUF (530)
CLMcom-HZG (1870)
CLMcom-KIT (1864)
CNRM (3107)
CSIRO (6235)
CYI (39)
DHMZ (45)
DMI (6970)
ETH (1984)
GERICS (15103)
HMS (784)
ICTP (18434)
IITM (1660)
INPE (38)
IPSL (602)
ISU (140)
KNMI (10033)
KNU (22)
MGO (645)
MOHC (5002)
MPI-CSC (5032)
NCAR (163)
NIMS-KMA (111)
NUIM (752)
ORNL (2280)
PNU (85)
RMIB-UGent (122)
RU-CORE (2474)
SMHI (60516)
UA (78)
UCAN (929)
UHOH (83)
ULg (324)
UNIST (25)
UNSW (12045)
UQAM (1965)
Driving Model
ACCESS1-0 (10)
ACCESS1-3 (9)
CCCma-CanESM2 (9966)
CCSM4 (9)
CNRM-CM5 (9)
CNRM-ESM2-1 (344)
CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 (9)
CSIRO-QCCCE-CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 (3540)
CanESM2 (9)
HadGEM2-CC (9)
MIROC5 (9)
MOHC-HadGEM2-CC (312)
MOHC-HadGEM2-ES (23903)
MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR (26968)
NCAR-CCSM4 (291)
NCC-NorESM1-M (20966)
NorESM1-M (9)
NorESM2-MM (344)
bcc-csm1-1-m (9)
evaluation (17804)
historical (55373)
rcp26 (24396)
rcp45 (29535)
rcp85 (53875)
ssp370 (344)
Experiment Family
All (180639)
Historical (55029)
RCP (107806)
r0i0p0 (1759)
r12i1p1 (17254)
r1i1p1 (152358)
r1i1p1f1 (342)
r1i1p1f2 (342)
r2i1p1 (2547)
r3i1p1 (6686)
r6i1p1 (39)
RCM Model
ALADIN52 (784)
ALADIN53 (422)
ALADIN63 (2679)
ALADIN64 (6)
ALARO-0 (122)
BOM-SDM (199)
CCAM (1512)
CCAM-1704 (1976)
CCAM-2008 (2747)
CCLM-0-9 (6)
CCLM4-21-2 (51)
CCLM4-8-17 (4428)
CCLM4-8-17-CLM3-5 (966)
CCLM5-0-15 (3734)
CCLM5-0-2 (1794)
CCLM5-0-6 (1984)
CCLM5-0-9 (51)
CCLM5-0-9-NEMOMED12-3-6 (530)
COSMO-crCLIM-v1-1 (9308)
CRCM5 (2266)
CRCM5-SN (129)
CanRCM4 (376)
DeepESD-EE (32)
Eta (38)
HIRHAM5 (7468)
HadGEM3-RA (342)
HadREM3-GA7-05 (2391)
HadRM3P (2269)
ICON-2024-01 (344)
ICON2-6-6 (344)
MAR311 (70)
MAR36 (254)
RA (111)
RACMO21P (1880)
RACMO22E (6261)
RACMO22T (1892)
RCA4 (59366)
RCA4-SN (1150)
REMO2009 (6418)
REMO2015 (13717)
RRCM (645)
RegCM4 (199)
RegCM4-0 (22)
RegCM4-2 (45)
RegCM4-3 (2381)
RegCM4-4 (3611)
RegCM4-6 (3541)
RegCM4-7 (15427)
VRF370 (85)
WRF (182)
WRF331 (14)
WRF331F (315)
WRF331G (239)
WRF341E (752)
WRF341I (658)
WRF351 (39)
WRF360J (5382)
WRF360K (5466)
WRF360L (1197)
WRF361H (83)
WRF381P (602)
Downscaling Realisation
r2 (376)
v0 (17378)
v01 (120)
v02 (119)
v1 (128298)
v1a (1184)
v2 (18695)
v201312 (1711)
v3 (8951)
v3-5-1 (182)
v4 (2291)
v4-4-rc8 (199)
v5 (1772)
x2yn2-v1 (51)
Time Frequency
1hr (1360)
3hr (10369)
6hr (14369)
day (55585)
fx (2858)
mon (55573)
sem (41213)
aclwdnt (6)
alb (268)
apet (120)
areacella (210)
cape (29)
cdnc200 (7)
cdnc500 (7)
cdnc700 (7)
cdnc850 (7)
cdnc925 (7)
cdnctop (9)
cgWind (4)
cin (6)
clfr (3)
clfr1000 (2)
clfr200 (5)
clfr300 (2)
clfr400 (2)
clfr500 (5)
clfr600 (2)
clfr700 (2)
clfr850 (5)
clfr875 (2)
clfr900 (2)
clfr925 (2)
clfr950 (2)
clfr975 (2)
clh (763)
clice (3)
clice1000 (2)
clice200 (5)
clice300 (2)
clice400 (2)
clice500 (5)
clice600 (2)
clice700 (2)
clice850 (5)
clice875 (2)
clice900 (2)
clice925 (2)
clice950 (2)
clice975 (2)
clivi (1006)
cll (764)
clm (754)
clt (3227)
cltc100 (10)
clwc (4)
clwmr (3)
clwmr1000 (2)
clwmr200 (5)
clwmr300 (2)
clwmr400 (2)
clwmr500 (5)
clwmr600 (2)
clwmr700 (2)
clwmr850 (5)
clwmr875 (2)
clwmr900 (2)
clwmr925 (2)
clwmr950 (2)
clwmr975 (2)
clwvi (978)
crs (18)
dgWind (4)
emiss (221)
evspsbl (3798)
evspsblpot (486)
heightv (12)
hfls (3636)
hfss (3635)
hufs (6)
hur (3)
hur1000 (8)
hur200 (20)
hur300 (2)
hur400 (2)
hur500 (20)
hur600 (2)
hur700 (17)
hur850 (20)
hur875 (2)
hur900 (2)
hur925 (16)
hur950 (8)
hur975 (2)
hurs (3450)
hus (91)
hus100 (112)
hus1000 (14)
hus200 (494)
hus250 (35)
hus300 (414)
hus400 (414)
hus500 (458)
hus50m (13)
hus600 (414)
hus700 (454)
hus850 (3665)
hus875 (2)
hus900 (2)
hus925 (455)
hus950 (8)
hus975 (31)
huss (3864)
icod (10)
lcod (10)
lwp (20)
mrfso (2282)
mrfsos (6)
mross (6)
mrro (3489)
mrros (1886)
mrsfl (6)
mrso (3475)
mrsofc (73)
mrsol (6)
mrsos (6)
mrsosat (8)
mrsowp (8)
orog (1236)
pr (4445)
pr-bc (120)
pr-fl (120)
prc (1896)
prhmax (632)
prls (6)
prsn (744)
prw (1062)
ps (2105)
psl (3462)
reffclwtop (10)
rlds (3866)
rldscs (20)
rlus (3659)
rluscs (20)
rlut (3100)
rlutcs (20)
rootd (12)
rsds (3920)
rsdscs (20)
rsdsdir (6)
rsdt (2875)
rsus (3730)
rsuscs (20)
rsut (2666)
rsutcs (20)
sfcWind (3905)
sfcWindmax (3067)
sfcWindmaxmax (92)
sftgif (74)
sftlf (1237)
sic (1370)
siconca (4)
snc (2188)
snd (2430)
snm (3023)
snownc (6)
snw (2260)
soil bounds (9)
soil layer (9)
sst (225)
sund (2769)
ta (91)
ta100 (112)
ta1000 (14)
ta200 (3547)
ta250 (35)
ta300 (414)
ta400 (414)
ta500 (3148)
ta50m (13)
ta600 (414)
ta700 (455)
ta850 (3547)
ta875 (2)
ta900 (2)
ta925 (455)
ta950 (8)
ta975 (31)
tas (4194)
tasmax (3490)
tasmax-bc (120)
tasmaxts (4)
tasmin (3489)
tasmin-bc (120)
tasmints (4)
tauu (1014)
tauv (1014)
tds (28)
thetapw1000 (3)
thetapw700 (3)
thetapw850 (3)
thetapw925 (3)
ts (1332)
tsl (6)
tsmax (6)
tsmin (6)
u200 (36)
u500 (36)
u850 (36)
ua (91)
ua100 (112)
ua1000 (14)
ua100m (297)
ua150m (13)
ua200 (3510)
ua200m (7)
ua250 (35)
ua250m (7)
ua300 (414)
ua400 (414)
ua500 (3111)
ua50m (13)
ua600 (414)
ua700 (465)
ua850 (3639)
ua875 (2)
ua900 (2)
ua925 (455)
ua950 (8)
ua975 (31)
uas (3624)
ustar (6)
v200 (36)
v500 (36)
v850 (36)
va (91)
va100 (112)
va1000 (14)
va100m (306)
va150m (13)
va200 (3509)
va200m (7)
va250 (35)
va250m (7)
va300 (414)
va400 (414)
va500 (3111)
va50m (13)
va600 (414)
va700 (465)
va850 (3638)
va875 (2)
va900 (2)
va925 (455)
va950 (8)
va975 (31)
vas (3624)
wa1000 (12)
wa200 (12)
wa250 (6)
wa300 (6)
wa400 (6)
wa500 (12)
wa600 (6)
wa700 (12)
wa850 (12)
wa925 (12)
wa950 (6)
wap200 (7)
wap500 (7)
wap700 (7)
wap850 (7)
wap925 (7)
wsgsmax (531)
x bnds (128)
y bnds (128)
zg (91)
zg100 (112)
zg1000 (14)
zg100m (7)
zg150m (7)
zg200 (3166)
zg200m (7)
zg250 (35)
zg250m (7)
zg300 (421)
zg350 (7)
zg400 (421)
zg450 (7)
zg500 (3581)
zg50m (7)
zg550 (7)
zg600 (421)
zg650 (7)
zg700 (466)
zg750 (7)
zg800 (7)
zg850 (525)
zg875 (2)
zg900 (9)
zg925 (461)
zg950 (8)
zg975 (31)
zmla (1318)
zo (17)
Variable Long Name
2-m specific humidity (36)
2m Dew Point Temperature (28)
Accumulated Morton areal potential evapotranspiration (120)
Accumulated downwelling LW flux at top (6)
Accumulated snow (9)
Accumulated total grid scale snow and ice (6)
Air Temperature (12867)
Air Temperature at 50m (6)
Air temperature (108)
Atmosphere Grid-Cell Area (209)
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Thickness (4)
Avg evaporation (36)
Avg latent heat flux (36)
Avg sensible heat flux (36)
Avg soil moisture 1 (36)
Capacity of Soil to Store Water (63)
Capacity of Soil to Store Water (Field Capacity) (10)
Clear-Sky Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (20)
Clear-Sky Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (20)
Clear-Sky Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation (20)
Clear-Sky Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (20)
Clear-Sky TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation (20)
Clear-Sky TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (20)
Cloud Droplet Number Concentration (35)
Cloud Droplet Number Concentration At Cloud Top (9)
Cloud fraction (38)
Cloud water content (38)
Cloud-top Effective Droplet Radius (10)
Column Ice Water Content (5)
Column Water Vapour (4)
Condensed Water Path (972)
Convective Cloud Fraction (10)
Convective Precipitation (1630)
Convective available potential energy (CAPE) (29)
Convective inhibition (CIN) (6)
Convective precipitation (262)
Daily Duration of Sunshine (4)
Daily Maximum Hourly Precipitation Rate (603)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (3538)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Temperature (17)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Temperature maximum (56)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (3027)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed Of Gust (29)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust (502)
Daily Maximum Surface Temperature (5)
Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (3502)
Daily Minimum Near-Surface Temperature (16)
Daily Minimum Near-Surface Temperature minimum (55)
Daily Minimum Surface Temperature (5)
Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (12)
Duration Of Sunshine (89)
Duration of Sunshine (2370)
Duration of sunshine (270)
Eastward Near- Surface Wind Velocity (76)
Eastward Near-Surface Wind (3204)
Eastward Near-Surface Wind Speed (3)
Eastward Near-Surface Wind Velocity (35)
Eastward Wind (12517)
Eastward Wind at 100m (263)
Eastward Wind at 150m (6)
Eastward Wind at 50m (6)
Eastward near-surface wind (270)
Eastward wind at 100 m (20)
Evaporation (3751)
Evaporation Including Sublimation and Transpiration (6)
Fraction of Grid Cell Covered with Glacier (74)
Frictional velocity in similarity theory (6)
Frozen Water Content in Upper Portion of Soil Column (6)
Frozen Water Content of Soil Layer (6)
Geopotential Height (9455)
Geopotential Height at 200 hPa (6)
Geopotential Height at 500 hPa (6)
Geopotential height at 200hPa (36)
Geopotential height at 500hPa (36)
Grid Eastward Wind (80)
Grid Northward Wind (80)
Grid-Cell Area for Atmospheric Variables (1)
Height Of Boundary Layer (8)
Height of Boundary Layer (1270)
High Cloud Cover Fraction (2)
High Level Cloud Fraction (761)
Ice Cloud Optical Depth (10)
Ice Water Path (1001)
Ice mixing ratio (38)
LW at TOA (36)
LW downwelling at ground (36)
Land Area Fraction (1218)
Land area fraction (7)
Liquid Cloud Optical Depth (10)
Liquid Water Content (6)
Liquid Water Path (20)
Low Cloud Cover Fraction (2)
Low Level Cloud Fraction (762)
Max. surface air temperature (2)
Maximum 10m convective gust (4)
Maximum 10m dynamical gust (4)
Maximum 10m wind speed (36)
Maximum Hourly Precipitation Rate (29)
Maximum Root Depth (12)
Maximum screen temperature (36)
Mean Sea Level Pressure (6)
Mean sea level pressure (36)
Medium Cloud Cover Fraction (2)
Meridional Wind at 200 hPa (6)
Meridional Wind at 500 hPa (6)
Meridional Wind at 850 hPa (6)
Meridional component of wind (southerly) (144)
Meridional wind at 200hPa (36)
Meridional wind at 500hPa (36)
Meridional wind at 850hPa (36)
Meridional wind stress (36)
Mid Level Cloud Fraction (752)
Min. surface air temperature (2)
Minimum screen temperature (36)
Moisture in Upper Portion of Soil Column (6)
Monthly Maximum Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (46)
Near-Surface Air Temperature (4125)
Near-Surface Relative Humidity (3428)
Near-Surface Relative Humidty (6)
Near-Surface Specific Humidity (3828)
Near-Surface Wind Speed (3895)
Northward Near- Surface Wind Velocity (76)
Northward Near-Surface Wind (3207)
Northward Near-Surface Wind Speed (3)
Northward Near-Surface Wind Velocity (32)
Northward Wind (12515)
Northward Wind at 100m (272)
Northward Wind at 150m (6)
Northward Wind at 50m (6)
Northward near-surface wind (270)
Northward wind at 100 m (20)
PBL depth (36)
Percentage of the Grid Cell Occupied by Land (2)
Percentage of the grid cell occupied by land (including lakes) (10)
Potential Evapotranspiration (486)
Precipitable water column (36)
Precipitation (4665)
Precipitation flux (1)
Precipitation large scale (6)
Relative Humidity (86)
Relative humidity (38)
Relative humidty at 2M (16)
Runoff (36)
Screen temperature (36)
Sea Ice Area Fraction (1171)
Sea Ice Flag (6)
Sea Ice Fraction (6)
Sea Level Pressure (3414)
Sea ice area fraction (187)
Sea level pressure (6)
Sea-Ice Area Percentage (Atmospheric Grid) (4)
Seasonal Maximum Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (46)
Snow Area Fraction (1959)
Snow Area Percentage (6)
Snow Depth (2203)
Snow area fraction (223)
Snow depth (227)
Snow depth (liquid water) (36)
Snow melt (2)
Snowfall Flux (744)
Snowmelt (36)
Soil Frozen Water Content (1957)
Soil Moisture Saturation Point (8)
Soil Moisture Wilting Point (8)
Soil frozen water content (36)
Soil frozen water content Content (226)
Soil layer depth (9)
Solar downwelling at ground (36)
Solar in at TOA (36)
Solar out at TOA (36)
Specific Humidity (6848)
Specific Humidity at 50m (6)
Specific Humidity at 850 hPa (6)
Specific humidity at 200hPa (36)
Specific humidity at 850hPa (36)
Specific humidity in air (144)
Subsurface runoff (6)
Sunshine hours (36)
Surface Air Pressure (2027)
Surface Air pressure (42)
Surface Altitude (1229)
Surface Direct Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (6)
Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress (978)
Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress (978)
Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (3815)
Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (3884)
Surface Evaporation (5)
Surface Latent Heat Flux (6)
Surface Roughness Length (17)
Surface Runoff (1597)
Surface Sensible Heat Flux (6)
Surface Snow Amount (1987)
Surface Snow Melt (2789)
Surface Snow amount (2)
Surface Snow melt (9)
Surface Temperature (1296)
Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux (3594)
Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux (3591)
Surface Upward Sensible Heat flux (2)
Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation (3617)
Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (3688)
Surface albedo (268)
Surface altitude (7)
Surface emissivity (221)
Surface pressure (36)
Surface runoff (253)
Surface snow amount (226)
Surface snow melt (187)
Surface temperature (36)
Surface wind speed (2)
TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation (2839)
TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation (3064)
TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (2630)
Temperature at 200 hPa (6)
Temperature at 500 hPa (6)
Temperature at 850 hPa (5)
Temperature of Soil (6)
Total Cloud Cover Percentage (6)
Total Cloud Fraction (2948)
Total Runoff (3241)
Total Soil Frozen Water Content (63)
Total Soil Moisture Content (3401)
Total Soil moisture (2)
Total Water Content of Soil Layer (6)
Total cloud Fraction (11)
Total cloud ave (36)
Total cloud fraction (226)
Total precipitation rate (1)
Total runoff (232)
Total soil moisture content (36)
Upward Air Velocity (60)
Upward air velocity (42)
Upward moisture flux at the surface (6)
Upwelling Longwave Radiation (6)
Upwelling Longwave radiation (36)
Upwelling Shortwave radiation (36)
Upwelling Surface Shortwave Radiation (6)
Vertical Velocity In Pressure Coordinates (35)
Vertical integrated cloud water (4)
Water Vapor Path (1016)
Water Vapour Path (6)
Zonal Wind at 200 hPa (6)
Zonal Wind at 500 hPa (6)
Zonal Wind at 850 hPa (6)
Zonal component of wind (westerly) (144)
Zonal wind at 200hPa (36)
Zonal wind at 500hPa (36)
Zonal wind at 850hPa (36)
Zonal wind stress (36)
height (12)
long name (2)
precipitation (18)
sea surface temperature (225)
total runoff (16)
urface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (15)
wet-bulb potential temperature (12)
x-component 10m wind (36)
y-component 10m wind (36)
CF Standard Name
2-m specific humidity (36)
2m dew point temperature (8)
accumulated downwelling lw flux at top (6)
accumulated morton areal potential evapotranspiration (120)
accumulated total grid scale snow and ice (6)
air pressure at mean sea level (6)
air pressure at sea level (3420)
air temperature (24268)
atmosphere boundary layer thickness (1282)
atmosphere cloud condensed water content (966)
atmosphere cloud ice content (991)
atmosphere cloud liquid water content (10)
atmosphere mass content of cloud condensed water (6)
atmosphere mass content of cloud ice (15)
atmosphere mass content of cloud liquid water (20)
atmosphere mass content of water vapor (6)
atmosphere water vapor content (1056)
avg evaporation (36)
avg latent heat flux (36)
avg sensible heat flux (36)
avg soil moisture 1 (36)
cell area (210)
clear-sky surface downwelling longwave radiation (20)
clear-sky surface downwelling shortwave radiation (20)
clear-sky surface upwelling longwave radiation (20)
clear-sky surface upwelling shortwave radiation (20)
clear-sky toa outgoing longwave radiation (20)
clear-sky toa outgoing shortwave radiation (20)
cloud-top effective droplet radius (10)
cloud area fraction (3191)
cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (2281)
cloud droplet number concentration at cloud top (9)
cloud fraction (38)
cloud liquid water mixing ratio (38)
convective available potential energy (cape) (29)
convective cloud area fraction (10)
convective inhibition (cin) (6)
convective precipitation flux (1892)
crs (18)
daily maximum near-surface temperature maximum (22)
daily minimum near-surface temperature minimum (21)
depth (9)
dew point temperature (20)
duration of sunshine (2733)
eastward wind (16178)
frictional velocity in similarity theory (6)
frozen water content of soil layer (12)
geopotential height (9539)
grid eastward wind (464)
grid northward wind (464)
height (12)
ice cloud optical depth (10)
ice mixing ratio (38)
lagrangian tendency of air pressure (35)
land area fraction (1218)
land area fraction (19)
land ice area fraction (74)
large scale precipitation amount (6)
liquid cloud optical depth (10)
long name (2)
lw at toa (36)
lw downwelling at ground (36)
mass content of water in soil layer (6)
maximum screen temperature (36)
mean sea level pressure (36)
meridional wind at 200hpa (36)
meridional wind at 500hpa (36)
meridional wind at 850hpa (36)
meridional wind stress (36)
minimum screen temperature (36)
near-surface specific humidity (20)
northward wind (16185)
number concentration of cloud liquid water particles in air (35)
pbl depth (36)
potential evapotranspiration (6)
prc (4)
precipitation (36)
precipitation flux (5281)
relative humidity (3574)
root depth (12)
runoff (36)
runoff flux (3489)
screen temperature (36)
sea ice area fraction (1368)
sea ice flag (6)
sea surface temperature (225)
snow depth (liquid water) (36)
snowfall flux (744)
soil frozen water content (2282)
soil moisture content (3445)
soil moisture content at field capacity (73)
soil moisture saturation point (8)
soil moisture wilting point (8)
soil temperature (6)
solar downwelling at ground (36)
solar in at toa (36)
solar out at toa (36)
specific humidity (10812)
specific humidity at 200hpa (36)
specific humidity at 850hpa (36)
subsurface runoff (6)
sunshine hours (36)
surface air pressure (2105)
surface albedo (268)
surface altitude (1236)
surface direct downwelling shortwave flux in air (6)
surface downward eastward stress (978)
surface downward northward stress (978)
surface downwelling longwave flux in air (3830)
surface downwelling shortwave flux in air (3884)
surface emissivity (221)
surface roughness length (17)
surface runoff flux (1850)
surface snow amount (2224)
surface snow area fraction (2188)
surface snow melt flux (3023)
surface snow thickness (2430)
surface temperature (1342)
surface upward latent heat flux (3600)
surface upward sensible heat flux (3599)
surface upward water vapor flux in air (6)
surface upwelling longwave flux in air (3623)
surface upwelling shortwave flux in air (3694)
surface wind speed (2)
toa incoming shortwave flux (2839)
toa outgoing longwave flux (3064)
toa outgoing shortwave flux (2630)
total cloud ave (36)
upward air velocity (102)
upwelling longwave radiation (36)
upwelling shortwave radiation (36)
water evaporation flux (3756)
water evapotranspiration flux (6)
water potential evaporation flux (480)
wet-bulb potential temperature (12)
wind speed (7062)
wind speed of gust (539)
x-component 10m wind (36)
x bnds (128)
y-component 10m wind (36)
y bnds (128)
zg850 (6)
zonal wind at 200hpa (36)
zonal wind at 500hpa (36)
zonal wind at 850hpa (36)
zonal wind stress (36)
Data Node (16170) (2716) (1660) (61470) (2474) (3107) (20553) (300) (5002) (177) (752) (17918) (47423) (688) (917)
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