% of each PFT on the natural vegetation (i.e., soil) landunit (7)
% of each landunit on grid cell (7)
1-yr crop product N (3)
1.0 if ice present, 0.0 if ice not present (12)
10-day running mean of 2-m temperature (1)
10-m wind (7)
10-yr wood product C (3)
10-yr wood product N (3)
100-yr wood product C (3)
100-yr wood product N (3)
10m wind (1)
10m wind speed (82)
1st dimension type (1)
1st output dimension type (1)
2-D Convective Available Potential Energy (1)
2-D Convective Inhibition (1)
2-D Maximum Convective Available Potential Energy (6)
2-D Maximum Convective Inhibition (3)
2-D Maximum convective available potential energy (7)
2-D Maximum convective inhibition (7)
2-D maximum convective available potential energy (16)
2-D maximum convective inhibition (16)
2-m specific humidity (36)
20C isotherm depth (5971)
240hr average of diffuse solar radiation (1)
240hr average of direct solar radiation (1)
240hr average of vegetation temperature (1)
24hr average of diffuse solar radiation (1)
24hr average of direct solar radiation (1)
24hr average of vegetation temperature (1)
2d latitude index of corresponding column (1)
2d latitude index of corresponding gridcell (1)
2d latitude index of corresponding landunit (1)
2d latitude index of corresponding pft (1)
2d longitude index of corresponding column (1)
2d longitude index of corresponding gridcell (1)
2d longitude index of corresponding landunit (1)
2d longitude index of corresponding pft (1)
2m Dew Point Temperature (28)
2m Dewpoint Temperature (44)
2m air temperature (7)
2m dewpoint temperature (6054)
2m height surface air temperature (1)
2m max temperature (13)
2m maximum temperature (9)
2m min temperature (14)
2m minimum temperature (9)
2m relative humidity (7)
2m specific humidity (7)
2m temperature (9)
2nd dimension type (1)
3D surface area density of aerosols (6)
3D-Field of Transported CO2 (70)
6 Hourly-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (240)
Accumulated Convective Precipitation (7)
Accumulated Morton areal potential evapotranspiration (120)
Accumulated Total Precipitation (13)
Accumulated Total Water Equivalent Snowfall (7)
Accumulated Water Equivalent Snow Amount (7)
Accumulated downwelling LW flux at top (6)
Accumulated global value of accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of accumulatedLandIceHeat in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of accumulatedLandIceMass in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of evaporationFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of highFreqThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of iceRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of kineticEnergy in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of landIceFreshwaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of layerThicknessEdge on ocean edges. (9)
Accumulated global value of lowFreqDivergence in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of normalVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
Accumulated global value of normalizedAbsoluteVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
Accumulated global value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of previous step layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of rainFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of relativeVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
Accumulated global value of riverRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of salinityFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of salinityRestoringFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of seaIceFreshWaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of snowFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of tangentialVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
Accumulated global value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of temperatureFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of the Montgomery Potential in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of vertAleTransportTop in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated global value of vertVelocityTop in ocean cells. (9)
Accumulated snow (9)
Accumulated total grid scale snow and ice (6)
Adjusted F10.7 solar radio flux (9)
Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (26)
Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (24)
Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (26)
Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (24)
Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Direct Effect of Sulfate Aerosol (3)
Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Indirect Effect of Sulfate Aerosol (3)
Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (4)
Adjusted Tropopause Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (31)
Adjusted Tropopause Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Adjusted Tropopause Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
Adjusted Tropopause Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (31)
Adjusted Tropopause Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Adjusted Tropopause Longwave Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
Adjusted Tropopause Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (31)
Adjusted Tropopause Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Adjusted Tropopause Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
Adjusted Tropopause Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (31)
Adjusted Tropopause Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Adjusted Tropopause Shortwave Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
Aerosol Number Concentration (472)
Aerosol absorption (6)
Aerosol absorption optical depth 550 nm (29)
Aerosol absorption optical depth 550 nm from BC (29)
Aerosol burden mode 1 (53)
Aerosol burden mode 2 (53)
Aerosol burden mode 3 (53)
Aerosol extinction (29)
Aerosol extinction directly read from prescribed input file (19)
Aerosol optical depth 350 nm (29)
Aerosol optical depth 550 nm (83)
Aerosol optical depth 550 nm from BC (29)
Aerosol optical depth 550 nm from POM (29)
Aerosol optical depth 550 nm from SO4 (29)
Aerosol optical depth 550 nm from SOA (29)
Aerosol optical depth 550 nm from dust (30)
Aerosol optical depth 550 nm from seasalt (30)
Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 1 (29)
Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 2 (29)
Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 3 (29)
Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 4 (29)
Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 1 from dust (82)
Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 3 from dust (82)
Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 4 from dust (29)
Aerosol optical depth 850 nm (29)
Aerosol singel-scatter albedo (29)
Age of Sea Ice (93)
Age of sea ice (38)
Air Density at 100m (3)
Air Density at 125m (3)
Air Density at 150m (3)
Air Density at 175m (3)
Air Density at 200m (3)
Air Density at 40m (3)
Air Density at 60m (3)
Air Density at 80m (3)
Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Base (2643)
Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Top (3381)
Air Temperature (50924)
Air Temperature Number of Observations (2)
Air Temperature at 100 hPa (7)
Air Temperature at 50m (6)
Air temperature (108)
Albedo (5661)
Altitude of Model Full-Levels (36)
Altitude of Model Half-Levels (6)
Ambient Aerosol Absorption Optical Thickness at 550 nm (1350)
Ambient Aerosol Absorption Optical Thickness at 550nm (13)
Ambient Aerosol Extinction at 550 nm (822)
Ambient Aerosol Opitical Thickness at 550 nm (76)
Ambient Aerosol Opitical Thickness at 870 nm (62)
Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm (1328)
Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm Number of Observations (1)
Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm Standard Deviation (1)
Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm (20)
Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm Number of Observations (1)
Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm Standard Deviation (1)
Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 870 nm (821)
Ambient Fine Aerosol Opitical Thickness at 550 nm (62)
Ambient Fine Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm (10)
Ambient Fine Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm (1253)
Angle the edge normal makes with local eastward direction. (1)
Annual Gross Percentage That Was Transferred into This Tile from Other Land-Use Tiles (70)
Annual Precipitation (2)
Annual gross percentage of Land-use tile that was transferred into other Land-use tiles (70)
Anthropogenic Pasture Fraction (1060)
Aragonite Concentration (31)
Aragonite Concentration at Surface (39)
Aragonite Dissolution (18)
Aragonite Production (70)
Aragonite Saturation Depth (228)
Area of each cell (triangle) in the dual grid. (1)
Area of each cell in the primary grid. (1)
Area of the portions of each dual cell that are part of each cellsOnVertex. (1)
Atlantic Northward Ocean Heat Transport (447)
Atlantic Northward Ocean Salt Transport (447)
Atmosphere Grid-Cell Area (993)
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Thickness (10)
Atmospheric methane (CH4) decay rate (7)
Autotrophic Respiration on Grass Tiles (470)
Autotrophic Respiration on Shrub Tiles (470)
Autotrophic Respiration on Tree Tiles (470)
Average Brunt Vaisala frequency within region layer (9)
Average Brunt Vaisala frequency within region volume (9)
Average area of a surface cell (9)
Average area of cell within region layer (9)
Average area of cell within region volume (9)
Average cloud ice number conc (82)
Average cloud water number conc (82)
Average divergence within region layer (9)
Average divergence within region volume (9)
Average droplet effective radius (82)
Average horizontal salinity advection within region layer (9)
Average horizontal salinity advection within region volume (9)
Average horizontal temperature advection within region layer (9)
Average horizontal temperature advection within region volume (9)
Average ice effective radius (82)
Average in-situ density within region layer (9)
Average in-situ density within region volume (9)
Average kinetic energy within region layer (9)
Average kinetic energy within region volume (9)
Average meridional velocity within region layer (9)
Average meridional velocity within region volume (9)
Average potential density within region layer (9)
Average potential density within region volume (9)
Average rain mixing ratio (78)
Average rain number conc (78)
Average relative enstrophy within region layer (9)
Average relative enstrophy within region volume (9)
Average relative vorticity within region layer (9)
Average relative vorticity within region volume (9)
Average salinity non local tend within region layer (9)
Average salinity non local tend within region volume (9)
Average salinity surface flux tend within region layer (9)
Average salinity surface flux tend within region volume (9)
Average salinity vertical mixing within region layer (9)
Average salinity vertical mixing within region volume (9)
Average snow mixing ratio (78)
Average snow number conc (78)
Average surface salinity within region layer (9)
Average surface salinity within region volume (9)
Average surface temperature within region layer (9)
Average surface temperature within region volume (9)
Average temperature non local tend within region layer (9)
Average temperature non local tend within region volume (9)
Average temperature shortwave tend within region layer (9)
Average temperature shortwave tend within region volume (9)
Average temperature surface flux tend within region layer (9)
Average temperature surface flux tend within region volume (9)
Average temperature vertical mixing within region layer (9)
Average temperature vertical mixing within region volume (9)
Average thickness within region layer (9)
Average thickness within region volume (9)
Average total primary production in a grid cell (3)
Average value of accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of accumulatedLandIceHeat in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of accumulatedLandIceMass in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of evaporationFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of highFreqThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of iceRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of kineticEnergy in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of landIceFreshwaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of layerThicknessEdge on ocean edges. (9)
Average value of lowFreqDivergence in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of normalVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
Average value of normalizedAbsoluteVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
Average value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of previous step layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of rainFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of relativeVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
Average value of riverRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of salinityFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of salinityRestoringFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of seaIceFreshWaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of snowFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of tangentialVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
Average value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of temperatureFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of the Montgomery Potential in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of vertAleTransportTop in ocean cells. (9)
Average value of vertVelocityTop in ocean cells. (9)
Average vertical salinity advection within region layer (9)
Average vertical salinity advection within region volume (9)
Average vertical temperature advection within region layer (9)
Average vertical temperature advection within region volume (9)
Average vertical velocity within region layer (9)
Average vertical velocity within region volume (9)
Average zonal velocity within region layer (9)
Average zonal velocity within region volume (9)
Averaging flag (1)
Avg evaporation (36)
Avg latent heat flux (36)
Avg sensible heat flux (36)
Avg soil moisture 1 (36)
BC Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
BC Anthropogenic Aircraft Emissions (2)
BC Anthropogenic Emissions (13)
BC Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
BC SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (3)
BC Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
Bacterial Carbon Concentration (15)
Bacterial Carbon Concentration at Surface (18)
Bare Sea Ice Albedo (13)
Bare Soil Evaporation (10)
Bare Soil Fraction (2108)
Bare Soil Percentage (30)
Bare Soil Percentage Area Coverage (201)
Basal Specific Mass Balance Flux of Floating Ice Shelf (16)
Bedrock Altitude (16)
Beginning time (1)
Bias-Adjust Near-Surface Wind Speed (131)
Bias-Adjusted Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (338)
Bias-Adjusted Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (338)
Bias-Adjusted Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (108)
Bias-Adjusted Near-Surface Air Temperature (457)
Bias-Adjusted Near-Surface Relative Humidity (15)
Bias-Adjusted Near-Surface Wind Speed (17)
Bias-Adjusted Precipitation (410)
Bias-Adjusted Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (182)
Bias-Corrected Near-Surface Air Temperature (312)
Bias-Corrected Precipitation (312)
Bias-Corrected Sea Level Pressure (312)
Bias-Corrected Surface Temperature (312)
Biogenic Iron Production (330)
Biogenic Phosphorus Production (22)
Biogenic Silica Production (268)
Biogenic Silicon Production (70)
Biological Nitrogen Fixation (70)
Black carbon AOD@550nm (3)
Black carbon aerosol burden (61)
Bolus velocity in Gent-McWilliams eddy parameterization (9)
Bulk salinity of ice in a cell (12)
Burnt Area Fraction (547)
C fixation from shaded canopy (3)
C fixation from sunlit canopy (3)
C flux available for allocation (3)
C10H16 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
C2H2 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
C2H4 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
C2H4O Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
C2H5OH Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
C2H6 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
C2H6S Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
C3 Grass Area Percentage (100)
C3 N-fixing crops grown as second-generation biofuels (2)
C3 Pasture Area Percentage (470)
C3 annual crops (16)
C3 annual crops fraction of crop type area grown as biofuels (16)
C3 annual crops grown as second-generation biofuels (2)
C3 grass area percentage (400)
C3 nitrogen-fixing crops (16)
C3 nitrogen-fixing crops fraction of crop type area grown as biofuels (16)
C3 perennial crops (16)
C3 perennial crops fraction of crop type area grown as biofuels (16)
C3 perennial crops grown as second-generation biofuels (2)
C3H6 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
C3H6O Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
C3H8 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
C4 Grass Area Percentage (100)
C4 Pasture Area Percentage (470)
C4 annual crops (16)
C4 annual crops fraction of crop type area grown as biofuels (16)
C4 annual crops grown as second-generation biofuels (2)
C4 grass area percentage (400)
C4 perennial crops (16)
C4 perennial crops fraction of crop type area grown as biofuels (16)
C4 perennial crops grown as second-generation biofuels (2)
C5H8 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
C6H6 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
C7H8 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
C8H10 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
CALIPSO 3D Clear fraction (3)
CALIPSO 3D Undefined fraction (3)
CALIPSO Clear Cloud Fraction (3)
CALIPSO Cloud Area Fraction (212)
CALIPSO Cloud Fraction (542)
CALIPSO Cloud Fraction Undetected by CloudSat (100)
CALIPSO High Level Cloud Fraction (823)
CALIPSO Low Level Cloud Fraction (819)
CALIPSO Low-Level Cloud Fraction (3)
CALIPSO Mid Level Cloud Fraction (822)
CALIPSO Scattering Ratio (26)
CALIPSO Scattering Ratio CFAD (208)
CALIPSO Total Cloud Fraction (821)
CCI Cloud Area Fraction (3)
CCI Liquid Cloud Area Fraction (3)
CCI Mean Cloud Top Pressure (3)
CCI Total Cloud Fraction (3)
CCI Total Liquid Cloud Area Fraction (3)
CCN concentration at S=0.1% (82)
CH2O Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
CH3COCHO Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
CH3COOH Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
CH3OH Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
CH4 Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (13)
CH4 Anthropogenic Emissions (14)
CH4 Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
CH4 SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (3)
CH4 Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
CH4 additional flux due to changing fsat, vegetated landunits only (3)
CH4 soil Concentration for inundated / lake area (3)
CH4 soil Concentration for non-inundated area (3)
CO Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
CO Anthropogenic Aircraft Emissions (2)
CO Anthropogenic Emissions (13)
CO Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
CO SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (3)
CO Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
CO mole fraction (4)
CO2 (4)
CO2 Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
CO2 Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
CO2 SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (2)
CO2 column burden (4)
CO2 surface flux (4)
CO2 FFF (4)
CO2 FFF column burden (4)
CO2 FFF surface flux (4)
CO2 LND (4)
CO2 LND column burden (4)
CO2 LND surface flux (4)
CO2 OCN (4)
CO2 OCN column burden (4)
CO2 OCN surface flux (4)
COSP MISR height (41)
COSP Mean Height for lidar and radar simulator outputs (41)
COSP Mean ISCCP optical depth (41)
COSP Mean ISCCP pressure (41)
COSP Mean MODIS optical depth (41)
COSP Mean Scattering Ratio for lidar simulator CFAD output (41)
COSP Parasol SZA (41)
COSP subcolumn (41)
CVMix/KPP: bulk Richardson number (9)
CVMix/KPP: diagnosed depth of the ocean surface boundary layer (11)
CVMix/KPP: diagnosed surface buoyancy flux due to heat, salt and freshwater fluxes. Positive flux increases buoyancy. (9)
CVMix/KPP: nonlocal boundary layer mixing term for temperature (10)
CVMix/KPP: smoothed boundary layer depth (9)
CWD C (3)
CWD C (vertically resolved) (3)
CWD N (3)
CWD N (vertically resolved) (3)
CWD P (3)
CWD P (vertically resolved) (3)
Calcite Concentration (379)
Calcite Concentration at Surface (263)
Calcite Dissolution (320)
Calcite Production (720)
Calcite Saturation Depth (338)
Canopy Covered Area Percentage (10)
Capacity of Soil to Store Water (710)
Capacity of Soil to Store Water (Field Capacity) (62)
Carbon in Above and Below-Ground Litter Pools on Land-Use Tiles (70)
Carbon Mass Flux due to NPP Allocation to Leaf (236)
Carbon Mass Flux due to NPP Allocation to Roots (236)
Carbon Mass Flux due to NPP Allocation to Wood (236)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to All Anthropogenic Emissions of CO2 (229)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Autotrophic (Plant) Respiration on Land (70)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to CO2 Emission from Fire Excluding Land-Use Change (91)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Crop Harvesting (70)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Fossil Fuel Emissions of CO2 (142)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Grazing on Land (70)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Heterotrophic Respiration from Soil on Land (70)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Heterotrophic Respiration on Land (77)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Autotrophic (Plant) Respiration on Land (1780)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to CO2 Emission from Fire (1126)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Crop Harvesting (255)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Grazing on Land (39)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Growth Autotrophic Respiration on Land (450)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Heterotrophic Respiration from Soil on Land (400)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Heterotrophic Respiration on Land (1738)
Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Maintenance Autotrophic Respiration on Land (411)
Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Gross Primary Production on Land (91)
Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Biospheric Production on Land (70)
Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Primary Production on Land (91)
Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Gross Primary Production on Land (2803)
Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Net Biospheric Production on Land (1371)
Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Net Primary Production on Land (1768)
Carbon Mass in Above-Ground Litter (197)
Carbon Mass in Below-Ground Litter (197)
Carbon Mass in Coarse Woody Debris (39)
Carbon Mass in Each Model Soil Pool (Summed over Vertical Levels) (70)
Carbon Mass in Fast Soil Pool (357)
Carbon Mass in Leaves (493)
Carbon Mass in Litter Pool (969)
Carbon Mass in Litter Pools (400)
Carbon Mass in Litter of Shrub Tiles (400)
Carbon Mass in Litter of Tree Tiles (400)
Carbon Mass in Litter on Grass Tiles (70)
Carbon Mass in Litter on Grass tiles (400)
Carbon Mass in Litter on Shrub Tiles (70)
Carbon Mass in Litter on Tree Tiles (70)
Carbon Mass in Medium Soil Pool (363)
Carbon Mass in Model Soil Pool (140)
Carbon Mass in Other Living Compartments on Land (287)
Carbon Mass in Products of Land Use Change (379)
Carbon Mass in Products of Land-Use Change (140)
Carbon Mass in Roots (487)
Carbon Mass in Slow Soil Pool (241)
Carbon Mass in Soil Pool (1743)
Carbon Mass in Soil on Grass Tiles (470)
Carbon Mass in Soil on Shrub Tiles (470)
Carbon Mass in Soil on Tree Tiles (470)
Carbon Mass in Vegetation (1508)
Carbon Mass in Vegetation on Grass Tiles (470)
Carbon Mass in Vegetation on Shrub Tiles (470)
Carbon Mass in Vegetation on Tree Tiles (470)
Carbon Mass in Wood (493)
Carbon in Soil Pool (39)
Carbon in Vegetation on Land-Use Tiles (70)
Carbonate Ion Concentration (70)
Cell average DMS for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
Cell average algal nitrogen for each type and ice bio-grid layer (3)
Cell average ammonium for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
Cell average brine height (3)
Cell average dissolved DMSP for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
Cell average dissolved iron for each type and ice bio-grid layer (3)
Cell average humic carbon for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
Cell average nitrate for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
Cell average nonreactive nitrate for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
Cell average silicate for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
Clear-Sky Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (20)
Clear-Sky Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (20)
Clear-Sky Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation (20)
Clear-Sky Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (20)
Clear-Sky TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation (20)
Clear-Sky TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (20)
Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface (84)
Clearsky net longwave flux at surface (84)
Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model (84)
Clearsky net solar flux at surface (84)
Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere (84)
Clearsky net solar flux at top of model (84)
Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model (84)
Clearsky upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere (31)
Cloud Area Fraction (4324)
Cloud Area Fraction in Atmosphere Layer (576)
Cloud Droplet Number Concentration (847)
Cloud Droplet Number Concentration At Cloud Top (9)
Cloud Droplet Number Concentration of Cloud Tops (944)
Cloud Fraction (238)
Cloud Fraction as Calculated by the ISCCP Simulator (15)
Cloud Fraction from MISR Simulator (29)
Cloud Fraction retrieved by MISR (1)
Cloud base of lowest cloud layer nearest to reporting hour (2)
Cloud droplet number concentrations (10)
Cloud fraction (120)
Cloud water content (38)
Cloud-Top Effective Droplet Radius (1072)
Cloud-top Effective Droplet Radius (10)
CloudSat 94GHz radar Total Cloud Fraction (1)
CloudSat Radar Reflectivity (20)
CloudSat Radar Reflectivity CFAD (209)
Cold Spell Duration Indicator (740)
Coldest Quarter Mean Temperature (2)
Coldest Quarter Precipitation (2)
Column Ice Water Content (5)
Column Integerated Cloud Ice Content (229)
Column Integerated Cloud Water Content (253)
Column Integrated Cloud Droplet Number (776)
Column Integrated Cloud Ice Content (21)
Column Integrated Cloud Water Content (21)
Column Water Vapour (4)
Compressive Sea Ice Strength (285)
Compressive sea ice strength (38)
Concentration of Aerosol Water (130)
Concentration of Biomass Burning Aerosol (292)
Concentration of Black Carbon Aerosol (1431)
Concentration of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (956)
Concentration of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (463)
Concentration of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (315)
Concentration of Dust (1409)
Concentration of NH4 (220)
Concentration of NO3 Aerosol (220)
Concentration of SO4 (1431)
Concentration of Seasalt (1290)
Condensed Water Path (6520)
Congelation Sea Ice Growth Rate (934)
Consecutive dry days is the greatest number of consecutive days per time period with daily precipitation amount below 1 mm. The time period should be defined by the bounds of the time coordinate. (12)
Constructed mid-month Sea Surface Temperature (3)
Constructed mid-month Sea-ice area fraction (3)
Convective Cloud Area Fraction (224)
Convective Cloud Droplet Effective Radius (549)
Convective Cloud Emissivity (2)
Convective Cloud Fraction (11)
Convective Cloud Optical Depth (2)
Convective Mass Flux (2227)
Convective Precipiation Flux (21)
Convective Precipitation (16281)
Convective Rainfall Flux (5)
Convective Snowfall (3)
Convective Snowfall Flux (6)
Convective Updraft Mass Flux (10)
Convective available potential energy (CAPE) (29)
Convective cloud cover (28)
Convective condensed water path (10)
Convective inhibition (CIN) (6)
Convective precipitation (262)
Convective precipitation rate (1)
Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) (85)
Convective snow rate (water equivalent) (82)
Coordinate of southern edge of meridional heat transport bin, either in latitude or y, for plotting. (9)
Coriolis parameter at cell centers. (1)
Coriolis parameter at edges. (1)
Coriolis parameter at vertices. (1)
Crop Fraction (1643)
DMS aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
DMS in bottom layer (82)
DMS surface flux (29)
Daily Duration of Sunshine (4)
Daily Maximum Hourly Precipitation Rate (607)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (24908)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Relative Humidity (10)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Temperature (17)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Temperature maximum (56)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (5027)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed Of Gust (35)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust (519)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust due to Convection (2)
Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust due to Turbulence (2)
Daily Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme (1200)
Daily Maximum Surface Temperature (5)
Daily Maximum Wind Speed (7)
Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (24863)
Daily Minimum Near-Surface Relative Humidity (10)
Daily Minimum Near-Surface Temperature (16)
Daily Minimum Near-Surface Temperature minimum (55)
Daily Minimum Surface Air Temperature (44)
Daily Minimum Surface Temperature (5)
Daily Miximum Surface Air Temperature (40)
Daily maximum near-surface wind speed (6)
Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (5048)
Daily-Mean Wind Speed (12)
Decomposition out of Product Pools to CO2 in Atmosphere (70)
Deep Convective Mass Flux (42)
Deep conv. cloudbase level index (29)
Deep conv. cloudbase vertical velocity (29)
Deep conv. column-max updraft mass flux (29)
Deforested Biomass That Goes into Product Pool as a Result of Anthropogenic Land-Use Change (70)
Deforested or Harvested Biomass as a Result of Anthropogenic Land-Use or Change (70)
Delta CO2 Partial Pressure (70)
Delta O2 Partial Pressure (70)
Delta PCO2 (366)
Delta PO2 (248)
Delta-14C in atmospheric CO2 (6)
Density at the lowest model level (1)
Depth Average Potential Temperature of Upper 2000m (10)
Depth Average Potential Temperature of Upper 300m (10)
Depth Average Potential Temperature of Upper 700m (10)
Depth Integral of Product of Sea Water Density and Prognostic Salinity (80)
Depth average potential temperature of upper 2000m (30)
Depth average potential temperature of upper 300m (30)
Depth average potential temperature of upper 700m (30)
Depth of 20 degree Celsius Isotherm (120)
Depth of Oxygen Minimum Concentration (348)
Depth of precipitation reported (2)
Depth of the bottom of the ocean. Given as a positive distance from sea level. (1)
Detrital Organic Carbon Concentration (550)
Detrital Organic Carbon Concentration at Surface (476)
Dew point temperatures nearest to reporting hour (2)
Diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level (1)
Diagnostic sub-grid vertical velocity (82)
Diatom Chlorophyll Mass Concentration (282)
Diatom Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface (310)
Diatom Primary Carbon Production (261)
Diffuse albedo (near-infrared radiation) (1)
Diffuse albedo (visible radiation) (1)
Diffuse near-infrared incident solar radiation (1)
Diffuse visible incident solar radiation (1)
Dimethyl Sulphide Concentration (7)
Dimethyl Sulphide Concentration at Surface (118)
Direct albedo (near-infrared radiation) (1)
Direct albedo (visible radiation) (1)
Direct near-infrared incident solar radiation (1)
Direct visible incident solar radiation (1)
Dissolve Oxygen Concentration (270)
Dissolve Oxygen Concentration at Surface (287)
Dissolved Ammonium Concentration (273)
Dissolved Ammonium Concentration at Surface (298)
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration (566)
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration at Surface (482)
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Content (513)
Dissolved Iron Concentration (471)
Dissolved Iron Concentration at Surface (358)
Dissolved Nitrate Concentration (627)
Dissolved Nitrate Concentration at Surface (482)
Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration (335)
Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration at Surface (280)
Dissolved Organic Carbon Content (70)
Dissolved Oxygen Concentration (202)
Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Saturation (140)
Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Surface (71)
Dissolved Phosphate Concentration (266)
Dissolved Phosphate Concentration at Surface (280)
Dissolved Silicate Concentration (332)
Dissolved Silicate Concentration at Surface (358)
Diurnal Temperature Range Near-Surface Air Temperature (2590)
Divergence of the sea-ice velocity field (90)
Downdraft Convective Mass Flux (66)
Downdraft Convective Mass Flux on full levels (1)
Downdraught Convective Mass Flux (6)
Downward Carbon Flux at Ocean Bottom (190)
Downward Flux of Aragonite (39)
Downward Flux of Calcite (667)
Downward Flux of Particle Organic Carbon (457)
Downward Flux of Particulate Iron (326)
Downward Flux of Particulate Organic Carbon (210)
Downward Flux of Particulate Organic Nitrogen (39)
Downward Flux of Particulate Phosphorus (39)
Downward Flux of Particulate Silica (340)
Downward Flux of Particulate Silicon (70)
Downward Heat Flux at Sea Water Surface (2619)
Downward Heat Flux into Snow Where Land over Land (1544)
Downward Inorganic Carbon Flux at Ocean Bottom (70)
Downward Organic Carbon Flux at Ocean Bottom (70)
Downward Salt Flux at Base of Sea Ice (8)
Downward Sea Ice Basal Salt Flux (1170)
Downward Shortwave over Sea Ice (10)
Downward long wave heat flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
Downward longwave heat flux (1)
Downward solar radiation (1)
Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (247)
Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (243)
Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
Downwelling Long Wave over Sea Ice (1331)
Downwelling Longwave Flux over Sea Ice (70)
Downwelling Longwave Radiation (247)
Downwelling Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
Downwelling Shortwave Flux over Sea Ice (70)
Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (253)
Downwelling Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
Downwelling Shortwave Radiation in Sea Water (402)
Downwelling Shortwave over Sea Ice (2167)
Downwelling Surface Clear-Sky Longwave (220)
Downwelling longwave flux at surface (85)
Downwelling shortwave flux over sea ice (38)
Downwelling shortwave flux under sea ice (30)
Downwelling solar flux at surface (84)
Drainage (deep runoff) (210)
Driest Month Precipitation (2)
Driest Quarter Mean Temperature (2)
Dry Deposition Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass (1069)
Dry Deposition Rate of DMS (557)
Dry Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (674)
Dry Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (303)
Dry Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (234)
Dry Deposition Rate of Dust (1351)
Dry Deposition Rate of NH3 (234)
Dry Deposition Rate of NH4 (234)
Dry Deposition Rate of SO2 (2237)
Dry Deposition Rate of SO4 (2301)
Dry Deposition Rate of Seasalt (831)
Dry and Wet Deposition of Reactive Nitrogen onto Land (70)
Dry bulb temperatures nearest to reporting hour (2)
Duration Of Sunshine (89)
Duration of Sunshine (2803)
Duration of sunshine (270)
Dust AOD@550nm (3)
Dust aerosol burden (61)
Dust dry deposition flux (size 1) (1)
Dust dry deposition flux (size 2) (1)
Dust dry deposition flux (size 3) (1)
Dust dry deposition flux (size 4) (1)
Dust flux (1)
Dust wet deposition flux (size 1) (1)
Dust wet deposition flux (size 2) (1)
Dust wet deposition flux (size 3) (1)
Dust wet deposition flux (size 4) (1)
Dynamic Tendency of Total (vertically integrated) moist static energy (29)
Dynamic Tendency of Total (vertically integrated) specific humidity (29)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Hot days:number of days when height corrected daily maximum temperature >= corrected threshold equivalent to 30 degrees C (14)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Dry Day Periods (Precipitation<corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (14)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Dry Days (Precipitation<corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (28)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected thr#eshold equivalent to 10mm) (7)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 10mm) (21)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Very Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=correcte#d threshold equivalent to 20mm) (14)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Very Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (28)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Very Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 20mm) (14)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Wet Day Periods (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (14)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 frostdays:number of days when height corrected daily minimum temperature < corrected threshold equivalent to 0 degrees C (14)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 heating degree day: accumulated difference of height corrected a#ir-temperatur below threshold<corrected threshold equivalent to 17 degrees C (7)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 heating degree day: accumulated difference of height corrected air-temperatur below threshold<corrected threshold equivalent to 17 degrees C (7)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 icedays:number of days when height corrected daily maximum temperature < corrected threshold equi#valent to 0 degrees C (14)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 summerdays:number of days when height corrected daily maximum temperature > corrected threshold equivalent to 25 degrees C (14)
ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 tropical nights:number of days when height corrected daily minimum temperature > corrected threshold equivalent to 20 degrees C (14)
ERA-Interim sea surface temperature (= "missing value" over land) (4)
ETCCDI Growing Saeason Length (Tmean > 5C) (740)
EXTINCT LW H2O window band 7 output (19)
EXTINCT LW H2O window band 7 output directly read from prescribed input file (19)
Eastward 100m Wind (55)
Eastward 50m Wind (55)
Eastward Acceleration Due to Non-Orographic Gravity Wave Drag (90)
Eastward Acceleration Due to Orographic Gravity Wave Drag (80)
Eastward Momentum Flux Correction (1)
Eastward Near- Surface Wind Velocity (76)
Eastward Near-Surface Wind (26097)
Eastward Near-Surface Wind Speed (1304)
Eastward Near-Surface Wind Velocity (47)
Eastward Neutral wind (89)
Eastward Ocean Stress On Sea Ice (64)
Eastward Sea Ice Transport (73)
Eastward Sea Ice Velocity (277)
Eastward Sea Water Velocity (224)
Eastward Wind (33298)
Eastward Wind at 100 hPa (7)
Eastward Wind at 1000 hPa (23)
Eastward Wind at 100m (275)
Eastward Wind at 10hPa (10)
Eastward Wind at 150m (6)
Eastward Wind at 50m (6)
Eastward atmospheric stress on sea ice (64)
Eastward near-surface wind (270)
Eastward wind at 100 m (20)
Eastward wind at 100m (10)
Eddy Diffusivity Coefficient for Temperature Variable (18)
Eddy Diffusivity Coefficients for Temperature (37)
Eddy Viscosity Coefficient for Momentum Variables (22)
Eddy Viscosity Coefficients for Momentum (37)
Effective enrichment factor of marine organic matter (29)
Emission Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass (1355)
Emission Rate of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (409)
End of history file (1)
Evaporation (11725)
Evaporation Including Sublimation and Transpiration (198)
Evaporation flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
Evaporation from Canopy (4081)
Evaporation from Vegetation Canopy (5)
Evaporation including Sublimation and Transpiration (30)
Evaporation water flux (1)
FV (29)
Fieldnames (1)
Fieldnames to exclude (1)
Fieldnames to include (1)
Flux of Carbon Into Ocean Surface by Runoff and Sediment Dissolution (39)
Flux of Inorganic Carbon into Ocean Surface by Runoff (70)
Flux of Organic Carbon into Ocean Surface by Runoff (70)
Flux of salinity that is ignored coming into the ocean. Positive into ocean. (9)
Flux of salinity through the ocean surface due to river runoff. Positive into ocean. (9)
Flux of salinity through the ocean surface. Positive into ocean. (9)
Flux of temperature that is ignored coming into the ocean. Positive into ocean. (9)
Flux of temperature through the ocean surface due to river runoff. Positive into ocean. (9)
Flux of temperature through the ocean surface. Positive into ocean. (9)
Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (1)
Fraction of Grid Cell Covered with Glacier (1100)
Fraction of Grid Cell that is Land but Neither Vegetation-Covered nor Bare Soil (1492)
Fraction of Land Area Covered with Glacier (21)
Fraction of Time Convection Occurs (1604)
Fraction of Time Shallow Convection Occurs (977)
Fraction of Time Steps with Sea Ice (80)
Fraction of precipitation due to events exceeding the 95 percentile (23)
Fraction of sfc area covered by land (82)
Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean (82)
Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice (82)
Fraction of sw penetrating surface layer for diurnal cycle (1)
Fraction of time Tmin > 90th percentile of daily Tmin in 1961-1990 base period (23)
Fraction of time steps with sea ice (105)
Fractional Cloud Cover (7)
Fractional ice content within cloud (82)
Fractional ice coverage wrt ocean (1)
Fractional occurrence of ice (82)
Fractional occurrence of liquid (82)
Fractional occurrence of rain (82)
Fractional occurrence of snow (82)
Frazil Sea Ice Growth (Leads) Rate (1026)
Freezing Level Altitude (3)
Fresh water flux from ice runoff at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
Fresh water flux from rain at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
Fresh water flux from river runoff at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
Fresh water flux from sea ice at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
Fresh water flux from snow at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
Freshwater Flux from Sea Ice (70)
Freshwater flux from sea ice (30)
Freshwater flux from sea-ice surface (30)
Frictional velocity in similarity theory (6)
Frost days index is the number of days where minimum of temperature is below 0 degree Celsius. The time period should be defined by the bounds of the time coordinate. (16)
Frozen Soil Depth (12)
Frozen Water Content in Upper Portion of Soil Column (6)
Frozen Water Content of Soil Layer (9)
Gent-McWilliams Contribution to the Meridional Overturning Streamfunction (9)
Geopotential Heigh (3)
Geopotential Height (35485)
Geopotential Height (above sea level) (83)
Geopotential Height at 1000 hPa (30)
Geopotential Height at 1000hPa (10)
Geopotential Height at 100hPa (10)
Geopotential Height at 10hPa (10)
Geopotential Height at 200 hPa (6)
Geopotential Height at 500 hPa (55)
Geopotential Height at 500hPa (10)
Geopotential Z at 200 mbar pressure surface (2)
Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface (8)
Geopotential height at 200hPa (36)
Geopotential height at 500hPa (36)
Global Average Sea Level Change (2867)
Global Average Sea Surface Salinity (100)
Global Average Sea Surface Temperature (91)
Global Average Sea Water Conservative Temperature (30)
Global Average Sea Water Potential Temperature (3046)
Global Average Steric Sea Level Change (2708)
Global Average Thermosteric Sea Level Change (2839)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of C2F6 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of C3F8 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of C4F10 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of C5F12 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of C6F14 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of C7F16 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of C8F18 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CCl4 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CF4 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC-11 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC-11-eq (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC-113 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC-114 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC-115 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC-12 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC-12-eq (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC11 (30)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC113 (30)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC12 (30)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CH2Cl2 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CH3Br (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CH3CCl3 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CH3Cl (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CH4 (604)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CHCl3 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of CO2 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HCFC-141b (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HCFC-142b (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HCFC-22 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HCFC22 (30)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-125 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-134a (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-134a-eq (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-143a (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-152a (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-227ea (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-23 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-236fa (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-245fa (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-32 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-365mfc (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-43-10mee (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of Halon-1211 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of Halon-1301 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of Halon-2402 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of N2O (602)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of NF3 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of SF6 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of SO2F2 (4)
Global Mean Mole Fraction of c-C4F8 (4)
Global Mean Sea Level Change (101)
Global Mean Sea Water Salinity (3076)
Global Mean Thermosteric Sea Level Change (101)
Global mean mole fraction of CFC-11 (102)
Global mean mole fraction of CFC-113 (102)
Global mean mole fraction of CFC-12 (102)
Global mean mole fraction of HCFC-22 (102)
Global root mean square value of accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of accumulatedLandIceHeat in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of accumulatedLandIceMass in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of evaporationFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of highFreqThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of iceRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of kineticEnergy in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of landIceFreshwaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of layerThicknessEdge on ocean edges. (9)
Global root mean square value of lowFreqDivergence in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of normalVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
Global root mean square value of normalizedAbsoluteVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
Global root mean square value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of previous step layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of rainFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of relativeVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
Global root mean square value of riverRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of salinityFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of salinityRestoringFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of seaIceFreshWaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of snowFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of tangentialVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
Global root mean square value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of temperatureFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of the Montgomery Potential in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of vertAleTransportTop in ocean cells. (9)
Global root mean square value of vertVelocityTop in ocean cells. (9)
Grid Averaged Methane Emissions from Wetlands (7)
Grid Eastward Wind (80)
Grid Northward Wind (80)
Grid box average ice water content (82)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount (81)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: After surface coupling (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: After tphysac call (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Deep Convection (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Final, after all processes (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Initial, before processes (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Macrophysics (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Micro Physics (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Radiation (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Shallow Convection (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Wet Deposition (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number (81)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: After surface coupling (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: After tphysac call (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Deep Convection (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Final, after all processes (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Initial, before processes (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Macrophysics (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Micro Physics (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Radiation (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Shallow Convection (53)
Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Wet Deposition (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount (81)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: After surface coupling (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: After tphysac call (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Deep Convection (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Final, after all processes (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Initial, before processes (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Macrophysics (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Micro Physics (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Radiation (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Shallow Convection (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Wet Deposition (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number (81)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: After surface coupling (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: After tphysac call (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Deep Convection (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Final, after all processes (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Initial, before processes (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Macrophysics (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Micro Physics (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Radiation (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Shallow Convection (53)
Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Wet Deposition (53)
Grid box averaged rain amount (28)
Grid box averaged rain number (28)
Grid box averaged snow amount (24)
Grid box averaged snow number (28)
Grid cell area in m^2 for 0.25x0.25 degree resolution (3)
Grid-Cell Area (30)
Grid-Cell Area for Atmospheric Grid Variables (34)
Grid-Cell Area for Atmospheric Variables (31)
Grid-Cell Area for Ocean Variables (35)
Grid-Cell Area for River Model Variables (44)
Grid-Cell Area for Solid Earth Grid Variables (8)
Grid-box fraction covered by each ISCCP D level cloud type (29)
Gridcell net adjustment to NEE passed to atm. for methane production (3)
Gridcell oxidation of CH4 to CO2 (3)
Gridcell surface CH4 flux to atmosphere (+ to atm) (3)
Gridcell total production of CH4 (3)
Gross Primary Production on Grass Tiles (470)
Gross Primary Production on Shrub Tiles (470)
Gross Primary Production on Tree Tiles (470)
Gross Primary Productivity on Land-Use Tile (70)
Ground evaporation (soil/snow evaporation + soil/snow sublimation - dew) (7)
Grounded Ice Sheet Area Fraction (60)
Growing Season Length (94)
Growing season length (23)
H2 Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
H2 Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
H2O mole fraction (4)
H2O2 wet deposition (29)
H2O2 aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
H2O2 in bottom layer (82)
H2O2 surface flux (29)
H2SO4 wet deposition (29)
H2SO4 aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
H2SO4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
H2SO4 in bottom layer (82)
H2SO4 surface flux (29)
HCN Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
HCOOH Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
HNO3 (6)
HOCH2CHO Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
HadISST2.2.0.0 Sea Ice Concentration (1)
HadISST2.2.0.0 Sea Surface Temperature (1)
Harvested Biomass That Goes into Product Pool (70)
Heat FLux Correction (36)
Heat Flux Correction (439)
Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Frazil Ice Formation (849)
Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Iceberg Thermodynamics (206)
Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics (2356)
Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Snow Thermodynamics (192)
Heat Wave Duration Index (94)
Heat flux from melting (1)
Heat wave duration index (23)
Height Of Boundary Layer (23)
Height at the lowest model level (1)
Height of Boundary Layer (1303)
Height of boundary layer (2)
Het. Resp. from litter 1 (3)
Het. Resp. from litter 2 (3)
Het. Resp. from litter 3 (3)
Het. Resp. from soil 1 (3)
Het. Resp. from soil 2 (3)
Het. Resp. from soil 3 (3)
Het. Resp. from soil 4 (3)
Heterotrophic Respiration on Grass Tiles (70)
Heterotrophic Respiration on Shrub Tiles (70)
Heterotrophic Respiration on Tree Tiles (70)
High Cloud Cover Fraction (2)
High Level Cloud Area Percentage (3)
High Level Cloud Fraction (769)
HighResMIP Future Sea Ice Concentration (2)
HighResMIP Future Sea Surface Temperature (2)
Higher-Alkanes Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
Higher-Alkenes Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
Highest precipitation amount for five day interval (including the calendar day as the last day). The time period should be defined by the bounds of the time coordinate. (12)
History filename (1)
History pointer index (1)
Hot days:number of days when height corrected daily maximum temperature >= corrected threshold equivalent to 30 degrees C (726)
Hourly Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (1)
Hourly Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust (1)
Hourly Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust due to Convection (1)
Hourly Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust due to Turbulence (1)
Hourly Near-Surface Wind Speed (1)
Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Cloud Liquid Ice (1)
Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Cloud Liquid Water (1)
Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Convective Cloud Ice (5)
Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Convective Cloud Liquid Water (5)
Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Convective Rainfall (4)
Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Convective Snowfall (4)
Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Stratiform Cloud Ice (5)
Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water (5)
Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Stratiform Rainfall (4)
Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Stratiform Snowfall (4)
Hydrophobic black carbon deposition flux (1)
Hydrophobic black carbon dry deposition flux (1)
Hydrophobic organic carbon dry deposition flux (1)
Hydrophylic black carbon deposition flux (1)
Hydrophylic black carbon dry deposition flux (1)
Hydrophylic black carbon wet deposition flux (1)
Hydrophylic organic carbon dry deposition flux (1)
Hydrophylic organic carbon wet deposition flux (1)
ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction (779)
ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction (Joint histogram of optical thickness and cloud top pressure) (1)
ISCCP Mean Cloud Albedo (918)
ISCCP Mean Cloud Albedo (Cloud-fraction weighted & daytime only) (1)
ISCCP Mean Cloud Albedo (Unweighted & daytime only) (1)
ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure (896)
ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure (Cloud-fraction weighted & daytime only) (1)
ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure (Unweighted, daytime only) (1)
ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Temperature (Cloud-fraction weighted & daytime only) (1)
ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Temperature (Unweighted & daytime only) (1)
ISCCP Total Cloud Fraction (321)
ISCCP Total Cloud Fraction (daytime only) (1)
ISCCP Total Total Cloud Fraction (595)
Ice Cloud Optical Depth (10)
Ice Crystal Number Concentration (564)
Ice Crystal Number Concentration of Cloud Tops (411)
Ice Sheet Surface Altitude (16)
Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance Flux (16)
Ice Sheet Surface Temperature (16)
Ice Shelf Collapse Mask (11)
Ice Water Path (6079)
Ice concentration (7)
Ice integrated chlorophyll concentration per cell (3)
Ice mixing ratio (38)
Ice thickness (7)
Ice velocity x-component (7)
Ice velocity y-component (7)
Ice water path after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
Ice water path after process: After surface coupling (53)
Ice water path after process: After tphysac call (53)
Ice water path after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
Ice water path after process: Deep Convection (53)
Ice water path after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
Ice water path after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
Ice water path after process: Final, after all processes (53)
Ice water path after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
Ice water path after process: Initial, before processes (53)
Ice water path after process: Macrophysics (53)
Ice water path after process: Micro Physics (53)
Ice water path after process: Radiation (53)
Ice water path after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
Ice water path after process: Shallow Convection (53)
Ice water path after process: Wet Deposition (53)
Implied internal energy flux (15)
In Situ Water Temperature (13)
Incident Surface Clear-Sky Shortwave (269)
Index to the last active ocean cell in each column. (1)
Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (26)
Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (26)
Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (28)
Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (26)
Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
Instantaneous Tropopause Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (29)
Instantaneous Tropopause Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Instantaneous Tropopause Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
Instantaneous Tropopause Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (31)
Instantaneous Tropopause Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Instantaneous Tropopause Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (29)
Instantaneous Tropopause Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Instantaneous Tropopause Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (29)
Instantaneous Tropopause Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
Instantaneous Tropopause Shortwave Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
Integral with Respect to Depth of Product of Sea Water Density and Potential Temperature (80)
Internal stress term in force balance (x-component) (37)
Internal stress term in force balance (y-component) (37)
Intra-Annual Extreme Temperature Range (94)
Intra-annual extreme temperature range (23)
Ion pair production rate by MEE (6)
Ion pair production rate by cosmic rays (6)
Ion pair production rate by solar protons (6)
Iron Limitation of Diazotrophs (70)
Iron Loss to Sediments (227)
Iron Production (387)
L distance (1)
LITR1 C (3)
LITR1 C (vertically resolved) (3)
LITR1 N (3)
LITR1 N (vertically resolved) (3)
LITR1 P (3)
LITR1 P (vertically resolved) (3)
LITR2 C (3)
LITR2 C (vertically resolved) (3)
LITR2 N (3)
LITR2 N (vertically resolved) (3)
LITR2 P (3)
LITR2 P (vertically resolved) (3)
LITR3 C (3)
LITR3 C (vertically resolved) (3)
LITR3 N (3)
LITR3 N (vertically resolved) (3)
LITR3 P (3)
LITR3 P (vertically resolved) (3)
LW at TOA (36)
LW downwelling at ground (36)
Land Area Fraction (2389)
Land Ice Area Percentage (75)
Land Ice Calving Flux (2)
Land area fraction (7)
Langmuir multiplier (1)
Large Scale Snowfall (3)
Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (1)
Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) (83)
Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) (82)
Latent Heat Flux (13)
Latent heat flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
Lateral Sea Ice Growth Rate (848)
Lateral sea ice melt rate (30)
Latitude (6251)
Latitude location of cell centers in radians. (1)
Latitude location of edge midpoints in radians. (1)
Latitude location of vertices in radians. (1)
Latitude quadrature weights (normalized to sum to 2.0 on global grids) (28)
Latitude bounds (2)
Layer thickness when the ocean is at rest, i.e. without SSH or internal perturbations. (1)
Layer-average pressure (4)
Layer-average temperature (4)
Leaf Area Index (2373)
Leaf Area Index on Land Use Tile (400)
Leaf Area Index on Land-Use Tile (70)
Length of each edge, computed as the distance between cellsOnEdge. (1)
Length of each edge, computed as the distance between verticesOnEdge. (1)
Lidar Cloud Fraction (532 nm) (8)
Lidar High-level Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar High-level Ice Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar High-level Liquid Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar High-level Undefined-Phase Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar Low-level Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar Low-level Ice Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar Low-level Liquid Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar Low-level Undefined-Phase Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar Mid-level Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar Mid-level Ice Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar Mid-level Liquid Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar Mid-level Undefined-Phase Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar Total Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar Total Ice Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar Total Liquid Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar Total Undefined-Phase Cloud Fraction (29)
Lidar and Radar Total Cloud Fraction (72)
Lightning Production of NOx (7)
Liquid Cloud Optical Depth (10)
Liquid Water Content (6)
Liquid Water Content of Snow Layer (138)
Liquid Water Path (20)
Liquid water path after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
Liquid water path after process: After surface coupling (53)
Liquid water path after process: After tphysac call (53)
Liquid water path after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
Liquid water path after process: Deep Convection (53)
Liquid water path after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
Liquid water path after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
Liquid water path after process: Final, after all processes (53)
Liquid water path after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
Liquid water path after process: Initial, before processes (53)
Liquid water path after process: Macrophysics (53)
Liquid water path after process: Micro Physics (53)
Liquid water path after process: Radiation (53)
Liquid water path after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
Liquid water path after process: Shallow Convection (53)
Liquid water path after process: Wet Deposition (53)
List of cells that neighbor each cell. (1)
List of cells that share a vertex. (1)
List of cells that straddle each edge. (1)
List of edges that border each cell. (1)
List of edges that border each of the cells that straddle each edge. (1)
List of edges that share a vertex as an endpoint. (1)
List of global cell IDs. (1)
List of global edge IDs. (1)
List of global vertex IDs. (1)
List of vertices that border each cell. (1)
List of vertices that straddle each edge. (1)
Load of Black Carbon Aerosol (2627)
Load of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (2074)
Load of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (459)
Load of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (359)
Load of Dust (2605)
Load of NH4 (234)
Load of NO3 (23)
Load of SO4 (2628)
Load of Seasalt (2625)
Local Mean Sea Level Change Relative to the Local Solid Surface (8)
Long descriptive names for fields (1)
Longitude (6251)
Longitude location of cell centers in radians. (1)
Longitude location of edge midpoints in radians. (1)
Longitude location of vertices in radians. (1)
Longitude bounds (2)
Longwave cloud forcing (82)
Longwave heating rate (81)
Longwave surface emissivity (spectrally constant) (4)
Low Cloud Cover Fraction (2)
Low Level Cloud Cover Percentage (3)
Low Level Cloud Fraction (770)
Lowest model level meridional wind (9)
Lowest model level zonal wind (9)
Lowest possible Linoz level (29)
MEK Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
MODIS Cloud Area Fraction (29)
MODIS Cloud Ice Water Path*CLIMODIS (29)
MODIS Cloud Liquid Water Path*CLWMODIS (29)
MODIS Cloud Top Pressure*CLTMODIS (29)
MODIS High Level Cloud Fraction (29)
MODIS Ice Cloud Fraction (29)
MODIS Ice Cloud Optical Thickness (Log10 Mean)*CLIMODIS (29)
MODIS Ice Cloud Optical Thickness*CLIMODIS (29)
MODIS Ice Cloud Particle Size*CLIMODIS (29)
MODIS Liquid Cloud Fraction (29)
MODIS Liquid Cloud Optical Thickness (Log10 Mean)*CLWMODIS (29)
MODIS Liquid Cloud Optical Thickness*CLWMODIS (29)
MODIS Liquid Cloud Particle Size*CLWMODIS (29)
MODIS Low Level Cloud Fraction (29)
MODIS Mid Level Cloud Fraction (29)
MODIS Total Cloud Fraction (29)
MODIS Total Cloud Optical Thickness (Log10 Mean)*CLTMODIS (29)
MODIS Total Cloud Optical Thickness*CLTMODIS (29)
MOSART direct discharge into ocean: ICE (2)
MOSART direct discharge into ocean: LIQ (2)
MOSART input GWL runoff: ICE (2)
MOSART input GWL runoff: LIQ (2)
MOSART input direct to ocean runoff: ICE (2)
MOSART input direct to ocean runoff: LIQ (2)
MOSART input subsurface runoff: ICE (2)
MOSART input subsurface runoff: LIQ (2)
MOSART input surface runoff: ICE (2)
MOSART input surface runoff: LIQ (2)
MOSART river basin flow: ICE (2)
MOSART river basin flow: LIQ (2)
MOSART river discharge into ocean: ICE (2)
MOSART river discharge into ocean: LIQ (2)
MOSART storage: ICE (2)
MOSART storage: LIQ (2)
MOSART total discharge into ocean: ICE (2)
MOSART total discharge into ocean: LIQ (2)
Marine organic aerosol burden (8)
Mask for restoring region (5)
Mass Concentration of Calcareous Phytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (12)
Mass Concentration of Calcareous Phytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water at Surface (12)
Mass Concentration of Diazotrophs Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (140)
Mass Concentration of Diazotrophs expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (43)
Mass Concentration of Diazotrophs expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water at Surface (51)
Mass Concentration of Picophytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (46)
Mass Concentration of Picophytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water at Surface (57)
Mass Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (140)
Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice (4406)
Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice Number of Observations (1)
Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice Standard Error (1)
Mass Fraction of Cloud Liquid Water (4404)
Mass Fraction of Convective Cloud Ice (83)
Mass Fraction of Convective Cloud Liquid Water (252)
Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice (112)
Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water (281)
Mass Fraction of Water (5)
Mass Mixing Ratio of CH4 (1)
Mass Mixing Ration of O3 (1)
Mass Mixing ration of CO2 (1)
Mass fraction of methane (CH4) in air (7)
Mass of Salt in Sea Ice per Area (70)
Mass of salt in sea ice per area (30)
Mass per unit area of frazil ice produced under land ice. Only computed when not coupled to a dynamic land-ice model. (1)
Mass per unit area of frazil ice produced. Reset to zero at each coupling interval (1)
Max. surface air temperature (2)
Maximum 10m convective gust (4)
Maximum 10m dynamical gust (4)
Maximum 10m wind speed (36)
Maximum 5 d precipitation total (23)
Maximum 5-day Precipitation Total (94)
Maximum Daily Surface Air Temperature (245)
Maximum Hourly Precipitation Rate (29)
Maximum Monthly Surface Air Temperature (18)
Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (16)
Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (51)
Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust (140)
Maximum Number of Consecutive Dry Days (94)
Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T (70)
Maximum Root Depth (359)
Maximum Temperature of Warmest Month (2)
Maximum global value of accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of accumulatedLandIceHeat in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of accumulatedLandIceMass in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of evaporationFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of highFreqThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of iceRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of kineticEnergy in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of landIceFreshwaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of layerThicknessEdge on ocean edges. (9)
Maximum global value of lowFreqDivergence in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of normalVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
Maximum global value of normalizedAbsoluteVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
Maximum global value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of previous step layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of rainFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of relativeVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
Maximum global value of riverRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of salinityFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of salinityRestoringFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of seaIceFreshWaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of snowFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of tangentialVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
Maximum global value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of temperatureFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of the Montgomery Potential in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of vertAleTransportTop in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum global value of vertVelocityTop in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum number of consecutive dry days (23)
Maximum reference height temperature over output period (12)
Maximum screen temperature (36)
Maximum shear of sea-ice velocity field (30)
Maximum surface temperature over output period (82)
Maximum vertical sum of accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of accumulatedLandIceHeat in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of accumulatedLandIceMass in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of evaporationFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of highFreqThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of iceRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of kineticEnergy in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of landIceFreshwaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of layerThicknessEdge on ocean edges. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of lowFreqDivergence in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of normalVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of normalizedAbsoluteVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of previous step layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of rainFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of relativeVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of riverRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of salinityFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of salinityRestoringFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of seaIceFreshWaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of snowFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of tangentialVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of temperatureFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of the Montgomery Potential in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of vertAleTransportTop in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum vertical sum of vertVelocityTop in ocean cells. (9)
Maximum wind speed of gust at 100m (2)
McIlwain L shell in Earth radii (4)
Mean Clear-sky Infrared Tb from ISCCP simulator (29)
Mean Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (30)
Mean Daily Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme (832)
Mean Infrared Tb from ISCCP simulator (29)
Mean Sea Level Pressure (20)
Mean cloud albedo*CLDTOT ISCCP (29)
Mean cloud top pressure*CLDTOT ISCCP (29)
Mean optical thickness*CLDTOT ISCCP (29)
Mean sea level pressure (36)
Medium Cloud Cover Fraction (2)
Meridional (northward) component of wind stress at cell centers from coupler. Positive northward. (9)
Meridional Mass Streamfunction (2424)
Meridional Mass Streamfunction Due to Bolus Advection (2052)
Meridional Mass Streamfunction in the Atlantic (2424)
Meridional Overturning Streamfunction (210)
Meridional Surface Wind Speed (486)
Meridional Surface Wind Stress (311)
Meridional Wind (3)
Meridional Wind Component (492)
Meridional Wind at 200 hPa (6)
Meridional Wind at 500 hPa (6)
Meridional Wind at 850 hPa (6)
Meridional Windspeed 10m (14)
Meridional bc a1 transport (53)
Meridional component of wind (southerly) (144)
Meridional dst a1 transport (53)
Meridional dst a3 transport (53)
Meridional flux of zonal momentum (82)
Meridional gradient of SSH reconstructed at cell centers (1)
Meridional gravity wave surface stress (82)
Meridional heat transport (82)
Meridional ncl a1 transport (53)
Meridional ncl a2 transport (53)
Meridional ncl a3 transport (53)
Meridional pom a1 transport (53)
Meridional sea surface slope (1)
Meridional so4 a1 transport (53)
Meridional so4 a2 transport (53)
Meridional so4 a3 transport (53)
Meridional soa a1 transport (53)
Meridional soa a2 transport (53)
Meridional surface stress (83)
Meridional surface velocity reconstructed at cell centers (1)
Meridional velocity squared (82)
Meridional water transport (82)
Meridional wind (82)
Meridional wind at 200 mbar pressure surface (8)
Meridional wind at 200hPa (36)
Meridional wind at 500hPa (36)
Meridional wind at 850 mbar pressure surface (9)
Meridional wind at 850hPa (36)
Meridional wind at the lowest model level (1)
Meridional wind stress (36)
Methane (CH4) burden in the atmosphere (7)
Mid Level Cloud Cover Percentage (3)
Mid Level Cloud Fraction (760)
Min. surface air temperature (2)
Mineral Nitrogen in the Soil (70)
Minimum Daily Surface Air Temperature (245)
Minimum Monthly Surface Air Temperature (21)
Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (16)
Minimum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T (100)
Minimum Temperature of Coldest Month (2)
Minimum global value of accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of accumulatedLandIceHeat in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of accumulatedLandIceMass in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of evaporationFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of highFreqThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of iceRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of kineticEnergy in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of landIceFreshwaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of layerThicknessEdge on ocean edges. (9)
Minimum global value of lowFreqDivergence in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of normalVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
Minimum global value of normalizedAbsoluteVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
Minimum global value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of previous step layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of rainFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of relativeVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
Minimum global value of riverRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of salinityFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of salinityRestoringFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of seaIceFreshWaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of snowFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of tangentialVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
Minimum global value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of temperatureFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of the Montgomery Potential in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of vertAleTransportTop in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum global value of vertVelocityTop in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum reference height temperature over output period (12)
Minimum screen temperature (36)
Minimum surface temperature over output period (82)
Minimum vertical sum of accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of accumulatedLandIceHeat in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of accumulatedLandIceMass in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of evaporationFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of highFreqThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of iceRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of kineticEnergy in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of landIceFreshwaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of layerThicknessEdge on ocean edges. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of lowFreqDivergence in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of normalVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of normalizedAbsoluteVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of previous step layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of rainFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of relativeVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of riverRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of salinityFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of salinityRestoringFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of seaIceFreshWaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of snowFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of tangentialVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of temperatureFlux in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of the Montgomery Potential in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of vertAleTransportTop in ocean cells. (9)
Minimum vertical sum of vertVelocityTop in ocean cells. (9)
Missing data fraction due to the effects of ground clutter and surface elevation (1)
Mixed Layer Thickness (24)
Mixed layer depth (7)
Mobilization flux at surface (29)
Mobilization flux of marine organic matter at surface (29)
Model levels (4070)
Moisture (dryness) inhibition of decomposition (3)
Moisture in Upper 0.1 m of Soil Column (305)
Moisture in Upper Portion of Soil Column (7333)
Mole Concentration of Aragonite expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Saturation (103)
Mole Concentration of Aragonite expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Saturation at Surface (123)
Mole Concentration of Calcareous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (12)
Mole Concentration of Calcareous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (12)
Mole Concentration of Calcite expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Saturation (306)
Mole Concentration of Calcite expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Saturation at Surface (323)
Mole Concentration of Carbonate Ion in Equilibrium with Pure Calcite in Sea Water (70)
Mole Concentration of Carbonate expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (326)
Mole Concentration of Carbonate expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (343)
Mole Concentration of Diatoms expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (276)
Mole Concentration of Diatoms expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (304)
Mole Concentration of Diazotrophs Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (113)
Mole Concentration of Diazotrophs Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (51)
Mole Concentration of Mesozooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (167)
Mole Concentration of Mesozooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (175)
Mole Concentration of Microzooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (167)
Mole Concentration of Microzooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (175)
Mole Concentration of Miscellaneous Phytoplankton Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (70)
Mole Concentration of Miscellaneous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (276)
Mole Concentration of Miscellaneous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (304)
Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Iron in Sea Water (140)
Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Nitrogen in Sea Water (140)
Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Phosphorus in Sea Water (140)
Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Silicon in Sea Water (140)
Mole Concentration of Picophytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (46)
Mole Concentration of Picophytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (57)
Mole Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Iron in Sea Water (140)
Mole Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Nitrogen in Sea Water (140)
Mole Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Phosphorus in Sea Water (140)
Mole Fraction of C2F6 (36)
Mole Fraction of C3F8 (36)
Mole Fraction of C4F10 (36)
Mole Fraction of C5F12 (36)
Mole Fraction of C6F14 (36)
Mole Fraction of C7F16 (36)
Mole Fraction of C8F18 (36)
Mole Fraction of CCl4 (36)
Mole Fraction of CF4 (36)
Mole Fraction of CFC-11 (36)
Mole Fraction of CFC-11-eq (37)
Mole Fraction of CFC-113 (36)
Mole Fraction of CFC-114 (36)
Mole Fraction of CFC-115 (36)
Mole Fraction of CFC-12 (36)
Mole Fraction of CFC-12-eq (36)
Mole Fraction of CH2Cl2 (36)
Mole Fraction of CH3Br (36)
Mole Fraction of CH3CCl3 (36)
Mole Fraction of CH3Cl (36)
Mole Fraction of CH4 (423)
Mole Fraction of CHCl3 (36)
Mole Fraction of CO2 (255)
Mole Fraction of DMS (694)
Mole Fraction of HCFC-141b (36)
Mole Fraction of HCFC-142b (36)
Mole Fraction of HCFC-22 (36)
Mole Fraction of HFC-125 (36)
Mole Fraction of HFC-134a (36)
Mole Fraction of HFC-134a-eq (36)
Mole Fraction of HFC-143a (36)
Mole Fraction of HFC-152a (36)
Mole Fraction of HFC-227ea (36)
Mole Fraction of HFC-23 (36)
Mole Fraction of HFC-236fa (36)
Mole Fraction of HFC-245fa (36)
Mole Fraction of HFC-32 (36)
Mole Fraction of HFC-365mfc (36)
Mole Fraction of HFC-43-10mee (36)
Mole Fraction of Halon-1211 (36)
Mole Fraction of Halon-1301 (36)
Mole Fraction of Halon-2402 (36)
Mole Fraction of N2O (417)
Mole Fraction of NF3 (36)
Mole Fraction of O3 (1928)
Mole Fraction of SF6 (36)
Mole Fraction of SO2 (697)
Mole Fraction of SO2F2 (36)
Mole Fraction of c-C4F8 (36)
Mole fraction of BrOx (15)
Mole fraction of Bry (15)
Mole fraction of CH4 (3)
Mole fraction of CO (15)
Mole fraction of CO2 (3)
Mole fraction of ClOx (9)
Mole fraction of Cly (15)
Mole fraction of H2O (6)
Mole fraction of HCl (9)
Mole fraction of HNO3 (6)
Mole fraction of N2O (9)
Mole fraction of NO (6)
Mole fraction of NO2 (6)
Mole fraction of NOx (15)
Mole fraction of O3 (3)
Mole fraction of OH (15)
Mole fraction of SO2 (6)
Mole fraction of SO4 (9)
Moles Per Unit Mass of CFC-11 in Sea Water (27)
Monthly Average Near-Surface Wind Speed (1)
Monthly Maximum Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (46)
Monthly Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme (1184)
N flux required to support initial GPP (3)
N limitation factor (3)
N pool mortality due to fire (3)
N2O Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (2)
N2O Anthropogenic Emissions (3)
N2O SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (2)
NEE minus LAND USE FLUX, negative for update (3)
NH3 Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
NH3 Anthropogenic Aircraft Emissions (2)
NH3 Anthropogenic Emissions (13)
NH3 Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
NH3 SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (3)
NH3 Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
NMVOC Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
NMVOC Anthropogenic Emissions (13)
NMVOC Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
NMVOC SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (3)
NMVOC Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
NO (6)
NO2 (6)
NOx Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (13)
NOx Anthropogenic Emissions (13)
NOx Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
NOx SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (3)
NOx Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
Natural Grass Area Percentage (231)
Natural Grass Fraction (1742)
Near-Surface Air Temperature (38621)
Near-Surface Relative Humidity (11185)
Near-Surface Relative Humidty (6)
Near-Surface Specific Humidity (14099)
Near-Surface Specific Humidity. Averaged over 3-hour period. (10)
Near-Surface Wind Speed (11389)
Near Surface Wind Speed (740)
Net Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Land-Use Change (70)
Net Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Land Use Change (1254)
Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmophere due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land. (761)
Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land (70)
Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land (400)
Net Conductive Heat Flux in Ice at the Surface (70)
Net Conductive Heat Fluxes in Ice at the Bottom (70)
Net Downward Clear-Sky Shortwave Flux at 200 hPa (149)
Net Downward Flux at Top of Model (3410)
Net Downward Radiative Flux at Top of Model (100)
Net Downward Shortwave Flux at 200 hPa (167)
Net Downward Shortwave Radiation at Sea Water Surface (3011)
Net Flux at Top of Model (296)
Net Flux of CO2 Between Atmosphere and Land (Positive into Land) as a Result of All Processes (70)
Net Latent Heat Flux over Sea Ice (70)
Net Longwave Surface Radiation (140)
Net Nitrogen Release from Soil and Litter as the Outcome of Nitrogen Immobilisation and Gross Mineralisation (70)
Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Calcareous Phytoplankton (17)
Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Diazotrophs (261)
Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Picophytoplankton (51)
Net Primary Organic Carbon Production by Other Phytoplankton (140)
Net Primary Production on Grass Tiles (470)
Net Primary Production on Shrub Tiles (470)
Net Primary Production on Tree Tiles (470)
Net Primary Productivity on Land-Use Tile (70)
Net Rate of Absorption of Shortwave Energy in Ocean Layer (80)
Net Shortwave Surface Radiation (7813)
Net Upward Clear-Sky Longwave Flux at 200 hPa (148)
Net Upward Longwave Flux at 200 hPa (154)
Net Upward Sensible Heat Flux over Sea Ice (70)
Net conductive heat flux in ice at the surface (30)
Net conductive heat fluxes in ice at the bottom (30)
Net latent heat flux over sea ice (30)
Net longwave flux at surface (84)
Net longwave flux at top of model (83)
Net longwave surface radiation (12388)
Net shortwave radiation (1)
Net shortwave radiation penetrating into ice and ocean (1)
Net shortwave surface radiation (1760)
Net solar flux at surface (84)
Net solar flux at top of atmosphere (84)
Net solar flux at top of model (83)
Net upward sensible heat flux under sea ice (30)
Nitrogen Fixation Rate in Ocean (429)
Nitrogen Loss to Sediments and Through Denitrification (70)
Nitrogen Loss to Sediments and through Denitrification (79)
Nitrogen Mass Flux out of Land Due to any Human Activity (70)
Nitrogen Mass in Litter Pool (70)
Nitrogen Mass in Products of Land-Use Change (70)
Nitrogen Mass in Soil Pool (70)
Nitrogen Mass in Vegetation (70)
Nitrogen Production (70)
No of days with precipitaiton greater than or equal to 10 mm/day (23)
Non-Woody Vegetation Percentage Cover (10)
Non-woody Vegetation Percentage Cover (30)
Nonbiogenic Iron Scavenging (97)
North Atlantic Average Sea Surface Temperature (21)
Northward 100m Wind (55)
Northward 50m Wind (55)
Northward Acceleration Due to Non-Orographic Gravity Wave Drag (80)
Northward Acceleration Due to Orographic Gravity Wave Drag (70)
Northward Atmospheric Stress On Sea Ice (64)
Northward Diffusive Heat Transport by Ocean (27)
Northward Diffusive Salt Transport by Ocean (8)
Northward Gyre Heat Transport by Ocean (8)
Northward Gyre Salt Transport by Ocean (8)
Northward Momentum Flux Correction (1)
Northward Near- Surface Wind Velocity (76)
Northward Near-Surface Wind (21664)
Northward Near-Surface Wind Speed (1304)
Northward Near-Surface Wind Velocity (4477)
Northward Neutral wind (89)
Northward Ocean Heat Transport (2818)
Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Bolus Advection (159)
Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Parameterized Eddy Advection (70)
Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Advection (70)
Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Diffusion (70)
Northward Ocean Heat Transport by Overturning (8)
Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Bolus Advection (182)
Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Diffusion (134)
Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Diffussion (48)
Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Gyre (78)
Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Overturning (1177)
Northward Ocean Salt Transport (2162)
Northward Ocean Salt Transport by Overturning (8)
Northward Ocean Salt Transport due to Overturning (20)
Northward Ocean Stress On Sea Ice (64)
Northward Sea Ice Transport (9)
Northward Sea Ice Velocity (276)
Northward Sea Water Velocity (222)
Northward Wind (33298)
Northward Wind at 100 hPa (7)
Northward Wind at 1000 hPa (23)
Northward Wind at 100m (284)
Northward Wind at 150m (6)
Northward Wind at 50m (6)
Northward heat transport at locations defined at the binBoundaryMerHeatTrans coordinates by vertical level. (9)
Northward heat transport at locations defined at the binBoundaryMerHeatTrans coordinates. (9)
Northward near-surface wind (270)
Northward ocean heat transport (7)
Northward sea ice transport (64)
Northward wind at 100 m (20)
Northward wind at 100m (10)
Number of CloudSat Profiles Contributing to the Calculation (1)
Number of Days for which Precipitation Rate Exceeds 10 mm/day (94)
Number of MISR Samples (1)
Number of edges that border each cell. (1)
Number of edges that surround each of the cells that straddle each edge. These edges are used to reconstruct the tangential velocities. (1)
Number of time steps on file (1)
Number of Dry Day Periods (Precipitation<corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (726)
Number of Dry Days (Precipitation<corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (1452)
Number of Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected thr#eshold equivalent to 10mm) (353)
Number of Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 10mm) (1099)
Number of Very Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=correcte#d threshold equivalent to 20mm) (716)
Number of Very Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (1452)
Number of Very Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 20mm) (736)
Number of Wet Day Periods (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (726)
O2 soil Concentration for inundated / lake area (3)
O2 soil Concentration for non-inundated area (3)
O3 aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
O3 concentration (28)
O3 in bottom layer (29)
O3 mole fraction (4)
O3 surface flux (29)
OC Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
OC Anthropogenic Emissions (13)
OC Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
OC SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (3)
OC Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
Observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a IEC1 class turbine (1)
Observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a IEC2 class turbine (1)
Observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a IEC3 class turbine (1)
Ocean Barotropic Mass Streamfunction (2249)
Ocean Barotropic Streamfunction (209)
Ocean Boundary Layer Depth (1)
Ocean Grid-Cell Area (724)
Ocean Grid-Cell Mass per Area (80)
Ocean Grid-Cell Mass per area (30)
Ocean Grid-Cell Volume (702)
Ocean Heat X Transport (1380)
Ocean Heat X Transport due to Bolus Advection (741)
Ocean Heat X Transport due to Diffusion (738)
Ocean Heat Y Transport (1380)
Ocean Heat Y Transport due to Bolus Advection (745)
Ocean Heat Y Transport due to Diffussion (740)
Ocean Kinetic Energy Dissipation Per Unit Area due to Vertical Friction (16)
Ocean Kinetic Energy Dissipation Per Unit Area due to XY Friction (16)
Ocean Mass X Transport (3387)
Ocean Mass Y Transport (3386)
Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction (2579)
Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Advection (70)
Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection (1322)
Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T (3119)
Ocean Model Cell Thickness (1594)
Ocean Momentum XY Biharmonic Diffusivity (11)
Ocean Momentum XY Laplacian Diffusivity (16)
Ocean Tracer Bolus Laplacian Diffusivity (20)
Ocean Tracer Epineutral Laplacian Diffusivity (16)
Ocean Vertical Heat Diffusivity (98)
Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity (24)
Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity due to Background (16)
Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity due to Tides (11)
Ocean Vertical Salt Diffusivity (98)
Ocean Vertical Tracer Diffusivity due to Background (16)
Ocean Vertical Tracer Diffusivity due to Tides (15)
Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction (1280)
Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection (1202)
Ocean frazil production (1)
Ocean melt (q<0) potential (1)
Ocean melt and freeze potential (1)
Ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma T (11134)
Offset Time (208)
Offshore Wind Capacity factor (46)
Omega (=dp/dt) (488)
Onshore Wind Capacity factor (46)
Orography (53)
Other Phytoplankton Carbon Production (195)
Other Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Mass Concentration (282)
Other Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface (310)
Other Zooplankton Carbon Concentration (16)
Other Zooplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface (18)
Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave (278)
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (492)
Output on 2D grid format (TRUE) or vector format (FALSE) (1)
Overturning as function of depth (7)
Oxygen Minimum Concentration (348)
Ozone Mole Fraction (112)
P flux available from retranslocation pool (3)
P flux required to support initial GPP (3)
P limitation factor (3)
P pool mortality due to fire (3)
PARASOL Reflectance (835)
PBL depth (36)
PBL height (82)
PFT to column scale type (1)
POM AOD@550nm (3)
POM aerosol burden (61)
Particle Source of Dissolved Iron (31)
Particulate Biogenic Iron Concentration (283)
Particulate Biogenic Iron Concentration at Surface (335)
Particulate Biogenic Silica Concentration (293)
Particulate Biogenic Silica Concentration at Surface (343)
Particulate Organic Carbon Content (70)
Particulate Organic Nitrogen Concentration (189)
Particulate Organic Nitrogen Concentration at Surface (280)
Particulate Organic Phosphorus Concentration (38)
Particulate Organic Phosphorus Concentration at Surface (79)
Penetrative temperature flux at the surface due to solar radiation. Positive is into the ocean. (9)
Percent of Annual Total Precipitation due to Events Exceeding the 1961-1990 95th Percentile (94)
Percent of incoming solar absorbed by lower snow layers (7)
Percent of time Tmin > the 90th percentile value of daily minimum temperature (94)
Percentage Cloud Cover (91)
Percentage Cover by C3 Crops (500)
Percentage Cover by C3 Plant Functional Type (121)
Percentage Cover by C4 Crops (500)
Percentage Cover by C4 Plant Functional Type (121)
Percentage Cover by Shrub (201)
Percentage Cover of Sea Ice by Meltpond (100)
Percentage Cover of Sea Ice by Ridging (100)
Percentage Crop Cover (110)
Percentage of Area by Vegetation or Land-Cover Category (91)
Percentage of BC emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of BC emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of BC emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of BC emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of BC emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of BC emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of C10H16 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of C10H16 emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of C10H16 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of C10H16 emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of C10H16 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of C10H16 emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of C2H2 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of C2H2 emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of C2H2 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of C2H2 emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of C2H2 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of C2H2 emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of C2H4 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of C2H4 emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of C2H4 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of C2H4 emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of C2H4 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of C2H4 emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of C2H4O emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of C2H4O emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of C2H4O emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of C2H4O emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of C2H4O emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of C2H4O emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of C2H5OH emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of C2H5OH emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of C2H5OH emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of C2H5OH emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of C2H5OH emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of C2H5OH emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of C2H6 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of C2H6 emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of C2H6 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of C2H6 emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of C2H6 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of C2H6 emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of C2H6S emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of C2H6S emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of C2H6S emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of C2H6S emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of C2H6S emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of C2H6S emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of C3H6 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of C3H6 emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of C3H6 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of C3H6 emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of C3H6 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of C3H6 emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of C3H6O emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of C3H6O emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of C3H6O emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of C3H6O emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of C3H6O emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of C3H6O emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of C3H8 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of C3H8 emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of C3H8 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of C3H8 emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of C3H8 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of C3H8 emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of C5H8 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of C5H8 emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of C5H8 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of C5H8 emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of C5H8 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of C5H8 emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of C6H6 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of C6H6 emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of C6H6 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of C6H6 emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of C6H6 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of C6H6 emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of C7H8 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of C7H8 emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of C7H8 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of C7H8 emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of C7H8 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of C7H8 emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of C8H10 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of C8H10 emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of C8H10 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of C8H10 emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of C8H10 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of C8H10 emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of CH2O emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of CH2O emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of CH2O emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of CH2O emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of CH2O emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of CH2O emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of CH3COCHO emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of CH3COCHO emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of CH3COCHO emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of CH3COCHO emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of CH3COCHO emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of CH3COCHO emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of CH3COOH emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of CH3COOH emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of CH3COOH emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of CH3COOH emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of CH3COOH emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of CH3COOH emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of CH3OH emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of CH3OH emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of CH3OH emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of CH3OH emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of CH3OH emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of CH3OH emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of CH4 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of CH4 emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of CH4 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of CH4 emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of CH4 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of CH4 emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of CO emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of CO emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of CO emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of CO emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of CO emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of CO emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of CO2 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (2)
Percentage of CO2 emissions related to boreal forest fires (2)
Percentage of CO2 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (2)
Percentage of CO2 emissions related to peat fires (2)
Percentage of CO2 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (2)
Percentage of CO2 emissions related to temperate forest fires (2)
Percentage of Grid Cell That Is Land but neither Vegetation Covered nor Bare Soil (80)
Percentage of Grid Cell for Each Land-Use Tile (140)
Percentage of H2 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of H2 emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of H2 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of H2 emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of H2 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of H2 emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of HCN emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of HCN emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of HCN emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of HCN emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of HCN emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of HCN emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of HCOOH emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of HCOOH emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of HCOOH emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of HCOOH emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of HCOOH emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of HCOOH emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of HOCH2CHO emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of HOCH2CHO emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of HOCH2CHO emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of HOCH2CHO emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of HOCH2CHO emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of HOCH2CHO emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of HigherAlkanes emissions related to agricultural waste burning (2)
Percentage of HigherAlkanes emissions related to boreal forest fires (2)
Percentage of HigherAlkanes emissions related to fires used in deforestation (2)
Percentage of HigherAlkanes emissions related to peat fires (2)
Percentage of HigherAlkanes emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (2)
Percentage of HigherAlkanes emissions related to temperate forest fires (2)
Percentage of HigherAlkenes emissions related to agricultural waste burning (2)
Percentage of HigherAlkenes emissions related to boreal forest fires (2)
Percentage of HigherAlkenes emissions related to fires used in deforestation (2)
Percentage of HigherAlkenes emissions related to peat fires (2)
Percentage of HigherAlkenes emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (2)
Percentage of HigherAlkenes emissions related to temperate forest fires (2)
Percentage of Higher Alkanes emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
Percentage of Higher Alkanes emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
Percentage of Higher Alkanes emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
Percentage of Higher Alkanes emissions related to peat fires (1)
Percentage of Higher Alkanes emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
Percentage of Higher Alkanes emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
Percentage of Higher Alkenes emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
Percentage of Higher Alkenes emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
Percentage of Higher Alkenes emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
Percentage of Higher Alkenes emissions related to peat fires (1)
Percentage of Higher Alkenes emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
Percentage of Higher Alkenes emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
Percentage of Land Which Is Anthropogenic Pasture (70)
Percentage of MEK emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of MEK emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of MEK emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of MEK emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of MEK emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of MEK emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of N2O emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of N2O emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of N2O emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of N2O emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of N2O emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of N2O emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of NH3 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of NH3 emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of NH3 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of NH3 emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of NH3 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of NH3 emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of NMVOC bulk emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
Percentage of NMVOC bulk emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
Percentage of NMVOC bulk emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
Percentage of NMVOC bulk emissions related to peat fires (1)
Percentage of NMVOC bulk emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
Percentage of NMVOC bulk emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
Percentage of NMVOCbulk emissions related to agricultural waste burning (2)
Percentage of NMVOCbulk emissions related to boreal forest fires (2)
Percentage of NMVOCbulk emissions related to fires used in deforestation (2)
Percentage of NMVOCbulk emissions related to peat fires (2)
Percentage of NMVOCbulk emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (2)
Percentage of NMVOCbulk emissions related to temperate forest fires (2)
Percentage of NOx emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of NOx emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of NOx emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of NOx emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of NOx emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of NOx emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of NOxasNO2 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (2)
Percentage of NOxasNO2 emissions related to boreal forest fires (2)
Percentage of NOxasNO2 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (2)
Percentage of NOxasNO2 emissions related to peat fires (2)
Percentage of NOxasNO2 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (2)
Percentage of NOxasNO2 emissions related to temperate forest fires (2)
Percentage of OC emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of OC emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of OC emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of OC emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of OC emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of OC emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of SO2 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (3)
Percentage of SO2 emissions related to boreal forest fires (3)
Percentage of SO2 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (3)
Percentage of SO2 emissions related to peat fires (3)
Percentage of SO2 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (3)
Percentage of SO2 emissions related to temperate forest fires (3)
Percentage of Toluene lump emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
Percentage of Toluene lump emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
Percentage of Toluene lump emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
Percentage of Toluene lump emissions related to peat fires (1)
Percentage of Toluene lump emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
Percentage of Toluene lump emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
Percentage of Toluenelump emissions related to agricultural waste burning (2)
Percentage of Toluenelump emissions related to boreal forest fires (2)
Percentage of Toluenelump emissions related to fires used in deforestation (2)
Percentage of Toluenelump emissions related to peat fires (2)
Percentage of Toluenelump emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (2)
Percentage of Toluenelump emissions related to temperate forest fires (2)
Percentage of days when Tmax < 10th percentile (740)
Percentage of days when Tmax > 90th percentile (740)
Percentage of the Grid Cell Occupied by Lake (1)
Percentage of the Grid Cell Occupied by Land (2)
Percentage of the Grid Cell Occupied by Land (Including Lakes) (42)
Percentage of the grid cell occupied by land (including lakes) (21)
Period of precipitation report (2)
Phosphorus Production (109)
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (6)
Photovoltaic capacity factor averaged by country (1)
Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration (606)
Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface (461)
Phytoplankton Iron Concentration (280)
Phytoplankton Iron Concentration at Surface (329)
Phytoplankton Nitrogen Concentration (116)
Phytoplankton Nitrogen Concentration at Surface (169)
Phytoplankton Phosphorus Concentration (38)
Phytoplankton Phosphorus Concentration at Surface (79)
Phytoplankton Silica Concentration (273)
Phytoplankton Silica Concentration at Surface (289)
Plant Functional Type Grid Fraction (833)
Plant Respiration on Land-Use Tile (70)
Potential Density (205)
Potential Evapotranspiration (518)
Potential Temperature (247)
Potential density (7)
Potential temperature at the lowest model level (1)
Precipitable Water (264)
Precipitable water column (36)
Precipitation (49498)
Precipitation Flux Anomaly (15)
Precipitation Seasonality (2)
Precipitation Standard Error (2)
Precipitation flux (1)
Precipitation large scale (6)
Precipitation maximum (93)
Precipitation minimum (93)
Precipitation onto Canopy (3054)
Preciptable Water (21)
Pressure Tendency (10)
Pressure at Model Full-Levels (7)
Pressure at Model Half-Levels (4)
Pressure at layer edge (4)
Pressure at the lowest model level (1)
Pressure at the sea surface due to sea ice. (1)
Pressure at the sea surface due to the atmosphere. (1)
Pressure level (4)
Pressure on Model Half-Levels (308)
Pressure on Model Levels (585)
Primary Carbon Production by Phytoplankton (553)
Primary Carbon Production by Phytoplankton due to Nitrate Uptake Alone (261)
Primary Organic Carbon Production by All Types of Phytoplankton (612)
Primary Organic Carbon Production by Diatoms (289)
Primary Organic Carbon Production by Other Phytoplankton (289)
Primary Organic Carbon Production by Phytoplankton Based on Nitrate Uptake Alone (283)
Product-limited photosynthesis (7)
Prognostic CO2 at the lowest model level (1)
Prognostic in-cloud ice mixing ratio (82)
Prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio (82)
Q tendency due to moist processes (82)
Q-Flux (11)
RAM1 (29)
Rainfall Flux (2)
Rainfall Flux where Ice Free Ocean over Sea (935)
Rainfall rate over sea ice (30)
Rate of Change in Upper 100 m of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon due to Biological Activity (6)
Rate of Change in Upper 100 m of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen due to Biological Activity (6)
Rate of Change in Upper 100 m of Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate due to Biological Activity (6)
Rate of Change of Alkalinity (190)
Rate of Change of Alkalinity Due to Biological Activity (70)
Rate of Change of Alkalinity due to Biological Activity (84)
Rate of Change of Biological Alkalinity Due to Biological Activity (70)
Rate of Change of Biological Alkalinity due to Biological Activity (228)
Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Due to Biological Activity (140)
Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon due to Biological Activity (312)
Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Iron Due to Biological Activity (140)
Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Iron due to Biological Activity (201)
Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Due to Biological Activity (70)
Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen due to Biological Activity (228)
Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate due to Biological Activity (39)
Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Due to Biological Activity (70)
Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Silicate due to Biological Activity (201)
Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Silicon Due to Biological Activity (140)
Rate of Change of Dissolved Phosphate due to Biological Activity (18)
Rate of Change of Dissolved Phosphorus Due to Biological Activity (70)
Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (260)
Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Iron (149)
Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (259)
Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate (79)
Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus (70)
Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Silicate (79)
Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Silicon (70)
Rate of Change of Nitrogen Nutrient Due to Biological Activity (70)
Rate of Change of Nitrogen Nutrient due to Biological Activity (84)
Rate of Change of Total Alkalinity (70)
Rate of Emission and Production of Dry Aerosol Total Organic Matter (858)
Rate of Melt at Sea Ice Base (1116)
Rate of Melt at Upper Surface of Sea Ice (1116)
Reconstruction weights associated with each of the edgesOnEdge. (1)
Reference depth of ocean for each vertical level. Used in 'z-level' type runs. (1)
Reference height humidity (89)
Reference height relative humidity (4)
Reference height temperature (91)
Reference specific humidity at 2 meters (1)
Reference temperature at 2 meters (1)
Reflected Clear-Sky Shortwave (248)
Reflected Surface Clear-Sky Shortwave (258)
Region Selection Index (608)
Relative Humidity (8900)
Relative humidity (120)
Relative humidty at 2M (16)
Remineralization of Organic Carbon (70)
Reported sea level pressure (2)
Restart history filename (1)
River Discharge (44)
River channel main channel water volume (1)
River channel total water volume (1)
Root Depth (8)
Root Zone Soil Moisture (10)
RuBP-limited photosynthesis (7)
Rubisco-limited photosynthesis (7)
Runoff (36)
Rural 2m air temperature (7)
Rural 2m height surface air temperature (1)
Rural 2m specific humidity (7)
Rural absorbed solar radiation (7)
Rural daily maximum of average 2-m temperature (7)
Rural daily minimum of average 2-m temperature (7)
Rural emitted infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
Rural ground temperature (7)
Rural heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt and snow light transmission (7)
Rural net infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
Rural sensible heat (7)
Rural snow melt heat flux (7)
Rural solar rad penetrating top soil or snow layer (7)
Rural total evaporation (7)
Rural total runoff (7)
SO2 wet deposition (29)
SO2 Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
SO2 Anthropogenic Emissions (13)
SO2 Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
SO2 SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (3)
SO2 Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
SO2 aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
SO2 concentration (28)
SO2 in bottom layer (82)
SO2 surface flux (29)
SO4 aqueous phase chemistry due to H2O2 (4)
SO4 aqueous phase chemistry due to O3 (4)
SOA aerosol burden (61)
SOAG aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
SOAG gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
SOAG in bottom layer (82)
SOAG surface flux (29)
SOIL1 C (3)
SOIL1 C (vertically resolved) (3)
SOIL1 N (3)
SOIL1 N (vertically resolved) (3)
SOIL1 P (3)
SOIL1 P (vertically resolved) (3)
SOIL2 C (3)
SOIL2 C (vertically resolved) (3)
SOIL2 N (3)
SOIL2 N (vertically resolved) (3)
SOIL2 P (3)
SOIL2 P (vertically resolved) (3)
SOIL3 C (3)
SOIL3 C (vertically resolved) (3)
SOIL3 N (3)
SOIL3 N (vertically resolved) (3)
SOIL3 P (3)
SOIL3 P (vertically resolved) (3)
SOIL4 C (3)
SOIL4 C (vertically resolved) (3)
SOIL4 N (3)
SOIL4 N (vertically resolved) (3)
SOIL4 P (3)
SOIL4 P (vertically resolved) (3)
Salinity (255)
Salinity associated with accumulatedFrazilIceMass. Reset to zero at each coupling interval (1)
Salt Flux into Sea Water from Rivers (115)
Salt flux (1)
Screen temperature (36)
Sea Area Fraction (681)
Sea Area Percentage (56)
Sea Floor Depth (900)
Sea Floor Depth Below Geoid (61)
Sea Ice Albedo (516)
Sea Ice Area Fraction (14942)
Sea Ice Area Fraction (Atmospheric Grid) (60)
Sea Ice Area Fraction (Ocean Grid) (94)
Sea Ice Concentration (268)
Sea Ice Flag (6)
Sea Ice Fraction (6)
Sea Ice Heat Content (259)
Sea Ice Mass Transport Through Fram Strait (783)
Sea Ice Plus Surface Snow Amount (2573)
Sea Ice Ridging Rate (185)
Sea Ice Salinity (107)
Sea Ice Thickness (15950)
Sea Level Pressure (43297)
Sea Mass Area Flux Through Straits (70)
Sea Salt AOD@550nm (3)
Sea Surface Elevation (194)
Sea Surface Height Above Geoid (4621)
Sea Surface Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration (140)
Sea Surface Salinity (5341)
Sea Surface Temperature (21201)
Sea Water Age Since Surface Contact (155)
Sea Water Convervative Temperature (30)
Sea Water Mass (3023)
Sea Water Mass Per Unit Area (770)
Sea Water Potential Density (2395)
Sea Water Potential Temperature (6325)
Sea Water Potential Temperature at Sea Floor (70)
Sea Water Pressure at Sea Floor (70)
Sea Water Pressure at Sea Water Surface (61)
Sea Water Pressure at Sea floor (2691)
Sea Water Salinity (14457)
Sea Water Salinity at Sea Floor (70)
Sea Water Transport (1138)
Sea Water Vertical Velocity (70)
Sea Water Volume (1775)
Sea Water X Velocity (16178)
Sea Water Y Velocity (6344)
Sea Water Z Velocity (30)
Sea ice area North (30)
Sea ice area South (30)
Sea ice area flux through straits (30)
Sea ice area fraction (187)
Sea ice basal pressure (1)
Sea ice extent North (30)
Sea ice extent South (30)
Sea ice heat flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
Sea ice mass flux through straits (12)
Sea ice salinity (1)
Sea ice salinity flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
Sea ice volume North (30)
Sea ice volume South (30)
Sea level (7)
Sea level pressure (90)
Sea mass area flux through straits (30)
Sea surface height above geoid (3170)
Sea surface salinity (1)
Sea surface temperature (7)
Sea water Y velocity (9825)
Sea water potential temperature (9815)
Sea-Ice Area Flux Through Straits (70)
Sea-Ice Area North (70)
Sea-Ice Area Percentage (Atmospheric Grid) (75)
Sea-Ice Area Percentage (Ocean Grid) (204)
Sea-Ice Area Percentage Tendency Due to Dynamics (70)
Sea-Ice Area Percentage Tendency Due to Thermodynamics (70)
Sea-Ice Area South (70)
Sea-Ice Extent North (70)
Sea-Ice Extent South (70)
Sea-Ice Freeboard (70)
Sea-Ice Heat Content per Unit Area (70)
Sea-Ice Mass Change from Dynamics (70)
Sea-Ice Mass Change from Thermodynamics (70)
Sea-Ice Mass per Area (184)
Sea-Ice Speed (80)
Sea-Ice Volume North (70)
Sea-Ice Volume South (70)
Sea-Ice Volume per Area (70)
Sea-Level Pressure (2)
Sea-ice Area Percentage (Atmospheric Grid) (1)
Sea-ice Area Percentage (Ocean Grid) (1)
Sea-ice freeboard (30)
Sea-ice heat content per unit area (30)
Sea-ice mass per area (30)
Sea-ice speed (75)
Sea-ice volume per area (38)
Seasalt aerosol burden (61)
Seasonal Maximum Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (46)
Seawater Salinity (13)
Seawater Temperature (12)
Sensible Heat Flux (13)
Sensible heat flux (1)
Sensible heat flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
Shallow Convective Mass Flux (42)
Shallow conv. cloudbase level index (29)
Shallow conv. cloudbase vertical velocity (29)
Shallow conv. column-max updraft mass flux (29)
Short wave flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
Shortwave cloud forcing (82)
Shortwave radiative flux on the vertical biology grid per category (3)
Shortwave surface albedo (spectrally constant) (4)
Shrub Fraction (1069)
Silica Production (317)
Silicon Production (70)
Simple Daily Precipitation Index (94)
Simple daily intensity index (23)
Sinking Aragonite Flux (18)
Sinking Calcite Flux (240)
Sinking Particulate Iron Flux (174)
Sinking Particulate Organic Carbon Flux (240)
Sinking Particulate Organic Nitrogen Flux (84)
Sinking Particulate Organic Phosphorus Flux (18)
Sinking Particulate Silica Flux (240)
Sinking Particulate Silicon Flux (140)
Size of second dimension (1)
Smoothed sunspot number (9)
Snow Amount (302)
Snow Area Fraction (6959)
Snow Area Percentage (187)
Snow Cover Fraction (400)
Snow Depth (12840)
Snow Heat Content per Unit Area (70)
Snow Internal Temperature (1790)
Snow Mass Change Through Snow Fall (70)
Snow Mass Flux Through Straits (70)
Snow Mass Rate of Change Through Advection by Sea-Ice Dynamics (70)
Snow Mass Rate of Change through Avection by Sea-ice Dynamics (30)
Snow Mass Rate of Change through Evaporation or Sublimation (30)
Snow Mass Rate of Change through Melt (30)
Snow Mass Rate of Change through Snow-to-Ice Conversion (30)
Snow Mass per Area (191)
Snow Melt (236)
Snow Melt Rate (2208)
Snow Soot Content (633)
Snow Thickness (194)
Snow area fraction (253)
Snow depth (234)
Snow depth (liquid water) (36)
Snow depth over ice (82)
Snow mass flux through straits (30)
Snow mass per area (30)
Snow melt (2)
Snow thickness (75)
Snow-Ice Formation Rate (1240)
Snow-heat content per unit area (30)
Snowfall Flux (11340)
Snowfall Flux where Ice Free Ocean over Sea (769)
Snowmelt (36)
Soil Frozen Water Content (6075)
Soil Heterotrophic Respiration on Land-Use Tile (70)
Soil Moisture Saturation Point (8)
Soil Moisture Wilting Point (8)
Soil erodibility factor (29)
Soil frozen water content (36)
Soil frozen water content Content (226)
Soil layer depth (9)
Solar downwelling at ground (36)
Solar heating rate (81)
Solar in at TOA (36)
Solar insolation (82)
Solar out at TOA (36)
Solar zenith angle (4)
Solid Precipitation (1735)
Solid angle subtended by gridcell (28)
Source of data (3)
Specific Humidity (23115)
Specific Humidity 2m (7)
Specific Humidity Number of Observations (2)
Specific Humidity Standard Error (2)
Specific Humidity at 1000 hPa (16)
Specific Humidity at 50m (6)
Specific Humidity at 850 hPa (6)
Specific algal growth rate per grid cell (3)
Specific humidity (82)
Specific humidity after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
Specific humidity after process: After surface coupling (53)
Specific humidity after process: After tphysac call (53)
Specific humidity after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
Specific humidity after process: Deep Convection (53)
Specific humidity after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
Specific humidity after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
Specific humidity after process: Final, after all processes (53)
Specific humidity after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
Specific humidity after process: Initial, before processes (53)
Specific humidity after process: Macrophysics (53)
Specific humidity after process: Micro Physics (53)
Specific humidity after process: Radiation (53)
Specific humidity after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
Specific humidity after process: Shallow Convection (53)
Specific humidity after process: Wet Deposition (53)
Specific humidity at 100 hPa (7)
Specific humidity at 200hPa (36)
Specific humidity at 850hPa (36)
Specific humidity at the lowest model level (1)
Specific humidity in air (144)
Square of Brunt Vaisala Frequency in Sea Water (70)
Square of Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T (661)
Square of Sea Surface Height Above Geoid (1003)
Square of Sea Surface Salinity (80)
Square of Sea Surface Temperature (2420)
Square of Upward Ocean Mass Transport (1741)
Square of exch. coeff (tracers) (1)
Station reports of past significant weather phenomena (2)
Stokes drift depth (1)
Stokes drift u component (1)
Stokes drift v component (1)
Storage P pool mortality (3)
Strain Rate Divergence of Sea Ice (221)
Stratiform Cloud Area Fraction (111)
Stratiform Cloud Droplet Effective Radius (594)
Stratiform Cloud Emissivity (2)
Stratiform Cloud Optical Depth (2)
Stratiform Precipitation (3)
Stratiform Rainfall Flux (5)
Stratiform Snowfall Flux (6)
Stratospheric Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm (6)
Stratospheric Radiative Heating Rate (6)
Stratus Liquid cloud fraction (53)
Streamfunction (25)
Stress-Equivalent wind at 10 m u-component (1)
Stress-Equivalent wind at 10 m v-component (1)
Sublimation over Sea Ice (766)
Subsurface runoff (6)
Sulfate AOD@550nm (3)
Sulfate Burden (19)
Sulfate aerosol burden (61)
Sum of region mask, represents total number of cells in region (9)
Sum value of mask within region volume (should always be greater than 0 for valid layer) (9)
Sum value of mask within region volume (should always be greater than 0 for valid volumes) (9)
Sunshine hours (36)
Surface Air Pressure (12204)
Surface Air Temperature (673)
Surface Air pressure (45)
Surface Albedo as simulated by ISBA (11)
Surface Altitude (2841)
Surface Altitude Unmodified (70)
Surface Aqueous Partial Pressure of CO2 (454)
Surface Carbon Mass Flux into the Atmosphere Due to Natural Sources (693)
Surface Carbonate Ion Concentration (70)
Surface Concentration of Black Carbon Aerosol (2476)
Surface Concentration of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (2073)
Surface Concentration of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (305)
Surface Concentration of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (361)
Surface Concentration of Dust (2454)
Surface Concentration of NH4 (220)
Surface Concentration of NO3 (220)
Surface Concentration of SO4 (2476)
Surface Concentration of Seasalt (2328)
Surface Daily Maximum Relative Humidity (1744)
Surface Daily Minimum Relative Humidity (1744)
Surface Diffuse Downward Clear Sky Shortwave Radiation (62)
Surface Diffuse Downwelling Clear Sky Shortwave Radiation (1091)
Surface Diffuse Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (1820)
Surface Direct Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (10)
Surface Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration (70)
Surface Dissolved Iron Concentration (70)
Surface Dissolved Nitrate Concentration (70)
Surface Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration (70)
Surface Dissolved Oxygen Concentration (70)
Surface Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Saturation (70)
Surface Downward CO2 Flux (558)
Surface Downward Diffuse Shortwave Radiation (8)
Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress (9565)
Surface Downward Flux of O2 (70)
Surface Downward Flux of Total CO2 (140)
Surface Downward Latent Heat Flux (1380)
Surface Downward Longwave Radiation (14)
Surface Downward Net Flux of Iron (396)
Surface Downward Net Flux of Nitrogen (109)
Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress (9565)
Surface Downward O2 Flux (353)
Surface Downward Sensible Heat Flux (1926)
Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation (14)
Surface Downward X Stress (3722)
Surface Downward X Stress Correction (94)
Surface Downward Y Stress (3721)
Surface Downward Y Stress Correction (94)
Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (6778)
Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (6753)
Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (24035)
Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (33120)
Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (Diffuse) (6)
Surface Evaporation (5)
Surface Latent Heat Flux (547)
Surface Mass Balance Anomaly (15)
Surface Mass Concentration of Diazotrophs Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (70)
Surface Mass Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (80)
Surface Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Nitrogen in Sea Water (70)
Surface Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Phosphorus in Sea Water (70)
Surface Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Silicon in Sea Water (70)
Surface Net Downward Longwave Radiation (1386)
Surface Pressure (1326)
Surface Radiative Temperature (10)
Surface Rainfall Rate into the Sea Ice Portion of the Grid Cell (1651)
Surface Roughness Length (18)
Surface Runoff (7905)
Surface Runoff Anomaly (24)
Surface Sensible Heat Flux (556)
Surface Skin Temperature (311)
Surface Snow Amount (9834)
Surface Snow Area Fraction (437)
Surface Snow Melt (7352)
Surface Snow amount (2)
Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux (5657)
Surface Snow melt (9)
Surface Snowfall Rate into the Sea Ice Portion of the Grid Cell (2864)
Surface Soil Temperature (7)
Surface Soil Water Content (7)
Surface Specific Humidity (209)
Surface Temperature (9612)
Surface Temperature Anomaly (27)
Surface Temperature Where Land or Sea Ice (1841)
Surface Temperature of Sea Ice (4974)
Surface Upward DMS Flux (118)
Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux (29187)
Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux over Sea Ice (203)
Surface Upward Longwave Radiation (16)
Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux (29729)
Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux over Sea Ice (203)
Surface Upward Sensible Heat flux (2)
Surface Upward Shortwave Radiation (16)
Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (6670)
Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation (15044)
Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (16032)
Surface Vapor Pressure (130)
Surface albedo (268)
Surface altitude (7)
Surface and Subsurface Runoff (298)
Surface area-weighted average of downwelling long wave heat flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of evaporation in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of ice run off in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of latent heat flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of meridional wind stress in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of net surface fresh water flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of net surface heat flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of net surface salinity flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of rain flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of river run off in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of sea ice energy in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of sea ice heat flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of sea ice melt rate in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of sea ice salinity flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of sea surface pressure in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of sea-surface height (9)
Surface area-weighted average of sensible heat flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of short wave heat flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of snow flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of surface boundary layer depth in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of surface salinity flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of surface salinity in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of surface temperature flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of surface temperature in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of surface thickness flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of upwelling long wave heat flux in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of wind stress magnitude in each region (9)
Surface area-weighted average of zonal wind stress in each region (9)
Surface emissivity (221)
Surface fraction velocity in ocean (1)
Surface geopotential (81)
Surface height (1)
Surface latent heat flux (83)
Surface pressure (169)
Surface runoff (253)
Surface saturation specific humidity in ocean (1)
Surface sensible heat flux (83)
Surface skin temperature (4)
Surface snow amount (226)
Surface snow depth (1)
Surface snow melt (187)
Surface temperature (37)
Surface temperature (radiative) (90)
Surface temperature of sea ice (75)
Surface upward longwave heat flux (1)
Surface water flux (82)
Surface wind speed (2)
Surface Mass Balance Anomaly (12)
T grid center latitude (7583)
T grid center longitude (7583)
T tendency - moist processes (82)
T vertical diffusion (53)
TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation (13180)
TOA Net Downward Radiation (541)
TOA Outgoing Aerosol-Free Longwave Radiation (30)
TOA Outgoing Aerosol-Free Shortwave Radiation (30)
TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (6734)
TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (21)
TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (6137)
TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (21)
TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky, Aerosol-Free Longwave Radiation (30)
TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky, Aerosol-Free Shortwave Radiation (30)
TOA Outgoing Clear-sky Longwave Radiation (8)
TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiatio (8)
TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation (29413)
TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (21)
TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (12576)
TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation in 4XCO2 Atmosphere (21)
TOA Reflected Shortwave Radiation (311)
Temperature (531)
Temperature 2m (14)
Temperature Annual Range (2)
Temperature Flux due to Evaporation Expressed as Heat Flux Out of Sea Water (434)
Temperature Flux due to Rainfall Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water (434)
Temperature Flux due to Runoff Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water (452)
Temperature Seasonality (2)
Temperature Tendency Due to Non-Orographic Gravity Wave Dissipation (10)
Temperature Tendency Due to Orographic Gravity Wave Dissipation (10)
Temperature after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
Temperature after process: After surface coupling (53)
Temperature after process: After tphysac call (53)
Temperature after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
Temperature after process: Deep Convection (53)
Temperature after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
Temperature after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
Temperature after process: Final, after all processes (53)
Temperature after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
Temperature after process: Initial, before processes (53)
Temperature after process: Macrophysics (53)
Temperature after process: Micro Physics (53)
Temperature after process: Radiation (53)
Temperature after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
Temperature after process: Shallow Convection (53)
Temperature after process: Wet Deposition (53)
Temperature at 200 hPa (6)
Temperature at 200 mbar pressure surface (2)
Temperature at 500 hPa (6)
Temperature at 500 mbar pressure surface (2)
Temperature at 850 hPa (5)
Temperature at Interface Between Sea Ice and Snow (693)
Temperature at ice-ocean interface (30)
Temperature at layer edge (4)
Temperature at snow-ice interface (30)
Temperature at the lowest model level (1)
Temperature of Land Ice (16)
Temperature of Soil (5057)
Temperature of air (1)
Tendency of Air Temperature (558)
Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Boundary Layer Mixing (10)
Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Convection (20)
Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Longwave Radiative Heating (30)
Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Model Physics (30)
Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Radiative Heating (10)
Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Shortwave Radiative Heating (30)
Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Stratiform Cloud and Precipitation and Boundary Layer Mixing (347)
Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Stratiform Clouds and Precipitation (20)
Tendency of Air Temperature due to Advection (551)
Tendency of Air Temperature due to Diabatic Processes (569)
Tendency of Air Temperature due to Moist Convection (565)
Tendency of Air Temperature due to Radiative Heating (567)
Tendency of Air Temperature due to Stratiform Cloud Condensation and Evaporation (230)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water In Air (7)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water In Air Due To Boundary Layer Mixing (7)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water In Air Due To Cloud Microphysics (7)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Advection (16)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Autoconversion to Rain (23)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Autoconversion to Snow (7)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Condensation and Evaporation (23)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Icefall (23)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice Due Convective Detrainment (7)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air (15)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air Due To Bergeron Findeisen Process from Cloud Liquid (7)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air Due To Boundary Layer Mixing (15)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air Due To Cloud Microphysics (7)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Accretion to Snow (7)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Advection (15)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Aggregation (7)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Deposition and Sublimation (22)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Evaporation of Melting Ice (14)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Heterogeneous Nucleation From Cloud Liquid (14)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Heterogeneous Nucleation From Water Vapor (14)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Homogeneous Nucleation (14)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Icefall (22)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Melting to Cloud Liquid (7)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Melting to Rain (22)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Riming From Cloud Liquid (14)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Riming From Rain (14)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water Due to Convective Detrainment (16)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water In Air (15)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water In Air Due To Bergeron Findeisen Process To Cloud Ice (8)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water In Air Due To Cloud Microphysics (7)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Accretion to Rain (14)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Accretion to Snow (14)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Advection (15)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Autoconversion (22)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Condensation and Evaporation (31)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Heterogeneous Nucleation (15)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Homogeneous Nucleation (15)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Melting From Cloud Ice (7)
Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Riming (15)
Tendency of Mole Concentration of Organic Carbon in Sea Water due to Net Primary Production by Diazotrophs (31)
Tendency of Mole Concentration of Organic Carbon in Sea Water due to Net Primary Production by Picophytoplankton (31)
Tendency of Ocean Eddy Kinetic Energy Content due to Bolus Transport (16)
Tendency of Ocean Potential Energy Content (16)
Tendency of Ocean Potential Energy Content due to Background (16)
Tendency of Ocean Potential Energy Content due to Tides (11)
Tendency of Sea Water Potential Temperature Expressed as Heat Content (70)
Tendency of Sea Water Potential Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Parameterized Dianeutral Mixing (70)
Tendency of Sea Water Potential Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Parameterized Eddy Advection (70)
Tendency of Sea Water Potential Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Diffusion (70)
Tendency of Sea Water Potential Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Residual Mean Advection (70)
Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content (70)
Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Parameterized Dianeutral Mixing (70)
Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Parameterized Eddy Advection (70)
Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Diffusion (70)
Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Residual Mean Advection (70)
Tendency of Specific Humidity (556)
Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Boundary Layer Mixing (10)
Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Convection (10)
Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Model Physics (10)
Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Stratiform Cloud and Precipitation and Boundary Layer Mixing (10)
Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Stratiform Clouds and Precipitation (10)
Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Advection (552)
Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Convection (561)
Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Diffusion (479)
Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Model Physics (569)
Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Stratiform Cloud Condensation and Evaporation (565)
Tendency of sea water potential temperature (6)
Test average after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
Test average after process: After surface coupling (53)
Test average after process: After tphysac call (53)
Test average after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
Test average after process: Deep Convection (53)
Test average after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
Test average after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
Test average after process: Final, after all processes (53)
Test average after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
Test average after process: Initial, before processes (53)
Test average after process: Macrophysics (53)
Test average after process: Micro Physics (53)
Test average after process: Radiation (53)
Test average after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
Test average after process: Shallow Convection (53)
Test average after process: Wet Deposition (53)
The value of the MOC streamfunction for each latitude-bin (first dimension) and depth (second dimension) (9)
Theta difference 700 mb - 1000 mb (29)
Theta on PV +/- 2 Surface (50)
Time elapsed since the start of the forecast (415372)
Time filtered meridional gradient of SSH (1)
Time filtered zonal gradient of SSH (1)
Time since simulationStartTime, for plotting (10)
Toluene-lump Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
Top of Atmosphere Longwave CRE (1)
Top of Atmosphere Net Radation (1)
Top of Atmosphere Shortwave CRE (1)
Top-of-Atmosphere Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (8)
Top-of-Atmosphere downward Shortwave Radiation (7)
Top-of-Atmosphere upward Longwave Radiation (14)
Top-of-Atmosphere upward Shortwave Radiation (7)
Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) (16)
Total (vertically integrated) meridional MSE flux (29)
Total (vertically integrated) meridional water flux (36)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water (89)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: After surface coupling (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: After tphysac call (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Deep Convection (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Final, after all processes (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Initial, before processes (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Macrophysics (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Micro Physics (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Radiation (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Shallow Convection (53)
Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Wet Deposition (53)
Total (vertically integrated) zonal MSE flux (29)
Total (vertically integrated) zonal water flux (36)
Total Aerosol Optical Depth in visible band (84)
Total Alkalinity (545)
Total Alkalinity at Surface (470)
Total Atmospheric Mass of CO2 (1571)
Total C3 PFT Cover Fraction (1310)
Total C4 PFT Cover Fraction (1310)
Total Carbon Mass Flux from Litter to Soil (315)
Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation Directly to Soil (100)
Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation to Litter (766)
Total Carbon in All Terrestrial Carbon Pools (70)
Total Carbon in all Terrestrial Carbon Pools (400)
Total Chlorophyll Mass Concentration (468)
Total Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface (463)
Total Cloud Cover (7)
Total Cloud Cover Percentage (310)
Total Cloud Fraction (28250)
Total Cloud Fraction Calculated by the ISCCP Simulator (29)
Total Column Ozone (1)
Total Direct Emission Rate of SO4 (804)
Total Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Concentration (70)
Total Dissolved Inorganic Silicon Concentration (140)
Total Emission Rate of CH4 (7)
Total Emission Rate of DMS (1162)
Total Emission Rate of Dust (1351)
Total Emission Rate of NH3 (234)
Total Emission Rate of SO2 (1360)
Total Emission Rate of Seasalt (987)
Total Emission of Primary Aerosol from Biomass Burning (429)
Total Evapotranspiration (400)
Total Grazing of Phytoplankton by Zooplankton (408)
Total Incoming Solar Radiation at TOA (6)
Total Land N2O Flux (70)
Total Nitrogen Loss to Leaching or Runoff (Sum of Ammonium, Nitrite and Nitrate) (70)
Total Nitrogen Lost (Including NHx, NOx, N2O, N2 and Leaching) (70)
Total Nitrogen Lost to the Atmosphere (Including NHx, NOx, N2O, N2) from All Processes Except Fire (70)
Total Nitrogen Lost to the Atmosphere (Including NHx, NOx, N2O, N2) from Fire (70)
Total Nitrogen Lost to the Atmosphere (Sum of NHx, NOx, N2O, N2) (70)
Total Nitrogen in All Terrestrial Nitrogen Pools (70)
Total Number of Frost Days in Year (94)
Total Ozone Column (30)
Total Plant Nitrogen Uptake (Sum of Ammonium and Nitrate) Irrespective of the Source of Nitrogen (70)
Total Precipitable Water (7)
Total Precipitation Amount when Precip > 95th Percentile on Wet Days (Precip >= 1.0mm) (740)
Total Precipitation Amount when Precip > 99th Percentile on Wet Days (Precip >= 1.0mm) (740)
Total Primary Deciduous Tree Fraction (264)
Total Primary Evergreen Tree Cover Fraction (262)
Total Runoff (16031)
Total Secondary Deciduous Tree Cover Fraction (51)
Total Secondary Evergreen Tree Cover Fraction (51)
Total Soil Frozen Water Content (63)
Total Soil Moisture Content (21493)
Total Soil Wetness Index (7)
Total Soil moisture (2)
Total Vegetated Percentage Cover (101)
Total Water Content of Soil Layer (568)
Total Water Path (3)
Total cloud Fraction (11)
Total cloud ave (36)
Total cloud cover derived in priority order GA, GF, GD - see ISD documentation (2)
Total cloud fraction (226)
Total grid-box cloud ice water path (82)
Total grid-box cloud liquid water path (83)
Total grid-box cloud water path (liquid and ice) (82)
Total number of frost days (23)
Total precipitation rate (1)
Total rate of ammonium uptake by algae weighted by ice area (3)
Total rate of nitrate uptake by algae weighted by ice area (3)
Total runoff (232)
Total soil moisture content (4213)
Total vegetated Fraction (400)
Total vegetated percentage cover (30)
Total water content of soil layer (2)
Total water path after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
Total water path after process: After surface coupling (53)
Total water path after process: After tphysac call (53)
Total water path after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
Total water path after process: Deep Convection (53)
Total water path after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
Total water path after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
Total water path after process: Final, after all processes (53)
Total water path after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
Total water path after process: Initial, before processes (53)
Total water path after process: Macrophysics (53)
Total water path after process: Micro Physics (53)
Total water path after process: Radiation (53)
Total water path after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
Total water path after process: Shallow Convection (53)
Total water path after process: Wet Deposition (53)
Total water storage in a grid cell (30)
Tracers are ordered: diatom nitrogen, smallPlankton nitrogen, phaeocystis nitrogen, nitrate, polysaccarid carbon, lipid carbon, ammonium, silicate, DMSPp, DMSPd, DMS, Nonreactive nitrate, Protein nitrogen, dissolved iron in umol/m2, particulate iron in um (3)
Tracers are ordered: diatom nitrogen, smallPlankton nitrogen, phaeocystis nitrogen, nitrate, polysaccarid carbon, lipid carbon, ammonium, silicate, DMSPp, DMSPd, DMS, Nonreactive nitrate, Protein nitrogen, dissolved iron in umol/m2/s, particulate iron in (3)
Tracers are ordered: diatom nitrogen, smallPlankton nitrogen, phaeocystis nitrogen, nitrate, polysaccarid carbon, lipid carbon, ammonium, silicate, DMSPp, DMSPd, DMS, Nonreactive nitrate, Protein nitrogen, dissolved iron in umol/m3, particulate iron in um (3)
Transpiration (3797)
Tree Cover Fraction (1772)
Tree Cover Percentage (201)
Tropopause Air Pressure (30)
Tropopause Altitude above Geoid (30)
Tropopause Pressure (29)
Tropopause Temperature (29)
True eastwards ice velocity (9)
True eastwards ocean velocity (9)
True eastwards sea ice-air stress (9)
True northwards ice velocity (9)
True northwards ocean velocity (9)
True northwards sea ice-air stress (9)
Turbulent Kinetic Energy (3)
Type of Land Ice (16)
US (68)
UT (68)
UU (66)
Units for each history field output (1)
Updraft Convective Mass Flux (248)
Updraft Convective Mass Flux on full levels (1)
Updraught Convective Mass Flux (6)
Upward Air Velocity (96)
Upward Geothermal Heat Flux at Sea Floor (83)
Upward Heat Flux at Base of Sea Ice (8)
Upward Long Wave over Sea Ice (222)
Upward Ocean Mass Transport (5377)
Upward Sea Water Velocity (726)
Upward Shortwave over Sea Ice (837)
Upward air velocity (155)
Upward flux of methane (CH4) from soil uptake. (7)
Upward flux of methane (CH4) generated by biomass burning. (7)
Upward flux of methane (CH4) generated by herbivorous mammals. (2)
Upward flux of methane (CH4) generated by termites (7)
Upward long wave heat flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
Upward moisture flux at the surface (6)
Upward solar radiation (1)
Upwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (247)
Upwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (253)
Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
Upwelling Longwave Flux over Sea Ice (100)
Upwelling Longwave Radiation (253)
Upwelling Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
Upwelling Longwave radiation (36)
Upwelling Shortwave Flux over Sea Ice (100)
Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (253)
Upwelling Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
Upwelling Shortwave radiation (36)
Upwelling Surface Shortwave Radiation (6)
Upwelling longwave flux at top of model (94)
Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere (84)
Urban 2m air temperature (7)
Urban 2m height surface air temperature (1)
Urban 2m relative humidity (7)
Urban absorbed solar radiation (7)
Urban daily maximum of average 2-m temperature (7)
Urban daily minimum of average 2-m temperature (7)
Urban emitted infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
Urban ground temperature (7)
Urban heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt (7)
Urban net infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
Urban sensible heat (7)
Urban snow melt heat flux (7)
Urban total evaporation (7)
Urban total runoff (7)
VOC Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (9)
VOC Anthropogenic Emissions (9)
VOC Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
VOC Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
VOC01 alcohols Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC02 ethane Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC03 propane Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC04 butanes Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC05 pentanes Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC06 hexanes plus higher alkanes Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC07 ethene Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC08 propene Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC09 ethyne Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC12 other alkenes and alkynes Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC13 benzene Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC14 toluene Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC15 xylene Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC16 trimethylbenzenes Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC17 other aromatics Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC18 esters Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC19 ethers Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC20 chlorinated hydrocarbons Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC21 methanal Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC22 other alkanals Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC23 ketones Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC24 acids Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VOC25 other voc Anthropogenic Emissions (12)
VS (68)
VT (68)
VV (66)
Value of density function used to generate a particular mesh at cell centers. (1)
Velocity x-component (7)
Velocity y-component (7)
Vertical Integral Of Mass Content Of Hail (3)
Vertical T levels (1958)
Vertical Velocity In Pressure Coordinates (35)
Vertical diffusion of Q (53)
Vertical heat flux (82)
Vertical integral of mass content of graupel (5)
Vertical integral of mass content of hail (2)
Vertical integrated cloud water (4)
Vertical velocity (pressure) (81)
Vertical velocity at 500 mbar pressure surface (38)
Vertically Averaged Sea Water Potential Temperature (140)
Vertically Integrated Total Liquid Cloud Water (7)
Vertically Integrated Total Solid Cloud Water (7)
Vertically integrated Eastward dry transport (cp.T +zg).u (Mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by dry static energy per mass unit) (30)
Vertically integrated Eastward moisture transport (Mass weighted vertical integral of the product of eastward wind by total water mass per unit mass) (30)
Vertically integrated Northward dry transport (cp.T +zg).v (Mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by dry static energy per mass unit) (30)
Vertically integrated Northward moisture transport (Mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by total water mass per unit mass) (30)
Vertically-integrated droplet concentration (84)
Vertically-integrated high cloud (82)
Vertically-integrated low cloud (83)
Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud (82)
Vertically-integrated total cloud (83)
Virtual Salt Flux Correction (260)
Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water (1229)
Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water From Rivers (66)
Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water due to Evaporation (66)
Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water due to Rainfall (66)
Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics (1058)
W (889)
WS (35)
WT (35)
WW (33)
Warm Spell Duration Indicator (740)
Warmest Quarter Mean Temperature (2)
Warmest Quarter Precipitation (2)
Water Content of Soil Layer (3864)
Water Equivalent Snow Melt (7)
Water Evaporation Flux Anomaly (15)
Water Evaporation Flux Where Ice Free Ocean over Sea (1459)
Water Evaporation Flux from Sea Ice (1501)
Water Evaporation from Soil (2988)
Water FLux Correction (59)
Water Flux Correction (286)
Water Flux Into Ocean (226)
Water Flux Into Sea Water (603)
Water Flux into Sea Water (3116)
Water Flux into Sea Water Due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics (70)
Water Flux into Sea Water From Icebergs (335)
Water Flux into Sea Water From Rivers (1149)
Water Flux into Sea Water Without Flux Correction (803)
Water Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics (1477)
Water Flux into Sea Water from Rivers (23)
Water Flux into Sea Water without contribution from Sea Ice (21)
Water Vapor Path (6561)
Water Vapour Path (8)
Water equivalent snow depth (82)
Water flux (rain+snow) (1)
Water flux due to melting (1)
Water flux due to rain (1)
Water flux due to runoff (frozen) (1)
Water flux due to runoff (liquid) (1)
Water flux due to snow (1)
Water flux from land (frozen) (1)
Water flux from land (liquid glacier, wetland, and lake) (1)
Water flux from land (liquid subsurface) (1)
Water flux from land (liquid surface) (1)
Water flux from land direct to ocean (1)
Water table depth from surface. (30)
Waterrflux due to flooding (1)
Weather regime distance (22)
Weather regime frequency for a season (2)
Weights used for distribution of sea surface heigh purturbations through multiple vertical levels. (1)
Wet Deposition Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass (1046)
Wet Deposition Rate of DMS (113)
Wet Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (674)
Wet Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (280)
Wet Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (211)
Wet Deposition Rate of Dust (1236)
Wet Deposition Rate of NH4+NH3 (211)
Wet Deposition Rate of SO2 (2214)
Wet Deposition Rate of SO4 (2214)
Wet Deposition Rate of Seasalt (808)
Wet deposition flux at surface (29)
Wetland Percentage Cover (7)
Wettest Month Precipitation (2)
Wettest Quarter Mean Temperature (2)
Wettest Quarter Precipitation (2)
Wind Direction (2)
Wind From Direction at 100m (3)
Wind From Direction at 10m (3)
Wind From Direction at 125m (3)
Wind From Direction at 150m (3)
Wind From Direction at 175m (3)
Wind From Direction at 200m (3)
Wind From Direction at 40m (3)
Wind From Direction at 60m (3)
Wind From Direction at 80m (3)
Wind Gust speed (2)
Wind Speed at 100m (3)
Wind Speed at 125m (3)
Wind Speed at 150m (3)
Wind Speed at 175m (3)
Wind Speed at 200m (3)
Wind Speed at 40m (3)
Wind Speed at 60m (3)
Wind Speed at 80m (3)
Wind capacity factor for a iec1 turbine (44)
Wind capacity factor for a iec2 turbine (44)
Wind capacity factor for a iec3 turbine (44)
Wind power capacity factor for a IEC1 class turbine (1)
Wind power capacity factor for a IEC2 class turbine (1)
Wind power capacity factor for a IEC3 class turbine (1)
Wind speed (2)
Wind speed squared at 10 meters (1)
Winter BioEnergy Production conditions Index (1)
X Coordinate in cartesian space of cell centers. (1)
X Coordinate in cartesian space of edge midpoints. (1)
X Coordinate in cartesian space of vertices. (1)
X-Component of Atmospheric Stress On Sea Ice (3890)
X-Component of Atmospheric Stress on Sea Ice (70)
X-Component of Ocean Stress On Sea Ice (746)
X-Component of Ocean Stress on Sea Ice (70)
X-Component of Sea Ice Mass Transport (2086)
X-Component of Sea Ice Velocity (4061)
X-Component of Sea-Ice Mass Transport (70)
X-Component of Sea-Ice Velocity (101)
X-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice (120)
X-component of ocean stress on sea ice (75)
X-component of sea ice velocity (76)
X-component of sea-ice mass transport (30)
Y Coordinate in cartesian space of cell centers. (1)
Y Coordinate in cartesian space of edge midpoints. (1)
Y Coordinate in cartesian space of vertices. (1)
Y-Component of Atmospheric Stress On Sea Ice (3890)
Y-Component of Atmospheric Stress on Sea Ice (70)
Y-Component of Ocean Stress On Sea Ice (746)
Y-Component of Ocean Stress on Sea Ice (70)
Y-Component of Sea Ice Mass Transport (2066)
Y-Component of Sea Ice Transport (23)
Y-Component of Sea Ice Velocity (4061)
Y-Component of Sea-Ice Mass Transport (70)
Y-Component of Sea-Ice Velocity (101)
Y-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice (120)
Y-component of ocean stress on sea ice (75)
Y-component of sea ice velocity (76)
Y-component of sea-ice mass transport (30)
Z Coordinate in cartesian space of cell centers. (1)
Z Coordinate in cartesian space of edge midpoints. (1)
Z Coordinate in cartesian space of vertices. (1)
Z distance (1)
Zonal (eastward) component of wind stress at cell centers from coupler. Positive eastward. (9)
Zonal Surface Wind Speed (486)
Zonal Surface Wind Stress (311)
Zonal Wind (3)
Zonal Wind Component (493)
Zonal Wind at 200 hPa (6)
Zonal Wind at 500 hPa (6)
Zonal Wind at 850 hPa (6)
Zonal Windspeed 10m (14)
Zonal component of wind (westerly) (144)
Zonal gradient of SSH reconstructed at cell centers (1)
Zonal gravity wave surface stress (82)
Zonal sea surface slope (1)
Zonal sea water velocity (1)
Zonal surface stress (83)
Zonal surface velocity reconstructed at cell centers (1)
Zonal velocity squared (82)
Zonal wind (82)
Zonal wind at 200 mbar pressure surface (14)
Zonal wind at 200hPa (36)
Zonal wind at 500hPa (36)
Zonal wind at 850 mbar pressure surface (15)
Zonal wind at 850hPa (36)
Zonal wind at the lowest model level (1)
Zonal wind stress (36)
Zooplankton Carbon Concentration (523)
Zooplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface (447)
aboveground NPP (3)
aboveground wood NPP (3)
absorbed par by vegetation at local noon (7)
absorbed shaded leaf diffuse PAR (per unit lai+sai) for canopy layer (1)
absorbed shaded leaf direct PAR (per unit lai+sai) for canopy layer (1)
absorbed solar radiation (7)
absorbed sunlit leaf diffuse PAR (per unit lai+sai) for canopy layer (1)
absorbed sunlit leaf direct PAR (per unit lai+sai) for canopy layer (1)
accumulated swe (vegetated landunits only) (7)
accuumulated snow (1)
actual N immobilization (3)
actual P immobilization (3)
actual number of stations within gridbox (2)
added tree cover (for afforestation) (2)
adsorb P flux (3)
aerenchyma surface CH4 flux for inundated area; (+ to atm) (3)
aerenchyma surface CH4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) (3)
air pressure at sea level (110)
air temperature (257)
allocation to dead coarse root C (3)
allocation to dead coarse root N (3)
allocation to dead coarse root P (3)
allocation to dead stem C (3)
allocation to dead stem N (3)
allocation to dead stem P (3)
allocation to fine root C (3)
allocation to fine root N (3)
allocation to fine root P (3)
allocation to leaf C (3)
allocation to leaf N (3)
allocation to leaf P (3)
allocation to live coarse root C (3)
allocation to live coarse root N (3)
allocation to live coarse root P (3)
allocation to live stem C (3)
allocation to live stem N (3)
allocation to live stem P (3)
altitude (3)
aquifer recharge rate (vegetated landunits only) (7)
area of T grid cells (7583)
area of grid cell (3)
area fraction (25)
atm/ocn flux cool skin (1)
atm/ocn flux cool skin at night (1)
atm/ocn flux daily max increment (1)
atm/ocn flux increment counter (1)
atm/ocn flux q-solar daily avg (1)
atm/ocn flux q-solar increment (1)
atm/ocn flux regime (1)
atm/ocn flux salting (1)
atm/ocn flux speed (1)
atm/ocn flux temperature bulk (1)
atm/ocn flux temperature skin (1)
atm/ocn flux temperature skin at day (1)
atm/ocn flux temperature skin at night (1)
atm/ocn flux warming (1)
atm/ocn flux warming dialy max (1)
atm/ocn flux wind daily avg (1)
atm/ocn flux wind daily max (1)
atm/ocn flux wind daily max increment (1)
atm/ocn flux wind increment (1)
atmosphere cloud condensed water content (43)
atmosphere cloud ice content (43)
atmosphere relative vorticity (8)
atmosphere water vapor content (69)
atmospheric N deposition to soil mineral N (3)
atmospheric P deposition to soil mineral P (3)
atmospheric air potential temperature (7)
atmospheric air temperature (7)
atmospheric incident solar radiation (7)
atmospheric longwave radiation (7)
atmospheric partial pressure of CH4 (3)
atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 (7)
atmospheric pressure (7)
atmospheric rain (7)
atmospheric reference height (7)
atmospheric snow (7)
atmospheric specific humidity (7)
atmospheric wind velocity magnitude (7)
autotrophic respiration (MR + GR) (3)
average of decomposition scalar (3)
average over an hour of 2-m temperature (1)
average over an hour of rural 2-m temperature (1)
average over an hour of urban 2-m temperature (1)
barotropic velocity, used in split-explicit time-stepping (1)
base date (YYYYMMDD) (94)
base day (94)
baseflow (14)
basin upstream areatotal (2)
bc a1 concentration (8)
bc a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
bc a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
bc a1 in bottom layer (82)
bc a1 squared (53)
bc a1 surface flux (29)
bc a3 concentration (8)
bc a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
bc a3 in bottom layer (29)
bc a3 surface flux (29)
bc a4 concentration (8)
bc a4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
bc a4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
bc a4 in bottom layer (29)
bc a4 surface flux (29)
bc c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
bc c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
bc c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
bc c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
bc c4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
bc c4 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
belowground NPP (3)
biochemical rate of P mineralization (3)
biomass burning BC emissions (1)
biomass burning C10H16 emissions (1)
biomass burning C2H2 emissions (1)
biomass burning C2H4 emissions (1)
biomass burning C2H4O emissions (1)
biomass burning C2H5OH emissions (1)
biomass burning C2H6 emissions (1)
biomass burning C2H6S emissions (1)
biomass burning C3H6 emissions (1)
biomass burning C3H6O emissions (1)
biomass burning C3H8 emissions (1)
biomass burning C5H8 emissions (1)
biomass burning C6H6 emissions (1)
biomass burning C7H8 emissions (1)
biomass burning C8H10 emissions (1)
biomass burning CH2O emissions (1)
biomass burning CH3COCHO emissions (1)
biomass burning CH3COOH emissions (1)
biomass burning CH3OH emissions (1)
biomass burning CH4 emissions (1)
biomass burning CO emissions (1)
biomass burning H2 emissions (1)
biomass burning HCN emissions (1)
biomass burning HCOOH emissions (1)
biomass burning HOCH2CHO emissions (1)
biomass burning Higher Alkanes emissions (1)
biomass burning Higher Alkenes emissions (1)
biomass burning MEK emissions (1)
biomass burning N2O emissions (1)
biomass burning NH3 emissions (1)
biomass burning NMVOC emissions (1)
biomass burning NOx emissions (1)
biomass burning OC emissions (1)
biomass burning SO2 emissions (1)
biomass burning Toluene lump emissions (1)
biomass burning BC flux (2)
biomass burning C10H16 flux (2)
biomass burning C2H2 flux (2)
biomass burning C2H4O flux (2)
biomass burning C2H4 flux (2)
biomass burning C2H5OH flux (2)
biomass burning C2H6S flux (2)
biomass burning C2H6 flux (2)
biomass burning C3H6O flux (2)
biomass burning C3H6 flux (2)
biomass burning C3H8 flux (2)
biomass burning C5H8 flux (2)
biomass burning C6H6 flux (2)
biomass burning C7H8 flux (2)
biomass burning C8H10 flux (2)
biomass burning CH2O flux (2)
biomass burning CH3COCHO flux (2)
biomass burning CH3COOH flux (2)
biomass burning CH3OH flux (2)
biomass burning CH4 flux (2)
biomass burning CO2 flux (2)
biomass burning CO flux (2)
biomass burning H2 flux (2)
biomass burning HCN flux (2)
biomass burning HCOOH flux (2)
biomass burning HOCH2CHO flux (2)
biomass burning HigherAlkanes flux (1)
biomass burning HigherAlkenes flux (1)
biomass burning Higher Alkanes flux (1)
biomass burning Higher Alkenes flux (1)
biomass burning MEK flux (2)
biomass burning N2O flux (2)
biomass burning NH3 flux (2)
biomass burning NMVOC bulk flux (1)
biomass burning NMVOCbulk flux (1)
biomass burning NOx flux (2)
biomass burning NOxasNO2 flux (2)
biomass burning OC flux (2)
biomass burning SO2 flux (2)
biomass burning Toluene lump flux (1)
biomass burning Toluenelump flux (1)
boundaries for time-averaging interval (7583)
bounds of geomagnetic latitude (6)
bounds of time bin (6)
bounds of wavelength bin (9)
c2f6 (5)
c3f8 (5)
c4f10 (5)
c5f12 (5)
c6f14 (5)
c7f16 (5)
c8f18 (5)
calendar type (1)
canopy botton (1)
canopy evaporation (7)
canopy top (4)
canopy transpiration (7)
canopy water (1)
carbon in soil pool on Land-use tiles (70)
carbon in litter pools on land use tiles (400)
carbon in soil pool on land use tiles (400)
carbon in vegetation on land use tiles (400)
cc4f8 (5)
ccl4 (5)
cell index along first dimension (215117)
cell index along second dimension (215117)
cell-wise product of component of horizontal velocity in the eastward direction and temperature (1)
cell-wise product of component of horizontal velocity in the northward direction and temperature (1)
cell-wise square of component of horizontal velocity in the eastward direction (1)
cell-wise square of component of horizontal velocity in the northward direction (1)
cell-wise square of sea surface height (1)
cf4 (5)
cfc11 (5)
cfc113 (5)
cfc114 (5)
cfc115 (5)
cfc11eq (5)
cfc12 (5)
cfc12eq (5)
ch2cl2 (5)
ch3br (5)
ch3ccl3 (5)
ch3cl (5)
ch4 (5)
ch4 volume mixing ratio (94)
chcl3 (5)
climatology of ozone in LINOZ (29)
cloud emissivity (53)
cloud liquid water path (49)
cloud optical depth (10)
cloud area fraction (71)
cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (69)
co2 (5)
co2 volume mixing ratio (94)
coarse woody debris C heterotrophic respiration (3)
coarse woody debris C loss (3)
column active flag (1=active, 0=inactive) (1)
column index of corresponding pft (1)
column landunit type (see global attributes) (1)
column latitude (1)
column longitude (1)
column to landunit scale type (1)
column type (see global attributes) (1)
column weight relative to corresponding gridcell (1)
column weight relative to corresponding landunit (1)
column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (1)
column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (1)
column-level sink for P truncation (3)
commercial biofuels fraction of wood harvest biomass carbon (16)
component of horizontal velocity in the eastward direction (9)
component of horizontal velocity in the northward direction (9)
computed basin upstream areatotal (2)
continuous snow cover time (1)
convective precipitation flux (69)
conversion area fraction of BET and BDT that burned (3)
coordinate lake levels (7)
coordinate soil levels (7)
cosine of solar zenith angle (1)
country codes (3)
cpool fire loss (3)
cpool fire mortality to litter (3)
cpool mortality to litter (3)
current active layer thickness (3)
current date (1)
current date (YYYYMMDD) (102)
current day (from base day) (102)
current seconds of current date (102)
current seconds of current day (102)
current time of day (1)
current timestep (94)
daily maximum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (K) (1)
daily maximum of average 2-m temperature (7)
daily minimum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (K) (1)
daily minimum of average 2-m temperature (7)
daily planetary Ap index (9)
daily planetary Kp index (9)
day of Gregorian calendar (9)
dead coarse root C (3)
dead coarse root C growth from storage (3)
dead coarse root C mortality (3)
dead coarse root C storage (3)
dead coarse root C storage fire mortality to litter (3)
dead coarse root C storage mortality (3)
dead coarse root C transfer (3)
dead coarse root C transfer mortality (3)
dead coarse root N (3)
dead coarse root N fire mortality to litter (3)
dead coarse root N growth from storage (3)
dead coarse root N mortality (3)
dead coarse root N storage (3)
dead coarse root N storage mortality (3)
dead coarse root N transfer (3)
dead coarse root N transfer mortality (3)
dead coarse root P (3)
dead coarse root P growth from storage (3)
dead coarse root P storage (3)
dead coarse root P transfer (3)
dead coarse root growth respiration (3)
dead coarse root growth respiration from storage (3)
dead coarse root growth respiration to storage (3)
dead root C fire mortality to litter (3)
dead root C transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
dead stem C (3)
dead stem C fire mortality to litter (3)
dead stem C growth from storage (3)
dead stem C mortality (3)
dead stem C storage (3)
dead stem C storage fire mortality to litter (3)
dead stem C storage mortality (3)
dead stem C transfer (3)
dead stem C transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
dead stem C transfer mortality (3)
dead stem N (3)
dead stem N fire mortality to litter (3)
dead stem N growth from storage (3)
dead stem N mortality (3)
dead stem N storage (3)
dead stem N storage mortality (3)
dead stem N transfer (3)
dead stem N transfer mortality (3)
dead stem P (3)
dead stem P growth from storage (3)
dead stem P storage (3)
dead stem P transfer (3)
dead stem growth respiration (3)
dead stem growth respiration from storage (3)
dead stem growth respiration to storage (3)
decomp. of coarse woody debris C to litter 2 C (3)
decomp. of coarse woody debris C to litter 3 C (3)
decomp. of coarse woody debris N to litter 2 N (3)
decomp. of coarse woody debris N to litter 3 N (3)
decomp. of coarse woody debris P to litter 2 N (3)
decomp. of coarse woody debris P to litter 3 N (3)
decomp. of litter 1 C to soil 1 C (3)
decomp. of litter 1 N to soil 1 N (3)
decomp. of litter 1 P to soil 1 N (3)
decomp. of litter 2 C to soil 2 C (3)
decomp. of litter 2 N to soil 2 N (3)
decomp. of litter 2 P to soil 2 N (3)
decomp. of litter 3 C to soil 3 C (3)
decomp. of litter 3 N to soil 3 N (3)
decomp. of litter 3 P to soil 3 N (3)
decomp. of soil 1 C to soil 2 C (3)
decomp. of soil 1 N to soil 2 N (3)
decomp. of soil 1 P to soil 2 N (3)
decomp. of soil 2 C to soil 3 C (3)
decomp. of soil 2 N to soil 3 N (3)
decomp. of soil 2 P to soil 3 N (3)
decomp. of soil 3 C to soil 4 C (3)
decomp. of soil 3 N to soil 4 N (3)
decomp. of soil 3 P to soil 4 N (3)
delta-13C in atmospheric CO2 (6)
denitrification N2O flux (3)
denitrification flux (3)
density (9)
deployment of retranslocated N (3)
deployment of retranslocated P (3)
deployment of soil mineral N uptake (3)
deployment of soil mineral P uptake (3)
depth of water table for methane production used in non-inundated area (3)
desorp P flux (3)
difference between lai month one and month two (1)
diffuse nir incident solar radiation (7)
diffuse nir reflected solar radiation (7)
diffuse solar absorbed by impervious road per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
diffuse solar absorbed by pervious road per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
diffuse solar absorbed by roof per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
diffuse solar absorbed by shadewall per unit wall area per unit incident flux (1)
diffuse solar absorbed by sunwall per unit wall area per unit incident flux (1)
diffuse vis incident solar radiation (7)
diffuse vis incident solar radiation at local noon (7)
diffuse vis reflected solar radiation (7)
diffusive surface CH4 flux for inundated / lake area; (+ to atm) (3)
diffusive surface CH4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) (3)
direct nir incident solar radiation (7)
direct nir incident solar radiation at local noon (7)
direct nir reflected solar radiation (7)
direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon (7)
direct solar absorbed by impervious road per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
direct solar absorbed by pervious road per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
direct solar absorbed by roof per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
direct solar absorbed by shadewall per unit wall area per unit incident flux (1)
direct solar absorbed by sunwall per unit wall area per unit incident flux (1)
direct vis incident solar radiation (7)
direct vis incident solar radiation at local noon (7)
direct vis reflected solar radiation (7)
direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon (7)
displayed veg carbon, excluding storage and cpool (3)
displayed vegetation nitrogen (3)
displayed vegetation phosphorus (3)
down diffuse flux below veg per unit diffuse flux (1)
down diffuse flux below veg per unit direct flux (1)
down direct flux below veg per unit direct flux (1)
dry deposition flux (29)
drynhx (11)
drynoy (11)
dst a1 concentration (8)
dst a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
dst a1 dust surface emission (29)
dst a1 in bottom layer (82)
dst a1 squared (53)
dst a1 surface flux (29)
dst a3 concentration (8)
dst a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
dst a3 dust surface emission (29)
dst a3 in bottom layer (82)
dst a3 squared (53)
dst a3 surface flux (29)
dst c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
dst c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
dst c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
dst c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
dustscalefactor (8)
dynamic land cover change conversion energy flux (7)
eastward sea ice velocity (41)
eastward sea water velocity (33)
eastward wind (68)
ebullition surface CH4 flux for inundated / lake area; (+ to atm) (3)
ebullition surface CH4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) (3)
effective fraction of ground covered by snow (7)
effective radius of ambient aerosol particles (4)
electricity consumption (1)
electricity consumption anomaly (22)
elevation (1)
emitted infrared (longwave) radiation (8)
evaporation (1570)
excess snowfall due to snow capping (7)
excess snowfall due to snow capping not including correction for land use change (7)
experiment description (4)
exposed one-sided leaf area index (7)
exposed one-sided stem area index (7)
f11 volume mixing ratio (94)
f12 volume mixing ratio (94)
factor limiting ground evap (7)
fertilization rate for C3 annual crops (14)
fertilization rate for C3 annual crops (per crop season) (2)
fertilization rate for C3 nitrogen-fixing crops (14)
fertilization rate for C3 nitrogen-fixing crops (per crop season) (2)
fertilization rate for C3 perennial crops (14)
fertilization rate for C3 perennial crops (per crop season) (2)
fertilization rate for C4 annual crops (14)
fertilization rate for C4 annual crops (per crop season) (2)
fertilization rate for C4 perennial crops (14)
fertilization rate for C4 perennial crops (per crop season) (2)
fine root growth respiration from storage (3)
fine root growth respiration to storage (3)
fine root C (3)
fine root C allocation (3)
fine root C fire mortality to litter (3)
fine root C growth from storage (3)
fine root C litterfall (3)
fine root C loss (3)
fine root C mortality (3)
fine root C storage (3)
fine root C storage fire mortality to litter (3)
fine root C storage mortality (3)
fine root C transfer (3)
fine root C transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
fine root C transfer mortality (3)
fine root N (3)
fine root N growth from storage (3)
fine root N litterfall (3)
fine root N mortality (3)
fine root N storage (3)
fine root N storage mortality (3)
fine root N transfer (3)
fine root N transfer mortality (3)
fine root P (3)
fine root P growth from storage (3)
fine root P storage (3)
fine root P transfer (3)
fine root growth respiration (3)
fine root maintenance respiration (3)
fire counts valid only in Reg.C (3)
flood water flux (1)
flooded fraction of C3 annual crop area (e.g. for paddy rice (16)
flux absorbed by shaded leaf per unit diffuse flux (1)
flux absorbed by shaded leaf per unit direct flux (1)
flux absorbed by sunlit leaf per unit diffuse flux (1)
flux absorbed by sunlit leaf per unit direct flux (1)
flux absorbed by veg per unit diffuse flux (1)
flux absorbed by veg per unit direct flux (1)
forested primary land (14)
fraction by which decomposition is reduced due to anoxia (3)
fraction of C3 perennial crops biomass carbon harvested annually (16)
fraction of C4 perennial crops biomass carbon harvested annually (16)
fraction of canopy that is wet (0 to 1) (1)
fraction of grid cell for each land use tile (400)
fraction of ground covered by h2osfc (0 to 1) (1)
fraction of ground covered by snow (7)
fraction of ground covered by snow (0 to 1) (1)
fraction of ground covered by surface water (7)
fraction of harvested plantations biomass used for bioenergy (2)
fraction of harvested plantations biomass used for wood products (2)
fraction of land use tile tile that is non-woody vegetation (e.g. herbaceous crops) (400)
fraction of potential gpp due to N limitation (3)
fraction of potential gpp due to P limitation (3)
fraction of potential immobilization of nitrogen (3)
fraction of potential immobilization of phosphorus (3)
fraction of total cropland area area grown as 2nd generation biofuels (12)
fraction of vegetation not covered by snow (0 or 1) (1)
fractional area burned for crop (3)
fractional area burned in peatland (3)
fractional area with water table at surface (7)
fractional impermeable area (7)
fractional inundated area of vegetated columns (3)
friction velocity for lakes (1)
frost table depth (1)
frost table depth (vegetated landunits only) (7)
frostdays:number of days when height corrected daily minimum temperature < corrected threshold equivalent to 0 degrees C (726)
fuelwood fraction of wood harvest biomass carbon (16)
geomagnetic latitude (6)
geopotential height (67)
gll grid areas (17)
global ocean (35)
grid cell areas (5)
grid cell topography (7)
gridcell index of corresponding column (1)
gridcell index of corresponding landunit (1)
gridcell index of corresponding pft (1)
gridcell latitude (1)
gridcell longitude (1)
gridcell mean snow height (7)
gross primary production (3)
gross primary production on land use tile (400)
gross rate of N mineralization (3)
gross rate of P mineralization (3)
ground albedo (direct) (0 to 1) (1)
ground albedo (indirect) (0 to 1) (1)
ground evaporation (7)
ground momentum roughness length (1)
ground temperature (8)
growth respiration storage (3)
growth respiration storage fire mortality to litter (3)
growth respiration storage mortality (3)
growth respiration transfer (3)
growth respiration transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
growth respiration transfer mortality (3)
halon1211 (5)
halon1301 (5)
halon2402 (5)
hcfc141b (5)
hcfc142b (5)
hcfc22 (5)
heat content of soil/snow/lake (7)
heat flux between soil layers 1 and 2 (7)
heat flux from urban building interior to walls and roof (7)
heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt and lake / snow light transmission (7)
heating degree day: accumulated difference of height corrected a#ir-temperatur below threshold<corrected threshold equivalent to 17 degrees C (342)
heating degree day: accumulated difference of height corrected air-temperatur below threshold<corrected threshold equivalent to 17 degrees C (384)
height (12)
heterotrophic respiration on Shrub tiles (400)
heterotrophic respiration on grass tiles (400)
heterotrophic respiration on tree tiles (400)
hfc125 (5)
hfc134a (5)
hfc134aeq (5)
hfc143a (5)
hfc152a (5)
hfc227ea (5)
hfc23 (5)
hfc236fa (5)
hfc245fa (5)
hfc32 (5)
hfc365mfc (5)
hfc4310mee (5)
high cloud cover derived in priority order GA, GF, GD - see ISD documentation. Units are Oktas (2)
history time interval endpoints (9)
horizonal velocity, normal component to an edge (10)
hybrid A coefficient at layer interfaces (97)
hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints (97)
hybrid B coefficient at layer interfaces (97)
hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints (97)
hybrid level at interfaces (1000*(A+B)) (97)
ice dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux (7)
ice lens (1)
ice/water fraction (3)
icedays:number of days when height corrected daily maximum temperature < corrected threshold equi#valent to 0 degrees C (726)
imbalance in snow depth (liquid water) (7)
industrial roundwood fraction of wood harvest biomass carbon (16)
infiltration (7)
initial gridcell total heat content (7)
initial gridcell total ice content (7)
initial gridcell total liq content (7)
instantaneous daily max of average 2 m height surface air temp (K) (1)
instantaneous daily min of average 2 m height surface air temp (K) (1)
instataneous flow out of main channel in cell (1)
integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and prognostic salinity (45)
integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and prognostic temperature (6)
intercepted water (7)
interception (7)
internal urban building temperature (7)
intersite correlation (rbar) (2)
irrigated fraction of C3 annual crops (16)
irrigated fraction of C3 nitrogen-fixing crops (16)
irrigated fraction of C3 perennial crops (16)
irrigated fraction of C4 annual crops (16)
irrigated fraction of C4 perennial crops (16)
irrigation rate (1)
kinetic energy at a depth of approximately 250 m (1)
kinetic energy at surface (1)
lagrangian tendency of air pressure (68)
lake layer ice fraction (1)
lake layer ice mass fraction (7)
lake layer node depth (7)
lake layer thickness (7)
lake temperature (8)
land area fraction (27)
land fraction (7)
land ice area fraction (11)
land sea mask (1)
land/ocean mask (0.=ocean and 1.=land) (5)
land ice area fraction (10)
landcover change-driven addition to 10-yr wood product pool (3)
landcover change-driven addition to 100-yr wood product pool (3)
landunit active flag (1=active, 0=inactive) (1)
landunit index of corresponding column (1)
landunit index of corresponding pft (1)
landunit latitude (1)
landunit longitude (1)
landunit to gridpoint scale type (1)
landunit type (see global attributes) (1)
landunit weight relative to corresponding gridcell (1)
latitude (10)
latitude boundaries of T cells (7583)
layer index (6)
layer thickness (10)
layer thickness tendency due to frazil processes (9)
leaf C (3)
leaf C allocation (3)
leaf C fire mortality to litter (3)
leaf C growth from storage (3)
leaf C litterfall (3)
leaf C loss (3)
leaf C mortality (3)
leaf C storage (3)
leaf C storage mortality (3)
leaf C transfer (3)
leaf C transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
leaf C transfer mortality (3)
leaf N (3)
leaf N growth from storage (3)
leaf N litterfall (3)
leaf N mortality (3)
leaf N storage (3)
leaf N storage mortality (3)
leaf N transfer (3)
leaf N transfer mortality (3)
leaf P (3)
leaf P growth from storage (3)
leaf P storage (3)
leaf P transfer (3)
leaf area index average over timestep (1)
leaf growth respiration (3)
leaf growth respiration from storage (3)
leaf growth respiration to storage (3)
leaf maintenance respiration (3)
leaf np imbalance partial C partial P/partial C partial N (3)
liq dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux (7)
liquid water (1)
litter 1 C leaching loss (3)
litter 1 N tendency due to vertical transport (3)
litter 1 P tendency due to vertical transport (3)
litter 2 C leaching loss (3)
litter 2 N tendency due to vertical transport (3)
litter 2 P tendency due to vertical transport (3)
litter 3 C leaching loss (3)
litter 3 N tendency due to vertical transport (3)
litter 3 P tendency due to vertical transport (3)
litter C (3)
litter C heterotrophic respiration (3)
litter C loss (3)
litter fire losses (3)
litter heterotrophic respiration (3)
litterfall (leaves and fine roots) (3)
live coarse root C (3)
live coarse root C fire mortality to litter (3)
live coarse root C growth from storage (3)
live coarse root C mortality (3)
live coarse root C storage (3)
live coarse root C storage mortality (3)
live coarse root C transfer (3)
live coarse root C transfer mortality (3)
live coarse root N (3)
live coarse root N growth from storage (3)
live coarse root N mortality (3)
live coarse root N storage (3)
live coarse root N storage mortality (3)
live coarse root N transfer (3)
live coarse root N transfer mortality (3)
live coarse root P (3)
live coarse root P growth from storage (3)
live coarse root P storage (3)
live coarse root P transfer (3)
live coarse root growth respiration (3)
live coarse root growth respiration from storage (3)
live coarse root growth respiration to storage (3)
live coarse root maintenance respiration (3)
live root C fire mortality to litter (3)
live root C transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
live stem C (3)
live stem C fire mortality to litter (3)
live stem C growth from storage (3)
live stem C mortality (3)
live stem C storage (3)
live stem C storage fire mortality to litter (3)
live stem C storage mortality (3)
live stem C transfer (3)
live stem C transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
live stem C transfer mortality (3)
live stem N (3)
live stem N growth from storage (3)
live stem N mortality (3)
live stem N storage (3)
live stem N storage mortality (3)
live stem N transfer (3)
live stem N transfer mortality (3)
live stem P (3)
live stem P growth from storage (3)
live stem P storage (3)
live stem P transfer (3)
live stem growth respiration (3)
live stem growth respiration from storage (3)
live stem growth respiration to storage (3)
live stem maintenance respiration (3)
long name (2)
longitude (10)
longitude boundaries of T cells (7583)
loss from 1-yr crop product pool (3)
loss from 10-yr wood product pool (3)
loss from 100-yr wood product pool (3)
low cloud cover derived in priority order GA, GF, GD - see ISD documentation. Units are Oktas (2)
maintenance respiration (3)
managed pasture (16)
mask denoting forest (1) or non-forest (0) (3)
mass flux due to disapperance of last snow layer (1)
mass of BC in snow column (7)
mass of BC in top snow layer (7)
mass of OC in snow column (7)
mass of OC in top snow layer (7)
mass of dust in snow column (7)
mass of dust in top snow layer (7)
mass of snow in top snow layer (7)
mass concentration of H2SO4 in ambient aerosol (1)
mass concentration of H2SO4 of ambient aerosol (1)
mass concentration of H2SO4 in ambient aeroso (1)
maximum CFL number over the full domain (9)
maximum annual active layer thickness (3)
maximum prior year active layer thickness (3)
mean elevation on glacier elevation classes (1)
mean gridbox variance (sbar2) (2)
mean number of stations within gridbox (2)
mean significant wave height (1)
mean temperature (1)
mean radius of aerosol (3)
meridional surface stress (7)
mid cloud cover derived in priority order GA, GF, GD - see ISD documentation. Units are Oktas (2)
mineral N flux for decomp. of LITR1to SOIL1 (3)
mineral N flux for decomp. of LITR2to SOIL2 (3)
mineral N flux for decomp. of LITR3to SOIL3 (3)
mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL1to SOIL2 (3)
mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL2to SOIL3 (3)
mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL3to SOIL4 (3)
mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL4 (3)
mineral P flux for decomp. of LITR1to SOIL1 (3)
mineral P flux for decomp. of LITR2to SOIL2 (3)
mineral P flux for decomp. of LITR3to SOIL3 (3)
mineral P flux for decomp. of SOIL1to SOIL2 (3)
mineral P flux for decomp. of SOIL2to SOIL3 (3)
mineral P flux for decomp. of SOIL3to SOIL4 (3)
mineral P flux for decomp. of SOIL4 (3)
mixed layer depth based on density threshold (10)
mixed layer depth based on temperature threshold (10)
model time, with format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' (1)
moisture content of soil layer (43)
mole (1843)
mole fraction of cfc11 eq in air (5)
mole fraction of cfc12 eq in air (5)
mole fraction of hfc134a eq in air (5)
mole fraction of o3 in air (54)
mole fraction of pfc3110 in air (5)
mole fraction of pfc4112 in air (5)
mole fraction of pfc5114 in air (5)
mole fraction of pfc6116 in air (5)
mole fraction of pfc7118 in air (5)
mom a1 concentration (8)
mom a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
mom a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
mom a1 in bottom layer (29)
mom a1 seasalt surface emission (29)
mom a1 surface flux (29)
mom a2 concentration (8)
mom a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
mom a2 in bottom layer (29)
mom a2 seasalt surface emission (29)
mom a2 surface flux (29)
mom a3 concentration (8)
mom a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
mom a3 in bottom layer (29)
mom a3 surface flux (29)
mom a4 concentration (8)
mom a4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
mom a4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
mom a4 in bottom layer (29)
mom a4 seasalt surface emission (29)
mom a4 surface flux (29)
mom c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
mom c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
mom c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
mom c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
mom c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
mom c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
mom c4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
mom c4 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
month of Gregorian calendar (9)
month starting from 1850 01 (1)
monthly average atmosphere water vapor content over ice-free oceans (1)
n2o (5)
n2o volume mixing ratio (94)
ncl a1 concentration (8)
ncl a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
ncl a1 in bottom layer (82)
ncl a1 seasalt surface emission (29)
ncl a1 squared (53)
ncl a1 surface flux (29)
ncl a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
ncl a2 in bottom layer (82)
ncl a2 seasalt surface emission (29)
ncl a2 squared (53)
ncl a2 surface flux (29)
ncl a3 concentration (8)
ncl a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
ncl a3 in bottom layer (82)
ncl a3 seasalt surface emission (29)
ncl a3 squared (53)
ncl a3 surface flux (29)
ncl c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
ncl c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
ncl c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
ncl c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
ncl c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
ncl c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
near surface (~2m) air temperature (2)
near surface (~2m) air temperature anomaly (2)
near surface (~2m) dew point depression (2)
near surface (~2m) dew point depression anomaly (2)
near surface (~2m) dew point depression climatology (2)
near surface (~2m) dew point depression standard deviation (2)
near surface (~2m) dew point temperature (2)
near surface (~2m) dew point temperature anomaly (2)
near surface (~2m) relative humidity (2)
near surface (~2m) relative humidity anomaly (2)
near surface (~2m) specific humidity (2)
near surface (~2m) specific humidity anomaly (2)
near surface (~2m) vapour pressure (2)
near surface (~2m) vapour pressure anomaly (2)
near surface (~2m) wet bulb temperature (2)
near surface (~2m) wet bulb temperature anomaly (2)
near surface temperature anomaly (100)
net biome production, includes fire, landuse, and harvest flux, positive for sink (3)
net change in total water mass (7)
net ecosystem exchange of carbon, includes fire, landuse, harvest, and hrv xsmrpool flux, positive for source (3)
net ecosystem production, excludes fire, landuse, and harvest flux, positive for sink (3)
net heat flux into lake/snow surface, excluding light transmission (7)
net heat flux into sea water (1)
net infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
net primary production (3)
net primary productivity on land use tile (400)
net rate of N mineralization (3)
net rate of P mineralization (3)
net snow melt (1)
net downward radiative flux at top of atmosphere model (50)
nf3 (5)
nitrification N2O flux (3)
nitrification flux (3)
non-forested primary land (14)
northward ocean heat transport (2)
northward sea ice velocity (41)
northward sea water velocity (33)
northward wind (68)
num a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
num a1 dust surface emission (29)
num a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
num a1 in bottom layer (82)
num a1 surface flux (29)
num a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
num a2 in bottom layer (82)
num a2 surface flux (29)
num a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
num a3 dust surface emission (29)
num a3 in bottom layer (82)
num a3 surface flux (29)
num a4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
num a4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
num a4 in bottom layer (29)
num a4 surface flux (29)
num c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
num c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
num c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
num c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
num c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
num c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
num c4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
num c4 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
number of canopy layers (1)
number of canopy layers, above snow for radiative transfer (1)
number of irrigation time steps left (1)
number of snow layers (1)
number density of ambient H2SO4 molecules (2)
number density of ambient aerosol particles (2)
o2 decomp depth unsat (3)
occurence of freezing rain exceeding 10mm/24h (19)
occurence of freezing rain exceeding 25mm/24h (19)
ocean grid mask (7583)
ocean input data: chla (29)
ocean input data: mlip (29)
ocean input data: mpoly (29)
ocean input data: mprot (29)
ocean temperature at 250 m (1)
ocean temperature at bottom (1)
ocean temperature at top layer (1)
ocean meridional overturning streamfunction (1)
omega (=dp/dt) (8269)
one-sided leaf area index, no burying by snow (1)
one-sided leaf area index, with burying by snow (1)
one-sided stem area index, no burying by snow (1)
one-sided stem area index, with burying by snow (1)
optical depth (15)
ozone column above (29)
ozone vmr loss by PSCs using Carille et al. (1990) (29)
ozone vmr tendency by linearized ozone chemistry (29)
ozone volume mixing ratio (16)
pH (471)
pH at Surface (455)
patch-level fire loss (3)
perched water table depth (1)
perched water table depth (vegetated landunits only) (7)
perched wt drainage (7)
pft active flag (1=active, 0=inactive) (1)
pft column type (see global attributes) (1)
pft landunit type (see global attributes) (1)
pft latitude (1)
pft longitude (1)
pft real/fake mask (0.=fake and 1.=real) (7)
pft vegetation type (1)
pft weight relative to corresponding column (1)
pft weight relative to corresponding gridcell (1)
pft weight relative to corresponding landunit (1)
photosynthesis (7)
photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 1 (48)
photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 2 (47)
photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 3 (47)
plant carbon flux to cwd (3)
plant nitrogen flux to cwd (3)
plant phosphorus flux to cwd (3)
plant pool of retranslocated N (3)
plant pool of retranslocated P (3)
plant respiration on land use tile (400)
plant uptake of soil mineral N (3)
plant uptake of soil mineral P (3)
plantation forests (2)
pom a1 concentration (8)
pom a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
pom a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
pom a1 in bottom layer (82)
pom a1 squared (53)
pom a1 surface flux (29)
pom a3 concentration (8)
pom a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
pom a3 in bottom layer (29)
pom a3 surface flux (29)
pom a4 concentration (8)
pom a4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
pom a4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
pom a4 in bottom layer (29)
pom a4 surface flux (29)
pom c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
pom c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
pom c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
pom c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
pom c4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
pom c4 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
potential N immobilization (3)
potential P immobilization (3)
potential biomass carbon (1)
potential biomass carbon content (3)
potential denitrification flux (3)
potential density: density displaced adiabatically to the mid-depth of top layer (9)
potential nitrification flux (3)
potential temperature (10)
potential temperature extrapolated to ocean surface (1)
potential temperature tendency due to horizontal advection (9)
potential temperature tendency due to kpp non-local flux (9)
potential temperature tendency due to penetrating shortwave (9)
potential temperature tendency due to surface fluxes (9)
potential temperature tendency due to vertical advection (9)
potential temperature tendency due to vertical mixing (9)
potentially forested secondary land (14)
potentially non-forested secondary land (14)
precipitation (32)
precipitation flux (114)
pressure (11070)
previous radiation nstep (1)
primary vegetation on LUH2 potential forest land (2)
primary vegetation on LUH2 potential non-forest land (2)
profile weight to recover global mean (4)
protected fraction of plantation forest (2)
protected fraction of primary forest (2)
protected fraction of primary non-forest (2)
protected fraction of secondary forest (2)
protected fraction of secondary non-forest (2)
qflx evap soi + qflx evap can + qflx tran veg (3)
rangeland (16)
reconstructed spectral solar irradiance at 1 AU (9)
reconstructed total solar irradiance at 1 AU (9)
reference date (1)
reference pressure (98)
reference time of day (1)
reflected solar radiation (7)
relative vorticity at cell centers at a depth of approximately 250 m (1)
relative humidity (68)
remote sensing forest loss remaining (1)
residual mean merid vstarbar (52)
residual mean vert wstarbar (52)
retranslocated N pool mortality (3)
ridged ice cell fraction (9)
ridged ice cell volume (9)
river channel main channel water storage (7)
river channel total water storage (7)
root respiration (fine root MR + total root GR) (3)
runmean N limitation factor (3)
runmean P limitation factor (3)
runoff (14)
runoff (runoff) (1)
runoff from river flooding (7)
runoff grid area (2)
runoff mask (2)
runoff flux (69)
rural daily maximum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (K) (1)
rural daily minimum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (K) (1)
rural ground temperature (1)
rural instantaneous daily max of average 2 m height surface air temp (K) (1)
rural instantaneous daily min of average 2 m height surface air temp (K) (1)
salinity (10)
salinity at 250 m (1)
salinity at bottom (1)
salinity at top layer (1)
salinity extrapolated to ocean surface (1)
salinity tendency due to horizontal advection (9)
salinity tendency due to kpp non-local flux (9)
salinity tendency due to surface fluxes (9)
salinity tendency due to vertical advection (9)
salinity tendency due to vertical mixing (9)
saturated hydraulic conductivity (7)
saturated soil matric potential (7)
saturated soil water content (porosity) (7)
saturation excess drainage (7)
sea surface height (10)
sea surface height adjusted by sea surface pressure (10)
sea surface temperature (226)
sea-ice area fraction change from dynamics (30)
sea-ice area fraction change from thermodynamics (30)
sea-ice mass change from dynamics (30)
sea-ice mass change from thermodynamics (30)
sea-ice mass change through basal growth (30)
sea-ice mass change through bottom melting (30)
sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation (38)
sea-ice mass change through growth in supercooled open water (aka frazil) (30)
sea-ice mass change through snow-to-ice conversion (30)
sea-ice mass change through surface melting (30)
sea floor depth below geoid (18)
sea ice area fraction (42)
sea ice thickness (42)
sea surface height above geoid (37)
sea surface temperature (31)
sea water potential density (35)
sea water potential temperature (35)
sea water salinity (35)
secondary mean age (16)
secondary mean biomass carbon density (16)
secondary vegetation on LUH2 potential forest land (2)
secondary vegetation on LUH2 potential non-forest land (2)
seconds component of timestep size (1)
seconds of base date (94)
seconds of base day (94)
sensible heat (7)
sensible heat flux from heating/cooling sources of urban waste heat (7)
sensible heat flux put into canyon due to heat removed from air conditioning (7)
sensible heat from ground (7)
sensible heat from veg (7)
sensible heat not including correction for land use change (7)
sf6 (5)
shaded canopy scaling coefficient (1)
shaded leaf photosynthesis (3)
shaded projected leaf area index (7)
size of wavelength bin (9)
slope of soil water retention curve (7)
snow albedo (diffuse) (0 to 1) (1)
snow albedo (direct) (0 to 1) (1)
snow area fraction (2)
snow depth (7460)
snow depth (liquid water) (7)
snow height of snow covered area (7)
snow ice (7)
snow interface depth (1)
snow layer depth (1)
snow layer dust species 1 mass (1)
snow layer dust species 2 mass (1)
snow layer dust species 3 mass (1)
snow layer dust species 4 mass (1)
snow layer effective radius (1)
snow layer flux absorption factors (diffuse, NIR) (1)
snow layer flux absorption factors (diffuse, VIS) (1)
snow layer flux absorption factors (direct, NIR) (1)
snow layer flux absorption factors (direct, VIS) (1)
snow layer hydrophilic black carbon mass (1)
snow layer hydrophilic organic carbon mass (1)
snow layer hydrophobic black carbon mass (1)
snow layer hydrophobic organic carbon mass (1)
snow layer ice freezing rate (1)
snow layer thickness (1)
snow liquid water (7)
snow mass change through snow fall (31)
snow melt (7)
snow melt heat flux (7)
snow sinks (liquid water) (7)
snow sources (liquid water) (7)
snow water (1)
snow water equivalent intercepted by the vegetation (10)
snow/sea ice broadband albedo (12)
snow cover fraction (14)
snow water equivalent (14)
snowfall flux (63)
so2f2 (5)
so4 a1 concentration (8)
so4 a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
so4 a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
so4 a1 in bottom layer (82)
so4 a1 squared (53)
so4 a1 surface flux (29)
so4 a2 concentration (8)
so4 a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
so4 a2 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
so4 a2 in bottom layer (82)
so4 a2 squared (53)
so4 a2 surface flux (29)
so4 a3 concentration (8)
so4 a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
so4 a3 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
so4 a3 in bottom layer (82)
so4 a3 squared (53)
so4 a3 surface flux (29)
so4 c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
so4 c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
so4 c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
so4 c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
so4 c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
so4 c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
soa a1 concentration (8)
soa a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
soa a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
soa a1 in bottom layer (82)
soa a1 squared (53)
soa a1 surface flux (29)
soa a2 concentration (8)
soa a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
soa a2 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
soa a2 in bottom layer (82)
soa a2 squared (53)
soa a2 surface flux (29)
soa a3 concentration (8)
soa a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
soa a3 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
soa a3 in bottom layer (29)
soa a3 surface flux (29)
soa c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
soa c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
soa c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
soa c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
soa c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
soa c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
soil 1 C leaching loss (3)
soil 1 N tendency due to vertical transport (3)
soil 1 P tendency due to vertical transport (3)
soil 2 C leaching loss (3)
soil 2 N tendency due to vertical transport (3)
soil 2 P tendency due to vertical transport (3)
soil 3 C leaching loss (3)
soil 3 N tendency due to vertical transport (3)
soil 3 P tendency due to vertical transport (3)
soil 4 C leaching loss (3)
soil 4 N tendency due to vertical transport (3)
soil 4 P tendency due to vertical transport (3)
soil C (3)
soil C heterotrophic respiration (3)
soil C loss (3)
soil Labile P (3)
soil NO3 pool loss to leaching (3)
soil NO3 pool loss to runoff (3)
soil albedo (direct) (0 to 1) (1)
soil albedo (indirect) (0 to 1) (1)
soil depth (7)
soil heat content (7)
soil heterotrophic respiration on land use tile (400)
soil ice (vegetated landunits only) (7)
soil labile P (vert. res.) (3)
soil liquid water (vegetated landunits only) (7)
soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil (veg landunits only) (7)
soil mineral N (3)
soil mineral NH4 (3)
soil mineral NH4 (vert. res.) (3)
soil mineral NO3 (3)
soil mineral NO3 (vert. res.) (3)
soil mineral P (3)
soil mineral P (vert. res.) (3)
soil mineral P pool loss to leaching (3)
soil occluded P (3)
soil occluded P (vert. res.) (3)
soil organic matter fire losses (3)
soil organic matter heterotrophic respiration (3)
soil pressure (1)
soil primary P (3)
soil primary P (vert. res.) (3)
soil secondary P (3)
soil secondary P (vert. res.) (3)
soil solution P (3)
soil solution P (vert. res.) (3)
soil temperature (ice landunits only) (7)
soil temperature (vegetated landunits only) (7)
soil temperature in top 10cm of soil (7)
soil thickness (7)
soil water as frac. of whc for top 0.05 m (3)
soil water potential in each soil layer (3)
soil-snow temperature (1)
soil/lake energy conservation error (7)
soil frozen water content (41)
soil moisture content (68)
solar capacity factor (46)
solar cycle number (8)
solar cycle phase (8)
solar rad absorbed by ground (7)
solar rad absorbed by veg (7)
solar radiation conservation error (7)
solar zenith angle (2)
solar zenith angle in LINOZ (29)
specific humidity (105)
spectral truncation parameter K (53)
spectral truncation parameter M (53)
spectral truncation parameter N (53)
spectral wavelength of bin center (9)
speed = sqrt(2*ke), where kinetic energy is computed from barotropic velocity = sum(h*u)/sum(h) over the full depth of an edge (1)
speed = sum(h*sqrt(2*ke)), where ke is kineticEnergyCell and the sum is over the full column at cell centers. (10)
start date (1)
start time of day (1)
steady state ozone in LINOZ (29)
stored vegetation carbon, excluding cpool (3)
stored vegetation nitrogen (3)
stored vegetation phosphorus (3)
sub-surface drainage (7)
sulfur dioxide mass emitted by individual eruptions (2)
sum of aerosol water of interstitial modes wat a1+wat a2+wat a3+wat a4 (29)
sum of bc mass concentration bc a1+bc c1+bc a3+bc c3+bc a4+bc c4 (29)
sum of dst mass concentration dst a1+dst c1+dst a3+dst c3 (29)
sum of mom mass concentration mom a1+mom c1+mom a2+mom c2+mom a3+mom c3+mom a4+mom c4 (29)
sum of ncl mass concentration ncl a1+ncl c1+ncl a2+ncl c2+ncl a3+ncl c3 (29)
sum of pom mass concentration pom a1+pom c1+pom a3+pom c3+pom a4+pom c4 (29)
sum of so4 mass concentration so4 a1+so4 c1+so4 a2+so4 c2+so4 a3+so4 c3 (29)
sum of soa mass concentration soa a1+soa c1+soa a2+soa c2+soa a3+soa c3 (29)
sum of the areaCell variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
sum of the areaEdge variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
sum of the areaTriangle variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
sum of the volumeCell variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
sum of the volumeEdge variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
summerdays:number of days when height corrected daily maximum temperature > corrected threshold equivalent to 25 degrees C (726)
sunlit canopy scaling coefficient (1)
sunlit fraction for canopy layer (1)
sunlit fraction of canopy (1)
sunlit leaf photosynthesis (3)
sunlit projected leaf area index (7)
supplemental N supply (3)
supplemental P supply (3)
surface albedo (diffuse) (0 to 1) (1)
surface albedo (direct) (0 to 1) (1)
surface energy conservation error (7)
surface mask (0=invalid and 1=valid) (2)
surface pressure (27)
surface pressure forcing due to weight of frazil ice (1)
surface runoff (7)
surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only), wetlands, lakes (7)
surface tracer conductance (3)
surface water (1)
surface water depth (7)
surface water runoff (7)
surface water storage at hillslopes in cell (1)
surface water temperature (8)
surface air pressure (69)
surface air temperature (14)
surface altitude (21)
surface area density of aerosol (1)
surface area density of ambient aerosol (2)
surface area density of ambient aerosol particles (4)
surface area density of big ambient aerosol (3)
surface downward eastward stress (76)
surface downward northward stress (76)
surface downwelling longwave flux in air (94)
surface downwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (31)
surface downwelling shortwave flux in air (106)
surface downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (43)
surface runoff flux (69)
surface snow amount where land (42)
surface snow area fraction where land (42)
surface snow melt flux where land (42)
surface snow thickness (69)
surface temperature (69)
surface upward latent heat flux (93)
surface upward sensible heat flux (107)
surface upwelling longwave flux in air (42)
surface upwelling shortwave flux in air (105)
surface upwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (42)
symbiotic/asymbiotic N fixation to soil mineral N (3)
temperature (39)
temperature inhibition of decomposition (3)
temporary photosynthate C pool (3)
temporary plant N pool (3)
temporary plant P pool (3)
thickness of lake ice (including physical expansion on freezing) (7)
throughfall (7)
time (234)
time step (9)
time tendency of layer thickness (9)
time tendency of potential temperature (9)
time tendency of salinity measured as change in practical salinity units per second (9)
time-lagged inundated fraction of vegetated columns (3)
time-lagged surface runoff for soil columns (3)
time bounds (2)
timestep (94)
timestep fractional area burned (3)
tlai increment for canopy layer (1)
toa adjusted longwave forcing (1)
toa adjusted longwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
toa adjusted shortwave forcing (1)
toa adjusted shortwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
toa incoming shortwave flux (69)
toa instantaneous longwave forcing (1)
toa instantaneous longwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
toa instantaneous shortwave forcing (1)
toa instantaneous shortwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
toa outgoing longwave flux (75)
toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky (52)
toa outgoing shortwave flux (50)
toa outgoing shortwave flux assuming clear sky (47)
top lake layer eddy conductivity (1)
top lake level eddy thermal conductivity (7)
total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (7)
total C emitted from land cover conversion and wood product pools (3)
total N deployed in new growth (3)
total N loss from wood product pools (3)
total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (7)
total P deployed in new growth (3)
total PFT-level nitrogen (3)
total PFT-level phosphorus (3)
total aboveground vegetation carbon, excluding cpool (3)
total allocated C flux (3)
total allocated P flux (3)
total amount to dribble over the year for eflx dynbal (1)
total amount to dribble over the year for qflx ice dynbal (1)
total amount to dribble over the year for qflx liq dynbal (1)
total belowground CH4, (0 for non-lake special landunits) (3)
total carbon loss from land cover conversion (3)
total carbon loss from wood product pools (3)
total cloud fraction (2)
total column carbon, incl veg and cpool (3)
total column-level N (3)
total column-level P (3)
total column-level fire C loss for non-peat fires outside land-type converted region (3)
total column-level fire N loss (3)
total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (7)
total ecosystem N (3)
total ecosystem P (3)
total ecosystem carbon, incl veg but excl cpool (3)
total ecosystem respiration, autotrophic + heterotrophic (3)
total excess respiration (3)
total flux of C from SOM pools due to leaching (3)
total flux of salinity (including thickness contributions) through ocean surface (9)
total flux of temperature (including thickness contributions) through ocean surface (9)
total growth respiration (3)
total heterotrophic respiration (3)
total latent heat flux [+ to atm] (7)
total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) (7)
total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) not including correction for land use change (7)
total litter N (3)
total litter P (3)
total litter P to 1 meter (3)
total litter carbon (3)
total litter carbon to 1 meter depth (3)
total nitrogen loss from landcover conversion (3)
total nloss from veg to litter due to fire mortality (3)
total nloss from veg to litter due to gap mortality (3)
total nloss from veg to litter due to harvest mortality (3)
total nloss from veg to litter pool due to senescence (3)
total patch-level carbon, including cpool (3)
total patch-level fire C loss for non-peat fires outside land-type converted region (3)
total pft-level fire N loss (3)
total ploss from veg to litter due to fire mortality (3)
total ploss from veg to litter due to gap mortality (3)
total ploss from veg to litter due to harvest mortality (3)
total ploss from veg to litter pool due to senescence (3)
total projected leaf area index (7)
total projected stem area index (7)
total rate of denitrification (3)
total runoff (16)
total soil organic matter N (3)
total soil organic matter P (3)
total soil organic matter P to 1 meter (3)
total soil organic matter carbon (3)
total soil organic matter carbon to 1 meter depth (3)
total soil respiration (HR + root resp) (3)
total soil-atm. CO2 exchange (3)
total solar irradiance (94)
total solar irradiance at top of atmosphere (4)
total surface dust emission (7)
total vegetation carbon, excluding cpool (3)
total vegetation nitrogen (3)
total vegetation phosphorus (3)
total vertically resolved heterotrophic respiration (3)
total vertically resolved soil-atm. CO2 exchange (3)
total water conservation error (7)
total water storage (7)
total water storage at the beginning of a month (3)
total water storage at the end of a month (3)
total wood product C (3)
total wood product N (3)
total wood product P (3)
transpiration beta factor (7)
tropical nights:number of days when height corrected daily minimum temperature > corrected threshold equivalent to 20 degrees C (726)
tropopause adjusted longwave forcing (1)
tropopause adjusted longwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
tropopause adjusted shortwave forcing (1)
tropopause adjusted shortwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
tropopause instantaneous longwave forcing (1)
tropopause instantaneous longwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
tropopause instantaneous shortwave forcing (1)
tropopause instantaneous shortwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
tsai increment for canopy layer (1)
uncorrelated 1 sigma adjustment uncertainty for gridbox (2)
uncorrelated 1 sigma climatology uncertainty for gridbox (2)
uncorrelated 1 sigma measurement uncertainty for gridbox (2)
uncorrelated 1 sigma sampling uncertainty for gridbox (2)
uncorrelated 1 sigma station uncertainty for gridbox (2)
uncorrelated combined 1 sigma uncertainty for gridbox (2)
unknown (1)
upward sea water velocity (20)
urban air conditioning flux (8)
urban canopy air temperature (1)
urban canopy specific humidity (1)
urban daily maximum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (K) (1)
urban daily minimum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (K) (1)
urban factor limiting ground evap (7)
urban ground temperature (1)
urban heating flux (8)
urban instantaneous daily max of average 2 m height surface air temp (K) (1)
urban instantaneous daily min of average 2 m height surface air temp (K) (1)
urban land (16)
urface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (15)
vegetation temperature (8)
vertical diffusion defined at the cell center (horizontally) and top (vertically) (9)
vertical tracer-transport velocity defined at center (horizontally) and top (vertically) of cell. This is not the vertical ALE transport, but is Eulerian (fixed-frame) in the vertical, and computed from the continuity equation from the horizontal GM Bolu (9)
vertical velocity defined at center (horizontally) and top (vertically) of cell (9)
vertical viscosity defined at the cell center (horizontally) and top (vertically) (9)
vertically intergrated external forcing for SO2 (29)
vertically intergrated external forcing for SOAG (29)
vertically intergrated external forcing for bc a4 (29)
vertically intergrated external forcing for num a1 (29)
vertically intergrated external forcing for num a2 (29)
vertically intergrated external forcing for num a4 (29)
vertically intergrated external forcing for pom a4 (29)
vertically intergrated external forcing for so4 a1 (29)
vertically intergrated external forcing for so4 a2 (29)
vmro3 (2)
volume density of ambient aerosol (3)
volume density of ambient aerosol particles (4)
volumetric soil water (vegetated landunits only) (7)
vorticity mean 850 700 (18)
wap (51)
water added through irrigation (7)
water in the unconfined aquifer (1)
water in the unconfined aquifer (vegetated landunits only) (7)
water storage in main channel in cell (1)
water storage in tributary channels in cell (1)
water table depth (1)
water table depth (vegetated landunits only) (7)
water volume change in cell (dvolrdt) (1)
water volume in cell (volr) (1)
weighted heating degree day (24)
wet-bulb potential temperature (12)
wetnhx (11)
wetnoy (11)
wind capacity factor : formula 1 (2)
wind capacity factor : formula 2 (3)
wind capacity factor : formula 3 (2)
wind gusts from turbulence (53)
wood C (3)
wood C eallocation (3)
wood C loss (3)
wood harvest N (to product pools) (3)
wood harvest area from primary forest land (3)
wood harvest area from primary non forest land (3)
wood harvest area from primary vegetation on LUH2 potential forest land (11)
wood harvest area from primary vegetation on LUH2 potential non-forest land (11)
wood harvest area from secondary mature forest land (3)
wood harvest area from secondary mature vegetation on LUH2 potential forest land (11)
wood harvest area from secondary non forest land (3)
wood harvest area from secondary vegetation on LUH2 potential non-forest land (11)
wood harvest area from secondary young forest land (3)
wood harvest area from secondary young vegetation on LUH2 potential forest land (11)
wood harvest biomass carbon from primary forest land (3)
wood harvest biomass carbon from primary non forest land (3)
wood harvest biomass carbon from primary vegetation on LUH2 potential forest land (11)
wood harvest biomass carbon from primary vegetation on LUH2 potential non-forest land (11)
wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary mature forest land (3)
wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary mature vegetation on LUH2 potential forest land (11)
wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary non forest land (3)
wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary vegetation on LUH2 potential non-forest land (11)
wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary young forest land (3)
wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary young vegetation on LUH2 potential forest land (11)
wood harvest carbon (to product pools) (3)
x-component 10m wind (36)
x-component of windstress anomaly (1)
x-coordinate in Cartesian system (1)
x gravity wave drag param (52)
y-component 10m wind (36)
y-component of windstress anomaly (1)
y-coordinate in Cartesian system (1)
year of Gregorian calendar (9)
z (280)
zonal surface stress (7)