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  • r011i2005p3 (384)
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  • r013i2005p3 (384)
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  • r017i1850p3 (167)
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  • run1 (17109)
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  • ABSORB d1 (6)
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  • ACNUM (1)
  • ACPRECL (1)
  • AEROD v (84)
  • AGNPP (3)
  • AGWDNPP (3)
  • AIST (1)
  • ALST (1)
  • ALT (3)
  • ALTMAX (3)
  • ANRAIN (78)
  • ANSNOW (78)
  • AODABS (29)
  • AODABSBC (29)
  • AODABS d1 (6)
  • AODBC (29)
  • AODDUST (30)
  • AODDUST1 (82)
  • AODDUST3 (82)
  • AODDUST4 (29)
  • AODMODE1 (29)
  • AODMODE2 (29)
  • AODMODE3 (29)
  • AODMODE4 (29)
  • AODNIR (29)
  • AODPOM (29)
  • AODSO4 (29)
  • AODSOA (29)
  • AODSS (30)
  • AODUV (29)
  • AODVIS (83)
  • AODVIS d1 (6)
  • AQRAIN (78)
  • AQSNOW (78)
  • AQSO4 H2O2 (4)
  • AQSO4 O3 (4)
  • AQ DMS (29)
  • AQ H2O2 (29)
  • AQ H2SO4 (29)
  • AQ O3 (29)
  • AQ SO2 (29)
  • AQ SOAG (29)
  • AR (3)
  • AREI (82)
  • AREL (82)
  • AST (1)
  • AVAILC (3)
  • AWNC (82)
  • AWNI (82)
  • BAF CROP (3)
  • BAF PEATF (3)
  • BC (1)
  • BCDEP (7)
  • BCPHIDRY (1)
  • BCPHODRY (1)
  • BC em AIR anthro (10)
  • BC em SOLID BIOFUEL anthro (1)
  • BC em anthro (10)
  • BC em openburning (9)
  • BC openburning share (9)
  • BGNPP (3)
  • BIO1 (2)
  • BIO10 (2)
  • BIO11 (2)
  • BIO12 (2)
  • BIO13 (2)
  • BIO14 (2)
  • BIO15 (2)
  • BIO16 (2)
  • BIO17 (2)
  • BIO18 (2)
  • BIO19 (2)
  • BIO2 (2)
  • BIO3 (2)
  • BIO4 (2)
  • BIO5 (2)
  • BIO6 (2)
  • BIO7 (2)
  • BIO8 (2)
  • BIO9 (2)
  • BSW (7)
  • BTRAN (7)
  • BURDEN1 (53)
  • BURDEN2 (53)
  • BURDEN3 (53)
  • BURDENBC (61)
  • BURDENPOM (61)
  • BURDENSO4 (61)
  • BURDENSOA (61)
  • BrOx (9)
  • BrOxday (6)
  • Bry (9)
  • Bryday (6)
  • C10H16 (1)
  • C2H2 (1)
  • C2H4 (1)
  • C2H4O (1)
  • C2H5OH (1)
  • C2H6 (1)
  • C2H6S (1)
  • C3H6 (1)
  • C3H6O (1)
  • C3H8 (1)
  • C5H8 (1)
  • C6H6 (1)
  • C7H8 (1)
  • C8H10 (1)
  • CAPE (8)
  • CCN3 (82)
  • CC T (1)
  • CC ni (1)
  • CC nl (1)
  • CC qi (1)
  • CC ql (1)
  • CC qlst (1)
  • CC qv (1)
  • CDNUMC (84)
  • CFLX0001 (1)
  • CFLX0002 (1)
  • CFLX0003 (1)
  • CFLX0004 (1)
  • CFLX0005 (1)
  • CFLX0006 (1)
  • CFLX0007 (1)
  • CFLX0008 (1)
  • CFLX0009 (1)
  • CFLX0010 (1)
  • CFLX0011 (1)
  • CFLX0012 (1)
  • CFLX0013 (1)
  • CFLX0014 (1)
  • CFLX0015 (1)
  • CFLX0016 (1)
  • CFLX0017 (1)
  • CFLX0018 (1)
  • CFLX0019 (1)
  • CFLX0020 (1)
  • CFLX0021 (1)
  • CFLX0022 (1)
  • CFLX0023 (1)
  • CFLX0024 (1)
  • CFLX0025 (1)
  • CFLX0026 (1)
  • CFLX0027 (1)
  • CFLX0028 (1)
  • CFLX0029 (1)
  • CFLX0030 (1)
  • CFLX0031 (1)
  • CFLX0032 (1)
  • CFLX0033 (1)
  • CFLX0034 (1)
  • CFLX0035 (1)
  • CFLX0036 (1)
  • CFLX0037 (1)
  • CFLX0038 (1)
  • CFLX0039 (1)
  • CFLX0040 (1)
  • CH2O (1)
  • CH3COCHO (1)
  • CH3COOH (1)
  • CH3OH (1)
  • CH4 (4)
  • CH4PROD (3)
  • CH4 em AIR anthro (11)
  • CH4 em SOLID BIOFUEL anthro (1)
  • CH4 em anthro (11)
  • CH4 em openburning (9)
  • CH4 openburning share (9)
  • CIN (5)
  • CLD (1)
  • CLDHGH (82)
  • CLDHGH CAL (29)
  • CLDHGH CAL UN (29)
  • CLDICE (82)
  • CLDICE AC (53)
  • CLDICE AT (53)
  • CLDICE Ae (53)
  • CLDICE BC (53)
  • CLDICE DC (53)
  • CLDICE DI (53)
  • CLDICE FI (53)
  • CLDICE GW (53)
  • CLDICE IN (53)
  • CLDICE Ma (53)
  • CLDICE Mi (53)
  • CLDICE RF (53)
  • CLDICE Ra (53)
  • CLDICE SC (53)
  • CLDICE SU (53)
  • CLDICE WD (53)
  • CLDLIQ (82)
  • CLDLIQ AC (53)
  • CLDLIQ AT (53)
  • CLDLIQ Ae (53)
  • CLDLIQ BC (53)
  • CLDLIQ DC (53)
  • CLDLIQ DI (53)
  • CLDLIQ FI (53)
  • CLDLIQ GW (53)
  • CLDLIQ IN (53)
  • CLDLIQ Ma (53)
  • CLDLIQ Mi (53)
  • CLDLIQ RF (53)
  • CLDLIQ Ra (53)
  • CLDLIQ SC (53)
  • CLDLIQ SU (53)
  • CLDLIQ WD (53)
  • CLDLOW (83)
  • CLDLOW CAL (29)
  • CLDLOW CAL UN (29)
  • CLDMED (82)
  • CLDMED CAL (29)
  • CLDMED CAL UN (29)
  • CLDO (1)
  • CLDTOT (83)
  • CLDTOT CAL (29)
  • CLDTOT CAL UN (29)
  • CLD CAL (8)
  • CLD MISR (29)
  • CLHMODIS (29)
  • CLIMODIS (29)
  • CLLMODIS (29)
  • CLMMODIS (29)
  • CLMODIS (29)
  • CLOUD (82)
  • CLTMODIS (29)
  • CLWMODIS (29)
  • CNV NM1 (1)
  • CO (4)
  • CO2 (7)
  • CO2 FFF (4)
  • CO2 LND (4)
  • CO2 OCN (4)
  • CO2 em AIR anthro (10)
  • CO2 em anthro (10)
  • COL PTRUNC (3)
  • CONCLD (29)
  • CONC CH4 SAT (3)
  • CONC CH4 UNSAT (3)
  • CONC O2 SAT (3)
  • CONC O2 UNSAT (3)
  • CO em AIR anthro (10)
  • CO em SOLID BIOFUEL anthro (1)
  • CO em anthro (10)
  • CO em openburning (9)
  • CO openburning share (9)
  • CPOOL (3)
  • CWDC (3)
  • CWDC HR (3)
  • CWDC LOSS (3)
  • CWDC TO LITR2C (3)
  • CWDC TO LITR3C (3)
  • CWDC vr (3)
  • CWDN (3)
  • CWDN TO LITR2N (3)
  • CWDN TO LITR3N (3)
  • CWDN vr (3)
  • CWDP (3)
  • CWDP TO LITR2P (3)
  • CWDP TO LITR3P (3)
  • CWDP vr (3)
  • ClOx (9)
  • Cly (9)
  • Clyday (6)
  • DCQ (82)
  • DENIT (3)
  • DF DMS (29)
  • DF H2O2 (29)
  • DF H2SO4 (29)
  • DF O3 (29)
  • DF SO2 (29)
  • DF SOAG (29)
  • DGNUM (1)
  • DGNUMWET (1)
  • DISPVEGC (3)
  • DISPVEGN (3)
  • DISPVEGP (3)
  • DMS (1)
  • DMS SRF (82)
  • DP CLDICE (1)
  • DP CLDLIQ (1)
  • DP FLXPRC (1)
  • DP FLXSNW (1)
  • DP KCLDBASE (29)
  • DP MFUP MAX (29)
  • DP WCLDBASE (29)
  • DSTDEP (7)
  • DSTDRY1 (1)
  • DSTDRY2 (1)
  • DSTDRY3 (1)
  • DSTDRY4 (1)
  • DSTFLXT (7)
  • DSTSFMBL (29)
  • DTCOND (82)
  • DTCORE (1)
  • DTENDTH (29)
  • DTENDTQ (29)
  • DTV (53)
  • DWB (7)
  • DWT CLOSS (3)
  • DWT NLOSS (3)
  • DWT PROD100C GAIN (3)
  • DWT PROD10C GAIN (3)
  • DZLAKE (7)
  • DZSNO (1)
  • DZSOI (7)
  • Delta14co2 in air (7)
  • EFLX LH TOT (7)
  • EFLX LH TOT R (7)
  • EFLX LH TOT U (7)
  • ELAI (7)
  • EMISCLD (53)
  • ER (3)
  • ERRH2O (7)
  • ERRH2OSNO (7)
  • ERRSEB (7)
  • ERRSOI (7)
  • ERRSOL (7)
  • ESAI (7)
  • EXTINCT (29)
  • EXTINCT d1 (6)
  • FCEV (7)
  • FCH4 (3)
  • FCH4TOCO2 (3)
  • FCH4 DFSAT (3)
  • FCOV (7)
  • FCTR (7)
  • FGEV (7)
  • FGR (7)
  • FGR12 (7)
  • FGR R (7)
  • FGR U (7)
  • FH2OSFC (8)
  • FICE (82)
  • FIRA (7)
  • FIRA R (7)
  • FIRA U (7)
  • FIRE (7)
  • FIRE R (7)
  • FIRE U (7)
  • FISCCP1 COSP (29)
  • FLDS (92)
  • FLDS d1 (8)
  • FLNS (85)
  • FLNSC (84)
  • FLNSC d1 (8)
  • FLNS d1 (8)
  • FLNT (84)
  • FLNTC (84)
  • FLNTC d1 (8)
  • FLNT d1 (8)
  • FLUT (94)
  • FLUTC (84)
  • FLUTC d1 (8)
  • FLUT d1 (8)
  • FLWDS (1)
  • FPG (3)
  • FPG P (3)
  • FPI (3)
  • FPI P (3)
  • FPI P vr (3)
  • FPI vr (3)
  • FPSN (7)
  • FPSN WC (7)
  • FPSN WJ (7)
  • FPSN WP (7)
  • FREQI (82)
  • FREQL (82)
  • FREQR (82)
  • FREQS (82)
  • FRONTGA (1)
  • FRONTGF (1)
  • FROOTC (3)
  • FROOTN (3)
  • FROOTP (3)
  • FROOT MR (3)
  • FSA (7)
  • FSAT (7)
  • FSA R (7)
  • FSA U (7)
  • FSD240 PERIOD (1)
  • FSD240 VALUE (1)
  • FSD24 PERIOD (1)
  • FSD24 VALUE (1)
  • FSDS (92)
  • FSDSC (84)
  • FSDSC d1 (8)
  • FSDSND (7)
  • FSDSNDLN (7)
  • FSDSNI (7)
  • FSDSVD (7)
  • FSDSVDLN (7)
  • FSDSVI (7)
  • FSDSVILN (7)
  • FSDS d1 (8)
  • FSH (7)
  • FSH G (7)
  • FSH R (7)
  • FSH U (7)
  • FSH V (7)
  • FSI240 PERIOD (1)
  • FSI240 VALUE (1)
  • FSI24 PERIOD (1)
  • FSI24 VALUE (1)
  • FSM (7)
  • FSM R (7)
  • FSM U (7)
  • FSNO (7)
  • FSNO EFF (7)
  • FSNS (85)
  • FSNSC (84)
  • FSNSC d1 (8)
  • FSNS d1 (8)
  • FSNT (84)
  • FSNTC (84)
  • FSNTC d1 (8)
  • FSNTOA (84)
  • FSNTOAC (84)
  • FSNTOAC d1 (8)
  • FSNTOA d1 (8)
  • FSNT d1 (8)
  • FSR (7)
  • FSRND (7)
  • FSRNDLN (7)
  • FSRNI (7)
  • FSRVD (7)
  • FSRVDLN (7)
  • FSRVI (7)
  • FSUN240 PERIOD (1)
  • FSUN240 VALUE (1)
  • FSUN24 PERIOD (1)
  • FSUN24 VALUE (1)
  • FSUTOA (84)
  • FSUTOAC (31)
  • FSUTOAC d1 (8)
  • FSUTOA d1 (8)
  • FWET (1)
  • F CO2 SOIL (3)
  • F CO2 SOIL vr (3)
  • F DENIT (3)
  • F DENIT vr (3)
  • F N2O DENIT (3)
  • F N2O NIT (3)
  • F NIT (3)
  • F NIT vr (3)
  • F eff (29)
  • GC HEAT1 (7)
  • GC ICE1 (7)
  • GC LIQ1 (7)
  • GPP (3)
  • GR (3)
  • GRESP XFER (3)
  • GROSS NMIN (3)
  • GROSS PMIN (3)
  • H2 (1)
  • H2O2 (1)
  • H2O2 SRF (82)
  • H2OCAN (8)
  • H2OSFC (8)
  • H2OSNO (8)
  • H2OSNO TOP (7)
  • H2OSOI (7)
  • H2OSOI ICE (1)
  • H2OSOI LIQ (1)
  • H2Oday (6)
  • H2SO4 (1)
  • H2SO4 SRF (82)
  • H2SO4 mass (3)
  • H2SO4 sfgaex1 (29)
  • H2 em openburning (9)
  • H2 openburning share (9)
  • HC (7)
  • HCN (1)
  • HCOOH (1)
  • HCSOI (7)
  • HCl (9)
  • HEAT FROM AC (7)
  • HKSAT (7)
  • HNO3day (6)
  • HOCH2CHO (1)
  • HR (3)
  • HR vr (3)
  • HTOP (3)
  • HU NM1 (1)
  • Higher Alkanes (1)
  • Higher Alkenes (1)
  • ICEFRAC (82)
  • ICIMR (82)
  • ICIWP (1)
  • ICLWP (1)
  • ICWMR (82)
  • IEFLX (15)
  • INT SNOW (8)
  • IWC (82)
  • IWPMODIS (29)
  • LABILEP (3)
  • LABILEP vr (3)
  • LAIP VALUE (1)
  • LAISHA (7)
  • LAISUN (7)
  • LANDFRAC (82)
  • LANDM (1)
  • LEAFC (3)
  • LEAFC LOSS (3)
  • LEAFC XFER (3)
  • LEAFN (3)
  • LEAFN XFER (3)
  • LEAFP (3)
  • LEAFP XFER (3)
  • LEAF MR (3)
  • LFC2 (3)
  • LHF (1)
  • LHFLX (83)
  • LINOZ DO3 (29)
  • LINOZ DO3 PSC (29)
  • LINOZ O3CLIM (29)
  • LINOZ O3COL (29)
  • LINOZ SSO3 (29)
  • LINOZ SZA (29)
  • LIQCLDF (53)
  • LITFALL (3)
  • LITFIRE (3)
  • LITHR (3)
  • LITR1C (3)
  • LITR1C TO SOIL1C (3)
  • LITR1C vr (3)
  • LITR1N (3)
  • LITR1N TO SOIL1N (3)
  • LITR1N vr (3)
  • LITR1P (3)
  • LITR1P TO SOIL1P (3)
  • LITR1P vr (3)
  • LITR1 HR (3)
  • LITR2C (3)
  • LITR2C TO SOIL2C (3)
  • LITR2C vr (3)
  • LITR2N (3)
  • LITR2N TO SOIL2N (3)
  • LITR2N vr (3)
  • LITR2P (3)
  • LITR2P TO SOIL2P (3)
  • LITR2P vr (3)
  • LITR2 HR (3)
  • LITR3C (3)
  • LITR3C TO SOIL3C (3)
  • LITR3C vr (3)
  • LITR3N (3)
  • LITR3N TO SOIL3N (3)
  • LITR3N vr (3)
  • LITR3P (3)
  • LITR3P TO SOIL3P (3)
  • LITR3P vr (3)
  • LITR3 HR (3)
  • LITTERC (3)
  • LITTERC HR (3)
  • LND MBL (29)
  • LWCF (82)
  • LWCF d1 (6)
  • LWPMODIS (29)
  • MEK (1)
  • MR (3)
  • Mass bc (29)
  • Mass dst (29)
  • Mass mom (29)
  • Mass ncl (29)
  • Mass pom (29)
  • Mass so4 (29)
  • Mass soa (29)
  • Multiple (1018)
  • N2O (4)
  • N2Oday (6)
  • NBP (3)
  • NDEPLOY (3)
  • NEE (3)
  • NEM (3)
  • NEP (3)
  • NET NMIN (3)
  • NET PMIN (3)
  • NFIRE (3)
  • NH3 (1)
  • NH3 em AIR anthro (10)
  • NH3 em SOLID BIOFUEL anthro (1)
  • NH3 em anthro (10)
  • NH3 em openburning (9)
  • NH3 openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC (1)
  • NMVOC C10H16 em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC C10H16 speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC C2H2 em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC C2H2 speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC C2H4O em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC C2H4O speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC C2H4 em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC C2H4 speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC C2H5OH em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC C2H5OH speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC C2H6S em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC C2H6S speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC C2H6 em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC C2H6 speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC C3H6O em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC C3H6O speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC C3H6 em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC C3H6 speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC C3H8 em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC C3H8 speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC C5H8 em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC C5H8 speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC C6H6 em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC C6H6 speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC C7H8 em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC C7H8 speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC C8H10 em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC C8H10 speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC CH2O em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC CH2O speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC CH3COCHO em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC CH3COCHO speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC CH3COOH em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC CH3COOH speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC CH3OH em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC CH3OH speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC HCN em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC HCN speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC HCOOH em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC HCOOH speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC HOCH2CHO em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC HOCH2CHO speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC Higher Alkanes em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC Higher Alkanes speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC Higher Alkenes em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC Higher Alkenes speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC MEK em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC MEK speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC Toluene lump em speciated VOC openburning (9)
  • NMVOC Toluene lump speciated VOC openburning share (9)
  • NMVOC em AIR anthro (10)
  • NMVOC em SOLID BIOFUEL anthro (1)
  • NMVOC em anthro (10)
  • NMVOC em openburning (9)
  • NMVOC openburning share (9)
  • NO2day (6)
  • NOday (6)
  • NOx (10)
  • NOx em AIR anthro (10)
  • NOx em SOLID BIOFUEL anthro (1)
  • NOx em anthro (10)
  • NOx em openburning (9)
  • NOx openburning share (9)
  • NOxday (6)
  • NPOOL (3)
  • NPP (3)
  • NUMICE (82)
  • NUMICE AC (53)
  • NUMICE AT (53)
  • NUMICE Ae (53)
  • NUMICE BC (53)
  • NUMICE DC (53)
  • NUMICE DI (53)
  • NUMICE FI (53)
  • NUMICE GW (53)
  • NUMICE IN (53)
  • NUMICE Ma (53)
  • NUMICE Mi (53)
  • NUMICE RF (53)
  • NUMICE Ra (53)
  • NUMICE SC (53)
  • NUMICE SU (53)
  • NUMICE WD (53)
  • NUMLIQ (82)
  • NUMLIQ AC (53)
  • NUMLIQ AT (53)
  • NUMLIQ Ae (53)
  • NUMLIQ BC (53)
  • NUMLIQ DC (53)
  • NUMLIQ DI (53)
  • NUMLIQ FI (53)
  • NUMLIQ GW (53)
  • NUMLIQ IN (53)
  • NUMLIQ Ma (53)
  • NUMLIQ Mi (53)
  • NUMLIQ RF (53)
  • NUMLIQ Ra (53)
  • NUMLIQ SC (53)
  • NUMLIQ SU (53)
  • NUMLIQ WD (53)
  • NUMRAI (29)
  • NUMSNO (29)
  • O3 (29)
  • O3 SRF (29)
  • OC (1)
  • OCCLP (3)
  • OCCLP vr (3)
  • OCDEP (7)
  • OCNFRAC (82)
  • OCPHIDRY (1)
  • OCPHODRY (1)
  • OC em AIR anthro (10)
  • OC em SOLID BIOFUEL anthro (1)
  • OC em anthro (10)
  • OC em openburning (9)
  • OC openburning share (9)
  • OH (3)
  • OMEGA (82)
  • OMEGA500 (38)
  • OMEGAT (82)
  • O SCALAR (3)
  • P0 (98)
  • PARVEGLN (7)
  • PBLH (82)
  • PBOT (7)
  • PCH4 (3)
  • PCO2 (7)
  • PCTMODIS (29)
  • PCT NAT PFT (7)
  • PDEPLOY (3)
  • PHIS (82)
  • POT F DENIT (3)
  • POT F NIT (3)
  • PPOOL (3)
  • PRECC (85)
  • PRECL (83)
  • PRECSC (82)
  • PRECSL (82)
  • PRECT (16)
  • PRER EVAP (1)
  • PRIMP (3)
  • PRIMP vr (3)
  • PROD100C (3)
  • PROD100N (3)
  • PROD100N LOSS (3)
  • PROD10C (3)
  • PROD10N (3)
  • PROD10N LOSS (3)
  • PROD1N (3)
  • PROD1N LOSS (3)
  • PROD1P LOSS (3)
  • PS (92)
  • PSL (84)
  • PSNSHA (3)
  • PSNSUN (3)
  • Q (83)
  • Q2M (7)
  • QBOT (7)
  • QCHARGE (7)
  • QDRAI (7)
  • QDRAI XS (7)
  • QDRIP (7)
  • QDTO ICE (2)
  • QDTO LIQ (2)
  • QFLOOD (7)
  • QFLX (82)
  • QGWL ICE (2)
  • QGWL LIQ (2)
  • QH2OSFC (7)
  • QINFL (7)
  • QINTR (7)
  • QIRRIG (7)
  • QIST (1)
  • QLST (1)
  • QM1 (1)
  • QOVER (7)
  • QOVER LAG (3)
  • QREFHT (89)
  • QRGWL (7)
  • QRL (82)
  • QRL d1 (6)
  • QRS (82)
  • QRS d1 (6)
  • QRUNOFF (7)
  • QRUNOFF R (7)
  • QRUNOFF U (7)
  • QSNOMELT (7)
  • QSOIL (7)
  • QSUB ICE (2)
  • QSUB LIQ (2)
  • QSUR ICE (2)
  • QSUR LIQ (2)
  • QVEGE (7)
  • QVEGT (7)
  • Q AC (53)
  • Q AT (53)
  • Q Ae (53)
  • Q BC (53)
  • Q DC (53)
  • Q DI (53)
  • Q FI (53)
  • Q GW (53)
  • Q IN (53)
  • Q Ma (53)
  • Q Mi (53)
  • Q RF (53)
  • Q Ra (53)
  • Q SC (53)
  • Q SU (53)
  • Q WD (53)
  • RAD CLUBB (1)
  • RAIN (7)
  • RAINQM (29)
  • RAM1 (29)
  • RELHUM (82)
  • RELVAR (1)
  • RETRANSN (3)
  • RETRANSP (3)
  • RH2M (7)
  • RH2M R (7)
  • RH2M U (7)
  • RHREFHT (4)
  • RR (3)
  • RSLossRem (1)
  • RTM (1)
  • RTM VOLR ICE (1)
  • RTM VOLR LIQ (1)
  • RTM WH ICE (1)
  • RTM WH LIQ (1)
  • RTM WR ICE (1)
  • RTM WR LIQ (1)
  • RTM WT ICE (1)
  • RTM WT LIQ (1)
  • RTP2 nadv (1)
  • RTPTHLP nadv (1)
  • SABG (7)
  • SABG PEN (7)
  • SABV (7)
  • SAVEDTKE1 (1)
  • SCALARAVG vr (3)
  • SECONDP (3)
  • SECONDP vr (3)
  • SFCO2 (4)
  • SFCO2 FFF (4)
  • SFCO2 LND (4)
  • SFCO2 OCN (4)
  • SFDMS (29)
  • SFH2O2 (29)
  • SFH2SO4 (29)
  • SFO3 (29)
  • SFSO2 (29)
  • SFSOAG (29)
  • SFbc a1 (29)
  • SFbc a3 (29)
  • SFbc a4 (29)
  • SFdst a1 (29)
  • SFdst a3 (29)
  • SFmom a1 (29)
  • SFmom a2 (29)
  • SFmom a3 (29)
  • SFmom a4 (29)
  • SFncl a1 (29)
  • SFncl a2 (29)
  • SFncl a3 (29)
  • SFnum a1 (29)
  • SFnum a2 (29)
  • SFnum a3 (29)
  • SFnum a4 (29)
  • SFpom a1 (29)
  • SFpom a3 (29)
  • SFpom a4 (29)
  • SFso4 a1 (29)
  • SFso4 a2 (29)
  • SFso4 a3 (29)
  • SFsoa a1 (29)
  • SFsoa a2 (29)
  • SFsoa a3 (29)
  • SGH (1)
  • SGH30 (1)
  • SHF (1)
  • SHFLX (83)
  • SH KCLDBASE (29)
  • SH MFUP MAX (29)
  • SH WCLDBASE (29)
  • SMINN (3)
  • SMINN TO SOIL1N L1 (3)
  • SMINN TO SOIL2N L2 (3)
  • SMINN TO SOIL2N S1 (3)
  • SMINN TO SOIL3N L3 (3)
  • SMINN TO SOIL3N S2 (3)
  • SMINN TO SOIL4N S3 (3)
  • SMINP (3)
  • SMINP TO SOIL1P L1 (3)
  • SMINP TO SOIL2P L2 (3)
  • SMINP TO SOIL2P S1 (3)
  • SMINP TO SOIL3P L3 (3)
  • SMINP TO SOIL3P S2 (3)
  • SMINP TO SOIL4P S3 (3)
  • SMINP vr (3)
  • SMIN NH4 (3)
  • SMIN NH4 vr (3)
  • SMIN NO3 (3)
  • SMIN NO3 vr (3)
  • SNLSNO (1)
  • SNOBCMCL (7)
  • SNOBCMSL (7)
  • SNOOCMCL (7)
  • SNOOCMSL (7)
  • SNOW (7)
  • SNOWDP (7)
  • SNOWHICE (82)
  • SNOWHLND (82)
  • SNOWICE (7)
  • SNOWLIQ (7)
  • SNOWQM (25)
  • SNOW DEPTH (8)
  • SNOW PERS (1)
  • SNOW SINKS (7)
  • SO2 (33)
  • SO2 CLXF (29)
  • SO2 SRF (82)
  • SO2 em AIR anthro (10)
  • SO2 em SOLID BIOFUEL anthro (1)
  • SO2 em anthro (10)
  • SO2 em openburning (9)
  • SO2 openburning share (9)
  • SO2day (6)
  • SO4 (3)
  • SO4day (6)
  • SOAG (1)
  • SOAG CLXF (29)
  • SOAG SRF (82)
  • SOAG sfgaex1 (29)
  • SOIL1C (3)
  • SOIL1C TO SOIL2C (3)
  • SOIL1C vr (3)
  • SOIL1N (3)
  • SOIL1N TO SOIL2N (3)
  • SOIL1N vr (3)
  • SOIL1P (3)
  • SOIL1P TO SOIL2P (3)
  • SOIL1P vr (3)
  • SOIL1 HR (3)
  • SOIL2C (3)
  • SOIL2C TO SOIL3C (3)
  • SOIL2C vr (3)
  • SOIL2N (3)
  • SOIL2N TO SOIL3N (3)
  • SOIL2N vr (3)
  • SOIL2P (3)
  • SOIL2P TO SOIL3P (3)
  • SOIL2P vr (3)
  • SOIL2 HR (3)
  • SOIL3C (3)
  • SOIL3C TO SOIL4C (3)
  • SOIL3C vr (3)
  • SOIL3N (3)
  • SOIL3N TO SOIL4N (3)
  • SOIL3N vr (3)
  • SOIL3P (3)
  • SOIL3P TO SOIL4P (3)
  • SOIL3P vr (3)
  • SOIL3 HR (3)
  • SOIL4C (3)
  • SOIL4C vr (3)
  • SOIL4N (3)
  • SOIL4N vr (3)
  • SOIL4P (3)
  • SOIL4P vr (3)
  • SOIL4 HR (3)
  • SOILC (3)
  • SOILC HR (3)
  • SOILC LOSS (3)
  • SOILICE (7)
  • SOILLIQ (7)
  • SOILP (1)
  • SOILPSI (3)
  • SOILWATER 10CM (7)
  • SOLIN (82)
  • SOLIN d1 (6)
  • SOLL (1)
  • SOLLD (1)
  • SOLS (1)
  • SOLSD (1)
  • SOLUTIONP vr (3)
  • SOMFIRE (3)
  • SOMHR (3)
  • SR (3)
  • SSAVIS (29)
  • SSHGradientMeridional (1)
  • SSHGradientZonal (1)
  • SSTSFMBL (29)
  • SSTSFMBL OM (29)
  • STORVEGC (3)
  • STORVEGN (3)
  • STORVEGP (3)
  • SUCSAT (7)
  • SWCF (82)
  • SWCF d1 (6)
  • SoilAlpha (7)
  • SoilAlpha U (7)
  • T (83)
  • T10 PERIOD (1)
  • T10 VALUE (1)
  • T200 (2)
  • T500 (2)
  • TAUGWX (82)
  • TAUGWY (82)
  • TAUIMODIS (29)
  • TAUTMODIS (29)
  • TAUWMODIS (29)
  • TAUX (90)
  • TAUY (90)
  • TBOT (7)
  • TBUILD (7)
  • TEOUT (1)
  • TG (7)
  • TGCLDCWP (82)
  • TGCLDCWP AC (53)
  • TGCLDCWP AT (53)
  • TGCLDCWP Ae (53)
  • TGCLDCWP BC (53)
  • TGCLDCWP DC (53)
  • TGCLDCWP DI (53)
  • TGCLDCWP FI (53)
  • TGCLDCWP GW (53)
  • TGCLDCWP IN (53)
  • TGCLDCWP Ma (53)
  • TGCLDCWP Mi (53)
  • TGCLDCWP RF (53)
  • TGCLDCWP Ra (53)
  • TGCLDCWP SC (53)
  • TGCLDCWP SU (53)
  • TGCLDCWP WD (53)
  • TGCLDIWP (82)
  • TGCLDIWP AC (53)
  • TGCLDIWP AT (53)
  • TGCLDIWP Ae (53)
  • TGCLDIWP BC (53)
  • TGCLDIWP DC (53)
  • TGCLDIWP DI (53)
  • TGCLDIWP FI (53)
  • TGCLDIWP GW (53)
  • TGCLDIWP IN (53)
  • TGCLDIWP Ma (53)
  • TGCLDIWP Mi (53)
  • TGCLDIWP RF (53)
  • TGCLDIWP Ra (53)
  • TGCLDIWP SC (53)
  • TGCLDIWP SU (53)
  • TGCLDIWP WD (53)
  • TGCLDLWP (83)
  • TGCLDLWP AC (53)
  • TGCLDLWP AT (53)
  • TGCLDLWP Ae (53)
  • TGCLDLWP BC (53)
  • TGCLDLWP DC (53)
  • TGCLDLWP DI (53)
  • TGCLDLWP FI (53)
  • TGCLDLWP GW (53)
  • TGCLDLWP IN (53)
  • TGCLDLWP Ma (53)
  • TGCLDLWP Mi (53)
  • TGCLDLWP RF (53)
  • TGCLDLWP Ra (53)
  • TGCLDLWP SC (53)
  • TGCLDLWP SU (53)
  • TGCLDLWP WD (53)
  • TG R (7)
  • TG U (7)
  • TH2OSFC (8)
  • TH7001000 (29)
  • THBOT (7)
  • THLM (1)
  • THLP2 nadv (1)
  • TKE1 (7)
  • TLAI (7)
  • TLAKE (7)
  • TLAT (7583)
  • TLON (7583)
  • TM1 (1)
  • TMCO2 (4)
  • TMCO2 FFF (4)
  • TMCO2 LND (4)
  • TMCO2 OCN (4)
  • TMQ (89)
  • TMQ AC (53)
  • TMQ AT (53)
  • TMQ Ae (53)
  • TMQ BC (53)
  • TMQ DC (53)
  • TMQ DI (53)
  • TMQ FI (53)
  • TMQ GW (53)
  • TMQ IN (53)
  • TMQ Ma (53)
  • TMQ Mi (53)
  • TMQ RF (53)
  • TMQ Ra (53)
  • TMQ SC (53)
  • TMQ SU (53)
  • TMQ WD (53)
  • TOTCOLC (3)
  • TOTCOLCH4 (3)
  • TOTCOLN (3)
  • TOTCOLP (3)
  • TOTLITC (3)
  • TOTLITC 1m (3)
  • TOTLITN (3)
  • TOTLITP (3)
  • TOTLITP 1m (3)
  • TOTPFTC (3)
  • TOTPFTN (3)
  • TOTPFTP (3)
  • TOTPRODC (3)
  • TOTPRODN (3)
  • TOTPRODP (3)
  • TOTSOMC (3)
  • TOTSOMC 1m (3)
  • TOTSOMN (3)
  • TOTSOMP (3)
  • TOTSOMP 1m (3)
  • TOTVEGC (3)
  • TOTVEGN (3)
  • TOTVEGP (3)
  • TREFHT (91)
  • TREFHTMN (12)
  • TREFHTMX (12)
  • TREFMNAV (8)
  • TREFMNAV R (7)
  • TREFMNAV U (7)
  • TREFMXAV (8)
  • TREFMXAV R (7)
  • TREFMXAV U (7)
  • TROP P (29)
  • TROP T (29)
  • TS (90)
  • TSA (7)
  • TSAI (7)
  • TSA R (7)
  • TSA U (7)
  • TSMN (82)
  • TSMX (82)
  • TSOI (7)
  • TSOI 10CM (7)
  • TSOI ICE (7)
  • TST AC (53)
  • TST AT (53)
  • TST Ae (53)
  • TST BC (53)
  • TST DC (53)
  • TST DI (53)
  • TST FI (53)
  • TST GW (53)
  • TST IN (53)
  • TST Ma (53)
  • TST Mi (53)
  • TST RF (53)
  • TST Ra (53)
  • TST SC (53)
  • TST SU (53)
  • TST WD (53)
  • TUH (29)
  • TUQ (36)
  • TV (7)
  • TVH (29)
  • TVQ (36)
  • TWS (7)
  • T AC (53)
  • T AT (53)
  • T Ae (53)
  • T BC (53)
  • T DC (53)
  • T DI (53)
  • T FI (53)
  • T GRND (1)
  • T GRND R (1)
  • T GRND U (1)
  • T GW (53)
  • T IN (53)
  • T LAKE (1)
  • T Ma (53)
  • T Mi (53)
  • T REF2M (1)
  • T REF2M MAX (1)
  • T REF2M MAX INST (1)
  • T REF2M MAX INST R (1)
  • T REF2M MAX INST U (1)
  • T REF2M MAX R (1)
  • T REF2M MAX U (1)
  • T REF2M MIN (1)
  • T REF2M MIN INST (1)
  • T REF2M MIN INST R (1)
  • T REF2M MIN INST U (1)
  • T REF2M MIN R (1)
  • T REF2M MIN U (1)
  • T REF2M R (1)
  • T REF2M U (1)
  • T RF (53)
  • T Ra (53)
  • T SC (53)
  • T SCALAR (3)
  • T SOISNO (1)
  • T SU (53)
  • T TTEND (1)
  • T VEG (1)
  • T VEG240 PERIOD (1)
  • T VEG240 VALUE (1)
  • T VEG24 PERIOD (1)
  • T VEG24 VALUE (1)
  • T WD (53)
  • Toluene lump (1)
  • U (83)
  • U10 (89)
  • U200 (14)
  • U850 (15)
  • UBOT (9)
  • UM (1)
  • UP2 nadv (1)
  • UPWP (1)
  • URBAN AC (8)
  • URBAN HEAT (8)
  • USTLAKE (1)
  • UU (82)
  • V (83)
  • V200 (8)
  • V850 (9)
  • VBOT (9)
  • VD01 (53)
  • VEGC TO CWDC (3)
  • VEGFIRE (3)
  • VEGN TO CWDN (3)
  • VEGP TO CWDP (3)
  • VM (1)
  • VOC01 alcohols em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC02 ethane em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC03 propane em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC04 butanes em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC05 pentanes em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC06 hexanes pl em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC07 ethene em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC08 propene em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC09 ethyne em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC12 other alke em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC13 benzene em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC14 toluene em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC15 xylene em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC16 trimethylb em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC17 other arom em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC18 esters em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC19 ethers em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC20 chlorinate em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC21 methanal em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC22 other alka em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC23 ketones em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC24 acids em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC25 other voc em speciated VOC anthro (10)
  • VOC em AIR anthro (9)
  • VOC em anthro (9)
  • VOC em openburning (9)
  • VOC openburning share (9)
  • VOLR (7)
  • VOLRMCH (7)
  • VP2 nadv (1)
  • VPWP (1)
  • VQ (82)
  • VT (82)
  • VU (82)
  • VV (82)
  • Vbc a1 (53)
  • Vdst a1 (53)
  • Vdst a3 (53)
  • Vncl a1 (53)
  • Vncl a2 (53)
  • Vncl a3 (53)
  • Vpom a1 (53)
  • Vso4 a1 (53)
  • Vso4 a2 (53)
  • Vso4 a3 (53)
  • Vsoa a1 (53)
  • Vsoa a2 (53)
  • WA (8)
  • WATSAT (7)
  • WD H2O2 (29)
  • WD H2SO4 (29)
  • WD SO2 (29)
  • WF (3)
  • WGUSTD (53)
  • WIND (7)
  • WOODC (3)
  • WOODC LOSS (3)
  • WP2 nadv (1)
  • WP3 nadv (1)
  • WPRTP nadv (1)
  • WPTHLP nadv (1)
  • WSUB (82)
  • WTGQ (3)
  • W SCALAR (3)
  • XR (3)
  • XSMRPOOL (3)
  • Z0MG (1)
  • Z200 (2)
  • Z3 (83)
  • Z500 (8)
  • ZBOT (7)
  • ZISNO (1)
  • ZLAKE (7)
  • ZSNO (1)
  • ZSOI (7)
  • ZWT (8)
  • ZWT CH4 UNSAT (3)
  • ZWT PERCH (8)
  • a2x Faxa bcphidry (1)
  • a2x Faxa bcphiwet (1)
  • a2x Faxa bcphodry (1)
  • a2x Faxa dstdry1 (1)
  • a2x Faxa dstdry2 (1)
  • a2x Faxa dstdry3 (1)
  • a2x Faxa dstdry4 (1)
  • a2x Faxa dstwet1 (1)
  • a2x Faxa dstwet2 (1)
  • a2x Faxa dstwet3 (1)
  • a2x Faxa dstwet4 (1)
  • a2x Faxa lwdn (1)
  • a2x Faxa ocphidry (1)
  • a2x Faxa ocphiwet (1)
  • a2x Faxa ocphodry (1)
  • a2x Faxa rainc (1)
  • a2x Faxa rainl (1)
  • a2x Faxa snowc (1)
  • a2x Faxa snowl (1)
  • a2x Faxa swndf (1)
  • a2x Faxa swndr (1)
  • a2x Faxa swnet (1)
  • a2x Faxa swvdf (1)
  • a2x Faxa swvdr (1)
  • a2x Sa co2diag (1)
  • a2x Sa co2prog (1)
  • a2x Sa dens (1)
  • a2x Sa pbot (1)
  • a2x Sa pslv (1)
  • a2x Sa ptem (1)
  • a2x Sa shum (1)
  • a2x Sa tbot (1)
  • a2x Sa topo (1)
  • a2x Sa u (1)
  • a2x Sa v (1)
  • a2x Sa z (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa bcphidry (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa bcphiwet (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa bcphodry (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa dstdry1 (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa dstdry2 (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa dstdry3 (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa dstdry4 (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa dstwet1 (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa dstwet2 (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa dstwet3 (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa dstwet4 (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa lwdn (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa ocphidry (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa ocphiwet (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa ocphodry (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa rainc (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa rainl (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa snowc (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa snowl (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa swndf (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa swndr (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa swnet (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa swvdf (1)
  • a2x ax Faxa swvdr (1)
  • a2x ax Sa co2diag (1)
  • a2x ax Sa co2prog (1)
  • a2x ax Sa dens (1)
  • a2x ax Sa pbot (1)
  • a2x ax Sa pslv (1)
  • a2x ax Sa ptem (1)
  • a2x ax Sa shum (1)
  • a2x ax Sa tbot (1)
  • a2x ax Sa topo (1)
  • a2x ax Sa u (1)
  • a2x ax Sa v (1)
  • a2x ax Sa z (1)
  • abs550aer (1363)
  • acabf (27)
  • accumulatedFrazilIceMass (1)
  • accumulatedFrazilIceSalinity (1)
  • accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass (1)
  • aclwdnt (6)
  • ad100m (3)
  • ad125m (3)
  • ad150m (3)
  • ad175m (3)
  • ad200m (3)
  • ad40m (3)
  • ad60m (3)
  • ad80m (3)
  • added tree cover (11)
  • adjunc (2)
  • aero water (29)
  • ageice (93)
  • agessc (155)
  • airFV (29)
  • airOceanDragCoefficientRatio (1)
  • al (5661)
  • alb (268)
  • albd (1)
  • albgrd (1)
  • albgri (1)
  • albi (1)
  • albisccp (919)
  • albisccpunweighted (1)
  • albs (11)
  • albsnd hst (1)
  • albsni hst (1)
  • albsod (1)
  • albsoi (1)
  • altitude (3)
  • am evp st (1)
  • amv index (1)
  • anec (22)
  • angleEdge (1)
  • ap (3)
  • apet (120)
  • arag (70)
  • area (105)
  • areaCell (1)
  • areaTriangle (1)
  • areacella (1050)
  • areacello (781)
  • areacellr (36)
  • areatotal (2)
  • areatotal2 (2)
  • asy (1)
  • atmosphericPressure (1)
  • avgflag (1)
  • bacc (33)
  • baresoilFrac (2330)
  • barotropicSpeed (1)
  • basin (608)
  • bc a1 (9)
  • bc a1DDF (29)
  • bc a1SFWET (29)
  • bc a1 2 (53)
  • bc a1 SRF (82)
  • bc a1 sfgaex1 (29)
  • bc a3 (9)
  • bc a3DDF (29)
  • bc a3SFWET (29)
  • bc a3 SRF (29)
  • bc a4 (9)
  • bc a4DDF (29)
  • bc a4SFWET (29)
  • bc a4 CLXF (29)
  • bc a4 SRF (29)
  • bc a4 sfgaex1 (29)
  • bc c1 (1)
  • bc c1DDF (29)
  • bc c1SFWET (29)
  • bc c3 (1)
  • bc c3DDF (29)
  • bc c3SFWET (29)
  • bc c4 (1)
  • bc c4DDF (29)
  • bc c4SFWET (29)
  • bddtalk (154)
  • bddtdic (154)
  • bddtdife (154)
  • bddtdin (154)
  • bddtdip (88)
  • bddtdisi (154)
  • beg time (1)
  • begtime (1)
  • bf (14)
  • bfe (758)
  • bigthetao (30)
  • bigthetaoga (30)
  • binBoundaryMerHeatTrans (9)
  • binBoundaryMocStreamfunction (9)
  • bmelt (1116)
  • bottomDepth (1)
  • boundaryLayerDepth (2)
  • bounds time (3)
  • bsi (776)
  • bsios (70)
  • btran2 (1)
  • budg dataG (1)
  • budg ns (1)
  • burntArea (547)
  • c2f6 GM (4)
  • c2l scale type (1)
  • c3PftFrac (1423)
  • c3ann (14)
  • c3ann to c3nfx (14)
  • c3ann to c3per (14)
  • c3ann to c4ann (14)
  • c3ann to c4per (14)
  • c3ann to pastr (14)
  • c3ann to range (14)
  • c3ann to secdf (14)
  • c3ann to secdn (14)
  • c3ann to urban (14)
  • c3f8 GM (4)
  • c3nfx (14)
  • c3nfx to c3ann (14)
  • c3nfx to c3per (14)
  • c3nfx to c4ann (14)
  • c3nfx to c4per (14)
  • c3nfx to pastr (14)
  • c3nfx to range (14)
  • c3nfx to secdf (14)
  • c3nfx to secdn (14)
  • c3nfx to urban (14)
  • c3per (14)
  • c3per to c3ann (14)
  • c3per to c3nfx (14)
  • c3per to c4ann (14)
  • c3per to c4per (14)
  • c3per to pastr (14)
  • c3per to range (14)
  • c3per to secdf (14)
  • c3per to secdn (14)
  • c3per to urban (14)
  • c4PftFrac (1423)
  • c4ann (14)
  • c4ann to c3ann (14)
  • c4ann to c3nfx (14)
  • c4ann to c3per (14)
  • c4ann to c4per (14)
  • c4ann to pastr (14)
  • c4ann to range (14)
  • c4ann to secdf (14)
  • c4ann to secdn (14)
  • c4ann to urban (14)
  • c4f10 GM (4)
  • c4per (14)
  • c4per to c3ann (14)
  • c4per to c3nfx (14)
  • c4per to c3per (14)
  • c4per to c4ann (14)
  • c4per to pastr (14)
  • c4per to range (14)
  • c4per to secdf (14)
  • c4per to secdn (14)
  • c4per to urban (14)
  • c5f12 GM (4)
  • c6f14 GM (4)
  • c7f16 GM (4)
  • c8f18 GM (4)
  • cCwd (39)
  • cLand (470)
  • cLeaf (493)
  • cLitter (1361)
  • cLitterAbove (197)
  • cLitterBelow (197)
  • cLitterGrass (470)
  • cLitterLut (470)
  • cLitterShrub (470)
  • cLitterTree (470)
  • cMisc (287)
  • cProduct (519)
  • cRoot (487)
  • cSoil (1922)
  • cSoilFast (357)
  • cSoilGrass (470)
  • cSoilLut (470)
  • cSoilMedium (363)
  • cSoilPools (70)
  • cSoilShrub (470)
  • cSoilSlow (241)
  • cSoilTree (470)
  • cVeg (1500)
  • cVegGrass (470)
  • cVegLut (470)
  • cVegShrub (470)
  • cVegTree (470)
  • cWood (493)
  • c c4f8 GM (4)
  • calc (642)
  • calday (3)
  • calmonth (3)
  • calyear (3)
  • cape (49)
  • capemax (2)
  • carbon dioxide GM (4)
  • carbon monoxide GM (4)
  • carbon tetrachloride GM (4)
  • carbonmonoxide (6)
  • carbonmonoxideday (6)
  • carea (1)
  • cbase (2)
  • ccb (2626)
  • ccbClim (17)
  • ccl4 (5)
  • ccode (1)
  • cct (3364)
  • cctClim (17)
  • cdd (117)
  • cdnc (822)
  • cdnc200 (7)
  • cdnc500 (7)
  • cdnc700 (7)
  • cdnc850 (7)
  • cdnc925 (7)
  • cdnctop (9)
  • cellsOnCell (1)
  • cellsOnEdge (1)
  • cellsOnVertex (1)
  • cf4 (5)
  • cf4 GM (4)
  • cfad2Lidarsr532 (3)
  • cfadDbze94 (229)
  • cfadLidarsr532 (231)
  • cfc11 (32)
  • cfc113 (5)
  • cfc113 GM (4)
  • cfc113global (132)
  • cfc114 (5)
  • cfc114 GM (4)
  • cfc115 (5)
  • cfc115 GM (4)
  • cfc11 GM (4)
  • cfc11eq (5)
  • cfc11eq GM (4)
  • cfc11global (132)
  • cfc12 (5)
  • cfc12 GM (4)
  • cfc12eq (5)
  • cfc12eq GM (4)
  • cfc12global (132)
  • cgWind (4)
  • ch2cl2 (5)
  • ch2cl2 GM (4)
  • ch3br (5)
  • ch3ccl3 GM (4)
  • ch3cl (5)
  • ch4 (399)
  • ch4brdn (7)
  • ch4global (600)
  • ch4mmr (1)
  • ch4vmr (94)
  • chcl3 (5)
  • chcl3 GM (4)
  • chl (1071)
  • chla (29)
  • chlcalc (24)
  • chldiat (592)
  • chldiaz (234)
  • chldiazos (70)
  • chlmisc (592)
  • chlos (80)
  • chlpico (103)
  • ci (1587)
  • ciClim (17)
  • cin (26)
  • cinmax (2)
  • cl (5264)
  • clCCI (3)
  • clClim (17)
  • clMISR (1)
  • clc (224)
  • clcalipso (754)
  • clcalipso2 (100)
  • clccalipso (3)
  • cldnci (411)
  • cldncl (944)
  • cldnvi (776)
  • clfr (3)
  • clfr1000 (2)
  • clfr200 (5)
  • clfr300 (2)
  • clfr400 (2)
  • clfr500 (5)
  • clfr600 (2)
  • clfr700 (2)
  • clfr850 (5)
  • clfr875 (2)
  • clfr900 (2)
  • clfr925 (2)
  • clfr950 (2)
  • clfr975 (2)
  • clgvi (5)
  • clh (765)
  • clhcalipso (823)
  • clhigh (2)
  • clhvi (3)
  • cli (4389)
  • cliClim (17)
  • cliNobs (1)
  • cliStderr (1)
  • clic (83)
  • clice (3)
  • clice1000 (2)
  • clice200 (5)
  • clice300 (2)
  • clice400 (2)
  • clice500 (5)
  • clice600 (2)
  • clice700 (2)
  • clice850 (5)
  • clice875 (2)
  • clice900 (2)
  • clice925 (2)
  • clice950 (2)
  • clice975 (2)
  • climunc (2)
  • clis (112)
  • clisccp (795)
  • clivi (6351)
  • cliviClim (17)
  • cll (766)
  • cllcalipso (822)
  • cllow (2)
  • clm (758)
  • clmcalipso (822)
  • clmid (2)
  • clrcalipso (3)
  • cls (111)
  • clt (28850)
  • cltCCI (3)
  • cltClim (17)
  • cltSprd (3)
  • cltc (1)
  • cltc100 (10)
  • cltcalipso (821)
  • cltcloudsat (1)
  • cltisccp (917)
  • cltlidarradar (72)
  • clw (4387)
  • clwCCI (3)
  • clwClim (17)
  • clwc (256)
  • clwmr (3)
  • clwmr1000 (2)
  • clwmr200 (5)
  • clwmr300 (2)
  • clwmr400 (2)
  • clwmr500 (5)
  • clwmr600 (2)
  • clwmr700 (2)
  • clwmr850 (5)
  • clwmr875 (2)
  • clwmr900 (2)
  • clwmr925 (2)
  • clwmr950 (2)
  • clwmr975 (2)
  • clws (281)
  • clwtCCI (3)
  • clwvi (6818)
  • clwviClim (17)
  • clwvic (10)
  • cn scalar (3)
  • cnc (10)
  • co2 (224)
  • co23D (70)
  • co2mass (1571)
  • co2mmr (1)
  • co2vmr (94)
  • co3 (739)
  • co3os (70)
  • co3satarag (226)
  • co3satcalc (699)
  • cod (10)
  • cols1d active (1)
  • cols1d gridcell index (1)
  • cols1d ityp (1)
  • cols1d ityplun (1)
  • cols1d ixy (1)
  • cols1d jxy (1)
  • cols1d landunit index (1)
  • cols1d lat (1)
  • cols1d lon (1)
  • cols1d topoglc (1)
  • cols1d wtlnd (1)
  • cols1d wtxy (1)
  • columnIntegratedSpeed (1)
  • combf (14)
  • concaerh2o (130)
  • concbb (292)
  • concbc (1431)
  • conccn (472)
  • concdms (694)
  • concdust (1409)
  • concnh4 (220)
  • concno3 (220)
  • concoa (956)
  • concpoa (463)
  • concso2 (694)
  • concso4 (1431)
  • concsoa (315)
  • concss (1290)
  • cosp cnt init (1)
  • cosp ht (41)
  • cosp ht bnds (41)
  • cosp htmisr (41)
  • cosp htmisr bnds (41)
  • cosp prs (41)
  • cosp prs bnds (41)
  • cosp scol (41)
  • cosp sr (41)
  • cosp sr bnds (41)
  • cosp sza (41)
  • cosp tau (41)
  • cosp tau bnds (41)
  • cosp tau modis (41)
  • cosp tau modis bnds (41)
  • coszen (1)
  • cp scalar (3)
  • cpath (1)
  • cropFrac (1753)
  • cropFracC3 (500)
  • cropFracC4 (500)
  • crpbf c3ann (14)
  • crpbf c3nfx (14)
  • crpbf c3per (14)
  • crpbf c4ann (14)
  • crpbf c4per (14)
  • crpbf total (11)
  • crs (19)
  • csdi (740)
  • cttisccp (1)
  • cttisccpunweighted (1)
  • cush (1)
  • dThreshMLD (1)
  • darag (18)
  • datasource (1)
  • date (94)
  • date written (102)
  • datesec (94)
  • daysSinceStartOfSim (1)
  • dcEdge (1)
  • dcalc (320)
  • dd (1480)
  • ddp (740)
  • decomp type (1)
  • delta13co2 in air (7)
  • demc (2)
  • dems (2)
  • deptho (761)
  • detoc (1026)
  • dfe (829)
  • dfeos (70)
  • dgWind (4)
  • difmxybo (11)
  • difmxylo (16)
  • diftrblo (20)
  • diftrelo (16)
  • difvho (98)
  • difvmbo (16)
  • difvmo (24)
  • difvmto (11)
  • difvso (98)
  • difvtrbo (16)
  • difvtrto (15)
  • dispkevfo (16)
  • dispkexyfo (16)
  • dissic (1048)
  • dissicos (70)
  • dissoc (615)
  • dissocos (70)
  • divice (221)
  • dmc (42)
  • dms (125)
  • dov2xy (1)
  • dpCLDICE (1)
  • dpCLDLIQ (1)
  • dpDMS (1)
  • dpH2O2 (1)
  • dpH2SO4 (1)
  • dpNUMICE (1)
  • dpNUMLIQ (1)
  • dpNUMRAI (1)
  • dpNUMSNO (1)
  • dpO3 (1)
  • dpQ (1)
  • dpRAINQM (1)
  • dpSNOWQM (1)
  • dpSO2 (1)
  • dpSOAG (1)
  • dpbc a1 (1)
  • dpbc a3 (1)
  • dpbc a4 (1)
  • dpco2 (436)
  • dpds (2)
  • dpdsa (2)
  • dpdst a1 (1)
  • dpdst a3 (1)
  • dpmom a1 (1)
  • dpmom a2 (1)
  • dpmom a3 (1)
  • dpmom a4 (1)
  • dpncl a1 (1)
  • dpncl a2 (1)
  • dpncl a3 (1)
  • dpnum a1 (1)
  • dpnum a2 (1)
  • dpnum a3 (1)
  • dpnum a4 (1)
  • dpo2 (318)
  • dpocdtdiaz (31)
  • dpocdtpico (31)
  • dppom a1 (1)
  • dppom a3 (1)
  • dppom a4 (1)
  • dpso4 a1 (1)
  • dpso4 a2 (1)
  • dpso4 a3 (1)
  • dpsoa a1 (1)
  • dpsoa a2 (1)
  • dpsoa a3 (1)
  • drybc (1069)
  • drydms (557)
  • drydust (1351)
  • drynh3 (234)
  • drynh4 (234)
  • drynhx (11)
  • drynoy (11)
  • dryoa (674)
  • drypoa (303)
  • dryso2 (2237)
  • dryso4 (2301)
  • drysoa (234)
  • dryss (831)
  • dst a1 (9)
  • dst a1DDF (29)
  • dst a1SF (29)
  • dst a1SFWET (29)
  • dst a1 2 (53)
  • dst a1 SRF (82)
  • dst a3 (9)
  • dst a3DDF (29)
  • dst a3SF (29)
  • dst a3SFWET (29)
  • dst a3 2 (53)
  • dst a3 SRF (82)
  • dst c1 (1)
  • dst c1DDF (29)
  • dst c1SFWET (29)
  • dst c3 (1)
  • dst c3DDF (29)
  • dst c3SFWET (29)
  • dtauc (2)
  • dtaus (2)
  • dtr (2590)
  • dvEdge (1)
  • e1 (6028)
  • e2 (6028)
  • e3 (6028)
  • ec550aer (822)
  • eca-cdd (12)
  • eca-fd (16)
  • eca-rx5day (12)
  • edgesOnCell (1)
  • edgesOnEdge (1)
  • edgesOnVertex (1)
  • edt (18)
  • eflx dynbal amt to dribble (1)
  • elai (1)
  • elevation (1)
  • emibb (429)
  • emibc (1355)
  • emich4 (7)
  • emidms (1162)
  • emidust (1351)
  • emilnox (7)
  • eminh3 (234)
  • emioa (858)
  • emipoa (409)
  • emiso2 (1360)
  • emiso4 (804)
  • emiss (1208)
  • eparag100 (39)
  • epc100 (527)
  • epcalc100 (527)
  • epfe100 (326)
  • epn100 (39)
  • epp100 (39)
  • epsi100 (410)
  • es (10)
  • esai (1)
  • et (400)
  • etr (117)
  • evap (1501)
  • evisct (37)
  • eviscu (37)
  • evlwr (1570)
  • evprain st (1)
  • evpsnow st (1)
  • evs (1459)
  • evspsbl (11967)
  • evspsblClim (17)
  • evspsblSprd (2)
  • evspsblpot (500)
  • evspsblsoi (2971)
  • evspsblsoiClim (17)
  • evspsblveg (4069)
  • evspsblvegClim (17)
  • evu (22)
  • exparag (18)
  • expc (380)
  • expcalc (380)
  • expcfe (174)
  • expn (84)
  • expp (18)
  • expsi (380)
  • expt label (4)
  • ext (1)
  • extinct lw bnd7 (19)
  • extinct lw inp (19)
  • extinct sw inp (19)
  • f107 (3)
  • f11vmr (94)
  • f12vmr (94)
  • fBNF (70)
  • fCell (1)
  • fDeforestToProduct (70)
  • fEdge (1)
  • fFire (1209)
  • fGrazing (109)
  • fHarvest (325)
  • fHarvestToProduct (70)
  • fLitterSoil (315)
  • fLuc (1324)
  • fN2O (70)
  • fNAnthDisturb (70)
  • fNProduct (70)
  • fNdep (70)
  • fNgas (70)
  • fNgasFire (70)
  • fNgasNonFire (70)
  • fNleach (70)
  • fNloss (70)
  • fNnetmin (70)
  • fNup (70)
  • fProductDecomp (70)
  • fSoilCH4 (7)
  • fVegFireCH4 (7)
  • fVegLitter (758)
  • fVegSoil (100)
  • fVertex (1)
  • fabd (1)
  • fabd sha (1)
  • fabd sha z (1)
  • fabd sun (1)
  • fabd sun z (1)
  • fabi (1)
  • fabi sha (1)
  • fabi sha z (1)
  • fabi sun (1)
  • fabi sun z (1)
  • fbddtalk (298)
  • fbddtdic (304)
  • fbddtdife (187)
  • fbddtdin (304)
  • fbddtdip (115)
  • fbddtdisi (187)
  • fco2antt (229)
  • fco2fos (142)
  • fco2nat (693)
  • fd (857)
  • fddtalk (260)
  • fddtdic (260)
  • fddtdife (149)
  • fddtdin (259)
  • fddtdip (149)
  • fddtdisi (149)
  • fediss (31)
  • fertl c3ann (14)
  • fertl c3nfx (14)
  • fertl c3per (14)
  • fertl c4ann (14)
  • fertl c4per (14)
  • fescav (97)
  • fexcl (1)
  • fgco2 (698)
  • fgdms (118)
  • fgo2 (423)
  • fharv c3per (14)
  • fharv c4per (14)
  • ficeberg (335)
  • field name (1)
  • fill flag (1)
  • fillvalue (1)
  • filteredSSHGradientMeridional (1)
  • filteredSSHGradientZonal (1)
  • fincl (1)
  • fincllonlat (1)
  • firstYearIceArea (1)
  • flood (14)
  • flx absdn (1)
  • flx absdv (1)
  • flx absin (1)
  • flx absiv (1)
  • forcingGroupNames (1)
  • forcingGroupRestartTimes (1)
  • forecast period (2)
  • forecast period 0 (8)
  • forecast period 0 bnds (8)
  • forecast period 2 (9)
  • forecast period 2 bnds (9)
  • forecast period bnds (27831)
  • forecast reference time (20341)
  • forecast reference time 2 (9)
  • fpar (1)
  • fracInLut (70)
  • fracLut (540)
  • fracOutLut (70)
  • frac sno (1)
  • frac sno eff (1)
  • fractions ax afrac (1)
  • fractions ax ifrac (1)
  • fractions ax lfrac (1)
  • fractions ax lfrin (1)
  • fractions ax ofrac (1)
  • fractions ix afrac (1)
  • fractions ix ifrac (1)
  • fractions ix ofrac (1)
  • fractions lx afrac (1)
  • fractions lx lfrac (1)
  • fractions lx lfrin (1)
  • fractions ox afrac (1)
  • fractions ox ifrac (1)
  • fractions ox ifrad (1)
  • fractions ox ofrac (1)
  • fractions ox ofrad (1)
  • fractions rx lfrac (1)
  • fractions rx rfrac (1)
  • frazilSurfacePressure (1)
  • frc (190)
  • freezeOnset (1)
  • freezingMeltingPotential (1)
  • frfe (227)
  • fric (70)
  • friver (1151)
  • frivera (13)
  • frn (149)
  • froc (70)
  • frogt10 (19)
  • frogt25 (19)
  • fsc (39)
  • fsd (12)
  • fsfe (396)
  • fsitherm (1547)
  • fsn (109)
  • fstnf (1)
  • fsun (1)
  • fsun z (1)
  • ftdd (1)
  • ftid (1)
  • ftii (1)
  • fulwd (14)
  • glat (2)
  • glat bnds (2)
  • gldis (1)
  • goro (53)
  • gpbio (1)
  • gpp (2886)
  • gppGrass (470)
  • gppLut (470)
  • gppShrub (470)
  • gppTree (470)
  • grCongel (934)
  • grFrazil (1026)
  • grLateral (848)
  • grassFrac (1964)
  • grassFracC3 (500)
  • grassFracC4 (500)
  • graz (408)
  • grid1d ixy (1)
  • grid1d jxy (1)
  • grid1d lat (1)
  • grid1d lon (1)
  • gridcellarea (1)
  • gridspec (198)
  • gsl (857)
  • gw (28)
  • gzdis (1)
  • h2o (5)
  • halon1211 (5)
  • halon1211 GM (4)
  • halon1301 (5)
  • halon1301 GM (4)
  • halon2402 (5)
  • halon2402 GM (4)
  • hbot (1)
  • hcc140a (5)
  • hcfc141b (5)
  • hcfc141b GM (4)
  • hcfc142b (5)
  • hcfc142b GM (4)
  • hcfc22 (5)
  • hcfc22 GM (4)
  • hcfc22global (132)
  • hcice (259)
  • hddheat17 (740)
  • heightv (12)
  • herbivoreCH4 (2)
  • hfbasin (595)
  • hfbasinba (182)
  • hfbasindiff (182)
  • hfbasinpadv (70)
  • hfbasinpmadv (70)
  • hfbasinpmdiff (70)
  • hfc125 (5)
  • hfc125 GM (4)
  • hfc134a (5)
  • hfc134a GM (4)
  • hfc134aeq (5)
  • hfc134aeq GM (4)
  • hfc143a (5)
  • hfc143a GM (4)
  • hfc152a (5)
  • hfc152a GM (4)
  • hfc227ea (5)
  • hfc227ea GM (4)
  • hfc23 (5)
  • hfc236fa (5)
  • hfc236fa GM (4)
  • hfc23 GM (4)
  • hfc245fa (5)
  • hfc245fa GM (4)
  • hfc32 (5)
  • hfc32 GM (4)
  • hfc365mfc (5)
  • hfc365mfc GM (4)
  • hfc4310mee (5)
  • hfc4310mee GM (4)
  • hfcorr (475)
  • hfds (2612)
  • hfdsn (1544)
  • hfevapds (434)
  • hfgeou (83)
  • hfibthermds (206)
  • hfls (31206)
  • hflsClim (17)
  • hflsSprd (3)
  • hflssi (203)
  • hfnorth (2052)
  • hfnortha (447)
  • hfnorthba (159)
  • hfogo (178)
  • hfrainds (434)
  • hfrunoffds (452)
  • hfsib (8)
  • hfsifrazil (807)
  • hfsifrazil2d (42)
  • hfsithermds (2321)
  • hfsithermds2d (35)
  • hfsnthermds (192)
  • hfss (32318)
  • hfssClim (17)
  • hfssSprd (3)
  • hfssi (203)
  • hfx (1372)
  • hfxba (741)
  • hfxdiff (738)
  • hfy (1372)
  • hfyba (745)
  • hfydiff (740)
  • hpindex (1)
  • hrestpath (1)
  • hs (1)
  • hstobie linoz (29)
  • htop (1)
  • htovdiff (27)
  • htovgyre (86)
  • htovovrt (1185)
  • hufs (6)
  • hur (8283)
  • hur1000 (8)
  • hur200 (20)
  • hur300 (2)
  • hur400 (2)
  • hur500 (20)
  • hur600 (2)
  • hur700 (17)
  • hur850 (20)
  • hur875 (2)
  • hur900 (2)
  • hur925 (16)
  • hur950 (8)
  • hur975 (2)
  • hurClim (17)
  • hurSprd (3)
  • hurs (9387)
  • hurs1000 (8)
  • hurs200 (8)
  • hurs500 (8)
  • hurs700 (8)
  • hurs850 (8)
  • hurs925 (8)
  • hursAdjust (15)
  • hursClim (17)
  • hursa (2)
  • hursmax (18)
  • hursmin (18)
  • hus (15894)
  • hus10 (7)
  • hus100 (122)
  • hus1000 (56)
  • hus150 (3)
  • hus19 (96)
  • hus200 (514)
  • hus23 (89)
  • hus250 (32)
  • hus300 (411)
  • hus4 (48)
  • hus400 (411)
  • hus50 (3)
  • hus500 (478)
  • hus50m (7)
  • hus600 (411)
  • hus70 (3)
  • hus700 (474)
  • hus750 (3)
  • hus850 (3744)
  • hus875 (2)
  • hus900 (2)
  • hus925 (475)
  • hus950 (8)
  • hus975 (31)
  • husClim (17)
  • husSprd (3)
  • huss (14360)
  • hussClim (17)
  • hussSprd (1)
  • hussa (2)
  • hwdi (117)
  • hwrt prec (1)
  • hyai (97)
  • hyam (97)
  • hybi (97)
  • hybm (97)
  • hydroxide (12)
  • i (215117)
  • i2x ix Faii evap (1)
  • i2x ix Faii lat (1)
  • i2x ix Faii lwup (1)
  • i2x ix Faii sen (1)
  • i2x ix Faii swnet (1)
  • i2x ix Faii taux (1)
  • i2x ix Faii tauy (1)
  • i2x ix Fioi bcphi (1)
  • i2x ix Fioi bcpho (1)
  • i2x ix Fioi flxdst (1)
  • i2x ix Fioi melth (1)
  • i2x ix Fioi meltw (1)
  • i2x ix Fioi salt (1)
  • i2x ix Fioi swpen (1)
  • i2x ix Fioi taux (1)
  • i2x ix Fioi tauy (1)
  • i2x ix Si anidf (1)
  • i2x ix Si anidr (1)
  • i2x ix Si avsdf (1)
  • i2x ix Si avsdr (1)
  • i2x ix Si bpress (1)
  • i2x ix Si ifrac (1)
  • i2x ix Si qref (1)
  • i2x ix Si snowh (1)
  • i2x ix Si t (1)
  • i2x ix Si tref (1)
  • i2x ix Si u10 (1)
  • ialb (529)
  • iceAge (1)
  • iceAreaCategory (1)
  • iceEnthalpy (1)
  • iceSalinity (1)
  • iceVolumeCategory (1)
  • icfriver (70)
  • icod (10)
  • icwtr (1)
  • id (740)
  • ilev (97)
  • inc (564)
  • indexToCellID (1)
  • indexToEdgeID (1)
  • indexToVertexID (1)
  • intdic (513)
  • intdoc (70)
  • interpolate gridtype (1)
  • interpolate nlat (1)
  • interpolate nlon (1)
  • interpolate output (1)
  • interpolate type (1)
  • intparag (39)
  • intpbfe (387)
  • intpbn (70)
  • intpbp (109)
  • intpbsi (387)
  • intpcalc (17)
  • intpcalcite (382)
  • intpdiat (289)
  • intpdiaz (51)
  • intpmisc (289)
  • intpn2 (429)
  • intpnitrate (283)
  • intpoc (70)
  • intpp (612)
  • intppdiaz (70)
  • intppico (51)
  • intuadse (30)
  • intuaw (30)
  • intvadse (30)
  • intvaw (30)
  • iprg (2)
  • iprm (2)
  • iprp (2)
  • ipv index (1)
  • irrig c3ann (14)
  • irrig c3nfx (14)
  • irrig c3per (14)
  • irrig c4ann (14)
  • irrig c4per (14)
  • irrig rate (1)
  • is endhist (1)
  • is subcol (1)
  • j (215117)
  • kineticEnergyAt250m (1)
  • kineticEnergyAtSurface (1)
  • kiteAreasOnVertex (1)
  • kp (3)
  • kvh (1)
  • kvm (1)
  • l2g scale type (1)
  • l2racc lx Flrl rofdto (1)
  • l2racc lx Flrl rofgwl (1)
  • l2racc lx Flrl rofi (1)
  • l2racc lx Flrl rofsub (1)
  • l2racc lx Flrl rofsur (1)
  • l2racc lx cnt (1)
  • lai (2348)
  • laiClim (17)
  • laiLut (470)
  • land1d active (1)
  • land1d gridcell index (1)
  • land1d ityplun (1)
  • land1d ixy (1)
  • land1d jxy (1)
  • land1d lat (1)
  • land1d lon (1)
  • land1d wtxy (1)
  • landCoverFrac (916)
  • landfrac (7)
  • landmask (7)
  • lat (1)
  • latCell (1)
  • latEdge (1)
  • latVertex (1)
  • lat bounds (47)
  • latitude (3)
  • latitude 0 (2472)
  • latitude bnds (3)
  • latitude bounds (2)
  • latitude longitude (2200)
  • latt bounds (7583)
  • layer (6)
  • layerThickness (1)
  • lcltod start (1)
  • lcltod stop (1)
  • lcod (10)
  • leadtime (415372)
  • leaf npimbalance (3)
  • levdcmp (7)
  • levelIceArea (1)
  • levelIceVolume (1)
  • levgrnd (7)
  • levlak (7)
  • licalvf (2)
  • limfediaz (70)
  • linoz data curr fname (1)
  • lm (1)
  • loadbc (2627)
  • loaddust (2605)
  • loadnh4 (234)
  • loadno3 (23)
  • loadoa (2074)
  • loadpoa (459)
  • loadso4 (2628)
  • loadsoa (359)
  • loadss (2625)
  • locfnh (1)
  • locfnhr (1)
  • lon (1)
  • lonCell (1)
  • lonEdge (1)
  • lonVertex (1)
  • lon bounds (47)
  • long name (1)
  • longitude (3)
  • longitude 0 (4660)
  • longitude bnds (3)
  • longitude bounds (2)
  • lont bounds (7583)
  • lossch4 (7)
  • lwp (69)
  • lwsnl (138)
  • lwsnlSprd (1)
  • mask (2)
  • mask4resto amv (1)
  • mask4resto amv extrop (1)
  • mask4resto amv trop (1)
  • mask4resto ipv (1)
  • mask4resto ipv Nextrop (1)
  • masscello (880)
  • masso (3023)
  • maxLevelCell (1)
  • mc (2227)
  • mcd (73)
  • mcdate (9)
  • mcsec (9)
  • mcu (265)
  • mdcur (9)
  • mdimnames (1)
  • mdims (1)
  • mdt (94)
  • meanstncount (2)
  • measunc (2)
  • meridional complement (1)
  • meshDensity (1)
  • methane GM (4)
  • methyl bromide GM (4)
  • methyl chloride GM (4)
  • mfilt (1)
  • mfo (1138)
  • missingdatafraction (1)
  • mlaidiff (1)
  • mlip (29)
  • mlotst (14244)
  • mlotstmax (70)
  • mlotstmin (100)
  • mlotstsq (661)
  • mole fraction of c2f6 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of c3f8 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of c4f10 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of c5f12 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of c6f14 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of c7f16 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of c8f18 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of c c4f8 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of carbon dioxide in air (76)
  • mole fraction of carbon tetrachloride in air (76)
  • mole fraction of cf4 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of cfc113 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of cfc114 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of cfc115 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of cfc11 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of cfc11eq in air (77)
  • mole fraction of cfc12 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of cfc12eq in air (76)
  • mole fraction of ch2cl2 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of ch3ccl3 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of chcl3 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of halon1211 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of halon1301 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of halon2402 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hcfc141b in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hcfc142b in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hcfc22 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hfc125 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hfc134a in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hfc134aeq in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hfc143a in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hfc152a in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hfc227ea in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hfc236fa in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hfc23 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hfc245fa in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hfc32 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hfc365mfc in air (76)
  • mole fraction of hfc4310mee in air (76)
  • mole fraction of methane in air (76)
  • mole fraction of methyl bromide in air (76)
  • mole fraction of methyl chloride in air (76)
  • mole fraction of nf3 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of nitrous oxide in air (76)
  • mole fraction of sf6 in air (76)
  • mole fraction of so2f2 in air (76)
  • mom a1 (9)
  • mom a1DDF (29)
  • mom a1SF (29)
  • mom a1SFWET (29)
  • mom a1 SRF (29)
  • mom a1 sfgaex1 (29)
  • mom a2 (9)
  • mom a2DDF (29)
  • mom a2SF (29)
  • mom a2SFWET (29)
  • mom a2 SRF (29)
  • mom a3 (9)
  • mom a3DDF (29)
  • mom a3SFWET (29)
  • mom a3 SRF (29)
  • mom a4 (9)
  • mom a4DDF (29)
  • mom a4SF (29)
  • mom a4SFWET (29)
  • mom a4 SRF (29)
  • mom a4 sfgaex1 (29)
  • mom c1 (1)
  • mom c1DDF (29)
  • mom c1SFWET (29)
  • mom c2 (1)
  • mom c2DDF (29)
  • mom c2SFWET (29)
  • mom c3 (1)
  • mom c3DDF (29)
  • mom c3SFWET (29)
  • mom c4 (1)
  • mom c4DDF (29)
  • mom c4SFWET (29)
  • month (1)
  • mpoly (29)
  • mprot (29)
  • mrfso (6402)
  • mrfsoClim (17)
  • mrfsol (3)
  • mrlsl (3847)
  • mrlslClim (17)
  • mrlso (12)
  • mross (6)
  • mrro (16618)
  • mrroClim (17)
  • mrros (8212)
  • mrrosClim (17)
  • mrross (210)
  • mrso (25759)
  • mrsoClim (17)
  • mrsofc (762)
  • mrsol (564)
  • mrsos (7659)
  • mrsosClim (17)
  • mrsosat (8)
  • mrsowp (8)
  • mrtws (30)
  • mscur (9)
  • msftbarot (2266)
  • msftmrhoz (1142)
  • msftmrhozba (1114)
  • msftmyz (3894)
  • msftmyza (2424)
  • msftmyzba (2356)
  • msftmz (83)
  • msftmzmpa (70)
  • msftyrhoz (1182)
  • msftyrhozba (1182)
  • msftyyz (232)
  • msftyyzba (184)
  • msftyz (30)
  • mslc (6)
  • mss bcphi (1)
  • mss bcpho (1)
  • mss dst1 (1)
  • mss dst2 (1)
  • mss dst3 (1)
  • mss dst4 (1)
  • mss ocphi (1)
  • mss ocpho (1)
  • n2o (386)
  • n2oglobal (598)
  • n2ovmr (94)
  • nEdgesOnCell (1)
  • nEdgesOnEdge (1)
  • nLand (70)
  • nLitter (70)
  • nMineral (70)
  • nProduct (70)
  • nSoil (70)
  • nVeg (70)
  • n irrig steps left (1)
  • name (1)
  • nav lat (6028)
  • nav lev (6028)
  • nav lon (6028)
  • nbdate (94)
  • nbp (1441)
  • nbsec (94)
  • ncan (1)
  • ncl a1 (9)
  • ncl a1DDF (29)
  • ncl a1SF (29)
  • ncl a1SFWET (29)
  • ncl a1 2 (53)
  • ncl a1 SRF (82)
  • ncl a2 (1)
  • ncl a2DDF (29)
  • ncl a2SF (29)
  • ncl a2SFWET (29)
  • ncl a2 2 (53)
  • ncl a2 SRF (82)
  • ncl a3 (9)
  • ncl a3DDF (29)
  • ncl a3SF (29)
  • ncl a3SFWET (29)
  • ncl a3 2 (53)
  • ncl a3 SRF (82)
  • ncl c1 (1)
  • ncl c1DDF (29)
  • ncl c1SFWET (29)
  • ncl c2 (1)
  • ncl c2DDF (29)
  • ncl c2SFWET (29)
  • ncl c3 (1)
  • ncl c3DDF (29)
  • ncl c3SFWET (29)
  • ncprec (1)
  • ndbase (94)
  • ndcur (94)
  • ndens (1)
  • necavg (1)
  • nep (1231)
  • netAtmosLandCO2Flux (70)
  • newlyFormedIce (4)
  • nf3 (5)
  • nf3 GM (4)
  • nfils (1)
  • nflds (1)
  • nfpath (1)
  • nh4 (571)
  • nhfil (1)
  • nitrogen GM (4)
  • nitrous oxide GM (4)
  • nlim m (3)
  • no3 (1109)
  • no3os (70)
  • normalBarotropicVelocity (1)
  • normalVelocity (1)
  • npp (1851)
  • nppGrass (470)
  • nppLeaf (236)
  • nppLut (470)
  • nppRoot (236)
  • nppShrub (470)
  • nppTree (470)
  • nppWood (236)
  • npvcf1 (26)
  • npvcf1avg (1)
  • npvcf2 (23)
  • npvcf2avg (1)
  • npvcf3 (23)
  • npvcf3avg (1)
  • nrad (1)
  • nsbase (94)
  • nscur (94)
  • nstep (9)
  • nsteph (94)
  • ntimes (1)
  • ntrk (53)
  • ntrm (53)
  • ntrn (53)
  • num2d (1)
  • num a1 (1)
  • num a1DDF (29)
  • num a1SF (29)
  • num a1SFWET (29)
  • num a1 CLXF (29)
  • num a1 SRF (82)
  • num a1 sfgaex1 (29)
  • num a2 (1)
  • num a2DDF (29)
  • num a2SFWET (29)
  • num a2 CLXF (29)
  • num a2 SRF (82)
  • num a3 (1)
  • num a3DDF (29)
  • num a3SF (29)
  • num a3SFWET (29)
  • num a3 SRF (82)
  • num a4 (1)
  • num a4DDF (29)
  • num a4SFWET (29)
  • num a4 CLXF (29)
  • num a4 SRF (29)
  • num a4 sfgaex1 (29)
  • num c1 (1)
  • num c1DDF (29)
  • num c1SFWET (29)
  • num c2 (1)
  • num c2DDF (29)
  • num c2SFWET (29)
  • num c3 (1)
  • num c3DDF (29)
  • num c3SFWET (29)
  • num c4 (1)
  • num c4DDF (29)
  • num c4SFWET (29)
  • numlev (1)
  • nwcf1 (22)
  • nwcf1avg (1)
  • nwcf2 (23)
  • nwcf2avg (1)
  • nwcf3 (23)
  • nwdFracLut (440)
  • nwhdd (22)
  • nwhddavg (1)
  • o2 (830)
  • o2 decomp depth unsat (3)
  • o2min (348)
  • o2os (70)
  • o2sat (140)
  • o2satos (70)
  • o2x ox Fioo frazil (1)
  • o2x ox Fioo meltp (1)
  • o2x ox Fioo q (1)
  • o2x ox So bldepth (1)
  • o2x ox So dhdx (1)
  • o2x ox So dhdy (1)
  • o2x ox So fswpen (1)
  • o2x ox So s (1)
  • o2x ox So t (1)
  • o2x ox So u (1)
  • o2x ox So v (1)
  • o3 (91)
  • obvfsq (70)
  • oceanStressCellU (1)
  • oceanStressCellV (1)
  • ocfriver (70)
  • od550aer (1424)
  • od550aerNobs (2)
  • od550aerStdv (2)
  • od550bc (3)
  • od550dust (3)
  • od550lt1aer (1325)
  • od550oa (3)
  • od550so4 (3)
  • od550ss (3)
  • od870aer (883)
  • offset (1)
  • omldamax (1985)
  • omlmax (1231)
  • opottempdiff (70)
  • opottempmint (80)
  • opottemppadvect (70)
  • opottemppmdiff (70)
  • opottemprmadvect (70)
  • opottemptend (76)
  • orog (3130)
  • orograw (74)
  • osaltdiff (70)
  • osaltpadvect (70)
  • osaltpmdiff (70)
  • osaltrmadvect (70)
  • osalttend (70)
  • otwpcfiec1 (1)
  • otwpcfiec2 (1)
  • otwpcfiec3 (1)
  • overpasses (1)
  • oxygen GM (4)
  • ozone (4)
  • p2c scale type (1)
  • par (6)
  • parag (31)
  • parasolRefl (835)
  • pastr (14)
  • pastr to c3ann (14)
  • pastr to c3nfx (14)
  • pastr to c3per (14)
  • pastr to c4ann (14)
  • pastr to c4per (14)
  • pastr to range (14)
  • pastr to secdf (14)
  • pastr to secdn (14)
  • pastr to urban (14)
  • pastsigwx1 (2)
  • pastureFrac (1130)
  • pastureFracC3 (470)
  • pastureFracC4 (470)
  • pbfe (330)
  • pblh (1)
  • pbo (2761)
  • pbp (22)
  • pbsi (338)
  • pbuf time idx (1)
  • pcalc (338)
  • pctCCI (3)
  • pctisccp (897)
  • pctisccpunweighted (1)
  • pdi (261)
  • percentage AGRI (35)
  • percentage BORF (35)
  • percentage DEFO (35)
  • percentage PEAT (35)
  • percentage SAVA (35)
  • percentage TEMF (35)
  • pfc116 (5)
  • pfc218 (5)
  • pfc3110 (5)
  • pfc318 (5)
  • pfc4112 (5)
  • pfc5114 (5)
  • pfc6116 (5)
  • pfc7118 (5)
  • pftmask (7)
  • pfts1d active (1)
  • pfts1d column index (1)
  • pfts1d gridcell index (1)
  • pfts1d itypcol (1)
  • pfts1d ityplun (1)
  • pfts1d itypveg (1)
  • pfts1d ixy (1)
  • pfts1d jxy (1)
  • pfts1d landunit index (1)
  • pfts1d lat (1)
  • pfts1d lon (1)
  • pfts1d topoglc (1)
  • pfts1d wtcol (1)
  • pfts1d wtlnd (1)
  • pfts1d wtxy (1)
  • pfull (592)
  • ph (926)
  • phalf (312)
  • phyc (1067)
  • phycalc (24)
  • phycos (140)
  • phydiat (580)
  • phydiaz (164)
  • phyfe (749)
  • phymisc (650)
  • phyn (425)
  • phyp (257)
  • phypico (103)
  • phypmisc (195)
  • physi (562)
  • plev bnds (27)
  • plevel (5560)
  • plim m (3)
  • pnitrate (261)
  • po4 (616)
  • pom a1 (9)
  • pom a1DDF (29)
  • pom a1SFWET (29)
  • pom a1 2 (53)
  • pom a1 SRF (82)
  • pom a1 sfgaex1 (29)
  • pom a3 (9)
  • pom a3DDF (29)
  • pom a3SFWET (29)
  • pom a3 SRF (29)
  • pom a4 (9)
  • pom a4DDF (29)
  • pom a4SFWET (29)
  • pom a4 CLXF (29)
  • pom a4 SRF (29)
  • pom a4 sfgaex1 (29)
  • pom c1 (1)
  • pom c1DDF (29)
  • pom c1SFWET (29)
  • pom c3 (1)
  • pom c3DDF (29)
  • pom c3SFWET (29)
  • pom c4 (1)
  • pom c4DDF (29)
  • pom c4SFWET (29)
  • pon (609)
  • pondArea (1)
  • pondDepth (1)
  • pondLidMeltFluxFraction (1)
  • pondLidThickness (1)
  • pondSnowDepthDifference (1)
  • ponos (70)
  • pop (257)
  • popos (70)
  • pp (483)
  • ppdiaz (140)
  • ppmisc (140)
  • ppos (70)
  • pr (51845)
  • pr-bc (120)
  • pr-fl (120)
  • prAdjust (722)
  • prClim (17)
  • prSprd (3)
  • prStderr (2)
  • prc (16598)
  • prcClim (17)
  • prcSprd (1)
  • prcprof (5)
  • precip (2)
  • precipperiod (2)
  • pres layer (4)
  • pres level (4)
  • prescraero randn seed (1)
  • pressure (5274)
  • pressure1 (16)
  • pressureAdjustedSSH (1)
  • pressure 0 (220)
  • prhmax (632)
  • primf (14)
  • primf bioh (14)
  • primf harv (14)
  • primf to c3ann (14)
  • primf to c3nfx (14)
  • primf to c3per (14)
  • primf to c4ann (14)
  • primf to c4per (14)
  • primf to pastr (14)
  • primf to range (14)
  • primf to secdn (14)
  • primf to urban (14)
  • primn (14)
  • primn bioh (14)
  • primn harv (14)
  • primn to c3ann (14)
  • primn to c3nfx (14)
  • primn to c3per (14)
  • primn to c4ann (14)
  • primn to c4per (14)
  • primn to pastr (14)
  • primn to range (14)
  • primn to secdf (14)
  • primn to urban (14)
  • prls (9)
  • prlsns (6)
  • prlsprof (5)
  • prmax (93)
  • prmin (93)
  • profile weight (4)
  • projection lambert (1)
  • prra (2)
  • prsn (16742)
  • prsnClim (17)
  • prsnc (9)
  • prsnls (3)
  • prveg (3054)
  • prw (6936)
  • prwClim (17)
  • prwSprd (3)
  • ps (13697)
  • psClim (17)
  • psSprd (3)
  • psl (43419)
  • pslAdjust (312)
  • pslClim (17)
  • pslSprd (3)
  • pso (61)
  • ptbio (1)
  • ptp (30)
  • qaf (1)
  • qflux (11)
  • qflx floodg (1)
  • qflx ice dynbal amt to dribble (1)
  • qflx liq dynbal amt to dribble (1)
  • qflx snofrz lyr (1)
  • qflx snow melt (1)
  • r10 (117)
  • r10mm (1480)
  • r1mm (1480)
  • r20mm (1480)
  • r2x rx Firr rofi (1)
  • r2x rx Flrr flood (1)
  • r2x rx Flrr volr (1)
  • r2x rx Flrr volrmch (1)
  • r2x rx Forr rofi (1)
  • r2x rx Forr rofl (1)
  • r5d (117)
  • r95ptot (740)
  • r95t (117)
  • r99ptot (740)
  • rGrowth (450)
  • rMaint (411)
  • ra (1850)
  • raGrass (470)
  • raLut (470)
  • raShrub (470)
  • raTree (470)
  • radtoa (6)
  • range (14)
  • range to c3ann (14)
  • range to c3nfx (14)
  • range to c3per (14)
  • range to c4ann (14)
  • range to c4per (14)
  • range to pastr (14)
  • range to secdf (14)
  • range to secdn (14)
  • range to urban (14)
  • rbar (2)
  • realization (14697)
  • refBottomDepth (1)
  • reff (1)
  • reffclic (6)
  • reffclis (5)
  • reffclwc (555)
  • reffclws (599)
  • reffclwtop (1082)
  • reffrainc (4)
  • reffrains (4)
  • reffsnowc (4)
  • reffsnows (4)
  • region (35)
  • relativeVorticityAt250m (1)
  • remoc (70)
  • residualFrac (1572)
  • restingThickness (1)
  • rgnht (1)
  • rh (2342)
  • rhGrass (470)
  • rhLut (470)
  • rhShrub (470)
  • rhSoil (470)
  • rhTree (470)
  • rhopoto (2642)
  • rhs (1790)
  • rhsmax (1736)
  • rhsmin (1736)
  • ridgice (185)
  • rinfw (1)
  • rivo (36)
  • rld (247)
  • rld4co2 (19)
  • rldcs (247)
  • rldcs4co2 (19)
  • rlds (25527)
  • rldsClim (17)
  • rldsSprd (3)
  • rldscs (7047)
  • rldscsClim (17)
  • rldssi (1331)
  • rlftoaa cfc11 (3)
  • rlftoaa cfc12 (4)
  • rlftoaa ch4 (4)
  • rlftoaa co2 (10)
  • rlftoaa g (4)
  • rlftoaa n2o (4)
  • rlftoaa s (1)
  • rlftoaacs cfc11 (3)
  • rlftoaacs cfc12 (4)
  • rlftoaacs ch4 (4)
  • rlftoaacs co2 (12)
  • rlftoaacs g (4)
  • rlftoaacs n2o (4)
  • rlftoaacs s (1)
  • rlftoai cfc11 (3)
  • rlftoai cfc12 (4)
  • rlftoai ch4 (4)
  • rlftoai co2 (12)
  • rlftoai g (4)
  • rlftoai n2o (4)
  • rlftoai s (1)
  • rlftoaics cfc11 (3)
  • rlftoaics cfc12 (4)
  • rlftoaics ch4 (4)
  • rlftoaics co2 (12)
  • rlftoaics g (4)
  • rlftoaics n2o (4)
  • rlftoaics s (1)
  • rlftropa cfc11 (3)
  • rlftropa cfc12 (4)
  • rlftropa ch4 (4)
  • rlftropa co2 (17)
  • rlftropa g (4)
  • rlftropa n2o (4)
  • rlftropa s (1)
  • rlftropacs cfc11 (3)
  • rlftropacs cfc12 (4)
  • rlftropacs ch4 (4)
  • rlftropacs co2 (17)
  • rlftropacs g (4)
  • rlftropacs n2o (4)
  • rlftropacs s (1)
  • rlftropi cfc11 (3)
  • rlftropi cfc12 (4)
  • rlftropi ch4 (4)
  • rlftropi co2 (17)
  • rlftropi g (4)
  • rlftropi n2o (4)
  • rlftropics cfc11 (3)
  • rlftropics cfc12 (4)
  • rlftropics ch4 (4)
  • rlftropics co2 (15)
  • rlftropics g (4)
  • rlftropics n2o (4)
  • rlftropics s (1)
  • rlntp (154)
  • rlntpcs (148)
  • rls (12527)
  • rlu (247)
  • rlu4co2 (19)
  • rlucs (247)
  • rlucs4co2 (19)
  • rlus (15094)
  • rlusClim (17)
  • rlusSprd (3)
  • rluscs (39)
  • rlussi (222)
  • rlut (29995)
  • rlut4co2 (21)
  • rlutClim (17)
  • rlutSprd (3)
  • rlutaf (30)
  • rlutcs (7072)
  • rlutcs4co2 (21)
  • rlutcsClim (17)
  • rlutcsSprd (2)
  • rlutcsaf (30)
  • rmean (3)
  • rndwd (14)
  • ro (14)
  • rootd (351)
  • rpvcf1 (23)
  • rpvcf2 (23)
  • rpvcf3 (23)
  • rsd (253)
  • rsd4co2 (19)
  • rsdcs (243)
  • rsdcs4co2 (19)
  • rsdo (8)
  • rsdoabsorb (80)
  • rsds (33625)
  • rsdsAdjust (167)
  • rsdsClim (17)
  • rsdsSprd (3)
  • rsdscs (7066)
  • rsdscsClim (17)
  • rsdscsdiff (1153)
  • rsdsdiff (1834)
  • rsdsdir (4)
  • rsdssi (2177)
  • rsdt (13246)
  • rsdtClim (17)
  • rsdtSprd (2)
  • rsftoaa cfc11 (3)
  • rsftoaa cfc12 (4)
  • rsftoaa ch4 (4)
  • rsftoaa co2 (10)
  • rsftoaa g (4)
  • rsftoaa n2o (4)
  • rsftoaa s (4)
  • rsftoaa sd (3)
  • rsftoaa si (3)
  • rsftoaacs cfc11 (3)
  • rsftoaacs cfc12 (4)
  • rsftoaacs ch4 (4)
  • rsftoaacs co2 (12)
  • rsftoaacs g (4)
  • rsftoaacs n2o (4)
  • rsftoaacs s (1)
  • rsftoai cfc11 (3)
  • rsftoai cfc12 (4)
  • rsftoai ch4 (4)
  • rsftoai co2 (12)
  • rsftoai g (4)
  • rsftoai n2o (4)
  • rsftoai s (1)
  • rsftoaics cfc11 (3)
  • rsftoaics cfc12 (4)
  • rsftoaics ch4 (4)
  • rsftoaics co2 (14)
  • rsftoaics g (4)
  • rsftoaics n2o (4)
  • rsftoaics s (1)
  • rsftropa cfc11 (3)
  • rsftropa cfc12 (4)
  • rsftropa ch4 (4)
  • rsftropa co2 (17)
  • rsftropa g (4)
  • rsftropa n2o (4)
  • rsftropa s (1)
  • rsftropacs cfc11 (3)
  • rsftropacs cfc12 (4)
  • rsftropacs ch4 (4)
  • rsftropacs co2 (17)
  • rsftropacs g (4)
  • rsftropacs n2o (4)
  • rsftropacs s (1)
  • rsftropi cfc11 (3)
  • rsftropi cfc12 (4)
  • rsftropi ch4 (4)
  • rsftropi co2 (15)
  • rsftropi g (4)
  • rsftropi n2o (4)
  • rsftropi s (1)
  • rsftropics cfc11 (3)
  • rsftropics cfc12 (4)
  • rsftropics ch4 (4)
  • rsftropics co2 (15)
  • rsftropics g (4)
  • rsftropics n2o (4)
  • rsntds (3011)
  • rsntp (167)
  • rsntpcs (149)
  • rss (9572)
  • rst calendar (1)
  • rst curr tod (1)
  • rst curr ymd (1)
  • rst nstep (1)
  • rst perp cal int (1)
  • rst perp ymd (1)
  • rst ref tod (1)
  • rst ref ymd (1)
  • rst start tod (1)
  • rst start ymd (1)
  • rst step days (1)
  • rst step sec (1)
  • rst stop tod (1)
  • rst stop ymd (1)
  • rsu (253)
  • rsu4co2 (19)
  • rsucs (253)
  • rsucs4co2 (19)
  • rsus (16146)
  • rsusClim (17)
  • rsusSprd (2)
  • rsuscs (6972)
  • rsuscsClim (17)
  • rsussi (837)
  • rsut (12945)
  • rsut4co2 (21)
  • rsutClim (17)
  • rsutSprd (2)
  • rsutaf (30)
  • rsutcs (6432)
  • rsutcs4co2 (21)
  • rsutcsClim (17)
  • rsutcsSprd (2)
  • rsutcsaf (30)
  • rtmt (3839)
  • rtmtClim (17)
  • rtoa (541)
  • rwcf1 (23)
  • rwcf2 (23)
  • rwcf3 (23)
  • rwhdd (1)
  • rzwc (10)
  • sa3d (6)
  • sabs improad dif (1)
  • sabs improad dir (1)
  • sabs perroad dif (1)
  • sabs perroad dir (1)
  • sabs roof dif (1)
  • sabs roof dir (1)
  • sabs shadewall dif (1)
  • sabs shadewall dir (1)
  • sabs sunwall dif (1)
  • sabs sunwall dir (1)
  • sad (4)
  • sad of big particles (3)
  • salinity (1)
  • salinityAt250m (1)
  • salinityAtBottom (1)
  • salinityAtSurface (1)
  • salinitySurfaceValue (1)
  • samplesMISR (1)
  • sampling seq (1)
  • sampunc (2)
  • sbar2 (2)
  • sbl (5665)
  • sblsi (750)
  • sci (977)
  • scnum (2)
  • sconcbc (2476)
  • sconcdust (2454)
  • sconcnh4 (220)
  • sconcno3 (220)
  • sconcoa (2073)
  • sconcpoa (305)
  • sconcso4 (2476)
  • sconcsoa (361)
  • sconcss (2328)
  • scph (2)
  • sdii (117)
  • seaIcePressure (1)
  • seaSurfaceTemperature (1)
  • secdf (14)
  • secdf to c3ann (14)
  • secdf to c3nfx (14)
  • secdf to c3per (14)
  • secdf to c4ann (14)
  • secdf to c4per (14)
  • secdf to pastr (14)
  • secdf to range (14)
  • secdf to secdn (14)
  • secdf to urban (14)
  • secdn (14)
  • secdn to c3ann (14)
  • secdn to c3nfx (14)
  • secdn to c3per (14)
  • secdn to c4ann (14)
  • secdn to c4per (14)
  • secdn to pastr (14)
  • secdn to range (14)
  • secdn to secdf (14)
  • secdn to urban (14)
  • secma (14)
  • secmb (14)
  • secmf bioh (14)
  • secmf harv (14)
  • secnf bioh (14)
  • secnf harv (14)
  • secyf bioh (14)
  • secyf harv (14)
  • seq infodata case name (1)
  • seq infodata nextsw cday (1)
  • seq infodata precip fact (1)
  • seq timemgr curr tod (1)
  • seq timemgr curr ymd (1)
  • seq timemgr ref tod (1)
  • seq timemgr ref ymd (1)
  • seq timemgr start tod (1)
  • seq timemgr start ymd (1)
  • sf6 (5)
  • sf6 GM (4)
  • sfcWind (17322)
  • sfcWindAdjust (210)
  • sfcWindClim (17)
  • sfcWindmax (5209)
  • sfcWindmaxmax (92)
  • sfdsi (1170)
  • sfriver (115)
  • sftflf (11)
  • sftgif (1185)
  • sftgrf (60)
  • sftlaf (1)
  • sftlf (2470)
  • sftof (721)
  • shortwaveIRDiffuseDown (1)
  • shortwaveIRDirectDown (1)
  • shortwaveScalingFactor (1)
  • shortwaveVisibleDiffuseDown (1)
  • shortwaveVisibleDirectDown (1)
  • shrubFrac (1261)
  • si (830)
  • siage (38)
  • siareaacrossline (100)
  • siarean (100)
  • siareas (100)
  • sic (15252)
  • sicompstren (38)
  • siconc (498)
  • siconca (132)
  • siconcbcs (3)
  • sidconcdyn (100)
  • sidconcth (100)
  • sidivvel (90)
  • sidmassdyn (100)
  • sidmassevapsubl (38)
  • sidmassgrowthbot (30)
  • sidmassgrowthwat (30)
  • sidmasslat (30)
  • sidmassmeltbot (30)
  • sidmassmelttop (30)
  • sidmasssi (30)
  • sidmassth (100)
  • sidmasstranx (100)
  • sidmasstrany (100)
  • siextentn (100)
  • siextents (100)
  • sifb (100)
  • siflcondbot (100)
  • siflcondtop (100)
  • siflfwbot (100)
  • siflfwdrain (30)
  • sifllatstop (100)
  • sifllwdtop (70)
  • sifllwutop (100)
  • siflsenstop (70)
  • siflsensupbot (30)
  • siflswdbot (30)
  • siflswdtop (108)
  • siflswutop (100)
  • siforceintstrx (37)
  • siforceintstry (37)
  • sihc (100)
  • sim (2573)
  • simass (204)
  • simassacrossline (112)
  • simpconc (99)
  • simulationStartTime (1)
  • sipr (30)
  • sirdgconc (97)
  • sisali (1)
  • sisaltmass (100)
  • sishevel (30)
  • sisnconc (107)
  • sisnhc (100)
  • sisnmass (210)
  • sisnthick (258)
  • sispeed (155)
  • sistrxdtop (190)
  • sistrxubot (145)
  • sistrydtop (190)
  • sistryubot (145)
  • sit (15510)
  • sitSprd (1)
  • sitempbot (30)
  • sitempsnic (30)
  • sitemptop (158)
  • sithick (479)
  • sitimefrac (185)
  • siu (169)
  • siv (169)
  • sivol (108)
  • sivoln (100)
  • sivols (100)
  • sltbasin (107)
  • sltfsib (8)
  • sltnorth (2052)
  • sltnortha (447)
  • sltovdiff (8)
  • sltovgyre (8)
  • sltovovrt (28)
  • smc (42)
  • snc (8159)
  • sncSprd (1)
  • snd (13130)
  • sndSprd (1)
  • sndmassdyn (100)
  • sndmassmelt (30)
  • sndmasssi (30)
  • sndmasssnf (101)
  • sndmasssubl (30)
  • snld (7457)
  • snm (7823)
  • snmClim (17)
  • snmassacrossline (100)
  • snoToIce (1240)
  • snomelt (2208)
  • snowEnthalpy (1)
  • snowVolumeCategory (1)
  • snowcover (14)
  • snowfallRate (1)
  • snownc (6)
  • snw (10410)
  • snwClim (17)
  • snw rds (1)
  • snwc (10)
  • so (10098)
  • so2f2 (5)
  • so2f2 GM (4)
  • so4 a1 (9)
  • so4 a1DDF (29)
  • so4 a1SFWET (29)
  • so4 a1 2 (53)
  • so4 a1 CLXF (29)
  • so4 a1 SRF (82)
  • so4 a1 sfgaex1 (29)
  • so4 a2 (9)
  • so4 a2DDF (29)
  • so4 a2SFWET (29)
  • so4 a2 2 (53)
  • so4 a2 CLXF (29)
  • so4 a2 SRF (82)
  • so4 a2 sfgaex1 (29)
  • so4 a3 (9)
  • so4 a3DDF (29)
  • so4 a3SFWET (29)
  • so4 a3 2 (53)
  • so4 a3 SRF (82)
  • so4 a3 sfgaex1 (29)
  • so4 c1 (1)
  • so4 c1DDF (29)
  • so4 c1SFWET (29)
  • so4 c2 (1)
  • so4 c2DDF (29)
  • so4 c2SFWET (29)
  • so4 c3 (1)
  • so4 c3DDF (29)
  • so4 c3SFWET (29)
  • soSprd (1)
  • soa a1 (9)
  • soa a1DDF (29)
  • soa a1SFWET (29)
  • soa a1 2 (53)
  • soa a1 SRF (82)
  • soa a1 sfgaex1 (29)
  • soa a2 (9)
  • soa a2DDF (29)
  • soa a2SFWET (29)
  • soa a2 2 (53)
  • soa a2 SRF (82)
  • soa a2 sfgaex1 (29)
  • soa a3 (9)
  • soa a3DDF (29)
  • soa a3SFWET (29)
  • soa a3 SRF (29)
  • soa a3 sfgaex1 (29)
  • soa c1 (1)
  • soa c1DDF (29)
  • soa c1SFWET (29)
  • soa c2 (1)
  • soa c2DDF (29)
  • soa c2SFWET (29)
  • soa c3 (1)
  • soa c3DDF (29)
  • soa c3SFWET (29)
  • sob (70)
  • soga (3076)
  • soil bounds (9)
  • soil layer (9)
  • sol tsi (94)
  • solarZenithAngleCosine (1)
  • solar zenith angle (4)
  • solveVelocityPrevious (1)
  • somint (125)
  • sootsn (633)
  • sos (9985)
  • sosga (100)
  • sossq (80)
  • spco2 (454)
  • spv (46)
  • ssa (1)
  • ssh (1)
  • ssi (110)
  • ssn (3)
  • sst (229)
  • static ener ac (1)
  • std (2)
  • stdunc (2)
  • stfbarot (216)
  • stfmmc (218)
  • stfmmcgm (9)
  • stncount (2)
  • stnunc (2)
  • strairx (3954)
  • strairy (3954)
  • strataod (6)
  • strathr (6)
  • streng (285)
  • stress11var (1)
  • stress12var (1)
  • stress22var (1)
  • strocnx (810)
  • strocny (810)
  • su (740)
  • su30 (740)
  • sund (3181)
  • surfaceTemperature (1)
  • surfaceVelocityMeridional (1)
  • surfaceVelocityZonal (1)
  • surface albedo (4)
  • surface emissivity (4)
  • surface temperature (4)
  • swe (14)
  • swit (7)
  • sza (2)
  • t20d (6091)
  • tThreshMLD (1)
  • ta (26027)
  • ta10 (7)
  • ta100 (122)
  • ta1000 (33)
  • ta150 (3)
  • ta200 (3619)
  • ta23 (89)
  • ta250 (32)
  • ta300 (411)
  • ta400 (411)
  • ta50 (3)
  • ta500 (3230)
  • ta50m (7)
  • ta600 (411)
  • ta70 (3)
  • ta700 (845)
  • ta750 (3)
  • ta850 (3656)
  • ta875 (2)
  • ta900 (2)
  • ta925 (477)
  • ta950 (8)
  • ta975 (31)
  • taClim (17)
  • taSprd (3)
  • taf (1)
  • talk (1015)
  • tarea (7583)
  • tas (48655)
  • tas-hc (2828)
  • tasAdjust (769)
  • tasClim (17)
  • tasSprd (3)
  • tasa (2)
  • tasmax (25101)
  • tasmax-bc (120)
  • tasmaxAdjust (338)
  • tasmaxClim (17)
  • tasmaxSprd (1)
  • tasmaxts (4)
  • tasmin (25094)
  • tasmin-bc (120)
  • tasminAdjust (338)
  • tasminClim (17)
  • tasminSprd (1)
  • tasmints (4)
  • tau (15)
  • tau bnds (15)
  • tauu (9947)
  • tauuClim (17)
  • tauuSprd (1)
  • tauucorr (95)
  • tauuo (3714)
  • tauv (9949)
  • tauvClim (17)
  • tauvSprd (1)
  • tauvcorr (95)
  • tauvo (3713)
  • tdps (6090)
  • tds (32)
  • tdsa (2)
  • temp layer (4)
  • temp level (4)
  • temperature (1)
  • temperatureAt250m (1)
  • temperatureAtBottom (1)
  • temperatureAtSurface (1)
  • temperatureSurfaceValue (1)
  • temperature anomaly (100)
  • termiteCH4 (7)
  • tg (1)
  • thetao (16444)
  • thetaoSprd (1)
  • thetaoga (3046)
  • thetaot (139)
  • thetaot2000 (40)
  • thetaot300 (40)
  • thetaot700 (40)
  • thetapv2 (50)
  • thetapw1000 (3)
  • thetapw700 (3)
  • thetapw850 (3)
  • thetapw925 (3)
  • thkcello (1586)
  • time (1)
  • timeMonthly avg CFLNumberGlobal (9)
  • timeMonthly avg SSHSquared (1)
  • timeMonthly avg absorbedShortwaveFluxInitialArea (12)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracerHorizontalAdvectionTendency salinityHorizontalAdvectionTendency (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracerHorizontalAdvectionTendency temperatureHorizontalAdvectionTendency (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracerNonLocalTendency salinityNonLocalTendency (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracerNonLocalTendency temperatureNonLocalTendency (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracerSurfaceFluxTendency salinitySurfaceFluxTendency (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracerSurfaceFluxTendency temperatureSurfaceFluxTendency (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracerVertMixTendency salinityVertMixTendency (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracerVertMixTendency temperatureVertMixTendency (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracerVerticalAdvectionTendency salinityVerticalAdvectionTendency (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracerVerticalAdvectionTendency temperatureVerticalAdvectionTendency (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracersSurfaceFluxRemoved salinitySurfaceFluxRemoved (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracersSurfaceFluxRemoved temperatureSurfaceFluxRemoved (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracersSurfaceFluxRunoff salinitySurfaceFluxRunoff (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracersSurfaceFluxRunoff temperatureSurfaceFluxRunoff (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracersSurfaceFlux salinitySurfaceFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracersSurfaceFlux temperatureSurfaceFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracersTend salinityTend (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracersTend temperatureTend (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracers salinity (9)
  • timeMonthly avg activeTracers temperature (9)
  • timeMonthly avg airStressVertexUGeo (9)
  • timeMonthly avg airStressVertexVGeo (9)
  • timeMonthly avg airTemperature (12)
  • timeMonthly avg areaCellGlobal (9)
  • timeMonthly avg areaEdgeGlobal (9)
  • timeMonthly avg areaTriangleGlobal (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceFrazilMassAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceHeatAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceMassAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats enstrophyAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats evaporationFluxAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats frazilLayerThicknessTendencyAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats highFreqThicknessAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats iceRunoffFluxAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats kineticEnergyCellAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats landIceFreshwaterFluxAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats layerThicknessAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats layerThicknessEdgeAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats layerThicknessPreviousTimestepAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats lowFreqDivergenceAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats montgomeryPotentialAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats normalVelocityAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats normalizedAbsoluteVorticityAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats pressureAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats rainFluxAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats relativeVorticityAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats riverRunoffFluxAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats salinityAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats salinityFluxAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats salinityRestoringFluxAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats seaIceFreshWaterFluxAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats snowFluxAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats tangentialVelocityAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats temperatureAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats temperatureFluxAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats vertAleTransportTopAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgGlobalStats vertVelocityTopAvg (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerArea (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerBruntVaisalaFreqTop (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerDensity (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerDivergence (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerKineticEnergyCell (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerPotentialDensity (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerRelativeEnstrophyCell (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerRelativeVorticityCell (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerSalinity (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerSalinityHorAdv (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerSalinityNL (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerSalinitySfcFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerSalinityVertAdv (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerSalinityVertMix (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerTemperature (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerTemperatureHorAdv (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerTemperatureNL (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerTemperatureSW (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerTemperatureSfcFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerTemperatureVertAdv (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerTemperatureVertMix (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerThickness (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerVelocityMeridional (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerVelocityZonal (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion avgLayerVertVelocityTop (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanLayerRegion sumLayerMaskValue (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgBoundaryLayerDepth (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgEvaporationFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgIceRunoffFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgLatentHeatFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgLongWaveHeatFluxDown (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgLongWaveHeatFluxUp (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgRainFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgRiverRunoffFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSeaIceEnergy (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSeaIceFreshWaterFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSeaIceHeatFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSeaIceSalinityFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSeaSurfacePressure (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSensibleHeatFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgShortWaveHeatFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSnowFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSurfaceArea (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSurfaceNetFreshWaterFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSurfaceNetHeatFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSurfaceNetSalinitFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSurfaceSSH (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSurfaceSalinity (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSurfaceSalinityFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSurfaceTemperature (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSurfaceTemperatureFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSurfaceThicknessFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgSurfaceWindStressMagnitude (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgWindStressMeridional (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion avgWindStressZonal (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanRegion sumSurfaceMaskValue (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeArea (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeBruntVaisalaFreqTop (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeDensity (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeDivergence (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeKineticEnergyCell (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumePotentialDensity (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeRelativeEnstrophyCell (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeRelativeVorticityCell (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeSalinity (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeSalinityHorAdv (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeSalinitySfcFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeSalinitySfcNL (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeSalinityVertAdv (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeSalinityVertMix (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeTemperature (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeTemperatureHorAdv (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeTemperatureNL (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeTemperatureSW (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeTemperatureSfcFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeTemperatureVertAdv (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeTemperatureVertMix (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeThickness (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeVelocityMeridional (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeVelocityZonal (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion avgVolumeVertVelocityTop (9)
  • timeMonthly avg avgValueWithinOceanVolumeRegion sumVolumeMaskValue (9)
  • timeMonthly avg bareIceAlbedoCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg basalIceMelt (12)
  • timeMonthly avg bioShortwaveFlux (3)
  • timeMonthly avg boundaryLayerDepth (9)
  • timeMonthly avg boundaryLayerDepthSmooth (9)
  • timeMonthly avg broadbandAlbedo (12)
  • timeMonthly avg bulkRichardsonNumber (9)
  • timeMonthly avg bulkSalinity (12)
  • timeMonthly avg columnIntegratedSpeed (9)
  • timeMonthly avg congelation (12)
  • timeMonthly avg dThreshMLD (9)
  • timeMonthly avg daysSinceStartOfSim (21)
  • timeMonthly avg density (9)
  • timeMonthly avg divergence (12)
  • timeMonthly avg evaporationFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg evaporativeWaterFluxInitialArea (12)
  • timeMonthly avg firstYearIceAreaCell (12)
  • timeMonthly avg frazilFormation (12)
  • timeMonthly avg frazilLayerThicknessTendency (9)
  • timeMonthly avg freezingMeltingPotential (12)
  • timeMonthly avg iceAgeCell (12)
  • timeMonthly avg iceAgeTendencyThermodynamics (12)
  • timeMonthly avg iceAgeTendencyTransport (12)
  • timeMonthly avg iceAreaCell (12)
  • timeMonthly avg iceAreaTendencyThermodynamics (12)
  • timeMonthly avg iceAreaTendencyTransport (12)
  • timeMonthly avg iceEnthalpyCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg icePresent (12)
  • timeMonthly avg icePressure (12)
  • timeMonthly avg iceRunoffFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg iceSalinityCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg iceVolumeCell (12)
  • timeMonthly avg iceVolumeTendencyThermodynamics (12)
  • timeMonthly avg iceVolumeTendencyTransport (12)
  • timeMonthly avg latentHeatFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg latentHeatFluxInitialArea (12)
  • timeMonthly avg lateralIceMelt (12)
  • timeMonthly avg layerThickness (9)
  • timeMonthly avg levelIceAreaCell (12)
  • timeMonthly avg levelIceVolumeCell (12)
  • timeMonthly avg longWaveHeatFluxDown (9)
  • timeMonthly avg longWaveHeatFluxUp (9)
  • timeMonthly avg longwaveDown (12)
  • timeMonthly avg longwaveUpInitialArea (12)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceFrazilMassMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceHeatMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceMassMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats enstrophyMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats evaporationFluxMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats frazilLayerThicknessTendencyMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats highFreqThicknessMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats iceRunoffFluxMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats kineticEnergyCellMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats landIceFreshwaterFluxMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats layerThicknessEdgeMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats layerThicknessMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats layerThicknessPreviousTimestepMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats lowFreqDivergenceMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats montgomeryPotentialMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats normalVelocityMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats normalizedAbsoluteVorticityMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats pressureMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats rainFluxMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats relativeVorticityMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats riverRunoffFluxMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats salinityFluxMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats salinityMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats salinityRestoringFluxMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats seaIceFreshWaterFluxMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats snowFluxMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats tangentialVelocityMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats temperatureFluxMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats temperatureMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats vertAleTransportTopMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg maxGlobalStats vertVelocityTopMax (9)
  • timeMonthly avg meltPondAreaFinalArea (12)
  • timeMonthly avg meltPondDepthFinalArea (12)
  • timeMonthly avg meltPondLidThicknessFinalArea (12)
  • timeMonthly avg meridionalHeatTransportLat (9)
  • timeMonthly avg meridionalHeatTransportLatZ (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceFrazilMassMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceHeatMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceMassMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats enstrophyMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats evaporationFluxMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats frazilLayerThicknessTendencyMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats highFreqThicknessMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats iceRunoffFluxMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats kineticEnergyCellMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats landIceFreshwaterFluxMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats layerThicknessEdgeMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats layerThicknessMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats layerThicknessPreviousTimestepMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats lowFreqDivergenceMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats montgomeryPotentialMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats normalVelocityMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats normalizedAbsoluteVorticityMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats pressureMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats rainFluxMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats relativeVorticityMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats riverRunoffFluxMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats salinityFluxMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats salinityMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats salinityRestoringFluxMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats seaIceFreshWaterFluxMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats snowFluxMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats tangentialVelocityMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats temperatureFluxMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats temperatureMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats vertAleTransportTopMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg minGlobalStats vertVelocityTopMin (9)
  • timeMonthly avg mocStreamvalLatAndDepth (9)
  • timeMonthly avg mocStreamvalLatAndDepthRegion (9)
  • timeMonthly avg netAmmoniumUptake (3)
  • timeMonthly avg netBrineHeight (3)
  • timeMonthly avg netNitrateUptake (3)
  • timeMonthly avg netSpecificAlgalGrowthRate (3)
  • timeMonthly avg nonLocalSurfaceTracerFlux nonLocalSalinitySurfaceFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg nonLocalSurfaceTracerFlux nonLocalTemperatureSurfaceFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg normalGMBolusVelocity (9)
  • timeMonthly avg normalVelocity (9)
  • timeMonthly avg oceanBioConcentrations (3)
  • timeMonthly avg oceanBioFluxes (3)
  • timeMonthly avg oceanFreshWaterFlux (12)
  • timeMonthly avg oceanHeatFlux (12)
  • timeMonthly avg oceanSaltFlux (12)
  • timeMonthly avg oceanShortwaveFlux (12)
  • timeMonthly avg penetrativeTemperatureFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg pondAlbedoCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg pondAreaCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg potentialDensity (9)
  • timeMonthly avg pressureAdjustedSSH (9)
  • timeMonthly avg primaryProduction (3)
  • timeMonthly avg principalStress1Var (12)
  • timeMonthly avg principalStress2Var (12)
  • timeMonthly avg rainFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg ridgedIceAreaAverage (9)
  • timeMonthly avg ridgedIceVolumeAverage (9)
  • timeMonthly avg riverRunoffFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceFrazilMassRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceHeatRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceMassRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats enstrophyRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats evaporationFluxRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats frazilLayerThicknessTendencyRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats highFreqThicknessRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats iceRunoffFluxRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats kineticEnergyCellRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats landIceFreshwaterFluxRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats layerThicknessEdgeRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats layerThicknessPreviousTimestepRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats layerThicknessRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats lowFreqDivergenceRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats montgomeryPotentialRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats normalVelocityRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats normalizedAbsoluteVorticityRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats pressureRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats rainFluxRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats relativeVorticityRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats riverRunoffFluxRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats salinityFluxRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats salinityRestoringFluxRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats salinityRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats seaIceFreshWaterFluxRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats snowFluxRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats tangentialVelocityRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats temperatureFluxRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats temperatureRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats vertAleTransportTopRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg rmsGlobalStats vertVelocityTopRms (9)
  • timeMonthly avg seaIceFreshWaterFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg seaIceHeatFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg seaIceSalinityFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg seaSurfaceSalinity (12)
  • timeMonthly avg seaSurfaceTemperature (12)
  • timeMonthly avg sensibleHeatFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sensibleHeatFluxInitialArea (12)
  • timeMonthly avg shear (12)
  • timeMonthly avg shortWaveHeatFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg shortwaveDown (12)
  • timeMonthly avg shortwaveScalingFactor (12)
  • timeMonthly avg snowAlbedoCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg snowFlux (9)
  • timeMonthly avg snowMelt (12)
  • timeMonthly avg snowThicknessChange (3)
  • timeMonthly avg snowVolumeCell (12)
  • timeMonthly avg snowiceFormation (12)
  • timeMonthly avg ssh (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceFrazilMassSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceHeatSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceMassSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats enstrophySum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats evaporationFluxSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats frazilLayerThicknessTendencySum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats highFreqThicknessSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats iceRunoffFluxSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats kineticEnergyCellSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats landIceFreshwaterFluxSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats layerThicknessEdgeSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats layerThicknessPreviousTimestepSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats layerThicknessSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats lowFreqDivergenceSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats montgomeryPotentialSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats normalVelocitySum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats normalizedAbsoluteVorticitySum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats pressureSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats rainFluxSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats relativeVorticitySum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats riverRunoffFluxSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats salinityFluxSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats salinityRestoringFluxSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats salinitySum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats seaIceFreshWaterFluxSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats snowFluxSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats tangentialVelocitySum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats temperatureFluxSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats temperatureSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats vertAleTransportTopSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg sumGlobalStats vertVelocityTopSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg surfaceBuoyancyForcing (9)
  • timeMonthly avg surfaceIceMelt (12)
  • timeMonthly avg surfaceTemperatureCell (12)
  • timeMonthly avg tThreshMLD (9)
  • timeMonthly avg temperatureShortWaveTendency (9)
  • timeMonthly avg tendLayerThickness (9)
  • timeMonthly avg totalChlorophyll (3)
  • timeMonthly avg totalVerticalBiologyIce (3)
  • timeMonthly avg uAirVelocity (12)
  • timeMonthly avg uOceanVelocityVertexGeo (9)
  • timeMonthly avg uVelocityGeo (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vAirVelocity (12)
  • timeMonthly avg vOceanVelocityVertexGeo (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vVelocityGeo (9)
  • timeMonthly avg velocityMeridional (9)
  • timeMonthly avg velocityMeridionalSquared (1)
  • timeMonthly avg velocityMeridionalTimesTemperature (1)
  • timeMonthly avg velocityZonal (9)
  • timeMonthly avg velocityZonalSquared (1)
  • timeMonthly avg velocityZonalTimesTemperature (1)
  • timeMonthly avg vertDiffTopOfCell (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertGMBolusVelocityTop (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertNonLocalFlux vertNonLocalFluxTemp (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceFrazilMassMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceHeatMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceMassMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats enstrophyMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats evaporationFluxMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats frazilLayerThicknessTendencyMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats highFreqThicknessMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats iceRunoffFluxMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats kineticEnergyCellMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats landIceFreshwaterFluxMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats layerThicknessEdgeMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats layerThicknessMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats layerThicknessPreviousTimestepMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats lowFreqDivergenceMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats montgomeryPotentialMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats normalVelocityMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats normalizedAbsoluteVorticityMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats pressureMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats rainFluxMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats relativeVorticityMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats riverRunoffFluxMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats salinityFluxMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats salinityMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats salinityRestoringFluxMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats seaIceFreshWaterFluxMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats snowFluxMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats tangentialVelocityMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats temperatureFluxMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats temperatureMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats vertAleTransportTopMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMaxGlobalStats vertVelocityTopMaxVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceFrazilMassMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceHeatMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats accumulatedLandIceMassMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats enstrophyMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats evaporationFluxMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats frazilLayerThicknessTendencyMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats highFreqThicknessMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats iceRunoffFluxMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats kineticEnergyCellMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats landIceFreshwaterFluxMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats layerThicknessEdgeMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats layerThicknessMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats layerThicknessPreviousTimestepMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats lowFreqDivergenceMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats montgomeryPotentialMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats normalVelocityMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats normalizedAbsoluteVorticityMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats pressureMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats rainFluxMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats relativeVorticityMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats riverRunoffFluxMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats salinityFluxMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats salinityMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats salinityRestoringFluxMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats seaIceFreshWaterFluxMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats snowFluxMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats tangentialVelocityMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats temperatureFluxMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats temperatureMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats vertAleTransportTopMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertSumMinGlobalStats vertVelocityTopMinVertSum (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertVelocityTop (9)
  • timeMonthly avg vertViscTopOfCell (9)
  • timeMonthly avg verticalAlgaeIceCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg verticalAmmoniumIceCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg verticalDMSIceCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg verticalDMSPdIceCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg verticalDissolvedIronIceCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg verticalHumicsIceCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg verticalNitrateIceCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg verticalNonreactiveIceCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg verticalSilicateIceCell (3)
  • timeMonthly avg volumeCellGlobal (9)
  • timeMonthly avg volumeEdgeGlobal (9)
  • timeMonthly avg windStressMeridional (9)
  • timeMonthly avg windStressZonal (9)
  • timeMonthly counter (21)
  • time 0 (11)
  • time 0 bnds (4)
  • time bnds (1)
  • time bounds (7594)
  • time written (102)
  • timemgr rst curr tod (1)
  • timemgr rst curr ymd (1)
  • timemgr rst nstep rad prev (1)
  • timemgr rst ref tod (1)
  • timemgr rst ref ymd (1)
  • timemgr rst start tod (1)
  • timemgr rst start ymd (1)
  • timemgr rst step sec (1)
  • timemgr rst type (1)
  • tke (4)
  • tlai (1)
  • tlai z (1)
  • tmask (7583)
  • tmelt (1116)
  • tn90 (117)
  • tnhus (558)
  • tnhusa (552)
  • tnhusc (571)
  • tnhusd (479)
  • tnhusmp (579)
  • tnhuspbl (10)
  • tnhusscp (10)
  • tnhusscpbl (575)
  • tnkebto (16)
  • tnpeo (16)
  • tnpeot (11)
  • tnpeotb (16)
  • tnsccw (7)
  • tnsccwa (16)
  • tnsccwacr (23)
  • tnsccwacs (7)
  • tnsccwbl (7)
  • tnsccwce (23)
  • tnsccwcm (7)
  • tnsccwif (23)
  • tnscli (15)
  • tnsclia (15)
  • tnscliag (7)
  • tnsclias (7)
  • tnsclibfpcl (7)
  • tnsclibl (15)
  • tnsclicd (7)
  • tnsclicm (7)
  • tnsclids (22)
  • tnscliemi (14)
  • tnsclihencl (14)
  • tnsclihenv (14)
  • tnsclihon (14)
  • tnscliif (22)
  • tnsclimcl (7)
  • tnsclimr (22)
  • tnscliricl (14)
  • tnsclirir (14)
  • tnsclw (15)
  • tnsclwa (15)
  • tnsclwac (22)
  • tnsclwar (14)
  • tnsclwas (14)
  • tnsclwbfpcli (8)
  • tnsclwcd (16)
  • tnsclwce (31)
  • tnsclwcm (7)
  • tnsclwhen (15)
  • tnsclwhon (15)
  • tnsclwmi (7)
  • tnsclwri (15)
  • tnt (558)
  • tnta (551)
  • tntc (585)
  • tntmp (599)
  • tntnogw (10)
  • tntogw (10)
  • tntpbl (10)
  • tntr (577)
  • tntrl (30)
  • tntrs (30)
  • tntscp (20)
  • tntscpbl (577)
  • tob (70)
  • toffset (208)
  • tomint (6)
  • topo (7)
  • tos (20755)
  • tosbcs (3)
  • tosga (83)
  • tosnaa (13)
  • tossq (2420)
  • total solar irradiance (4)
  • toz (30)
  • tpert (1)
  • tr (750)
  • tracer cnst curr fname (1)
  • tran (3772)
  • tranClim (17)
  • tranSprd (1)
  • transifs (783)
  • transix (2159)
  • transiy (2162)
  • treeFrac (1963)
  • treeFracPrimDec (264)
  • treeFracPrimEver (262)
  • treeFracSecDec (51)
  • treeFracSecEver (51)
  • tro3 (1982)
  • tro3Clim (17)
  • tro3Sprd (2)
  • tro3day (6)
  • tro3mmr (1)
  • trsult (19)
  • ts (10014)
  • tsAdjust (312)
  • tsClim (17)
  • tsSprd (3)
  • tsai (1)
  • tsai z (1)
  • tsi (3)
  • tsice (4883)
  • tsl (5025)
  • tslClim (17)
  • tslSprd (1)
  • tslsi (1841)
  • tsmax (6)
  • tsmin (6)
  • tsn (1790)
  • tsnint (693)
  • tso (479)
  • twp (3)
  • tws (2)
  • twsa (2)
  • tx10p (740)
  • tx90p (740)
  • type1d (1)
  • type1d out (1)
  • type2d (1)
  • u10s (1)
  • u200 (36)
  • u2o (66)
  • u500 (36)
  • u850 (36)
  • uVelocity (1)
  • ua (20554)
  • ua10 (227)
  • ua100 (122)
  • ua1000 (56)
  • ua100m (360)
  • ua150 (3)
  • ua150m (7)
  • ua19 (98)
  • ua200 (3582)
  • ua200m (7)
  • ua23 (89)
  • ua250 (32)
  • ua250m (7)
  • ua300 (411)
  • ua4 (48)
  • ua400 (411)
  • ua50 (3)
  • ua500 (3183)
  • ua50m (62)
  • ua600 (411)
  • ua70 (3)
  • ua700 (485)
  • ua750 (3)
  • ua850 (3725)
  • ua875 (2)
  • ua900 (2)
  • ua925 (475)
  • ua950 (8)
  • ua975 (31)
  • uaClim (17)
  • uaSprd (3)
  • uas (28286)
  • uasClim (17)
  • uasSprd (3)
  • ubot (240)
  • umo (3379)
  • uncalipso (3)
  • uneutrals (89)
  • units (1)
  • uo (16432)
  • uoSprd (1)
  • uos (2)
  • urban (14)
  • urban to c3ann (14)
  • urban to c3nfx (14)
  • urban to c3per (14)
  • urban to c4ann (14)
  • urban to c4per (14)
  • urban to pastr (14)
  • urban to range (14)
  • urban to secdf (14)
  • urban to secdn (14)
  • usi (4386)
  • uso (68)
  • ustar (6)
  • utendnogw (90)
  • utendogw (80)
  • uto (68)
  • utsvolcemis (1)
  • v10s (1)
  • v200 (36)
  • v2o (66)
  • v500 (36)
  • v850 (36)
  • vVelocity (1)
  • va (20555)
  • va10 (7)
  • va100 (122)
  • va1000 (56)
  • va100m (360)
  • va150 (3)
  • va150m (7)
  • va19 (98)
  • va200 (3581)
  • va200m (7)
  • va23 (89)
  • va250 (32)
  • va250m (7)
  • va300 (411)
  • va4 (48)
  • va400 (411)
  • va50 (3)
  • va500 (3183)
  • va50m (62)
  • va600 (411)
  • va70 (3)
  • va700 (485)
  • va750 (3)
  • va850 (3724)
  • va875 (2)
  • va900 (2)
  • va925 (475)
  • va950 (8)
  • va975 (31)
  • vaClim (17)
  • vaSprd (3)
  • vaps (130)
  • vas (28280)
  • vasClim (17)
  • vasSprd (3)
  • vbot (240)
  • vcmaxcintsha (1)
  • vcmaxcintsun (1)
  • vd (1)
  • vegFrac (523)
  • vertCoordMovementWeights (1)
  • vertNonLocalFluxTemp (1)
  • verticesOnCell (1)
  • verticesOnEdge (1)
  • vmo (3378)
  • vmrhno3 (6)
  • vmrno (6)
  • vmrno2 (6)
  • vmro3 (18)
  • vneutrals (89)
  • vo (16418)
  • voSprd (1)
  • volcello (702)
  • volo (1775)
  • volume density (3)
  • vortmean (26)
  • vos (2)
  • vps (2)
  • vpsa (2)
  • vsf (1229)
  • vsfcorr (260)
  • vsfevap (66)
  • vsfpr (66)
  • vsfriver (66)
  • vsfsit (1058)
  • vsi (4385)
  • vso (68)
  • vstarbar (52)
  • vtendnogw (80)
  • vtendogw (70)
  • vto (68)
  • w2o (33)
  • wa1000 (28)
  • wa200 (29)
  • wa500 (31)
  • wa700 (29)
  • wa850 (29)
  • wa925 (29)
  • wa950 (6)
  • wap (8613)
  • wap10 (7)
  • wap200 (7)
  • wap23 (89)
  • wap500 (376)
  • wap700 (7)
  • wap850 (7)
  • wap925 (7)
  • wapClim (17)
  • wapSprd (1)
  • water vap ac (1)
  • water vapor (4)
  • wbepi (1)
  • wd (2)
  • wd100m (3)
  • wd10m (3)
  • wd125m (3)
  • wd150m (3)
  • wd175m (3)
  • wd200m (3)
  • wd40m (3)
  • wd60m (3)
  • wd80m (3)
  • wdp (740)
  • weareffreq (2)
  • wearegdist (22)
  • weightsOnEdge (1)
  • wetbc (1046)
  • wetdms (113)
  • wetdust (1236)
  • wetlandCH4 (7)
  • wetlandFrac (7)
  • wetnh4 (211)
  • wetnhx (11)
  • wetnoy (11)
  • wetoa (674)
  • wetpoa (280)
  • wetso2 (2214)
  • wetso4 (2214)
  • wetsoa (211)
  • wetss (808)
  • wfcorr (345)
  • wfo (3945)
  • wfogiwosi (13)
  • wfonocorr (803)
  • wg (2)
  • wlen (3)
  • wlen bnds (3)
  • wlenbinsize (3)
  • wmo (5369)
  • wmosq (1741)
  • wo (1735)
  • wofcfr (46)
  • woncfr (46)
  • wpcfiec1 (1)
  • wpcfiec2 (1)
  • wpcfiec3 (1)
  • ws (2)
  • ws100 (46)
  • ws100m (3)
  • ws125m (3)
  • ws150m (3)
  • ws175m (3)
  • ws200m (3)
  • ws40m (3)
  • ws60m (3)
  • ws80m (3)
  • wsdi (740)
  • wsgmax (93)
  • wsgscmax (3)
  • wsgsmax (602)
  • wsgsmax100m (2)
  • wsgstmax (3)
  • wso (35)
  • wstarbar (52)
  • wtd (30)
  • wto (35)
  • x (1)
  • x2a Fall flxdst1 (1)
  • x2a Fall flxdst2 (1)
  • x2a Fall flxdst3 (1)
  • x2a Fall flxdst4 (1)
  • x2a Faxx evap (1)
  • x2a Faxx lat (1)
  • x2a Faxx lwup (1)
  • x2a Faxx sen (1)
  • x2a Faxx taux (1)
  • x2a Faxx tauy (1)
  • x2a Sf ifrac (1)
  • x2a Sf lfrac (1)
  • x2a Sf ofrac (1)
  • x2a Si snowh (1)
  • x2a Sl fv (1)
  • x2a Sl ram1 (1)
  • x2a Sl snowh (1)
  • x2a So re (1)
  • x2a So ssq (1)
  • x2a So t (1)
  • x2a So ustar (1)
  • x2a Sx anidf (1)
  • x2a Sx anidr (1)
  • x2a Sx avsdf (1)
  • x2a Sx avsdr (1)
  • x2a Sx qref (1)
  • x2a Sx t (1)
  • x2a Sx tref (1)
  • x2a Sx u10 (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa bcphidry (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa bcphiwet (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa bcphodry (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa dstdry1 (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa dstdry2 (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa dstdry3 (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa dstdry4 (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa dstwet1 (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa dstwet2 (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa dstwet3 (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa dstwet4 (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa lwdn (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa ocphidry (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa ocphiwet (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa ocphodry (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa prec (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa rain (1)
  • x2oacc ox Faxa snow (1)
  • x2oacc ox Fioi bcphi (1)
  • x2oacc ox Fioi bcpho (1)
  • x2oacc ox Fioi flxdst (1)
  • x2oacc ox Fioi melth (1)
  • x2oacc ox Fioi meltw (1)
  • x2oacc ox Fioi salt (1)
  • x2oacc ox Foxx evap (1)
  • x2oacc ox Foxx lat (1)
  • x2oacc ox Foxx lwup (1)
  • x2oacc ox Foxx rofi (1)
  • x2oacc ox Foxx rofl (1)
  • x2oacc ox Foxx sen (1)
  • x2oacc ox Foxx swnet (1)
  • x2oacc ox Foxx taux (1)
  • x2oacc ox Foxx tauy (1)
  • x2oacc ox Sa co2diag (1)
  • x2oacc ox Sa co2prog (1)
  • x2oacc ox Sa pbot (1)
  • x2oacc ox Sa pslv (1)
  • x2oacc ox Si bpress (1)
  • x2oacc ox Si ifrac (1)
  • x2oacc ox So duu10n (1)
  • x2oacc ox Sw hstokes (1)
  • x2oacc ox Sw lamult (1)
  • x2oacc ox Sw ustokes (1)
  • x2oacc ox Sw vstokes (1)
  • x2oacc ox cnt (1)
  • xCell (1)
  • xEdge (1)
  • xVertex (1)
  • x bnds (128)
  • xao ax Faox evap (1)
  • xao ax Faox lat (1)
  • xao ax Faox lwup (1)
  • xao ax Faox sen (1)
  • xao ax Faox swdn (1)
  • xao ax Faox swup (1)
  • xao ax Faox taux (1)
  • xao ax Faox tauy (1)
  • xao ax So anidf (1)
  • xao ax So anidr (1)
  • xao ax So avsdf (1)
  • xao ax So avsdr (1)
  • xao ax So cskin diurn (1)
  • xao ax So cskin night diurn (1)
  • xao ax So duu10n (1)
  • xao ax So fswpen (1)
  • xao ax So ninc diurn (1)
  • xao ax So qref (1)
  • xao ax So qsolavg diurn (1)
  • xao ax So qsolinc diurn (1)
  • xao ax So re (1)
  • xao ax So regime diurn (1)
  • xao ax So salt diurn (1)
  • xao ax So speed diurn (1)
  • xao ax So ssq (1)
  • xao ax So tbulk diurn (1)
  • xao ax So tref (1)
  • xao ax So tskin day diurn (1)
  • xao ax So tskin diurn (1)
  • xao ax So tskin night diurn (1)
  • xao ax So u10 (1)
  • xao ax So ustar (1)
  • xao ax So warm diurn (1)
  • xao ax So warmmax diurn (1)
  • xao ax So warmmaxinc diurn (1)
  • xao ax So windavg diurn (1)
  • xao ax So windinc diurn (1)
  • xao ax So windmax diurn (1)
  • xao ax So windmaxinc diurn (1)
  • xao ox Faox evap (1)
  • xao ox Faox lat (1)
  • xao ox Faox lwup (1)
  • xao ox Faox sen (1)
  • xao ox Faox swdn (1)
  • xao ox Faox swup (1)
  • xao ox Faox taux (1)
  • xao ox Faox tauy (1)
  • xao ox So anidf (1)
  • xao ox So anidr (1)
  • xao ox So avsdf (1)
  • xao ox So avsdr (1)
  • xao ox So cskin diurn (1)
  • xao ox So cskin night diurn (1)
  • xao ox So duu10n (1)
  • xao ox So fswpen (1)
  • xao ox So ninc diurn (1)
  • xao ox So qref (1)
  • xao ox So qsolavg diurn (1)
  • xao ox So qsolinc diurn (1)
  • xao ox So re (1)
  • xao ox So regime diurn (1)
  • xao ox So salt diurn (1)
  • xao ox So speed diurn (1)
  • xao ox So ssq (1)
  • xao ox So tbulk diurn (1)
  • xao ox So tref (1)
  • xao ox So tskin day diurn (1)
  • xao ox So tskin diurn (1)
  • xao ox So tskin night diurn (1)
  • xao ox So u10 (1)
  • xao ox So ustar (1)
  • xao ox So warm diurn (1)
  • xao ox So warmmax diurn (1)
  • xao ox So warmmaxinc diurn (1)
  • xao ox So windavg diurn (1)
  • xao ox So windinc diurn (1)
  • xao ox So windmax diurn (1)
  • xao ox So windmaxinc diurn (1)
  • xch4 (1)
  • xco2 (1)
  • xnonoroggwdparam (52)
  • xtime (2)
  • xtime endMonthly (21)
  • xtime startMonthly (21)
  • xyfill (1)
  • y (1)
  • yCell (1)
  • yEdge (1)
  • yVertex (1)
  • y bnds (128)
  • z0 (1)
  • zCell (1)
  • zEdge (1)
  • zVertex (1)
  • zf (3)
  • zfull (36)
  • zg (25749)
  • zg10 (20)
  • zg100 (122)
  • zg1000 (70)
  • zg100m (7)
  • zg150m (7)
  • zg200 (3235)
  • zg200m (7)
  • zg23 (89)
  • zg250 (29)
  • zg250m (7)
  • zg300 (415)
  • zg350 (7)
  • zg400 (415)
  • zg450 (7)
  • zg500 (3709)
  • zg50m (7)
  • zg550 (7)
  • zg600 (415)
  • zg650 (7)
  • zg700 (483)
  • zg750 (7)
  • zg7h (62)
  • zg800 (7)
  • zg850 (542)
  • zg875 (2)
  • zg900 (9)
  • zg925 (478)
  • zg950 (8)
  • zg975 (31)
  • zgClim (17)
  • zgSprd (3)
  • zhalf (6)
  • zmeso (342)
  • zmicro (342)
  • zmla (1357)
  • zmlo (31)
  • zo2min (348)
  • zobt (210)
  • zonal complement (1)
  • zooc (970)
  • zoocmisc (34)
  • zos (8013)
  • zosga (2968)
  • zossga (2708)
  • zossq (1003)
  • zostoga (2939)
  • zsatarag (228)
  • zsatcalc (338)
  • ztp (30)
  • (34473)
  • % of each PFT on the natural vegetation (i.e., soil) landunit (7)
  • % of each landunit on grid cell (7)
  • 1-yr crop product N (3)
  • 1.0 if ice present, 0.0 if ice not present (12)
  • 10-day running mean of 2-m temperature (1)
  • 10-m wind (7)
  • 10-yr wood product C (3)
  • 10-yr wood product N (3)
  • 100-yr wood product C (3)
  • 100-yr wood product N (3)
  • 10m wind (1)
  • 10m wind speed (82)
  • 1st dimension type (1)
  • 1st output dimension type (1)
  • 2-D Convective Available Potential Energy (1)
  • 2-D Convective Inhibition (1)
  • 2-D Maximum Convective Available Potential Energy (6)
  • 2-D Maximum Convective Inhibition (3)
  • 2-D Maximum convective available potential energy (7)
  • 2-D Maximum convective inhibition (7)
  • 2-D maximum convective available potential energy (16)
  • 2-D maximum convective inhibition (16)
  • 2-m specific humidity (36)
  • 20C isotherm depth (5971)
  • 240hr average of diffuse solar radiation (1)
  • 240hr average of direct solar radiation (1)
  • 240hr average of vegetation temperature (1)
  • 24hr average of diffuse solar radiation (1)
  • 24hr average of direct solar radiation (1)
  • 24hr average of vegetation temperature (1)
  • 2d latitude index of corresponding column (1)
  • 2d latitude index of corresponding gridcell (1)
  • 2d latitude index of corresponding landunit (1)
  • 2d latitude index of corresponding pft (1)
  • 2d longitude index of corresponding column (1)
  • 2d longitude index of corresponding gridcell (1)
  • 2d longitude index of corresponding landunit (1)
  • 2d longitude index of corresponding pft (1)
  • 2m Dew Point Temperature (28)
  • 2m Dewpoint Temperature (36)
  • 2m air temperature (7)
  • 2m dewpoint temperature (6054)
  • 2m height surface air temperature (1)
  • 2m max temperature (13)
  • 2m maximum temperature (9)
  • 2m min temperature (14)
  • 2m minimum temperature (9)
  • 2m relative humidity (7)
  • 2m specific humidity (7)
  • 2m temperature (9)
  • 2nd dimension type (1)
  • 3D surface area density of aerosols (6)
  • 3D-Field of Transported CO2 (70)
  • 6 Hourly-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (240)
  • Accumulated Convective Precipitation (7)
  • Accumulated Morton areal potential evapotranspiration (120)
  • Accumulated Total Precipitation (13)
  • Accumulated Total Water Equivalent Snowfall (7)
  • Accumulated Water Equivalent Snow Amount (7)
  • Accumulated downwelling LW flux at top (6)
  • Accumulated global value of accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of accumulatedLandIceHeat in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of accumulatedLandIceMass in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of evaporationFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of highFreqThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of iceRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of kineticEnergy in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of landIceFreshwaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of layerThicknessEdge on ocean edges. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of lowFreqDivergence in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of normalVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of normalizedAbsoluteVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of previous step layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of rainFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of relativeVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of riverRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of salinityFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of salinityRestoringFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of seaIceFreshWaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of snowFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of tangentialVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of temperatureFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of the Montgomery Potential in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of vertAleTransportTop in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated global value of vertVelocityTop in ocean cells. (9)
  • Accumulated snow (9)
  • Accumulated total grid scale snow and ice (6)
  • Adjusted F10.7 solar radio flux (6)
  • Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (26)
  • Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
  • Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (24)
  • Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
  • Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (26)
  • Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
  • Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (24)
  • Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Direct Effect of Sulfate Aerosol (3)
  • Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Indirect Effect of Sulfate Aerosol (3)
  • Adjusted Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (4)
  • Adjusted Tropopause Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (31)
  • Adjusted Tropopause Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Adjusted Tropopause Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
  • Adjusted Tropopause Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (31)
  • Adjusted Tropopause Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Adjusted Tropopause Longwave Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
  • Adjusted Tropopause Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (31)
  • Adjusted Tropopause Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Adjusted Tropopause Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
  • Adjusted Tropopause Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (31)
  • Adjusted Tropopause Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Adjusted Tropopause Shortwave Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
  • Aerosol Number Concentration (472)
  • Aerosol absorption (6)
  • Aerosol absorption optical depth 550 nm (29)
  • Aerosol absorption optical depth 550 nm from BC (29)
  • Aerosol burden mode 1 (53)
  • Aerosol burden mode 2 (53)
  • Aerosol burden mode 3 (53)
  • Aerosol extinction (29)
  • Aerosol extinction directly read from prescribed input file (19)
  • Aerosol optical depth 350 nm (29)
  • Aerosol optical depth 550 nm (83)
  • Aerosol optical depth 550 nm from BC (29)
  • Aerosol optical depth 550 nm from POM (29)
  • Aerosol optical depth 550 nm from SO4 (29)
  • Aerosol optical depth 550 nm from SOA (29)
  • Aerosol optical depth 550 nm from dust (30)
  • Aerosol optical depth 550 nm from seasalt (30)
  • Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 1 (29)
  • Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 2 (29)
  • Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 3 (29)
  • Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 4 (29)
  • Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 1 from dust (82)
  • Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 3 from dust (82)
  • Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 4 from dust (29)
  • Aerosol optical depth 850 nm (29)
  • Aerosol singel-scatter albedo (29)
  • Age of Sea Ice (93)
  • Age of sea ice (38)
  • Air Density at 100m (3)
  • Air Density at 125m (3)
  • Air Density at 150m (3)
  • Air Density at 175m (3)
  • Air Density at 200m (3)
  • Air Density at 40m (3)
  • Air Density at 60m (3)
  • Air Density at 80m (3)
  • Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Base (2643)
  • Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Top (3381)
  • Air Temperature (50843)
  • Air Temperature Number of Observations (2)
  • Air Temperature at 100 hPa (7)
  • Air temperature (108)
  • Albedo (5661)
  • Altitude of Model Full-Levels (36)
  • Altitude of Model Half-Levels (6)
  • Ambient Aerosol Absorption Optical Thickness at 550 nm (1350)
  • Ambient Aerosol Absorption Optical Thickness at 550nm (13)
  • Ambient Aerosol Extinction at 550 nm (822)
  • Ambient Aerosol Opitical Thickness at 550 nm (76)
  • Ambient Aerosol Opitical Thickness at 870 nm (62)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm (1328)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm Number of Observations (1)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm Standard Deviation (1)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm (20)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm Number of Observations (1)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm Standard Deviation (1)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 870 nm (821)
  • Ambient Fine Aerosol Opitical Thickness at 550 nm (62)
  • Ambient Fine Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm (10)
  • Ambient Fine Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm (1253)
  • Angle the edge normal makes with local eastward direction. (1)
  • Annual Gross Percentage That Was Transferred into This Tile from Other Land-Use Tiles (70)
  • Annual Precipitation (2)
  • Annual gross percentage of Land-use tile that was transferred into other Land-use tiles (70)
  • Anthropogenic Pasture Fraction (1060)
  • Aragonite Concentration (31)
  • Aragonite Concentration at Surface (39)
  • Aragonite Dissolution (18)
  • Aragonite Production (70)
  • Aragonite Saturation Depth (228)
  • Area of each cell (triangle) in the dual grid. (1)
  • Area of each cell in the primary grid. (1)
  • Area of the portions of each dual cell that are part of each cellsOnVertex. (1)
  • Atlantic Northward Ocean Heat Transport (447)
  • Atlantic Northward Ocean Salt Transport (447)
  • Atmosphere Grid-Cell Area (993)
  • Atmospheric Boundary Layer Thickness (10)
  • Atmospheric methane (CH4) decay rate (7)
  • Autotrophic Respiration on Grass Tiles (470)
  • Autotrophic Respiration on Shrub Tiles (470)
  • Autotrophic Respiration on Tree Tiles (470)
  • Average Brunt Vaisala frequency within region layer (9)
  • Average Brunt Vaisala frequency within region volume (9)
  • Average area of a surface cell (9)
  • Average area of cell within region layer (9)
  • Average area of cell within region volume (9)
  • Average cloud ice number conc (82)
  • Average cloud water number conc (82)
  • Average divergence within region layer (9)
  • Average divergence within region volume (9)
  • Average droplet effective radius (82)
  • Average horizontal salinity advection within region layer (9)
  • Average horizontal salinity advection within region volume (9)
  • Average horizontal temperature advection within region layer (9)
  • Average horizontal temperature advection within region volume (9)
  • Average ice effective radius (82)
  • Average in-situ density within region layer (9)
  • Average in-situ density within region volume (9)
  • Average kinetic energy within region layer (9)
  • Average kinetic energy within region volume (9)
  • Average meridional velocity within region layer (9)
  • Average meridional velocity within region volume (9)
  • Average potential density within region layer (9)
  • Average potential density within region volume (9)
  • Average rain mixing ratio (78)
  • Average rain number conc (78)
  • Average relative enstrophy within region layer (9)
  • Average relative enstrophy within region volume (9)
  • Average relative vorticity within region layer (9)
  • Average relative vorticity within region volume (9)
  • Average salinity non local tend within region layer (9)
  • Average salinity non local tend within region volume (9)
  • Average salinity surface flux tend within region layer (9)
  • Average salinity surface flux tend within region volume (9)
  • Average salinity vertical mixing within region layer (9)
  • Average salinity vertical mixing within region volume (9)
  • Average snow mixing ratio (78)
  • Average snow number conc (78)
  • Average surface salinity within region layer (9)
  • Average surface salinity within region volume (9)
  • Average surface temperature within region layer (9)
  • Average surface temperature within region volume (9)
  • Average temperature non local tend within region layer (9)
  • Average temperature non local tend within region volume (9)
  • Average temperature shortwave tend within region layer (9)
  • Average temperature shortwave tend within region volume (9)
  • Average temperature surface flux tend within region layer (9)
  • Average temperature surface flux tend within region volume (9)
  • Average temperature vertical mixing within region layer (9)
  • Average temperature vertical mixing within region volume (9)
  • Average thickness within region layer (9)
  • Average thickness within region volume (9)
  • Average total primary production in a grid cell (3)
  • Average value of accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of accumulatedLandIceHeat in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of accumulatedLandIceMass in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of evaporationFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of highFreqThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of iceRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of kineticEnergy in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of landIceFreshwaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of layerThicknessEdge on ocean edges. (9)
  • Average value of lowFreqDivergence in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of normalVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • Average value of normalizedAbsoluteVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • Average value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of previous step layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of rainFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of relativeVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • Average value of riverRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of salinityFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of salinityRestoringFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of seaIceFreshWaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of snowFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of tangentialVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • Average value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of temperatureFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of the Montgomery Potential in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of vertAleTransportTop in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average value of vertVelocityTop in ocean cells. (9)
  • Average vertical salinity advection within region layer (9)
  • Average vertical salinity advection within region volume (9)
  • Average vertical temperature advection within region layer (9)
  • Average vertical temperature advection within region volume (9)
  • Average vertical velocity within region layer (9)
  • Average vertical velocity within region volume (9)
  • Average zonal velocity within region layer (9)
  • Average zonal velocity within region volume (9)
  • Averaging flag (1)
  • Avg evaporation (36)
  • Avg latent heat flux (36)
  • Avg sensible heat flux (36)
  • Avg soil moisture 1 (36)
  • BC Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (8)
  • BC Anthropogenic Aircraft Emissions (2)
  • BC Anthropogenic Emissions (11)
  • BC Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
  • BC SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (1)
  • BC Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
  • Bacterial Carbon Concentration (15)
  • Bacterial Carbon Concentration at Surface (18)
  • Bare Sea Ice Albedo (13)
  • Bare Soil Evaporation (10)
  • Bare Soil Fraction (2108)
  • Bare Soil Percentage (30)
  • Bare Soil Percentage Area Coverage (192)
  • Beginning time (1)
  • Bias-Adjust Near-Surface Wind Speed (131)
  • Bias-Adjusted Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (338)
  • Bias-Adjusted Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (338)
  • Bias-Adjusted Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (108)
  • Bias-Adjusted Near-Surface Air Temperature (457)
  • Bias-Adjusted Near-Surface Relative Humidity (15)
  • Bias-Adjusted Near-Surface Wind Speed (17)
  • Bias-Adjusted Precipitation (410)
  • Bias-Adjusted Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (167)
  • Bias-Corrected Near-Surface Air Temperature (312)
  • Bias-Corrected Precipitation (312)
  • Bias-Corrected Sea Level Pressure (312)
  • Bias-Corrected Surface Temperature (312)
  • Biogenic Iron Production (330)
  • Biogenic Phosphorus Production (22)
  • Biogenic Silica Production (268)
  • Biogenic Silicon Production (70)
  • Biological Nitrogen Fixation (70)
  • Black carbon AOD@550nm (3)
  • Black carbon aerosol burden (61)
  • Bolus velocity in Gent-McWilliams eddy parameterization (9)
  • Bulk salinity of ice in a cell (12)
  • Burnt Area Fraction (547)
  • C fixation from shaded canopy (3)
  • C fixation from sunlit canopy (3)
  • C flux available for allocation (3)
  • C10H16 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • C2H2 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • C2H4 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • C2H4O Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • C2H5OH Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • C2H6 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • C2H6S Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • C3 Grass Area Percentage (100)
  • C3 Pasture Area Percentage (470)
  • C3 annual crops (14)
  • C3 annual crops fraction of crop type area grown as biofuels (14)
  • C3 grass area percentage (400)
  • C3 nitrogen-fixing crops (14)
  • C3 nitrogen-fixing crops fraction of crop type area grown as biofuels (14)
  • C3 perennial crops (14)
  • C3 perennial crops fraction of crop type area grown as biofuels (14)
  • C3H6 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • C3H6O Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • C3H8 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • C4 Grass Area Percentage (100)
  • C4 Pasture Area Percentage (470)
  • C4 annual crops (14)
  • C4 annual crops fraction of crop type area grown as biofuels (14)
  • C4 grass area percentage (400)
  • C4 perennial crops (14)
  • C4 perennial crops fraction of crop type area grown as biofuels (14)
  • C5H8 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • C6H6 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • C7H8 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • C8H10 Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • CALIPSO 3D Clear fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO 3D Undefined fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO Clear Cloud Fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO Cloud Area Fraction (212)
  • CALIPSO Cloud Fraction (542)
  • CALIPSO Cloud Fraction Undetected by CloudSat (100)
  • CALIPSO High Level Cloud Fraction (823)
  • CALIPSO Low Level Cloud Fraction (819)
  • CALIPSO Low-Level Cloud Fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO Mid Level Cloud Fraction (822)
  • CALIPSO Scattering Ratio (26)
  • CALIPSO Scattering Ratio CFAD (208)
  • CALIPSO Total Cloud Fraction (821)
  • CCI Cloud Area Fraction (3)
  • CCI Liquid Cloud Area Fraction (3)
  • CCI Mean Cloud Top Pressure (3)
  • CCI Total Cloud Fraction (3)
  • CCI Total Liquid Cloud Area Fraction (3)
  • CCN concentration at S=0.1% (82)
  • CH2O Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • CH3COCHO Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • CH3COOH Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • CH3OH Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • CH4 Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (11)
  • CH4 Anthropogenic Emissions (11)
  • CH4 Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
  • CH4 SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (1)
  • CH4 Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
  • CH4 additional flux due to changing fsat, vegetated landunits only (3)
  • CH4 soil Concentration for inundated / lake area (3)
  • CH4 soil Concentration for non-inundated area (3)
  • CO Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (8)
  • CO Anthropogenic Aircraft Emissions (2)
  • CO Anthropogenic Emissions (11)
  • CO Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
  • CO SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (1)
  • CO Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
  • CO mole fraction (4)
  • CO2 (4)
  • CO2 Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • CO2 Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • CO2 column burden (4)
  • CO2 surface flux (4)
  • CO2 FFF (4)
  • CO2 FFF column burden (4)
  • CO2 FFF surface flux (4)
  • CO2 LND (4)
  • CO2 LND column burden (4)
  • CO2 LND surface flux (4)
  • CO2 OCN (4)
  • CO2 OCN column burden (4)
  • CO2 OCN surface flux (4)
  • COSP MISR height (41)
  • COSP Mean Height for lidar and radar simulator outputs (41)
  • COSP Mean ISCCP optical depth (41)
  • COSP Mean ISCCP pressure (41)
  • COSP Mean MODIS optical depth (41)
  • COSP Mean Scattering Ratio for lidar simulator CFAD output (41)
  • COSP Parasol SZA (41)
  • COSP subcolumn (41)
  • CVMix/KPP: bulk Richardson number (9)
  • CVMix/KPP: diagnosed depth of the ocean surface boundary layer (11)
  • CVMix/KPP: diagnosed surface buoyancy flux due to heat, salt and freshwater fluxes. Positive flux increases buoyancy. (9)
  • CVMix/KPP: nonlocal boundary layer mixing term for temperature (10)
  • CVMix/KPP: smoothed boundary layer depth (9)
  • CWD C (3)
  • CWD C (vertically resolved) (3)
  • CWD N (3)
  • CWD N (vertically resolved) (3)
  • CWD P (3)
  • CWD P (vertically resolved) (3)
  • Calcite Concentration (379)
  • Calcite Concentration at Surface (263)
  • Calcite Dissolution (320)
  • Calcite Production (720)
  • Calcite Saturation Depth (338)
  • Canopy Covered Area Percentage (10)
  • Capacity of Soil to Store Water (710)
  • Capacity of Soil to Store Water (Field Capacity) (46)
  • Carbon in Above and Below-Ground Litter Pools on Land-Use Tiles (70)
  • Carbon Mass Flux due to NPP Allocation to Leaf (236)
  • Carbon Mass Flux due to NPP Allocation to Roots (236)
  • Carbon Mass Flux due to NPP Allocation to Wood (236)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to All Anthropogenic Emissions of CO2 (229)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Autotrophic (Plant) Respiration on Land (70)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to CO2 Emission from Fire Excluding Land-Use Change (83)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Crop Harvesting (70)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Fossil Fuel Emissions of CO2 (142)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Grazing on Land (70)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Heterotrophic Respiration from Soil on Land (70)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Heterotrophic Respiration on Land (77)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Autotrophic (Plant) Respiration on Land (1780)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to CO2 Emission from Fire (1126)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Crop Harvesting (255)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Grazing on Land (39)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Growth Autotrophic Respiration on Land (450)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Heterotrophic Respiration from Soil on Land (400)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Heterotrophic Respiration on Land (1738)
  • Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Maintenance Autotrophic Respiration on Land (411)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Gross Primary Production on Land (83)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Biospheric Production on Land (70)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Primary Production on Land (83)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Gross Primary Production on Land (2803)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Net Biospheric Production on Land (1371)
  • Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Net Primary Production on Land (1768)
  • Carbon Mass in Above-Ground Litter (197)
  • Carbon Mass in Below-Ground Litter (197)
  • Carbon Mass in Coarse Woody Debris (39)
  • Carbon Mass in Each Model Soil Pool (Summed over Vertical Levels) (70)
  • Carbon Mass in Fast Soil Pool (357)
  • Carbon Mass in Leaves (493)
  • Carbon Mass in Litter Pool (961)
  • Carbon Mass in Litter Pools (400)
  • Carbon Mass in Litter of Shrub Tiles (400)
  • Carbon Mass in Litter of Tree Tiles (400)
  • Carbon Mass in Litter on Grass Tiles (70)
  • Carbon Mass in Litter on Grass tiles (400)
  • Carbon Mass in Litter on Shrub Tiles (70)
  • Carbon Mass in Litter on Tree Tiles (70)
  • Carbon Mass in Medium Soil Pool (363)
  • Carbon Mass in Model Soil Pool (140)
  • Carbon Mass in Other Living Compartments on Land (287)
  • Carbon Mass in Products of Land Use Change (379)
  • Carbon Mass in Products of Land-Use Change (140)
  • Carbon Mass in Roots (487)
  • Carbon Mass in Slow Soil Pool (241)
  • Carbon Mass in Soil Pool (1743)
  • Carbon Mass in Soil on Grass Tiles (470)
  • Carbon Mass in Soil on Shrub Tiles (470)
  • Carbon Mass in Soil on Tree Tiles (470)
  • Carbon Mass in Vegetation (1500)
  • Carbon Mass in Vegetation on Grass Tiles (470)
  • Carbon Mass in Vegetation on Shrub Tiles (470)
  • Carbon Mass in Vegetation on Tree Tiles (470)
  • Carbon Mass in Wood (493)
  • Carbon in Soil Pool (39)
  • Carbon in Vegetation on Land-Use Tiles (70)
  • Carbonate Ion Concentration (70)
  • Cell average DMS for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • Cell average algal nitrogen for each type and ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • Cell average ammonium for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • Cell average brine height (3)
  • Cell average dissolved DMSP for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • Cell average dissolved iron for each type and ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • Cell average humic carbon for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • Cell average nitrate for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • Cell average nonreactive nitrate for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • Cell average silicate for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • Clear-Sky Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation (20)
  • Clear-Sky TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (20)
  • Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface (84)
  • Clearsky net longwave flux at surface (84)
  • Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model (84)
  • Clearsky net solar flux at surface (84)
  • Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere (84)
  • Clearsky net solar flux at top of model (84)
  • Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model (84)
  • Clearsky upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere (31)
  • Cloud Area Fraction (4324)
  • Cloud Area Fraction in Atmosphere Layer (576)
  • Cloud Droplet Number Concentration (847)
  • Cloud Droplet Number Concentration At Cloud Top (9)
  • Cloud Droplet Number Concentration of Cloud Tops (944)
  • Cloud Fraction (238)
  • Cloud Fraction as Calculated by the ISCCP Simulator (15)
  • Cloud Fraction from MISR Simulator (29)
  • Cloud Fraction retrieved by MISR (1)
  • Cloud base of lowest cloud layer nearest to reporting hour (2)
  • Cloud droplet number concentrations (10)
  • Cloud fraction (120)
  • Cloud water content (38)
  • Cloud-Top Effective Droplet Radius (1072)
  • Cloud-top Effective Droplet Radius (10)
  • CloudSat 94GHz radar Total Cloud Fraction (1)
  • CloudSat Radar Reflectivity (20)
  • CloudSat Radar Reflectivity CFAD (209)
  • Cold Spell Duration Indicator (740)
  • Coldest Quarter Mean Temperature (2)
  • Coldest Quarter Precipitation (2)
  • Column Ice Water Content (5)
  • Column Integerated Cloud Ice Content (229)
  • Column Integerated Cloud Water Content (253)
  • Column Integrated Cloud Droplet Number (776)
  • Column Integrated Cloud Ice Content (21)
  • Column Integrated Cloud Water Content (21)
  • Column Water Vapour (4)
  • Compressive Sea Ice Strength (285)
  • Compressive sea ice strength (38)
  • Concentration of Aerosol Water (130)
  • Concentration of Biomass Burning Aerosol (292)
  • Concentration of Black Carbon Aerosol (1431)
  • Concentration of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (956)
  • Concentration of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (463)
  • Concentration of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (315)
  • Concentration of Dust (1409)
  • Concentration of NH4 (220)
  • Concentration of NO3 Aerosol (220)
  • Concentration of SO4 (1431)
  • Concentration of Seasalt (1290)
  • Condensed Water Path (6505)
  • Congelation Sea Ice Growth Rate (934)
  • Consecutive dry days is the greatest number of consecutive days per time period with daily precipitation amount below 1 mm. The time period should be defined by the bounds of the time coordinate. (12)
  • Constructed mid-month Sea Surface Temperature (3)
  • Constructed mid-month Sea-ice area fraction (3)
  • Convective Cloud Area Fraction (224)
  • Convective Cloud Droplet Effective Radius (549)
  • Convective Cloud Emissivity (2)
  • Convective Cloud Fraction (11)
  • Convective Cloud Optical Depth (2)
  • Convective Mass Flux (2227)
  • Convective Precipiation Flux (21)
  • Convective Precipitation (16249)
  • Convective Rainfall Flux (5)
  • Convective Snowfall (3)
  • Convective Snowfall Flux (6)
  • Convective Updraft Mass Flux (10)
  • Convective available potential energy (CAPE) (29)
  • Convective cloud cover (28)
  • Convective condensed water path (10)
  • Convective inhibition (CIN) (6)
  • Convective precipitation (262)
  • Convective precipitation rate (1)
  • Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) (85)
  • Convective snow rate (water equivalent) (82)
  • Coordinate of southern edge of meridional heat transport bin, either in latitude or y, for plotting. (9)
  • Coriolis parameter at cell centers. (1)
  • Coriolis parameter at edges. (1)
  • Coriolis parameter at vertices. (1)
  • Crop Fraction (1643)
  • DMS aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
  • DMS in bottom layer (82)
  • DMS surface flux (29)
  • Daily Maximum Hourly Precipitation Rate (603)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (24789)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Relative Humidity (10)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Temperature (17)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Temperature maximum (56)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (5012)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed Of Gust (35)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust (519)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust due to Convection (2)
  • Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust due to Turbulence (2)
  • Daily Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme (1200)
  • Daily Maximum Surface Temperature (5)
  • Daily Maximum Wind Speed (7)
  • Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (24739)
  • Daily Minimum Near-Surface Relative Humidity (10)
  • Daily Minimum Near-Surface Temperature (16)
  • Daily Minimum Near-Surface Temperature minimum (55)
  • Daily Minimum Surface Air Temperature (44)
  • Daily Minimum Surface Temperature (5)
  • Daily Miximum Surface Air Temperature (40)
  • Daily maximum near-surface wind speed (2)
  • Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed (5048)
  • Daily-Mean Wind Speed (12)
  • Decomposition out of Product Pools to CO2 in Atmosphere (70)
  • Deep Convective Mass Flux (42)
  • Deep conv. cloudbase level index (29)
  • Deep conv. cloudbase vertical velocity (29)
  • Deep conv. column-max updraft mass flux (29)
  • Deforested Biomass That Goes into Product Pool as a Result of Anthropogenic Land-Use Change (70)
  • Deforested or Harvested Biomass as a Result of Anthropogenic Land-Use or Change (70)
  • Delta CO2 Partial Pressure (70)
  • Delta O2 Partial Pressure (70)
  • Delta PCO2 (366)
  • Delta PO2 (248)
  • Delta-14C in atmospheric CO2 (6)
  • Density at the lowest model level (1)
  • Depth Average Potential Temperature of Upper 2000m (10)
  • Depth Average Potential Temperature of Upper 300m (10)
  • Depth Average Potential Temperature of Upper 700m (10)
  • Depth Integral of Product of Sea Water Density and Prognostic Salinity (80)
  • Depth average potential temperature of upper 2000m (30)
  • Depth average potential temperature of upper 300m (30)
  • Depth average potential temperature of upper 700m (30)
  • Depth of 20 degree Celsius Isotherm (120)
  • Depth of Oxygen Minimum Concentration (348)
  • Depth of precipitation reported (2)
  • Depth of the bottom of the ocean. Given as a positive distance from sea level. (1)
  • Detrital Organic Carbon Concentration (550)
  • Detrital Organic Carbon Concentration at Surface (476)
  • Dew point temperatures nearest to reporting hour (2)
  • Diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level (1)
  • Diagnostic sub-grid vertical velocity (82)
  • Diatom Chlorophyll Mass Concentration (282)
  • Diatom Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface (310)
  • Diatom Primary Carbon Production (261)
  • Diffuse albedo (near-infrared radiation) (1)
  • Diffuse albedo (visible radiation) (1)
  • Diffuse near-infrared incident solar radiation (1)
  • Diffuse visible incident solar radiation (1)
  • Dimethyl Sulphide Concentration (7)
  • Dimethyl Sulphide Concentration at Surface (118)
  • Direct albedo (near-infrared radiation) (1)
  • Direct albedo (visible radiation) (1)
  • Direct near-infrared incident solar radiation (1)
  • Direct visible incident solar radiation (1)
  • Dissolve Oxygen Concentration (270)
  • Dissolve Oxygen Concentration at Surface (287)
  • Dissolved Ammonium Concentration (273)
  • Dissolved Ammonium Concentration at Surface (298)
  • Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration (566)
  • Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration at Surface (482)
  • Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Content (513)
  • Dissolved Iron Concentration (471)
  • Dissolved Iron Concentration at Surface (358)
  • Dissolved Nitrate Concentration (627)
  • Dissolved Nitrate Concentration at Surface (482)
  • Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration (335)
  • Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration at Surface (280)
  • Dissolved Organic Carbon Content (70)
  • Dissolved Oxygen Concentration (202)
  • Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Saturation (140)
  • Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Surface (71)
  • Dissolved Phosphate Concentration (266)
  • Dissolved Phosphate Concentration at Surface (280)
  • Dissolved Silicate Concentration (332)
  • Dissolved Silicate Concentration at Surface (358)
  • Diurnal Temperature Range Near-Surface Air Temperature (2590)
  • Divergence of the sea-ice velocity field (90)
  • Downdraft Convective Mass Flux (66)
  • Downdraft Convective Mass Flux on full levels (1)
  • Downdraught Convective Mass Flux (6)
  • Downward Carbon Flux at Ocean Bottom (190)
  • Downward Flux of Aragonite (39)
  • Downward Flux of Calcite (667)
  • Downward Flux of Particle Organic Carbon (457)
  • Downward Flux of Particulate Iron (326)
  • Downward Flux of Particulate Organic Carbon (210)
  • Downward Flux of Particulate Organic Nitrogen (39)
  • Downward Flux of Particulate Phosphorus (39)
  • Downward Flux of Particulate Silica (340)
  • Downward Flux of Particulate Silicon (70)
  • Downward Heat Flux at Sea Water Surface (2611)
  • Downward Heat Flux into Snow Where Land over Land (1544)
  • Downward Inorganic Carbon Flux at Ocean Bottom (70)
  • Downward Organic Carbon Flux at Ocean Bottom (70)
  • Downward Salt Flux at Base of Sea Ice (8)
  • Downward Sea Ice Basal Salt Flux (1170)
  • Downward Shortwave over Sea Ice (10)
  • Downward long wave heat flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
  • Downward longwave heat flux (1)
  • Downward solar radiation (1)
  • Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (247)
  • Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
  • Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (243)
  • Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
  • Downwelling Long Wave over Sea Ice (1331)
  • Downwelling Longwave Flux over Sea Ice (70)
  • Downwelling Longwave Radiation (247)
  • Downwelling Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
  • Downwelling Shortwave Flux over Sea Ice (70)
  • Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (253)
  • Downwelling Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
  • Downwelling Shortwave Radiation in Sea Water (402)
  • Downwelling Shortwave over Sea Ice (2167)
  • Downwelling Surface Clear-Sky Longwave (220)
  • Downwelling longwave flux at surface (85)
  • Downwelling shortwave flux over sea ice (38)
  • Downwelling shortwave flux under sea ice (30)
  • Downwelling solar flux at surface (84)
  • Drainage (deep runoff) (210)
  • Driest Month Precipitation (2)
  • Driest Quarter Mean Temperature (2)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass (1069)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of DMS (557)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (674)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (303)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (234)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Dust (1351)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of NH3 (234)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of NH4 (234)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of SO2 (2237)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of SO4 (2301)
  • Dry Deposition Rate of Seasalt (831)
  • Dry and Wet Deposition of Reactive Nitrogen onto Land (70)
  • Dry bulb temperatures nearest to reporting hour (2)
  • Duration Of Sunshine (89)
  • Duration of Sunshine (2786)
  • Duration of sunshine (270)
  • Dust AOD@550nm (3)
  • Dust aerosol burden (61)
  • Dust dry deposition flux (size 1) (1)
  • Dust dry deposition flux (size 2) (1)
  • Dust dry deposition flux (size 3) (1)
  • Dust dry deposition flux (size 4) (1)
  • Dust flux (1)
  • Dust wet deposition flux (size 1) (1)
  • Dust wet deposition flux (size 2) (1)
  • Dust wet deposition flux (size 3) (1)
  • Dust wet deposition flux (size 4) (1)
  • Dynamic Tendency of Total (vertically integrated) moist static energy (29)
  • Dynamic Tendency of Total (vertically integrated) specific humidity (29)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Hot days:number of days when height corrected daily maximum temperature >= corrected threshold equivalent to 30 degrees C (14)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Dry Day Periods (Precipitation<corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (14)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Dry Days (Precipitation<corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (28)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected thr#eshold equivalent to 10mm) (7)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 10mm) (21)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Very Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=correcte#d threshold equivalent to 20mm) (14)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Very Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (28)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Very Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 20mm) (14)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 Number of Wet Day Periods (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (14)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 frostdays:number of days when height corrected daily minimum temperature < corrected threshold equivalent to 0 degrees C (14)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 heating degree day: accumulated difference of height corrected a#ir-temperatur below threshold<corrected threshold equivalent to 17 degrees C (7)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 heating degree day: accumulated difference of height corrected air-temperatur below threshold<corrected threshold equivalent to 17 degrees C (7)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 icedays:number of days when height corrected daily maximum temperature < corrected threshold equi#valent to 0 degrees C (14)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 summerdays:number of days when height corrected daily maximum temperature > corrected threshold equivalent to 25 degrees C (14)
  • ENSEMBLE MEAN r1-r10 tropical nights:number of days when height corrected daily minimum temperature > corrected threshold equivalent to 20 degrees C (14)
  • ERA-Interim sea surface temperature (= "missing value" over land) (4)
  • ETCCDI Growing Saeason Length (Tmean > 5C) (740)
  • EXTINCT LW H2O window band 7 output (19)
  • EXTINCT LW H2O window band 7 output directly read from prescribed input file (19)
  • Eastward 100m Wind (55)
  • Eastward 50m Wind (55)
  • Eastward Acceleration Due to Non-Orographic Gravity Wave Drag (90)
  • Eastward Acceleration Due to Orographic Gravity Wave Drag (80)
  • Eastward Momentum Flux Correction (1)
  • Eastward Near- Surface Wind Velocity (76)
  • Eastward Near-Surface Wind (26064)
  • Eastward Near-Surface Wind Speed (1304)
  • Eastward Near-Surface Wind Velocity (47)
  • Eastward Neutral wind (89)
  • Eastward Ocean Stress On Sea Ice (64)
  • Eastward Sea Ice Transport (73)
  • Eastward Sea Ice Velocity (277)
  • Eastward Sea Water Velocity (224)
  • Eastward Wind (33208)
  • Eastward Wind at 100 hPa (7)
  • Eastward Wind at 1000 hPa (23)
  • Eastward Wind at 100m (261)
  • Eastward Wind at 10hPa (10)
  • Eastward atmospheric stress on sea ice (64)
  • Eastward near-surface wind (270)
  • Eastward wind at 100 m (20)
  • Eastward wind at 100m (10)
  • Eddy Diffusivity Coefficient for Temperature Variable (18)
  • Eddy Diffusivity Coefficients for Temperature (37)
  • Eddy Viscosity Coefficient for Momentum Variables (22)
  • Eddy Viscosity Coefficients for Momentum (37)
  • Effective enrichment factor of marine organic matter (29)
  • Emission Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass (1355)
  • Emission Rate of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (409)
  • End of history file (1)
  • Evaporation (11716)
  • Evaporation Including Sublimation and Transpiration (183)
  • Evaporation flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
  • Evaporation from Canopy (4081)
  • Evaporation from Vegetation Canopy (5)
  • Evaporation including Sublimation and Transpiration (30)
  • Evaporation water flux (1)
  • FV (29)
  • Fieldnames (1)
  • Fieldnames to exclude (1)
  • Fieldnames to include (1)
  • Flux of Carbon Into Ocean Surface by Runoff and Sediment Dissolution (39)
  • Flux of Inorganic Carbon into Ocean Surface by Runoff (70)
  • Flux of Organic Carbon into Ocean Surface by Runoff (70)
  • Flux of salinity that is ignored coming into the ocean. Positive into ocean. (9)
  • Flux of salinity through the ocean surface due to river runoff. Positive into ocean. (9)
  • Flux of salinity through the ocean surface. Positive into ocean. (9)
  • Flux of temperature that is ignored coming into the ocean. Positive into ocean. (9)
  • Flux of temperature through the ocean surface due to river runoff. Positive into ocean. (9)
  • Flux of temperature through the ocean surface. Positive into ocean. (9)
  • Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (1)
  • Fraction of Grid Cell Covered with Glacier (1100)
  • Fraction of Grid Cell that is Land but Neither Vegetation-Covered nor Bare Soil (1492)
  • Fraction of Land Area Covered with Glacier (21)
  • Fraction of Time Convection Occurs (1604)
  • Fraction of Time Shallow Convection Occurs (977)
  • Fraction of Time Steps with Sea Ice (80)
  • Fraction of precipitation due to events exceeding the 95 percentile (23)
  • Fraction of sfc area covered by land (82)
  • Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean (82)
  • Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice (82)
  • Fraction of sw penetrating surface layer for diurnal cycle (1)
  • Fraction of time Tmin > 90th percentile of daily Tmin in 1961-1990 base period (23)
  • Fraction of time steps with sea ice (105)
  • Fractional Cloud Cover (7)
  • Fractional ice content within cloud (82)
  • Fractional ice coverage wrt ocean (1)
  • Fractional occurrence of ice (82)
  • Fractional occurrence of liquid (82)
  • Fractional occurrence of rain (82)
  • Fractional occurrence of snow (82)
  • Frazil Sea Ice Growth (Leads) Rate (1026)
  • Freezing Level Altitude (3)
  • Fresh water flux from ice runoff at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
  • Fresh water flux from rain at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
  • Fresh water flux from river runoff at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
  • Fresh water flux from sea ice at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
  • Fresh water flux from snow at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
  • Freshwater Flux from Sea Ice (70)
  • Freshwater flux from sea ice (30)
  • Freshwater flux from sea-ice surface (30)
  • Frictional velocity in similarity theory (6)
  • Frost days index is the number of days where minimum of temperature is below 0 degree Celsius. The time period should be defined by the bounds of the time coordinate. (16)
  • Frozen Soil Depth (12)
  • Frozen Water Content of Soil Layer (3)
  • Gent-McWilliams Contribution to the Meridional Overturning Streamfunction (9)
  • Geopotential Heigh (3)
  • Geopotential Height (35403)
  • Geopotential Height (above sea level) (83)
  • Geopotential Height at 1000 hPa (30)
  • Geopotential Height at 1000hPa (10)
  • Geopotential Height at 100hPa (10)
  • Geopotential Height at 10hPa (10)
  • Geopotential Height at 200 hPa (6)
  • Geopotential Height at 500 hPa (55)
  • Geopotential Height at 500hPa (10)
  • Geopotential Z at 200 mbar pressure surface (2)
  • Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface (8)
  • Geopotential height at 200hPa (36)
  • Geopotential height at 500hPa (36)
  • Global Average Sea Level Change (2867)
  • Global Average Sea Surface Salinity (100)
  • Global Average Sea Surface Temperature (83)
  • Global Average Sea Water Conservative Temperature (30)
  • Global Average Sea Water Potential Temperature (3046)
  • Global Average Steric Sea Level Change (2708)
  • Global Average Thermosteric Sea Level Change (2838)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of C2F6 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of C3F8 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of C4F10 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of C5F12 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of C6F14 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of C7F16 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of C8F18 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CCl4 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CF4 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC-11 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC-11-eq (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC-113 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC-114 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC-115 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC-12 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC-12-eq (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC11 (30)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC113 (30)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CFC12 (30)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CH2Cl2 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CH3Br (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CH3CCl3 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CH3Cl (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CH4 (604)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CHCl3 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of CO2 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HCFC-141b (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HCFC-142b (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HCFC-22 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HCFC22 (30)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-125 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-134a (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-134a-eq (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-143a (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-152a (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-227ea (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-23 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-236fa (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-245fa (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-32 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-365mfc (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of HFC-43-10mee (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of Halon-1211 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of Halon-1301 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of Halon-2402 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of N2O (602)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of NF3 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of SF6 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of SO2F2 (4)
  • Global Mean Mole Fraction of c-C4F8 (4)
  • Global Mean Sea Level Change (101)
  • Global Mean Sea Water Salinity (3076)
  • Global Mean Thermosteric Sea Level Change (101)
  • Global mean mole fraction of CFC-11 (102)
  • Global mean mole fraction of CFC-113 (102)
  • Global mean mole fraction of CFC-12 (102)
  • Global mean mole fraction of HCFC-22 (102)
  • Global root mean square value of accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of accumulatedLandIceHeat in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of accumulatedLandIceMass in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of evaporationFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of highFreqThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of iceRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of kineticEnergy in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of landIceFreshwaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of layerThicknessEdge on ocean edges. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of lowFreqDivergence in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of normalVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of normalizedAbsoluteVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of previous step layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of rainFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of relativeVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of riverRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of salinityFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of salinityRestoringFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of seaIceFreshWaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of snowFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of tangentialVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of temperatureFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of the Montgomery Potential in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of vertAleTransportTop in ocean cells. (9)
  • Global root mean square value of vertVelocityTop in ocean cells. (9)
  • Grid Averaged Methane Emissions from Wetlands (7)
  • Grid Eastward Wind (80)
  • Grid Northward Wind (80)
  • Grid box average ice water content (82)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount (81)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: After surface coupling (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: After tphysac call (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Deep Convection (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Final, after all processes (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Initial, before processes (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Macrophysics (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Micro Physics (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Radiation (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Shallow Convection (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: Wet Deposition (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number (81)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: After surface coupling (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: After tphysac call (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Deep Convection (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Final, after all processes (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Initial, before processes (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Macrophysics (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Micro Physics (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Radiation (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Shallow Convection (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: Wet Deposition (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount (81)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: After surface coupling (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: After tphysac call (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Deep Convection (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Final, after all processes (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Initial, before processes (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Macrophysics (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Micro Physics (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Radiation (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Shallow Convection (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: Wet Deposition (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number (81)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: After surface coupling (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: After tphysac call (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Deep Convection (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Final, after all processes (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Initial, before processes (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Macrophysics (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Micro Physics (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Radiation (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Shallow Convection (53)
  • Grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: Wet Deposition (53)
  • Grid box averaged rain amount (28)
  • Grid box averaged rain number (28)
  • Grid box averaged snow amount (24)
  • Grid box averaged snow number (28)
  • Grid cell area in m^2 for 0.25x0.25 degree resolution (1)
  • Grid-Cell Area (30)
  • Grid-Cell Area for Atmospheric Grid Variables (26)
  • Grid-Cell Area for Atmospheric Variables (31)
  • Grid-Cell Area for Ocean Variables (27)
  • Grid-Cell Area for River Model Variables (36)
  • Grid-box fraction covered by each ISCCP D level cloud type (29)
  • Gridcell net adjustment to NEE passed to atm. for methane production (3)
  • Gridcell oxidation of CH4 to CO2 (3)
  • Gridcell surface CH4 flux to atmosphere (+ to atm) (3)
  • Gridcell total production of CH4 (3)
  • Gross Primary Production on Grass Tiles (470)
  • Gross Primary Production on Shrub Tiles (470)
  • Gross Primary Production on Tree Tiles (470)
  • Gross Primary Productivity on Land-Use Tile (70)
  • Ground evaporation (soil/snow evaporation + soil/snow sublimation - dew) (7)
  • Grounded Ice Sheet Area Fraction (60)
  • Growing Season Length (94)
  • Growing season length (23)
  • H2 Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
  • H2 Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
  • H2O mole fraction (4)
  • H2O2 wet deposition (29)
  • H2O2 aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
  • H2O2 in bottom layer (82)
  • H2O2 surface flux (29)
  • H2SO4 wet deposition (29)
  • H2SO4 aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
  • H2SO4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • H2SO4 in bottom layer (82)
  • H2SO4 surface flux (29)
  • HCN Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • HCOOH Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • HNO3 (6)
  • HOCH2CHO Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • HadISST2.2.0.0 Sea Ice Concentration (1)
  • HadISST2.2.0.0 Sea Surface Temperature (1)
  • Harvested Biomass That Goes into Product Pool (70)
  • Heat FLux Correction (36)
  • Heat Flux Correction (439)
  • Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Frazil Ice Formation (849)
  • Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Iceberg Thermodynamics (206)
  • Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics (2356)
  • Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Snow Thermodynamics (192)
  • Heat Wave Duration Index (94)
  • Heat flux from melting (1)
  • Heat wave duration index (23)
  • Height Of Boundary Layer (23)
  • Height at the lowest model level (1)
  • Height of Boundary Layer (1286)
  • Height of boundary layer (2)
  • Het. Resp. from litter 1 (3)
  • Het. Resp. from litter 2 (3)
  • Het. Resp. from litter 3 (3)
  • Het. Resp. from soil 1 (3)
  • Het. Resp. from soil 2 (3)
  • Het. Resp. from soil 3 (3)
  • Het. Resp. from soil 4 (3)
  • Heterotrophic Respiration on Grass Tiles (70)
  • Heterotrophic Respiration on Shrub Tiles (70)
  • Heterotrophic Respiration on Tree Tiles (70)
  • High Cloud Cover Fraction (2)
  • High Level Cloud Area Percentage (3)
  • High Level Cloud Fraction (760)
  • HighResMIP Future Sea Ice Concentration (2)
  • HighResMIP Future Sea Surface Temperature (2)
  • Higher-Alkanes Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • Higher-Alkenes Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • Highest precipitation amount for five day interval (including the calendar day as the last day). The time period should be defined by the bounds of the time coordinate. (12)
  • History filename (1)
  • History pointer index (1)
  • Hot days:number of days when height corrected daily maximum temperature >= corrected threshold equivalent to 30 degrees C (726)
  • Hourly Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (1)
  • Hourly Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust (1)
  • Hourly Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust due to Convection (1)
  • Hourly Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust due to Turbulence (1)
  • Hourly Near-Surface Wind Speed (1)
  • Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Cloud Liquid Ice (1)
  • Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Cloud Liquid Water (1)
  • Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Convective Cloud Ice (5)
  • Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Convective Cloud Liquid Water (5)
  • Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Convective Rainfall (4)
  • Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Convective Snowfall (4)
  • Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Stratiform Cloud Ice (5)
  • Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water (5)
  • Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Stratiform Rainfall (4)
  • Hydrometeor Effective Radius of Stratiform Snowfall (4)
  • Hydrophobic black carbon deposition flux (1)
  • Hydrophobic black carbon dry deposition flux (1)
  • Hydrophobic organic carbon dry deposition flux (1)
  • Hydrophylic black carbon deposition flux (1)
  • Hydrophylic black carbon dry deposition flux (1)
  • Hydrophylic black carbon wet deposition flux (1)
  • Hydrophylic organic carbon dry deposition flux (1)
  • Hydrophylic organic carbon wet deposition flux (1)
  • ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction (779)
  • ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction (Joint histogram of optical thickness and cloud top pressure) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Albedo (918)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Albedo (Cloud-fraction weighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Albedo (Unweighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure (896)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure (Cloud-fraction weighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure (Unweighted, daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Temperature (Cloud-fraction weighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Temperature (Unweighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Total Cloud Fraction (321)
  • ISCCP Total Cloud Fraction (daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Total Total Cloud Fraction (595)
  • Ice Cloud Optical Depth (10)
  • Ice Crystal Number Concentration (564)
  • Ice Crystal Number Concentration of Cloud Tops (411)
  • Ice Shelf Collapse Mask (11)
  • Ice Water Path (6063)
  • Ice concentration (7)
  • Ice integrated chlorophyll concentration per cell (3)
  • Ice mixing ratio (38)
  • Ice thickness (7)
  • Ice velocity x-component (7)
  • Ice velocity y-component (7)
  • Ice water path after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
  • Ice water path after process: After surface coupling (53)
  • Ice water path after process: After tphysac call (53)
  • Ice water path after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
  • Ice water path after process: Deep Convection (53)
  • Ice water path after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
  • Ice water path after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
  • Ice water path after process: Final, after all processes (53)
  • Ice water path after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
  • Ice water path after process: Initial, before processes (53)
  • Ice water path after process: Macrophysics (53)
  • Ice water path after process: Micro Physics (53)
  • Ice water path after process: Radiation (53)
  • Ice water path after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
  • Ice water path after process: Shallow Convection (53)
  • Ice water path after process: Wet Deposition (53)
  • Implied internal energy flux (15)
  • In Situ Water Temperature (13)
  • Incident Surface Clear-Sky Shortwave (269)
  • Index to the last active ocean cell in each column. (1)
  • Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (26)
  • Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
  • Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (26)
  • Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Longwave Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
  • Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (28)
  • Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
  • Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (26)
  • Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Instantaneous Top of the Atmosphere Shortwave Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
  • Instantaneous Tropopause Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (29)
  • Instantaneous Tropopause Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Instantaneous Tropopause Longwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
  • Instantaneous Tropopause Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (31)
  • Instantaneous Tropopause Longwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Instantaneous Tropopause Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (29)
  • Instantaneous Tropopause Shortwave Clear-Sky Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Instantaneous Tropopause Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide (29)
  • Instantaneous Tropopause Shortwave Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gases (4)
  • Instantaneous Tropopause Shortwave Forcing Due to Total Sulfate Aerosol (1)
  • Integral with Respect to Depth of Product of Sea Water Density and Potential Temperature (80)
  • Internal stress term in force balance (x-component) (37)
  • Internal stress term in force balance (y-component) (37)
  • Intra-Annual Extreme Temperature Range (94)
  • Intra-annual extreme temperature range (23)
  • Ion pair production rate by MEE (4)
  • Ion pair production rate by cosmic rays (4)
  • Ion pair production rate by solar protons (4)
  • Iron Limitation of Diazotrophs (70)
  • Iron Loss to Sediments (227)
  • Iron Production (387)
  • L distance (1)
  • LITR1 C (3)
  • LITR1 C (vertically resolved) (3)
  • LITR1 N (3)
  • LITR1 N (vertically resolved) (3)
  • LITR1 P (3)
  • LITR1 P (vertically resolved) (3)
  • LITR2 C (3)
  • LITR2 C (vertically resolved) (3)
  • LITR2 N (3)
  • LITR2 N (vertically resolved) (3)
  • LITR2 P (3)
  • LITR2 P (vertically resolved) (3)
  • LITR3 C (3)
  • LITR3 C (vertically resolved) (3)
  • LITR3 N (3)
  • LITR3 N (vertically resolved) (3)
  • LITR3 P (3)
  • LITR3 P (vertically resolved) (3)
  • LW at TOA (36)
  • LW downwelling at ground (36)
  • Land Area Fraction (2389)
  • Land Ice Area Percentage (43)
  • Land Ice Calving Flux (2)
  • Land area fraction (7)
  • Langmuir multiplier (1)
  • Large Scale Snowfall (3)
  • Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (1)
  • Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) (83)
  • Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) (82)
  • Latent Heat Flux (13)
  • Latent heat flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
  • Lateral Sea Ice Growth Rate (848)
  • Lateral sea ice melt rate (30)
  • Latitude (6028)
  • Latitude location of cell centers in radians. (1)
  • Latitude location of edge midpoints in radians. (1)
  • Latitude location of vertices in radians. (1)
  • Latitude quadrature weights (normalized to sum to 2.0 on global grids) (28)
  • Latitude bounds (2)
  • Layer thickness when the ocean is at rest, i.e. without SSH or internal perturbations. (1)
  • Layer-average pressure (4)
  • Layer-average temperature (4)
  • Leaf Area Index (2365)
  • Leaf Area Index on Land Use Tile (400)
  • Leaf Area Index on Land-Use Tile (70)
  • Length of each edge, computed as the distance between cellsOnEdge. (1)
  • Length of each edge, computed as the distance between verticesOnEdge. (1)
  • Lidar Cloud Fraction (532 nm) (8)
  • Lidar High-level Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar High-level Ice Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar High-level Liquid Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar High-level Undefined-Phase Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar Low-level Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar Low-level Ice Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar Low-level Liquid Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar Low-level Undefined-Phase Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar Mid-level Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar Mid-level Ice Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar Mid-level Liquid Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar Mid-level Undefined-Phase Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar Total Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar Total Ice Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar Total Liquid Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar Total Undefined-Phase Cloud Fraction (29)
  • Lidar and Radar Total Cloud Fraction (72)
  • Lightning Production of NOx (7)
  • Liquid Cloud Optical Depth (10)
  • Liquid Water Content (6)
  • Liquid Water Content of Snow Layer (138)
  • Liquid Water Path (20)
  • Liquid water path after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: After surface coupling (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: After tphysac call (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: Deep Convection (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: Final, after all processes (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: Initial, before processes (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: Macrophysics (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: Micro Physics (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: Radiation (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: Shallow Convection (53)
  • Liquid water path after process: Wet Deposition (53)
  • List of cells that neighbor each cell. (1)
  • List of cells that share a vertex. (1)
  • List of cells that straddle each edge. (1)
  • List of edges that border each cell. (1)
  • List of edges that border each of the cells that straddle each edge. (1)
  • List of edges that share a vertex as an endpoint. (1)
  • List of global cell IDs. (1)
  • List of global edge IDs. (1)
  • List of global vertex IDs. (1)
  • List of vertices that border each cell. (1)
  • List of vertices that straddle each edge. (1)
  • Load of Black Carbon Aerosol (2627)
  • Load of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (2074)
  • Load of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (459)
  • Load of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (359)
  • Load of Dust (2605)
  • Load of NH4 (234)
  • Load of NO3 (23)
  • Load of SO4 (2628)
  • Load of Seasalt (2625)
  • Long descriptive names for fields (1)
  • Longitude (6028)
  • Longitude location of cell centers in radians. (1)
  • Longitude location of edge midpoints in radians. (1)
  • Longitude location of vertices in radians. (1)
  • Longitude bounds (2)
  • Longwave cloud forcing (82)
  • Longwave heating rate (81)
  • Longwave surface emissivity (spectrally constant) (4)
  • Low Cloud Cover Fraction (2)
  • Low Level Cloud Cover Percentage (3)
  • Low Level Cloud Fraction (761)
  • Lowest model level meridional wind (9)
  • Lowest model level zonal wind (9)
  • Lowest possible Linoz level (29)
  • MEK Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • MODIS Cloud Area Fraction (29)
  • MODIS Cloud Ice Water Path*CLIMODIS (29)
  • MODIS Cloud Liquid Water Path*CLWMODIS (29)
  • MODIS Cloud Top Pressure*CLTMODIS (29)
  • MODIS High Level Cloud Fraction (29)
  • MODIS Ice Cloud Fraction (29)
  • MODIS Ice Cloud Optical Thickness (Log10 Mean)*CLIMODIS (29)
  • MODIS Ice Cloud Optical Thickness*CLIMODIS (29)
  • MODIS Ice Cloud Particle Size*CLIMODIS (29)
  • MODIS Liquid Cloud Fraction (29)
  • MODIS Liquid Cloud Optical Thickness (Log10 Mean)*CLWMODIS (29)
  • MODIS Liquid Cloud Optical Thickness*CLWMODIS (29)
  • MODIS Liquid Cloud Particle Size*CLWMODIS (29)
  • MODIS Low Level Cloud Fraction (29)
  • MODIS Mid Level Cloud Fraction (29)
  • MODIS Total Cloud Fraction (29)
  • MODIS Total Cloud Optical Thickness (Log10 Mean)*CLTMODIS (29)
  • MODIS Total Cloud Optical Thickness*CLTMODIS (29)
  • MOSART direct discharge into ocean: ICE (2)
  • MOSART direct discharge into ocean: LIQ (2)
  • MOSART input GWL runoff: ICE (2)
  • MOSART input GWL runoff: LIQ (2)
  • MOSART input direct to ocean runoff: ICE (2)
  • MOSART input direct to ocean runoff: LIQ (2)
  • MOSART input subsurface runoff: ICE (2)
  • MOSART input subsurface runoff: LIQ (2)
  • MOSART input surface runoff: ICE (2)
  • MOSART input surface runoff: LIQ (2)
  • MOSART river basin flow: ICE (2)
  • MOSART river basin flow: LIQ (2)
  • MOSART river discharge into ocean: ICE (2)
  • MOSART river discharge into ocean: LIQ (2)
  • MOSART storage: ICE (2)
  • MOSART storage: LIQ (2)
  • MOSART total discharge into ocean: ICE (2)
  • MOSART total discharge into ocean: LIQ (2)
  • Marine organic aerosol burden (8)
  • Mask for restoring region (5)
  • Mass Concentration of Calcareous Phytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (12)
  • Mass Concentration of Calcareous Phytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water at Surface (12)
  • Mass Concentration of Diazotrophs Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (140)
  • Mass Concentration of Diazotrophs expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (43)
  • Mass Concentration of Diazotrophs expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water at Surface (51)
  • Mass Concentration of Picophytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (46)
  • Mass Concentration of Picophytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water at Surface (57)
  • Mass Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (140)
  • Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice (4406)
  • Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice Number of Observations (1)
  • Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice Standard Error (1)
  • Mass Fraction of Cloud Liquid Water (4404)
  • Mass Fraction of Convective Cloud Ice (83)
  • Mass Fraction of Convective Cloud Liquid Water (252)
  • Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice (112)
  • Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water (281)
  • Mass Fraction of Water (5)
  • Mass Mixing Ratio of CH4 (1)
  • Mass Mixing Ration of O3 (1)
  • Mass Mixing ration of CO2 (1)
  • Mass fraction of methane (CH4) in air (7)
  • Mass of Salt in Sea Ice per Area (70)
  • Mass of salt in sea ice per area (30)
  • Mass per unit area of frazil ice produced under land ice. Only computed when not coupled to a dynamic land-ice model. (1)
  • Mass per unit area of frazil ice produced. Reset to zero at each coupling interval (1)
  • Max. surface air temperature (2)
  • Maximum 10m convective gust (4)
  • Maximum 10m dynamical gust (4)
  • Maximum 10m wind speed (36)
  • Maximum 5 d precipitation total (23)
  • Maximum 5-day Precipitation Total (94)
  • Maximum Daily Surface Air Temperature (245)
  • Maximum Hourly Precipitation Rate (29)
  • Maximum Monthly Surface Air Temperature (18)
  • Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature (16)
  • Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (51)
  • Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed of Gust (140)
  • Maximum Number of Consecutive Dry Days (94)
  • Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T (70)
  • Maximum Root Depth (343)
  • Maximum Temperature of Warmest Month (2)
  • Maximum global value of accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of accumulatedLandIceHeat in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of accumulatedLandIceMass in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of evaporationFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of highFreqThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of iceRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of kineticEnergy in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of landIceFreshwaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of layerThicknessEdge on ocean edges. (9)
  • Maximum global value of lowFreqDivergence in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of normalVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • Maximum global value of normalizedAbsoluteVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • Maximum global value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of previous step layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of rainFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of relativeVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • Maximum global value of riverRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of salinityFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of salinityRestoringFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of seaIceFreshWaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of snowFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of tangentialVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • Maximum global value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of temperatureFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of the Montgomery Potential in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of vertAleTransportTop in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum global value of vertVelocityTop in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum number of consecutive dry days (23)
  • Maximum reference height temperature over output period (12)
  • Maximum screen temperature (36)
  • Maximum shear of sea-ice velocity field (30)
  • Maximum surface temperature over output period (82)
  • Maximum vertical sum of accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of accumulatedLandIceHeat in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of accumulatedLandIceMass in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of evaporationFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of highFreqThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of iceRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of kineticEnergy in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of landIceFreshwaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of layerThicknessEdge on ocean edges. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of lowFreqDivergence in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of normalVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of normalizedAbsoluteVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of previous step layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of rainFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of relativeVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of riverRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of salinityFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of salinityRestoringFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of seaIceFreshWaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of snowFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of tangentialVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of temperatureFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of the Montgomery Potential in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of vertAleTransportTop in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum vertical sum of vertVelocityTop in ocean cells. (9)
  • Maximum wind speed of gust at 100m (2)
  • McIlwain L shell in Earth radii (2)
  • Mean Clear-sky Infrared Tb from ISCCP simulator (29)
  • Mean Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (30)
  • Mean Daily Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme (832)
  • Mean Infrared Tb from ISCCP simulator (29)
  • Mean Sea Level Pressure (20)
  • Mean cloud albedo*CLDTOT ISCCP (29)
  • Mean cloud top pressure*CLDTOT ISCCP (29)
  • Mean optical thickness*CLDTOT ISCCP (29)
  • Mean sea level pressure (36)
  • Medium Cloud Cover Fraction (2)
  • Meridional (northward) component of wind stress at cell centers from coupler. Positive northward. (9)
  • Meridional Mass Streamfunction (2424)
  • Meridional Mass Streamfunction Due to Bolus Advection (2052)
  • Meridional Mass Streamfunction in the Atlantic (2424)
  • Meridional Overturning Streamfunction (210)
  • Meridional Surface Wind Speed (486)
  • Meridional Surface Wind Stress (311)
  • Meridional Wind (3)
  • Meridional Wind Component (492)
  • Meridional Wind at 200 hPa (6)
  • Meridional Wind at 500 hPa (6)
  • Meridional Wind at 850 hPa (6)
  • Meridional Windspeed 10m (14)
  • Meridional bc a1 transport (53)
  • Meridional component of wind (southerly) (144)
  • Meridional dst a1 transport (53)
  • Meridional dst a3 transport (53)
  • Meridional flux of zonal momentum (82)
  • Meridional gradient of SSH reconstructed at cell centers (1)
  • Meridional gravity wave surface stress (82)
  • Meridional heat transport (82)
  • Meridional ncl a1 transport (53)
  • Meridional ncl a2 transport (53)
  • Meridional ncl a3 transport (53)
  • Meridional pom a1 transport (53)
  • Meridional sea surface slope (1)
  • Meridional so4 a1 transport (53)
  • Meridional so4 a2 transport (53)
  • Meridional so4 a3 transport (53)
  • Meridional soa a1 transport (53)
  • Meridional soa a2 transport (53)
  • Meridional surface stress (83)
  • Meridional surface velocity reconstructed at cell centers (1)
  • Meridional velocity squared (82)
  • Meridional water transport (82)
  • Meridional wind (82)
  • Meridional wind at 200 mbar pressure surface (8)
  • Meridional wind at 200hPa (36)
  • Meridional wind at 500hPa (36)
  • Meridional wind at 850 mbar pressure surface (9)
  • Meridional wind at 850hPa (36)
  • Meridional wind at the lowest model level (1)
  • Meridional wind stress (36)
  • Methane (CH4) burden in the atmosphere (7)
  • Mid Level Cloud Cover Percentage (3)
  • Mid Level Cloud Fraction (751)
  • Min. surface air temperature (2)
  • Mineral Nitrogen in the Soil (70)
  • Minimum Daily Surface Air Temperature (245)
  • Minimum Monthly Surface Air Temperature (21)
  • Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature (16)
  • Minimum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T (100)
  • Minimum Temperature of Coldest Month (2)
  • Minimum global value of accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of accumulatedLandIceHeat in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of accumulatedLandIceMass in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of evaporationFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of highFreqThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of iceRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of kineticEnergy in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of landIceFreshwaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of layerThicknessEdge on ocean edges. (9)
  • Minimum global value of lowFreqDivergence in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of normalVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • Minimum global value of normalizedAbsoluteVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • Minimum global value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of previous step layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of rainFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of relativeVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • Minimum global value of riverRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of salinityFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of salinityRestoringFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of seaIceFreshWaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of snowFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of tangentialVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • Minimum global value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of temperatureFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of the Montgomery Potential in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of vertAleTransportTop in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum global value of vertVelocityTop in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum reference height temperature over output period (12)
  • Minimum screen temperature (36)
  • Minimum surface temperature over output period (82)
  • Minimum vertical sum of accumulatedLandIceFrazilMass in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of accumulatedLandIceHeat in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of accumulatedLandIceMass in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of evaporationFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of highFreqThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of iceRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of kineticEnergy in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of landIceFreshwaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of layerThicknessEdge on ocean edges. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of lowFreqDivergence in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of normalVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of normalizedAbsoluteVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of previous step layerThickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of rainFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of relativeVorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of riverRunoffFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of salinityFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of salinityRestoringFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of seaIceFreshWaterFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of snowFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of tangentialVelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of temperatureFlux in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of the Montgomery Potential in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of vertAleTransportTop in ocean cells. (9)
  • Minimum vertical sum of vertVelocityTop in ocean cells. (9)
  • Missing data fraction due to the effects of ground clutter and surface elevation (1)
  • Mixed Layer Thickness (24)
  • Mixed layer depth (7)
  • Mobilization flux at surface (29)
  • Mobilization flux of marine organic matter at surface (29)
  • Model levels (4070)
  • Moisture (dryness) inhibition of decomposition (3)
  • Moisture in Upper 0.1 m of Soil Column (305)
  • Moisture in Upper Portion of Soil Column (7327)
  • Mole Concentration of Aragonite expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Saturation (103)
  • Mole Concentration of Aragonite expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Saturation at Surface (123)
  • Mole Concentration of Calcareous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (12)
  • Mole Concentration of Calcareous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (12)
  • Mole Concentration of Calcite expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Saturation (306)
  • Mole Concentration of Calcite expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Saturation at Surface (323)
  • Mole Concentration of Carbonate Ion in Equilibrium with Pure Calcite in Sea Water (70)
  • Mole Concentration of Carbonate expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (326)
  • Mole Concentration of Carbonate expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (343)
  • Mole Concentration of Diatoms expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (276)
  • Mole Concentration of Diatoms expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (304)
  • Mole Concentration of Diazotrophs Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (113)
  • Mole Concentration of Diazotrophs Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (51)
  • Mole Concentration of Mesozooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (167)
  • Mole Concentration of Mesozooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (175)
  • Mole Concentration of Microzooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (167)
  • Mole Concentration of Microzooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (175)
  • Mole Concentration of Miscellaneous Phytoplankton Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (70)
  • Mole Concentration of Miscellaneous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (276)
  • Mole Concentration of Miscellaneous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (304)
  • Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Iron in Sea Water (140)
  • Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Nitrogen in Sea Water (140)
  • Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Phosphorus in Sea Water (140)
  • Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Silicon in Sea Water (140)
  • Mole Concentration of Picophytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water (46)
  • Mole Concentration of Picophytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface (57)
  • Mole Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Iron in Sea Water (140)
  • Mole Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Nitrogen in Sea Water (140)
  • Mole Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Phosphorus in Sea Water (140)
  • Mole Fraction of C2F6 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of C3F8 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of C4F10 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of C5F12 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of C6F14 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of C7F16 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of C8F18 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of CCl4 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of CF4 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of CFC-11 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of CFC-11-eq (37)
  • Mole Fraction of CFC-113 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of CFC-114 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of CFC-115 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of CFC-12 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of CFC-12-eq (36)
  • Mole Fraction of CH2Cl2 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of CH3Br (36)
  • Mole Fraction of CH3CCl3 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of CH3Cl (36)
  • Mole Fraction of CH4 (423)
  • Mole Fraction of CHCl3 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of CO2 (255)
  • Mole Fraction of DMS (694)
  • Mole Fraction of HCFC-141b (36)
  • Mole Fraction of HCFC-142b (36)
  • Mole Fraction of HCFC-22 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of HFC-125 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of HFC-134a (36)
  • Mole Fraction of HFC-134a-eq (36)
  • Mole Fraction of HFC-143a (36)
  • Mole Fraction of HFC-152a (36)
  • Mole Fraction of HFC-227ea (36)
  • Mole Fraction of HFC-23 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of HFC-236fa (36)
  • Mole Fraction of HFC-245fa (36)
  • Mole Fraction of HFC-32 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of HFC-365mfc (36)
  • Mole Fraction of HFC-43-10mee (36)
  • Mole Fraction of Halon-1211 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of Halon-1301 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of Halon-2402 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of N2O (417)
  • Mole Fraction of NF3 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of O3 (1928)
  • Mole Fraction of SF6 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of SO2 (697)
  • Mole Fraction of SO2F2 (36)
  • Mole Fraction of c-C4F8 (36)
  • Mole fraction of BrOx (15)
  • Mole fraction of Bry (15)
  • Mole fraction of CH4 (3)
  • Mole fraction of CO (15)
  • Mole fraction of CO2 (3)
  • Mole fraction of ClOx (9)
  • Mole fraction of Cly (15)
  • Mole fraction of H2O (6)
  • Mole fraction of HCl (9)
  • Mole fraction of HNO3 (6)
  • Mole fraction of N2O (9)
  • Mole fraction of NO (6)
  • Mole fraction of NO2 (6)
  • Mole fraction of NOx (15)
  • Mole fraction of O3 (3)
  • Mole fraction of OH (15)
  • Mole fraction of SO2 (6)
  • Mole fraction of SO4 (9)
  • Moles Per Unit Mass of CFC-11 in Sea Water (27)
  • Monthly Average Near-Surface Wind Speed (1)
  • Monthly Maximum Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (46)
  • Monthly Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Mixing Scheme (1184)
  • N flux required to support initial GPP (3)
  • N limitation factor (3)
  • N pool mortality due to fire (3)
  • NEE minus LAND USE FLUX, negative for update (3)
  • NH3 Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (8)
  • NH3 Anthropogenic Aircraft Emissions (2)
  • NH3 Anthropogenic Emissions (11)
  • NH3 Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
  • NH3 SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (1)
  • NH3 Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
  • NMVOC Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • NMVOC Anthropogenic Emissions (11)
  • NMVOC Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
  • NMVOC SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (1)
  • NMVOC Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
  • NO (6)
  • NO2 (6)
  • NOx Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (11)
  • NOx Anthropogenic Emissions (11)
  • NOx Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
  • NOx SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (1)
  • NOx Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
  • Natural Grass Area Percentage (222)
  • Natural Grass Fraction (1742)
  • Near-Surface Air Temperature (38594)
  • Near-Surface Relative Humidity (11170)
  • Near-Surface Relative Humidty (6)
  • Near-Surface Specific Humidity (14074)
  • Near-Surface Specific Humidity. Averaged over 3-hour period. (10)
  • Near-Surface Wind Speed (11365)
  • Near Surface Wind Speed (740)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere Due to Land-Use Change (70)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux into Atmosphere due to Land Use Change (1254)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmophere due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land. (761)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere Due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land (70)
  • Net Carbon Mass Flux out of Atmosphere due to Net Ecosystem Productivity on Land (400)
  • Net Conductive Heat Flux in Ice at the Surface (70)
  • Net Conductive Heat Fluxes in Ice at the Bottom (70)
  • Net Downward Clear-Sky Shortwave Flux at 200 hPa (149)
  • Net Downward Flux at Top of Model (3410)
  • Net Downward Radiative Flux at Top of Model (100)
  • Net Downward Shortwave Flux at 200 hPa (167)
  • Net Downward Shortwave Radiation at Sea Water Surface (3011)
  • Net Flux at Top of Model (296)
  • Net Flux of CO2 Between Atmosphere and Land (Positive into Land) as a Result of All Processes (70)
  • Net Latent Heat Flux over Sea Ice (70)
  • Net Longwave Surface Radiation (139)
  • Net Nitrogen Release from Soil and Litter as the Outcome of Nitrogen Immobilisation and Gross Mineralisation (70)
  • Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Calcareous Phytoplankton (17)
  • Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Diazotrophs (261)
  • Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Picophytoplankton (51)
  • Net Primary Organic Carbon Production by Other Phytoplankton (140)
  • Net Primary Production on Grass Tiles (470)
  • Net Primary Production on Shrub Tiles (470)
  • Net Primary Production on Tree Tiles (470)
  • Net Primary Productivity on Land-Use Tile (70)
  • Net Rate of Absorption of Shortwave Energy in Ocean Layer (80)
  • Net Shortwave Surface Radiation (7812)
  • Net Upward Clear-Sky Longwave Flux at 200 hPa (148)
  • Net Upward Longwave Flux at 200 hPa (154)
  • Net Upward Sensible Heat Flux over Sea Ice (70)
  • Net conductive heat flux in ice at the surface (30)
  • Net conductive heat fluxes in ice at the bottom (30)
  • Net latent heat flux over sea ice (30)
  • Net longwave flux at surface (84)
  • Net longwave flux at top of model (83)
  • Net longwave surface radiation (12388)
  • Net shortwave radiation (1)
  • Net shortwave radiation penetrating into ice and ocean (1)
  • Net shortwave surface radiation (1760)
  • Net solar flux at surface (84)
  • Net solar flux at top of atmosphere (84)
  • Net solar flux at top of model (83)
  • Net upward sensible heat flux under sea ice (30)
  • Nitrogen Fixation Rate in Ocean (429)
  • Nitrogen Loss to Sediments and Through Denitrification (70)
  • Nitrogen Loss to Sediments and through Denitrification (79)
  • Nitrogen Mass Flux out of Land Due to any Human Activity (70)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Litter Pool (70)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Products of Land-Use Change (70)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Soil Pool (70)
  • Nitrogen Mass in Vegetation (70)
  • Nitrogen Production (70)
  • No of days with precipitaiton greater than or equal to 10 mm/day (23)
  • Non-Woody Vegetation Percentage Cover (10)
  • Non-woody Vegetation Percentage Cover (30)
  • Nonbiogenic Iron Scavenging (97)
  • North Atlantic Average Sea Surface Temperature (13)
  • Northward 100m Wind (55)
  • Northward 50m Wind (55)
  • Northward Acceleration Due to Non-Orographic Gravity Wave Drag (80)
  • Northward Acceleration Due to Orographic Gravity Wave Drag (70)
  • Northward Atmospheric Stress On Sea Ice (64)
  • Northward Diffusive Heat Transport by Ocean (27)
  • Northward Diffusive Salt Transport by Ocean (8)
  • Northward Gyre Heat Transport by Ocean (8)
  • Northward Gyre Salt Transport by Ocean (8)
  • Northward Momentum Flux Correction (1)
  • Northward Near- Surface Wind Velocity (76)
  • Northward Near-Surface Wind (21628)
  • Northward Near-Surface Wind Speed (1304)
  • Northward Near-Surface Wind Velocity (4477)
  • Northward Neutral wind (89)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport (2816)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Bolus Advection (159)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Parameterized Eddy Advection (70)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Advection (70)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Diffusion (70)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport by Overturning (8)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Bolus Advection (182)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Diffusion (134)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Diffussion (48)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Gyre (78)
  • Northward Ocean Heat Transport due to Overturning (1177)
  • Northward Ocean Salt Transport (2159)
  • Northward Ocean Salt Transport by Overturning (8)
  • Northward Ocean Salt Transport due to Overturning (20)
  • Northward Ocean Stress On Sea Ice (64)
  • Northward Sea Ice Transport (9)
  • Northward Sea Ice Velocity (276)
  • Northward Sea Water Velocity (222)
  • Northward Wind (33208)
  • Northward Wind at 100 hPa (7)
  • Northward Wind at 1000 hPa (23)
  • Northward Wind at 100m (261)
  • Northward heat transport at locations defined at the binBoundaryMerHeatTrans coordinates by vertical level. (9)
  • Northward heat transport at locations defined at the binBoundaryMerHeatTrans coordinates. (9)
  • Northward near-surface wind (270)
  • Northward ocean heat transport (7)
  • Northward sea ice transport (64)
  • Northward wind at 100 m (20)
  • Northward wind at 100m (10)
  • Number of CloudSat Profiles Contributing to the Calculation (1)
  • Number of Days for which Precipitation Rate Exceeds 10 mm/day (94)
  • Number of MISR Samples (1)
  • Number of edges that border each cell. (1)
  • Number of edges that surround each of the cells that straddle each edge. These edges are used to reconstruct the tangential velocities. (1)
  • Number of time steps on file (1)
  • Number of Dry Day Periods (Precipitation<corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (726)
  • Number of Dry Days (Precipitation<corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (1452)
  • Number of Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected thr#eshold equivalent to 10mm) (353)
  • Number of Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 10mm) (1099)
  • Number of Very Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=correcte#d threshold equivalent to 20mm) (716)
  • Number of Very Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (1452)
  • Number of Very Heavy Precipitation Days (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 20mm) (736)
  • Number of Wet Day Periods (Precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (726)
  • O2 soil Concentration for inundated / lake area (3)
  • O2 soil Concentration for non-inundated area (3)
  • O3 aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
  • O3 concentration (28)
  • O3 in bottom layer (29)
  • O3 mole fraction (4)
  • O3 surface flux (29)
  • OC Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • OC Anthropogenic Emissions (11)
  • OC Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
  • OC SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (1)
  • OC Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
  • Observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a IEC1 class turbine (1)
  • Observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a IEC2 class turbine (1)
  • Observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a IEC3 class turbine (1)
  • Ocean Barotropic Mass Streamfunction (2241)
  • Ocean Barotropic Streamfunction (209)
  • Ocean Boundary Layer Depth (1)
  • Ocean Grid-Cell Area (724)
  • Ocean Grid-Cell Mass per Area (80)
  • Ocean Grid-Cell Mass per area (30)
  • Ocean Grid-Cell Volume (702)
  • Ocean Heat X Transport (1372)
  • Ocean Heat X Transport due to Bolus Advection (741)
  • Ocean Heat X Transport due to Diffusion (738)
  • Ocean Heat Y Transport (1372)
  • Ocean Heat Y Transport due to Bolus Advection (745)
  • Ocean Heat Y Transport due to Diffussion (740)
  • Ocean Kinetic Energy Dissipation Per Unit Area due to Vertical Friction (16)
  • Ocean Kinetic Energy Dissipation Per Unit Area due to XY Friction (16)
  • Ocean Mass X Transport (3379)
  • Ocean Mass Y Transport (3378)
  • Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction (2571)
  • Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Advection (70)
  • Ocean Meridional Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection (1322)
  • Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T (3110)
  • Ocean Model Cell Thickness (1586)
  • Ocean Momentum XY Biharmonic Diffusivity (11)
  • Ocean Momentum XY Laplacian Diffusivity (16)
  • Ocean Tracer Bolus Laplacian Diffusivity (20)
  • Ocean Tracer Epineutral Laplacian Diffusivity (16)
  • Ocean Vertical Heat Diffusivity (98)
  • Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity (24)
  • Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity due to Background (16)
  • Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity due to Tides (11)
  • Ocean Vertical Salt Diffusivity (98)
  • Ocean Vertical Tracer Diffusivity due to Background (16)
  • Ocean Vertical Tracer Diffusivity due to Tides (15)
  • Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction (1280)
  • Ocean Y Overturning Mass Streamfunction due to Bolus Advection (1202)
  • Ocean frazil production (1)
  • Ocean melt (q<0) potential (1)
  • Ocean melt and freeze potential (1)
  • Ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma T (11134)
  • Offset Time (208)
  • Offshore Wind Capacity factor (46)
  • Omega (=dp/dt) (478)
  • Onshore Wind Capacity factor (46)
  • Orography (53)
  • Other Phytoplankton Carbon Production (195)
  • Other Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Mass Concentration (282)
  • Other Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface (310)
  • Other Zooplankton Carbon Concentration (16)
  • Other Zooplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface (18)
  • Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave (278)
  • Outgoing Longwave Radiation (492)
  • Output on 2D grid format (TRUE) or vector format (FALSE) (1)
  • Overturning as function of depth (7)
  • Oxygen Minimum Concentration (348)
  • Ozone Mole Fraction (112)
  • P flux available from retranslocation pool (3)
  • P flux required to support initial GPP (3)
  • P limitation factor (3)
  • P pool mortality due to fire (3)
  • PARASOL Reflectance (835)
  • PBL depth (36)
  • PBL height (82)
  • PFT to column scale type (1)
  • POM AOD@550nm (3)
  • POM aerosol burden (61)
  • Particle Source of Dissolved Iron (31)
  • Particulate Biogenic Iron Concentration (283)
  • Particulate Biogenic Iron Concentration at Surface (335)
  • Particulate Biogenic Silica Concentration (293)
  • Particulate Biogenic Silica Concentration at Surface (343)
  • Particulate Organic Carbon Content (70)
  • Particulate Organic Nitrogen Concentration (189)
  • Particulate Organic Nitrogen Concentration at Surface (280)
  • Particulate Organic Phosphorus Concentration (38)
  • Particulate Organic Phosphorus Concentration at Surface (79)
  • Penetrative temperature flux at the surface due to solar radiation. Positive is into the ocean. (9)
  • Percent of Annual Total Precipitation due to Events Exceeding the 1961-1990 95th Percentile (94)
  • Percent of incoming solar absorbed by lower snow layers (7)
  • Percent of time Tmin > the 90th percentile value of daily minimum temperature (94)
  • Percentage Cloud Cover (83)
  • Percentage Cover by C3 Crops (500)
  • Percentage Cover by C3 Plant Functional Type (113)
  • Percentage Cover by C4 Crops (500)
  • Percentage Cover by C4 Plant Functional Type (113)
  • Percentage Cover by Shrub (192)
  • Percentage Cover of Sea Ice by Meltpond (99)
  • Percentage Cover of Sea Ice by Ridging (97)
  • Percentage Crop Cover (110)
  • Percentage of Area by Vegetation or Land-Cover Category (83)
  • Percentage of BC emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of BC emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of BC emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of BC emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of BC emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of BC emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C10H16 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of C10H16 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C10H16 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of C10H16 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of C10H16 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of C10H16 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H2 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of C2H2 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H2 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of C2H2 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H2 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H2 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H4 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of C2H4 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H4 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of C2H4 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H4 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H4 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H4O emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of C2H4O emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H4O emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of C2H4O emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H4O emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H4O emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H5OH emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of C2H5OH emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H5OH emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of C2H5OH emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H5OH emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H5OH emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H6 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of C2H6 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H6 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of C2H6 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H6 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H6 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H6S emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of C2H6S emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H6S emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of C2H6S emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H6S emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of C2H6S emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C3H6 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of C3H6 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C3H6 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of C3H6 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of C3H6 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of C3H6 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C3H6O emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of C3H6O emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C3H6O emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of C3H6O emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of C3H6O emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of C3H6O emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C3H8 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of C3H8 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C3H8 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of C3H8 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of C3H8 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of C3H8 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C5H8 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of C5H8 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C5H8 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of C5H8 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of C5H8 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of C5H8 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C6H6 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of C6H6 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C6H6 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of C6H6 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of C6H6 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of C6H6 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C7H8 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of C7H8 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C7H8 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of C7H8 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of C7H8 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of C7H8 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C8H10 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of C8H10 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of C8H10 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of C8H10 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of C8H10 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of C8H10 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH2O emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of CH2O emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH2O emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of CH2O emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH2O emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH2O emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH3COCHO emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of CH3COCHO emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH3COCHO emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of CH3COCHO emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH3COCHO emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH3COCHO emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH3COOH emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of CH3COOH emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH3COOH emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of CH3COOH emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH3COOH emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH3COOH emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH3OH emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of CH3OH emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH3OH emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of CH3OH emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH3OH emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH3OH emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH4 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of CH4 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH4 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of CH4 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH4 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of CH4 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of CO emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of CO emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of CO emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of CO emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of CO emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of CO emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of Grid Cell That Is Land but neither Vegetation Covered nor Bare Soil (80)
  • Percentage of Grid Cell for Each Land-Use Tile (140)
  • Percentage of H2 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of H2 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of H2 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of H2 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of H2 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of H2 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of HCN emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of HCN emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of HCN emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of HCN emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of HCN emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of HCN emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of HCOOH emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of HCOOH emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of HCOOH emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of HCOOH emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of HCOOH emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of HCOOH emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of HOCH2CHO emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of HOCH2CHO emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of HOCH2CHO emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of HOCH2CHO emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of HOCH2CHO emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of HOCH2CHO emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of Higher Alkanes emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of Higher Alkanes emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of Higher Alkanes emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of Higher Alkanes emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of Higher Alkanes emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of Higher Alkanes emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of Higher Alkenes emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of Higher Alkenes emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of Higher Alkenes emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of Higher Alkenes emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of Higher Alkenes emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of Higher Alkenes emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of Land Which Is Anthropogenic Pasture (70)
  • Percentage of MEK emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of MEK emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of MEK emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of MEK emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of MEK emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of MEK emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of N2O emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of N2O emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of N2O emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of N2O emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of N2O emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of N2O emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of NH3 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of NH3 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of NH3 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of NH3 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of NH3 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of NH3 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of NMVOC bulk emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of NMVOC bulk emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of NMVOC bulk emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of NMVOC bulk emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of NMVOC bulk emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of NMVOC bulk emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of NOx emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of NOx emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of NOx emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of NOx emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of NOx emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of NOx emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of OC emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of OC emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of OC emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of OC emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of OC emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of OC emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of SO2 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of SO2 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of SO2 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of SO2 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of SO2 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of SO2 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of Toluene lump emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • Percentage of Toluene lump emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of Toluene lump emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • Percentage of Toluene lump emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • Percentage of Toluene lump emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • Percentage of Toluene lump emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • Percentage of days when Tmax < 10th percentile (740)
  • Percentage of days when Tmax > 90th percentile (740)
  • Percentage of the Grid Cell Occupied by Lake (1)
  • Percentage of the Grid Cell Occupied by Land (Including Lakes) (26)
  • Percentage of the grid cell occupied by land (including lakes) (21)
  • Period of precipitation report (2)
  • Phosphorus Production (109)
  • Photosynthetically Active Radiation (6)
  • Photovoltaic capacity factor averaged by country (1)
  • Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration (606)
  • Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface (461)
  • Phytoplankton Iron Concentration (280)
  • Phytoplankton Iron Concentration at Surface (329)
  • Phytoplankton Nitrogen Concentration (116)
  • Phytoplankton Nitrogen Concentration at Surface (169)
  • Phytoplankton Phosphorus Concentration (38)
  • Phytoplankton Phosphorus Concentration at Surface (79)
  • Phytoplankton Silica Concentration (273)
  • Phytoplankton Silica Concentration at Surface (289)
  • Plant Functional Type Grid Fraction (833)
  • Plant Respiration on Land-Use Tile (70)
  • Potential Density (205)
  • Potential Evapotranspiration (500)
  • Potential Temperature (247)
  • Potential density (7)
  • Potential temperature at the lowest model level (1)
  • Precipitable Water (264)
  • Precipitable water column (36)
  • Precipitation (49341)
  • Precipitation Flux Anomaly (15)
  • Precipitation Seasonality (2)
  • Precipitation Standard Error (2)
  • Precipitation flux (1)
  • Precipitation large scale (6)
  • Precipitation maximum (93)
  • Precipitation minimum (93)
  • Precipitation onto Canopy (3054)
  • Preciptable Water (21)
  • Pressure Tendency (10)
  • Pressure at Model Full-Levels (7)
  • Pressure at Model Half-Levels (4)
  • Pressure at layer edge (4)
  • Pressure at the lowest model level (1)
  • Pressure at the sea surface due to sea ice. (1)
  • Pressure at the sea surface due to the atmosphere. (1)
  • Pressure level (2)
  • Pressure on Model Half-Levels (308)
  • Pressure on Model Levels (585)
  • Primary Carbon Production by Phytoplankton (553)
  • Primary Carbon Production by Phytoplankton due to Nitrate Uptake Alone (261)
  • Primary Organic Carbon Production by All Types of Phytoplankton (612)
  • Primary Organic Carbon Production by Diatoms (289)
  • Primary Organic Carbon Production by Other Phytoplankton (289)
  • Primary Organic Carbon Production by Phytoplankton Based on Nitrate Uptake Alone (283)
  • Product-limited photosynthesis (7)
  • Prognostic CO2 at the lowest model level (1)
  • Prognostic in-cloud ice mixing ratio (82)
  • Prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio (82)
  • Q tendency due to moist processes (82)
  • Q-Flux (11)
  • RAM1 (29)
  • Rainfall Flux (2)
  • Rainfall Flux where Ice Free Ocean over Sea (935)
  • Rainfall rate over sea ice (30)
  • Rate of Change in Upper 100 m of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon due to Biological Activity (6)
  • Rate of Change in Upper 100 m of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen due to Biological Activity (6)
  • Rate of Change in Upper 100 m of Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate due to Biological Activity (6)
  • Rate of Change of Alkalinity (190)
  • Rate of Change of Alkalinity Due to Biological Activity (70)
  • Rate of Change of Alkalinity due to Biological Activity (84)
  • Rate of Change of Biological Alkalinity Due to Biological Activity (70)
  • Rate of Change of Biological Alkalinity due to Biological Activity (228)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Due to Biological Activity (140)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon due to Biological Activity (312)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Iron Due to Biological Activity (140)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Iron due to Biological Activity (201)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen Due to Biological Activity (70)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen due to Biological Activity (228)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate due to Biological Activity (39)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Due to Biological Activity (70)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Silicate due to Biological Activity (201)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Silicon Due to Biological Activity (140)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Phosphate due to Biological Activity (18)
  • Rate of Change of Dissolved Phosphorus Due to Biological Activity (70)
  • Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (260)
  • Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Iron (149)
  • Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (259)
  • Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate (79)
  • Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus (70)
  • Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Silicate (79)
  • Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Silicon (70)
  • Rate of Change of Nitrogen Nutrient Due to Biological Activity (70)
  • Rate of Change of Nitrogen Nutrient due to Biological Activity (84)
  • Rate of Change of Total Alkalinity (70)
  • Rate of Emission and Production of Dry Aerosol Total Organic Matter (858)
  • Rate of Melt at Sea Ice Base (1116)
  • Rate of Melt at Upper Surface of Sea Ice (1116)
  • Reconstruction weights associated with each of the edgesOnEdge. (1)
  • Reference depth of ocean for each vertical level. Used in 'z-level' type runs. (1)
  • Reference height humidity (89)
  • Reference height relative humidity (4)
  • Reference height temperature (91)
  • Reference specific humidity at 2 meters (1)
  • Reference temperature at 2 meters (1)
  • Reflected Clear-Sky Shortwave (248)
  • Reflected Surface Clear-Sky Shortwave (258)
  • Region Selection Index (608)
  • Relative Humidity (8891)
  • Relative humidity (120)
  • Relative humidty at 2M (16)
  • Remineralization of Organic Carbon (70)
  • Reported sea level pressure (2)
  • Restart history filename (1)
  • River Discharge (36)
  • River channel main channel water volume (1)
  • River channel total water volume (1)
  • Root Depth (8)
  • Root Zone Soil Moisture (10)
  • RuBP-limited photosynthesis (7)
  • Rubisco-limited photosynthesis (7)
  • Runoff (36)
  • Rural 2m air temperature (7)
  • Rural 2m height surface air temperature (1)
  • Rural 2m specific humidity (7)
  • Rural absorbed solar radiation (7)
  • Rural daily maximum of average 2-m temperature (7)
  • Rural daily minimum of average 2-m temperature (7)
  • Rural emitted infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
  • Rural ground temperature (7)
  • Rural heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt and snow light transmission (7)
  • Rural net infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
  • Rural sensible heat (7)
  • Rural snow melt heat flux (7)
  • Rural solar rad penetrating top soil or snow layer (7)
  • Rural total evaporation (7)
  • Rural total runoff (7)
  • SO2 wet deposition (29)
  • SO2 Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • SO2 Anthropogenic Emissions (11)
  • SO2 Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
  • SO2 SOLID BIOFUEL Anthropogenic Emissions - Supplemental Data (1)
  • SO2 Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
  • SO2 aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
  • SO2 concentration (28)
  • SO2 in bottom layer (82)
  • SO2 surface flux (29)
  • SO4 aqueous phase chemistry due to H2O2 (4)
  • SO4 aqueous phase chemistry due to O3 (4)
  • SOA aerosol burden (61)
  • SOAG aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
  • SOAG gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • SOAG in bottom layer (82)
  • SOAG surface flux (29)
  • SOIL1 C (3)
  • SOIL1 C (vertically resolved) (3)
  • SOIL1 N (3)
  • SOIL1 N (vertically resolved) (3)
  • SOIL1 P (3)
  • SOIL1 P (vertically resolved) (3)
  • SOIL2 C (3)
  • SOIL2 C (vertically resolved) (3)
  • SOIL2 N (3)
  • SOIL2 N (vertically resolved) (3)
  • SOIL2 P (3)
  • SOIL2 P (vertically resolved) (3)
  • SOIL3 C (3)
  • SOIL3 C (vertically resolved) (3)
  • SOIL3 N (3)
  • SOIL3 N (vertically resolved) (3)
  • SOIL3 P (3)
  • SOIL3 P (vertically resolved) (3)
  • SOIL4 C (3)
  • SOIL4 C (vertically resolved) (3)
  • SOIL4 N (3)
  • SOIL4 N (vertically resolved) (3)
  • SOIL4 P (3)
  • SOIL4 P (vertically resolved) (3)
  • Salinity (255)
  • Salinity associated with accumulatedFrazilIceMass. Reset to zero at each coupling interval (1)
  • Salt Flux into Sea Water from Rivers (115)
  • Salt flux (1)
  • Screen temperature (36)
  • Sea Area Fraction (681)
  • Sea Area Percentage (40)
  • Sea Floor Depth (900)
  • Sea Floor Depth Below Geoid (53)
  • Sea Ice Albedo (516)
  • Sea Ice Area Fraction (14942)
  • Sea Ice Area Fraction (Atmospheric Grid) (60)
  • Sea Ice Area Fraction (Ocean Grid) (94)
  • Sea Ice Concentration (268)
  • Sea Ice Flag (6)
  • Sea Ice Fraction (6)
  • Sea Ice Heat Content (259)
  • Sea Ice Mass Transport Through Fram Strait (783)
  • Sea Ice Plus Surface Snow Amount (2573)
  • Sea Ice Ridging Rate (185)
  • Sea Ice Salinity (107)
  • Sea Ice Thickness (15940)
  • Sea Level Pressure (43261)
  • Sea Mass Area Flux Through Straits (70)
  • Sea Salt AOD@550nm (3)
  • Sea Surface Elevation (194)
  • Sea Surface Height Above Geoid (4611)
  • Sea Surface Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration (140)
  • Sea Surface Salinity (5332)
  • Sea Surface Temperature (21192)
  • Sea Water Age Since Surface Contact (155)
  • Sea Water Convervative Temperature (30)
  • Sea Water Mass (3023)
  • Sea Water Mass Per Unit Area (770)
  • Sea Water Potential Density (2395)
  • Sea Water Potential Temperature (6315)
  • Sea Water Potential Temperature at Sea Floor (70)
  • Sea Water Pressure at Sea Floor (70)
  • Sea Water Pressure at Sea Water Surface (61)
  • Sea Water Pressure at Sea floor (2691)
  • Sea Water Salinity (14448)
  • Sea Water Salinity at Sea Floor (70)
  • Sea Water Transport (1138)
  • Sea Water Vertical Velocity (70)
  • Sea Water Volume (1775)
  • Sea Water X Velocity (16170)
  • Sea Water Y Velocity (6333)
  • Sea Water Z Velocity (30)
  • Sea ice area North (30)
  • Sea ice area South (30)
  • Sea ice area flux through straits (30)
  • Sea ice area fraction (187)
  • Sea ice basal pressure (1)
  • Sea ice extent North (30)
  • Sea ice extent South (30)
  • Sea ice heat flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
  • Sea ice mass flux through straits (12)
  • Sea ice salinity (1)
  • Sea ice salinity flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
  • Sea ice volume North (30)
  • Sea ice volume South (30)
  • Sea level (7)
  • Sea level pressure (90)
  • Sea mass area flux through straits (30)
  • Sea surface height above geoid (3170)
  • Sea surface salinity (1)
  • Sea surface temperature (7)
  • Sea water Y velocity (9825)
  • Sea water potential temperature (9815)
  • Sea-Ice Area Flux Through Straits (70)
  • Sea-Ice Area North (70)
  • Sea-Ice Area Percentage (Atmospheric Grid) (71)
  • Sea-Ice Area Percentage (Ocean Grid) (194)
  • Sea-Ice Area Percentage Tendency Due to Dynamics (70)
  • Sea-Ice Area Percentage Tendency Due to Thermodynamics (70)
  • Sea-Ice Area South (70)
  • Sea-Ice Extent North (70)
  • Sea-Ice Extent South (70)
  • Sea-Ice Freeboard (70)
  • Sea-Ice Heat Content per Unit Area (70)
  • Sea-Ice Mass Change from Dynamics (70)
  • Sea-Ice Mass Change from Thermodynamics (70)
  • Sea-Ice Mass per Area (174)
  • Sea-Ice Speed (80)
  • Sea-Ice Volume North (70)
  • Sea-Ice Volume South (70)
  • Sea-Ice Volume per Area (70)
  • Sea-Level Pressure (2)
  • Sea-ice Area Percentage (Atmospheric Grid) (1)
  • Sea-ice Area Percentage (Ocean Grid) (1)
  • Sea-ice freeboard (30)
  • Sea-ice heat content per unit area (30)
  • Sea-ice mass per area (30)
  • Sea-ice speed (75)
  • Sea-ice volume per area (38)
  • Seasalt aerosol burden (61)
  • Seasonal Maximum Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed (46)
  • Seawater Salinity (13)
  • Seawater Temperature (12)
  • Sensible Heat Flux (13)
  • Sensible heat flux (1)
  • Sensible heat flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
  • Shallow Convective Mass Flux (42)
  • Shallow conv. cloudbase level index (29)
  • Shallow conv. cloudbase vertical velocity (29)
  • Shallow conv. column-max updraft mass flux (29)
  • Short wave flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
  • Shortwave cloud forcing (82)
  • Shortwave radiative flux on the vertical biology grid per category (3)
  • Shortwave surface albedo (spectrally constant) (4)
  • Shrub Fraction (1069)
  • Silica Production (317)
  • Silicon Production (70)
  • Simple Daily Precipitation Index (94)
  • Simple daily intensity index (23)
  • Sinking Aragonite Flux (18)
  • Sinking Calcite Flux (240)
  • Sinking Particulate Iron Flux (174)
  • Sinking Particulate Organic Carbon Flux (240)
  • Sinking Particulate Organic Nitrogen Flux (84)
  • Sinking Particulate Organic Phosphorus Flux (18)
  • Sinking Particulate Silica Flux (240)
  • Sinking Particulate Silicon Flux (140)
  • Size of second dimension (1)
  • Smoothed sunspot number (3)
  • Smoothed sunspot number SILSO-V2 (3)
  • Snow Amount (302)
  • Snow Area Fraction (6959)
  • Snow Area Percentage (173)
  • Snow Cover Fraction (400)
  • Snow Depth (12825)
  • Snow Heat Content per Unit Area (70)
  • Snow Internal Temperature (1790)
  • Snow Mass Change Through Snow Fall (70)
  • Snow Mass Flux Through Straits (70)
  • Snow Mass Rate of Change Through Advection by Sea-Ice Dynamics (70)
  • Snow Mass Rate of Change through Avection by Sea-ice Dynamics (30)
  • Snow Mass Rate of Change through Evaporation or Sublimation (30)
  • Snow Mass Rate of Change through Melt (30)
  • Snow Mass Rate of Change through Snow-to-Ice Conversion (30)
  • Snow Mass per Area (180)
  • Snow Melt (236)
  • Snow Melt Rate (2208)
  • Snow Soot Content (633)
  • Snow Thickness (183)
  • Snow area fraction (253)
  • Snow depth (234)
  • Snow depth (liquid water) (36)
  • Snow depth over ice (82)
  • Snow mass flux through straits (30)
  • Snow mass per area (30)
  • Snow melt (2)
  • Snow thickness (75)
  • Snow-Ice Formation Rate (1240)
  • Snow-heat content per unit area (30)
  • Snowfall Flux (11324)
  • Snowfall Flux where Ice Free Ocean over Sea (769)
  • Snowmelt (36)
  • Soil Frozen Water Content (6065)
  • Soil Heterotrophic Respiration on Land-Use Tile (70)
  • Soil Moisture Saturation Point (8)
  • Soil Moisture Wilting Point (8)
  • Soil erodibility factor (29)
  • Soil frozen water content (36)
  • Soil frozen water content Content (226)
  • Soil layer depth (9)
  • Solar downwelling at ground (36)
  • Solar heating rate (81)
  • Solar in at TOA (36)
  • Solar insolation (82)
  • Solar out at TOA (36)
  • Solar zenith angle (4)
  • Solid Precipitation (1735)
  • Solid angle subtended by gridcell (28)
  • Source of data (1)
  • Specific Humidity (23031)
  • Specific Humidity 2m (7)
  • Specific Humidity Number of Observations (2)
  • Specific Humidity Standard Error (2)
  • Specific Humidity at 1000 hPa (16)
  • Specific Humidity at 850 hPa (6)
  • Specific algal growth rate per grid cell (3)
  • Specific humidity (82)
  • Specific humidity after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: After surface coupling (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: After tphysac call (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: Deep Convection (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: Final, after all processes (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: Initial, before processes (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: Macrophysics (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: Micro Physics (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: Radiation (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: Shallow Convection (53)
  • Specific humidity after process: Wet Deposition (53)
  • Specific humidity at 100 hPa (7)
  • Specific humidity at 200hPa (36)
  • Specific humidity at 850hPa (36)
  • Specific humidity at the lowest model level (1)
  • Specific humidity in air (144)
  • Square of Brunt Vaisala Frequency in Sea Water (70)
  • Square of Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T (661)
  • Square of Sea Surface Height Above Geoid (1003)
  • Square of Sea Surface Salinity (80)
  • Square of Sea Surface Temperature (2420)
  • Square of Upward Ocean Mass Transport (1741)
  • Square of exch. coeff (tracers) (1)
  • Station reports of past significant weather phenomena (2)
  • Stokes drift depth (1)
  • Stokes drift u component (1)
  • Stokes drift v component (1)
  • Storage P pool mortality (3)
  • Strain Rate Divergence of Sea Ice (221)
  • Stratiform Cloud Area Fraction (111)
  • Stratiform Cloud Droplet Effective Radius (594)
  • Stratiform Cloud Emissivity (2)
  • Stratiform Cloud Optical Depth (2)
  • Stratiform Precipitation (3)
  • Stratiform Rainfall Flux (5)
  • Stratiform Snowfall Flux (6)
  • Stratospheric Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nm (6)
  • Stratospheric Radiative Heating Rate (6)
  • Stratus Liquid cloud fraction (53)
  • Streamfunction (25)
  • Stress-Equivalent wind at 10 m u-component (1)
  • Stress-Equivalent wind at 10 m v-component (1)
  • Sublimation over Sea Ice (766)
  • Subsurface runoff (6)
  • Sulfate AOD@550nm (3)
  • Sulfate Burden (19)
  • Sulfate aerosol burden (61)
  • Sum of region mask, represents total number of cells in region (9)
  • Sum value of mask within region volume (should always be greater than 0 for valid layer) (9)
  • Sum value of mask within region volume (should always be greater than 0 for valid volumes) (9)
  • Sunshine hours (36)
  • Surface Air Pressure (12170)
  • Surface Air Temperature (673)
  • Surface Air pressure (45)
  • Surface Albedo as simulated by ISBA (11)
  • Surface Altitude (2822)
  • Surface Altitude Unmodified (70)
  • Surface Aqueous Partial Pressure of CO2 (454)
  • Surface Carbon Mass Flux into the Atmosphere Due to Natural Sources (693)
  • Surface Carbonate Ion Concentration (70)
  • Surface Concentration of Black Carbon Aerosol (2476)
  • Surface Concentration of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (2073)
  • Surface Concentration of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (305)
  • Surface Concentration of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (361)
  • Surface Concentration of Dust (2454)
  • Surface Concentration of NH4 (220)
  • Surface Concentration of NO3 (220)
  • Surface Concentration of SO4 (2476)
  • Surface Concentration of Seasalt (2328)
  • Surface Daily Maximum Relative Humidity (1744)
  • Surface Daily Minimum Relative Humidity (1744)
  • Surface Diffuse Downward Clear Sky Shortwave Radiation (62)
  • Surface Diffuse Downwelling Clear Sky Shortwave Radiation (1091)
  • Surface Diffuse Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (1820)
  • Surface Direct Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (4)
  • Surface Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration (70)
  • Surface Dissolved Iron Concentration (70)
  • Surface Dissolved Nitrate Concentration (70)
  • Surface Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration (70)
  • Surface Dissolved Oxygen Concentration (70)
  • Surface Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Saturation (70)
  • Surface Downward CO2 Flux (558)
  • Surface Downward Diffuse Shortwave Radiation (8)
  • Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress (9540)
  • Surface Downward Flux of O2 (70)
  • Surface Downward Flux of Total CO2 (140)
  • Surface Downward Latent Heat Flux (1380)
  • Surface Downward Longwave Radiation (14)
  • Surface Downward Net Flux of Iron (396)
  • Surface Downward Net Flux of Nitrogen (109)
  • Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress (9542)
  • Surface Downward O2 Flux (353)
  • Surface Downward Sensible Heat Flux (1926)
  • Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation (14)
  • Surface Downward X Stress (3714)
  • Surface Downward X Stress Correction (94)
  • Surface Downward Y Stress (3713)
  • Surface Downward Y Stress Correction (94)
  • Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (6775)
  • Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (6751)
  • Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (24000)
  • Surface Downwelling Shortwave Flux (9)
  • Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (33084)
  • Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (Diffuse) (6)
  • Surface Evaporation (5)
  • Surface Latent Heat Flux (547)
  • Surface Mass Balance Anomaly (15)
  • Surface Mass Concentration of Diazotrophs Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (70)
  • Surface Mass Concentration of Total Phytoplankton Expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water (80)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Nitrogen in Sea Water (70)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Phosphorus in Sea Water (70)
  • Surface Mole Concentration of Particulate Organic Matter Expressed as Silicon in Sea Water (70)
  • Surface Net Downward Longwave Radiation (1386)
  • Surface Pressure (1326)
  • Surface Radiative Temperature (10)
  • Surface Rainfall Rate into the Sea Ice Portion of the Grid Cell (1651)
  • Surface Roughness Length (1)
  • Surface Runoff (7871)
  • Surface Runoff Anomaly (24)
  • Surface Sensible Heat Flux (556)
  • Surface Skin Temperature (311)
  • Surface Snow Amount (9803)
  • Surface Snow Area Fraction (437)
  • Surface Snow Melt (7321)
  • Surface Snow amount (2)
  • Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux (5649)
  • Surface Snow melt (9)
  • Surface Snowfall Rate into the Sea Ice Portion of the Grid Cell (2864)
  • Surface Soil Temperature (7)
  • Surface Soil Water Content (7)
  • Surface Specific Humidity (209)
  • Surface Temperature (9578)
  • Surface Temperature Anomaly (27)
  • Surface Temperature Where Land or Sea Ice (1841)
  • Surface Temperature of Sea Ice (4966)
  • Surface Upward DMS Flux (118)
  • Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux (29155)
  • Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux over Sea Ice (203)
  • Surface Upward Longwave Radiation (16)
  • Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux (29696)
  • Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux over Sea Ice (203)
  • Surface Upward Sensible Heat flux (2)
  • Surface Upward Shortwave Radiation (16)
  • Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (6670)
  • Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation (15012)
  • Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (16000)
  • Surface Vapor Pressure (130)
  • Surface albedo (268)
  • Surface altitude (7)
  • Surface and Subsurface Runoff (298)
  • Surface area-weighted average of downwelling long wave heat flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of evaporation in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of ice run off in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of latent heat flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of meridional wind stress in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of net surface fresh water flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of net surface heat flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of net surface salinity flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of rain flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of river run off in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of sea ice energy in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of sea ice heat flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of sea ice melt rate in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of sea ice salinity flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of sea surface pressure in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of sea-surface height (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of sensible heat flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of short wave heat flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of snow flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of surface boundary layer depth in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of surface salinity flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of surface salinity in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of surface temperature flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of surface temperature in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of surface thickness flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of upwelling long wave heat flux in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of wind stress magnitude in each region (9)
  • Surface area-weighted average of zonal wind stress in each region (9)
  • Surface emissivity (221)
  • Surface fraction velocity in ocean (1)
  • Surface geopotential (81)
  • Surface height (1)
  • Surface latent heat flux (83)
  • Surface pressure (169)
  • Surface runoff (253)
  • Surface saturation specific humidity in ocean (1)
  • Surface sensible heat flux (83)
  • Surface skin temperature (4)
  • Surface snow amount (226)
  • Surface snow depth (1)
  • Surface snow melt (187)
  • Surface temperature (37)
  • Surface temperature (radiative) (90)
  • Surface temperature of sea ice (75)
  • Surface upward longwave heat flux (1)
  • Surface water flux (82)
  • Surface wind speed (2)
  • Surface Mass Balance Anomaly (12)
  • T grid center latitude (7583)
  • T grid center longitude (7583)
  • T tendency - moist processes (82)
  • T vertical diffusion (53)
  • TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation (13152)
  • TOA Net Downward Radiation (541)
  • TOA Outgoing Aerosol-Free Longwave Radiation (30)
  • TOA Outgoing Aerosol-Free Shortwave Radiation (30)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (6732)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (21)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (6135)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (21)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky, Aerosol-Free Longwave Radiation (30)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky, Aerosol-Free Shortwave Radiation (30)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-sky Longwave Radiation (8)
  • TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiatio (8)
  • TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation (29388)
  • TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (21)
  • TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (12550)
  • TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation in 4XCO2 Atmosphere (21)
  • TOA Reflected Shortwave Radiation (311)
  • Temperature (531)
  • Temperature 2m (14)
  • Temperature Annual Range (2)
  • Temperature Flux due to Evaporation Expressed as Heat Flux Out of Sea Water (434)
  • Temperature Flux due to Rainfall Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water (434)
  • Temperature Flux due to Runoff Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water (452)
  • Temperature Seasonality (2)
  • Temperature Tendency Due to Non-Orographic Gravity Wave Dissipation (10)
  • Temperature Tendency Due to Orographic Gravity Wave Dissipation (10)
  • Temperature after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
  • Temperature after process: After surface coupling (53)
  • Temperature after process: After tphysac call (53)
  • Temperature after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
  • Temperature after process: Deep Convection (53)
  • Temperature after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
  • Temperature after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
  • Temperature after process: Final, after all processes (53)
  • Temperature after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
  • Temperature after process: Initial, before processes (53)
  • Temperature after process: Macrophysics (53)
  • Temperature after process: Micro Physics (53)
  • Temperature after process: Radiation (53)
  • Temperature after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
  • Temperature after process: Shallow Convection (53)
  • Temperature after process: Wet Deposition (53)
  • Temperature at 200 hPa (6)
  • Temperature at 200 mbar pressure surface (2)
  • Temperature at 500 hPa (6)
  • Temperature at 500 mbar pressure surface (2)
  • Temperature at 850 hPa (5)
  • Temperature at Interface Between Sea Ice and Snow (693)
  • Temperature at ice-ocean interface (30)
  • Temperature at layer edge (4)
  • Temperature at snow-ice interface (30)
  • Temperature at the lowest model level (1)
  • Temperature of Soil (5043)
  • Temperature of air (1)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature (558)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Boundary Layer Mixing (10)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Convection (20)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Longwave Radiative Heating (30)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Model Physics (30)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Radiative Heating (10)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Shortwave Radiative Heating (30)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Stratiform Cloud and Precipitation and Boundary Layer Mixing (347)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Stratiform Clouds and Precipitation (20)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Advection (551)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Diabatic Processes (569)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Moist Convection (565)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Radiative Heating (567)
  • Tendency of Air Temperature due to Stratiform Cloud Condensation and Evaporation (230)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water In Air (7)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water In Air Due To Boundary Layer Mixing (7)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water In Air Due To Cloud Microphysics (7)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Advection (16)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Autoconversion to Rain (23)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Autoconversion to Snow (7)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Condensation and Evaporation (23)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Icefall (23)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice Due Convective Detrainment (7)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air (15)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air Due To Bergeron Findeisen Process from Cloud Liquid (7)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air Due To Boundary Layer Mixing (15)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air Due To Cloud Microphysics (7)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Accretion to Snow (7)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Advection (15)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Aggregation (7)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Deposition and Sublimation (22)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Evaporation of Melting Ice (14)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Heterogeneous Nucleation From Cloud Liquid (14)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Heterogeneous Nucleation From Water Vapor (14)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Homogeneous Nucleation (14)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Icefall (22)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Melting to Cloud Liquid (7)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Melting to Rain (22)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Riming From Cloud Liquid (14)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Riming From Rain (14)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water Due to Convective Detrainment (16)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water In Air (15)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water In Air Due To Bergeron Findeisen Process To Cloud Ice (8)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water In Air Due To Cloud Microphysics (7)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Accretion to Rain (14)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Accretion to Snow (14)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Advection (15)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Autoconversion (22)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Condensation and Evaporation (31)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Heterogeneous Nucleation (15)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Homogeneous Nucleation (15)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Melting From Cloud Ice (7)
  • Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Riming (15)
  • Tendency of Mole Concentration of Organic Carbon in Sea Water due to Net Primary Production by Diazotrophs (31)
  • Tendency of Mole Concentration of Organic Carbon in Sea Water due to Net Primary Production by Picophytoplankton (31)
  • Tendency of Ocean Eddy Kinetic Energy Content due to Bolus Transport (16)
  • Tendency of Ocean Potential Energy Content (16)
  • Tendency of Ocean Potential Energy Content due to Background (16)
  • Tendency of Ocean Potential Energy Content due to Tides (11)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Potential Temperature Expressed as Heat Content (70)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Potential Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Parameterized Dianeutral Mixing (70)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Potential Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Parameterized Eddy Advection (70)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Potential Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Diffusion (70)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Potential Temperature Expressed as Heat Content Due to Residual Mean Advection (70)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content (70)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Parameterized Dianeutral Mixing (70)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Parameterized Eddy Advection (70)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Parameterized Mesoscale Diffusion (70)
  • Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content Due to Residual Mean Advection (70)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity (556)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Boundary Layer Mixing (10)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Convection (10)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Model Physics (10)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Stratiform Cloud and Precipitation and Boundary Layer Mixing (10)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity Due to Stratiform Clouds and Precipitation (10)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Advection (552)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Convection (561)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Diffusion (479)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Model Physics (569)
  • Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Stratiform Cloud Condensation and Evaporation (565)
  • Tendency of sea water potential temperature (6)
  • Test average after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
  • Test average after process: After surface coupling (53)
  • Test average after process: After tphysac call (53)
  • Test average after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
  • Test average after process: Deep Convection (53)
  • Test average after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
  • Test average after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
  • Test average after process: Final, after all processes (53)
  • Test average after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
  • Test average after process: Initial, before processes (53)
  • Test average after process: Macrophysics (53)
  • Test average after process: Micro Physics (53)
  • Test average after process: Radiation (53)
  • Test average after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
  • Test average after process: Shallow Convection (53)
  • Test average after process: Wet Deposition (53)
  • The value of the MOC streamfunction for each latitude-bin (first dimension) and depth (second dimension) (9)
  • Theta difference 700 mb - 1000 mb (29)
  • Theta on PV +/- 2 Surface (50)
  • Time elapsed since the start of the forecast (415372)
  • Time filtered meridional gradient of SSH (1)
  • Time filtered zonal gradient of SSH (1)
  • Time since simulationStartTime, for plotting (10)
  • Toluene-lump Anthropogenic Emissions (18)
  • Top-of-Atmosphere Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (8)
  • Top-of-Atmosphere downward Shortwave Radiation (7)
  • Top-of-Atmosphere upward Longwave Radiation (14)
  • Top-of-Atmosphere upward Shortwave Radiation (7)
  • Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) (16)
  • Total (vertically integrated) meridional MSE flux (29)
  • Total (vertically integrated) meridional water flux (36)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water (89)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: After surface coupling (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: After tphysac call (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Deep Convection (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Final, after all processes (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Initial, before processes (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Macrophysics (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Micro Physics (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Radiation (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Shallow Convection (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: Wet Deposition (53)
  • Total (vertically integrated) zonal MSE flux (29)
  • Total (vertically integrated) zonal water flux (36)
  • Total Aerosol Optical Depth in visible band (84)
  • Total Alkalinity (545)
  • Total Alkalinity at Surface (470)
  • Total Atmospheric Mass of CO2 (1571)
  • Total C3 PFT Cover Fraction (1310)
  • Total C4 PFT Cover Fraction (1310)
  • Total Carbon Mass Flux from Litter to Soil (315)
  • Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation Directly to Soil (100)
  • Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation to Litter (758)
  • Total Carbon in All Terrestrial Carbon Pools (70)
  • Total Carbon in all Terrestrial Carbon Pools (400)
  • Total Chlorophyll Mass Concentration (468)
  • Total Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface (463)
  • Total Cloud Cover (7)
  • Total Cloud Cover Percentage (294)
  • Total Cloud Fraction (28232)
  • Total Cloud Fraction Calculated by the ISCCP Simulator (29)
  • Total Direct Emission Rate of SO4 (804)
  • Total Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus Concentration (70)
  • Total Dissolved Inorganic Silicon Concentration (140)
  • Total Emission Rate of CH4 (7)
  • Total Emission Rate of DMS (1162)
  • Total Emission Rate of Dust (1351)
  • Total Emission Rate of NH3 (234)
  • Total Emission Rate of SO2 (1360)
  • Total Emission Rate of Seasalt (987)
  • Total Emission of Primary Aerosol from Biomass Burning (429)
  • Total Evapotranspiration (400)
  • Total Grazing of Phytoplankton by Zooplankton (408)
  • Total Incoming Solar Radiation at TOA (6)
  • Total Land N2O Flux (70)
  • Total Nitrogen Loss to Leaching or Runoff (Sum of Ammonium, Nitrite and Nitrate) (70)
  • Total Nitrogen Lost (Including NHx, NOx, N2O, N2 and Leaching) (70)
  • Total Nitrogen Lost to the Atmosphere (Including NHx, NOx, N2O, N2) from All Processes Except Fire (70)
  • Total Nitrogen Lost to the Atmosphere (Including NHx, NOx, N2O, N2) from Fire (70)
  • Total Nitrogen Lost to the Atmosphere (Sum of NHx, NOx, N2O, N2) (70)
  • Total Nitrogen in All Terrestrial Nitrogen Pools (70)
  • Total Number of Frost Days in Year (94)
  • Total Ozone Column (30)
  • Total Plant Nitrogen Uptake (Sum of Ammonium and Nitrate) Irrespective of the Source of Nitrogen (70)
  • Total Precipitable Water (7)
  • Total Precipitation Amount when Precip > 95th Percentile on Wet Days (Precip >= 1.0mm) (740)
  • Total Precipitation Amount when Precip > 99th Percentile on Wet Days (Precip >= 1.0mm) (740)
  • Total Primary Deciduous Tree Fraction (264)
  • Total Primary Evergreen Tree Cover Fraction (262)
  • Total Runoff (15996)
  • Total Secondary Deciduous Tree Cover Fraction (51)
  • Total Secondary Evergreen Tree Cover Fraction (51)
  • Total Soil Frozen Water Content (63)
  • Total Soil Moisture Content (21457)
  • Total Soil Wetness Index (7)
  • Total Soil moisture (2)
  • Total Vegetated Percentage Cover (93)
  • Total Water Content of Soil Layer (562)
  • Total Water Path (3)
  • Total cloud Fraction (11)
  • Total cloud ave (36)
  • Total cloud cover derived in priority order GA, GF, GD - see ISD documentation (2)
  • Total cloud fraction (226)
  • Total grid-box cloud ice water path (82)
  • Total grid-box cloud liquid water path (83)
  • Total grid-box cloud water path (liquid and ice) (82)
  • Total number of frost days (23)
  • Total precipitation rate (1)
  • Total rate of ammonium uptake by algae weighted by ice area (3)
  • Total rate of nitrate uptake by algae weighted by ice area (3)
  • Total runoff (232)
  • Total soil moisture content (4213)
  • Total vegetated Fraction (400)
  • Total vegetated percentage cover (30)
  • Total water content of soil layer (2)
  • Total water path after process: Advected tracers in AC (53)
  • Total water path after process: After surface coupling (53)
  • Total water path after process: After tphysac call (53)
  • Total water path after process: Before tphysbc call (53)
  • Total water path after process: Deep Convection (53)
  • Total water path after process: Diffusion of Aerosols (53)
  • Total water path after process: Diffusion, AC (53)
  • Total water path after process: Final, after all processes (53)
  • Total water path after process: Gravity Wave, AC (53)
  • Total water path after process: Initial, before processes (53)
  • Total water path after process: Macrophysics (53)
  • Total water path after process: Micro Physics (53)
  • Total water path after process: Radiation (53)
  • Total water path after process: Rayleigh Friction, AC (53)
  • Total water path after process: Shallow Convection (53)
  • Total water path after process: Wet Deposition (53)
  • Total water storage in a grid cell (30)
  • Tracers are ordered: diatom nitrogen, smallPlankton nitrogen, phaeocystis nitrogen, nitrate, polysaccarid carbon, lipid carbon, ammonium, silicate, DMSPp, DMSPd, DMS, Nonreactive nitrate, Protein nitrogen, dissolved iron in umol/m2, particulate iron in um (3)
  • Tracers are ordered: diatom nitrogen, smallPlankton nitrogen, phaeocystis nitrogen, nitrate, polysaccarid carbon, lipid carbon, ammonium, silicate, DMSPp, DMSPd, DMS, Nonreactive nitrate, Protein nitrogen, dissolved iron in umol/m2/s, particulate iron in (3)
  • Tracers are ordered: diatom nitrogen, smallPlankton nitrogen, phaeocystis nitrogen, nitrate, polysaccarid carbon, lipid carbon, ammonium, silicate, DMSPp, DMSPd, DMS, Nonreactive nitrate, Protein nitrogen, dissolved iron in umol/m3, particulate iron in um (3)
  • Transpiration (3789)
  • Tree Cover Fraction (1772)
  • Tree Cover Percentage (191)
  • Tropopause Air Pressure (30)
  • Tropopause Altitude above Geoid (30)
  • Tropopause Pressure (29)
  • Tropopause Temperature (29)
  • True eastwards ice velocity (9)
  • True eastwards ocean velocity (9)
  • True eastwards sea ice-air stress (9)
  • True northwards ice velocity (9)
  • True northwards ocean velocity (9)
  • True northwards sea ice-air stress (9)
  • Turbulent Kinetic Energy (3)
  • US (68)
  • UT (68)
  • UU (66)
  • Units for each history field output (1)
  • Updraft Convective Mass Flux (248)
  • Updraft Convective Mass Flux on full levels (1)
  • Updraught Convective Mass Flux (6)
  • Upward Air Velocity (26)
  • Upward Geothermal Heat Flux at Sea Floor (83)
  • Upward Heat Flux at Base of Sea Ice (8)
  • Upward Long Wave over Sea Ice (222)
  • Upward Ocean Mass Transport (5369)
  • Upward Sea Water Velocity (726)
  • Upward Shortwave over Sea Ice (837)
  • Upward air velocity (155)
  • Upward flux of methane (CH4) from soil uptake. (7)
  • Upward flux of methane (CH4) generated by biomass burning. (7)
  • Upward flux of methane (CH4) generated by herbivorous mammals. (2)
  • Upward flux of methane (CH4) generated by termites (7)
  • Upward long wave heat flux at cell centers from coupler. Positive into the ocean. (9)
  • Upward moisture flux at the surface (6)
  • Upward solar radiation (1)
  • Upwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (247)
  • Upwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
  • Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (253)
  • Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
  • Upwelling Longwave Flux over Sea Ice (100)
  • Upwelling Longwave Radiation (253)
  • Upwelling Longwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
  • Upwelling Longwave radiation (36)
  • Upwelling Shortwave Flux over Sea Ice (100)
  • Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (253)
  • Upwelling Shortwave Radiation 4XCO2 Atmosphere (19)
  • Upwelling Shortwave radiation (36)
  • Upwelling Surface Shortwave Radiation (6)
  • Upwelling longwave flux at top of model (94)
  • Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere (84)
  • Urban 2m air temperature (7)
  • Urban 2m height surface air temperature (1)
  • Urban 2m relative humidity (7)
  • Urban absorbed solar radiation (7)
  • Urban daily maximum of average 2-m temperature (7)
  • Urban daily minimum of average 2-m temperature (7)
  • Urban emitted infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
  • Urban ground temperature (7)
  • Urban heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt (7)
  • Urban net infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
  • Urban sensible heat (7)
  • Urban snow melt heat flux (7)
  • Urban total evaporation (7)
  • Urban total runoff (7)
  • VOC Aircraft Anthropogenic Emissions (9)
  • VOC Anthropogenic Emissions (9)
  • VOC Open Burning Sector Shares (9)
  • VOC Total Open Burning Emissions (9)
  • VOC01 alcohols Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC02 ethane Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC03 propane Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC04 butanes Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC05 pentanes Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC06 hexanes plus higher alkanes Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC07 ethene Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC08 propene Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC09 ethyne Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC12 other alkenes and alkynes Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC13 benzene Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC14 toluene Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC15 xylene Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC16 trimethylbenzenes Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC17 other aromatics Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC18 esters Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC19 ethers Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC20 chlorinated hydrocarbons Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC21 methanal Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC22 other alkanals Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC23 ketones Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC24 acids Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VOC25 other voc Anthropogenic Emissions (10)
  • VS (68)
  • VT (68)
  • VV (66)
  • Value of density function used to generate a particular mesh at cell centers. (1)
  • Velocity x-component (7)
  • Velocity y-component (7)
  • Vertical Integral Of Mass Content Of Hail (1)
  • Vertical T levels (1958)
  • Vertical Velocity In Pressure Coordinates (35)
  • Vertical diffusion of Q (53)
  • Vertical heat flux (82)
  • Vertical integral of mass content of graupel (5)
  • Vertical integral of mass content of hail (2)
  • Vertical integrated cloud water (4)
  • Vertical velocity (pressure) (81)
  • Vertical velocity at 500 mbar pressure surface (38)
  • Vertically Averaged Sea Water Potential Temperature (139)
  • Vertically Integrated Total Liquid Cloud Water (7)
  • Vertically Integrated Total Solid Cloud Water (7)
  • Vertically integrated Eastward dry transport (cp.T +zg).u (Mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by dry static energy per mass unit) (30)
  • Vertically integrated Eastward moisture transport (Mass weighted vertical integral of the product of eastward wind by total water mass per unit mass) (30)
  • Vertically integrated Northward dry transport (cp.T +zg).v (Mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by dry static energy per mass unit) (30)
  • Vertically integrated Northward moisture transport (Mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by total water mass per unit mass) (30)
  • Vertically-integrated droplet concentration (84)
  • Vertically-integrated high cloud (82)
  • Vertically-integrated low cloud (83)
  • Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud (82)
  • Vertically-integrated total cloud (83)
  • Virtual Salt Flux Correction (260)
  • Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water (1229)
  • Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water From Rivers (66)
  • Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water due to Evaporation (66)
  • Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water due to Rainfall (66)
  • Virtual Salt Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics (1058)
  • W (889)
  • WS (35)
  • WT (35)
  • WW (33)
  • Warm Spell Duration Indicator (740)
  • Warmest Quarter Mean Temperature (2)
  • Warmest Quarter Precipitation (2)
  • Water Content of Soil Layer (3864)
  • Water Equivalent Snow Melt (7)
  • Water Evaporation Flux Anomaly (15)
  • Water Evaporation Flux Where Ice Free Ocean over Sea (1459)
  • Water Evaporation Flux from Sea Ice (1501)
  • Water Evaporation from Soil (2988)
  • Water FLux Correction (59)
  • Water Flux Correction (286)
  • Water Flux Into Ocean (226)
  • Water Flux Into Sea Water (603)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water (3116)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water Due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics (70)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water From Icebergs (335)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water From Rivers (1149)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water Without Flux Correction (803)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics (1477)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water from Rivers (15)
  • Water Flux into Sea Water without contribution from Sea Ice (13)
  • Water Vapor Path (6544)
  • Water Vapour Path (8)
  • Water equivalent snow depth (82)
  • Water flux (rain+snow) (1)
  • Water flux due to melting (1)
  • Water flux due to rain (1)
  • Water flux due to runoff (frozen) (1)
  • Water flux due to runoff (liquid) (1)
  • Water flux due to snow (1)
  • Water flux from land (frozen) (1)
  • Water flux from land (liquid glacier, wetland, and lake) (1)
  • Water flux from land (liquid subsurface) (1)
  • Water flux from land (liquid surface) (1)
  • Water flux from land direct to ocean (1)
  • Water table depth from surface. (30)
  • Waterrflux due to flooding (1)
  • Weather regime distance (22)
  • Weather regime frequency for a season (2)
  • Weights used for distribution of sea surface heigh purturbations through multiple vertical levels. (1)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Black Carbon Aerosol Mass (1046)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of DMS (113)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Organic Matter (674)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Primary Organic Matter (280)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Dry Aerosol Secondary Organic Matter (211)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Dust (1236)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of NH4+NH3 (211)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of SO2 (2214)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of SO4 (2214)
  • Wet Deposition Rate of Seasalt (808)
  • Wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • Wetland Percentage Cover (7)
  • Wettest Month Precipitation (2)
  • Wettest Quarter Mean Temperature (2)
  • Wettest Quarter Precipitation (2)
  • Wind Direction (2)
  • Wind From Direction at 100m (3)
  • Wind From Direction at 10m (3)
  • Wind From Direction at 125m (3)
  • Wind From Direction at 150m (3)
  • Wind From Direction at 175m (3)
  • Wind From Direction at 200m (3)
  • Wind From Direction at 40m (3)
  • Wind From Direction at 60m (3)
  • Wind From Direction at 80m (3)
  • Wind Gust speed (2)
  • Wind Speed at 100m (3)
  • Wind Speed at 125m (3)
  • Wind Speed at 150m (3)
  • Wind Speed at 175m (3)
  • Wind Speed at 200m (3)
  • Wind Speed at 40m (3)
  • Wind Speed at 60m (3)
  • Wind Speed at 80m (3)
  • Wind capacity factor for a iec1 turbine (44)
  • Wind capacity factor for a iec2 turbine (44)
  • Wind capacity factor for a iec3 turbine (44)
  • Wind power capacity factor for a IEC1 class turbine (1)
  • Wind power capacity factor for a IEC2 class turbine (1)
  • Wind power capacity factor for a IEC3 class turbine (1)
  • Wind speed (2)
  • Wind speed squared at 10 meters (1)
  • Winter BioEnergy Production conditions Index (1)
  • X Coordinate in cartesian space of cell centers. (1)
  • X Coordinate in cartesian space of edge midpoints. (1)
  • X Coordinate in cartesian space of vertices. (1)
  • X-Component of Atmospheric Stress On Sea Ice (3890)
  • X-Component of Atmospheric Stress on Sea Ice (70)
  • X-Component of Ocean Stress On Sea Ice (746)
  • X-Component of Ocean Stress on Sea Ice (70)
  • X-Component of Sea Ice Mass Transport (2086)
  • X-Component of Sea Ice Velocity (4061)
  • X-Component of Sea-Ice Mass Transport (70)
  • X-Component of Sea-Ice Velocity (93)
  • X-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice (120)
  • X-component of ocean stress on sea ice (75)
  • X-component of sea ice velocity (76)
  • X-component of sea-ice mass transport (30)
  • Y Coordinate in cartesian space of cell centers. (1)
  • Y Coordinate in cartesian space of edge midpoints. (1)
  • Y Coordinate in cartesian space of vertices. (1)
  • Y-Component of Atmospheric Stress On Sea Ice (3890)
  • Y-Component of Atmospheric Stress on Sea Ice (70)
  • Y-Component of Ocean Stress On Sea Ice (746)
  • Y-Component of Ocean Stress on Sea Ice (70)
  • Y-Component of Sea Ice Mass Transport (2066)
  • Y-Component of Sea Ice Transport (23)
  • Y-Component of Sea Ice Velocity (4061)
  • Y-Component of Sea-Ice Mass Transport (70)
  • Y-Component of Sea-Ice Velocity (93)
  • Y-component of atmospheric stress on sea ice (120)
  • Y-component of ocean stress on sea ice (75)
  • Y-component of sea ice velocity (76)
  • Y-component of sea-ice mass transport (30)
  • Z Coordinate in cartesian space of cell centers. (1)
  • Z Coordinate in cartesian space of edge midpoints. (1)
  • Z Coordinate in cartesian space of vertices. (1)
  • Z distance (1)
  • Zonal (eastward) component of wind stress at cell centers from coupler. Positive eastward. (9)
  • Zonal Surface Wind Speed (486)
  • Zonal Surface Wind Stress (311)
  • Zonal Wind (3)
  • Zonal Wind Component (493)
  • Zonal Wind at 200 hPa (6)
  • Zonal Wind at 500 hPa (6)
  • Zonal Wind at 850 hPa (6)
  • Zonal Windspeed 10m (14)
  • Zonal component of wind (westerly) (144)
  • Zonal gradient of SSH reconstructed at cell centers (1)
  • Zonal gravity wave surface stress (82)
  • Zonal sea surface slope (1)
  • Zonal sea water velocity (1)
  • Zonal surface stress (83)
  • Zonal surface velocity reconstructed at cell centers (1)
  • Zonal velocity squared (82)
  • Zonal wind (82)
  • Zonal wind at 200 mbar pressure surface (14)
  • Zonal wind at 200hPa (36)
  • Zonal wind at 500hPa (36)
  • Zonal wind at 850 mbar pressure surface (15)
  • Zonal wind at 850hPa (36)
  • Zonal wind at the lowest model level (1)
  • Zonal wind stress (36)
  • Zooplankton Carbon Concentration (523)
  • Zooplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface (447)
  • aboveground NPP (3)
  • aboveground wood NPP (3)
  • absorbed par by vegetation at local noon (7)
  • absorbed shaded leaf diffuse PAR (per unit lai+sai) for canopy layer (1)
  • absorbed shaded leaf direct PAR (per unit lai+sai) for canopy layer (1)
  • absorbed solar radiation (7)
  • absorbed sunlit leaf diffuse PAR (per unit lai+sai) for canopy layer (1)
  • absorbed sunlit leaf direct PAR (per unit lai+sai) for canopy layer (1)
  • accumulated swe (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • accuumulated snow (1)
  • actual N immobilization (3)
  • actual P immobilization (3)
  • actual number of stations within gridbox (2)
  • adsorb P flux (3)
  • aerenchyma surface CH4 flux for inundated area; (+ to atm) (3)
  • aerenchyma surface CH4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) (3)
  • air pressure at sea level (110)
  • air temperature (257)
  • allocation to dead coarse root C (3)
  • allocation to dead coarse root N (3)
  • allocation to dead coarse root P (3)
  • allocation to dead stem C (3)
  • allocation to dead stem N (3)
  • allocation to dead stem P (3)
  • allocation to fine root C (3)
  • allocation to fine root N (3)
  • allocation to fine root P (3)
  • allocation to leaf C (3)
  • allocation to leaf N (3)
  • allocation to leaf P (3)
  • allocation to live coarse root C (3)
  • allocation to live coarse root N (3)
  • allocation to live coarse root P (3)
  • allocation to live stem C (3)
  • allocation to live stem N (3)
  • allocation to live stem P (3)
  • altitude (3)
  • aquifer recharge rate (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • area of T grid cells (7583)
  • area of grid cell (1)
  • area fraction (25)
  • atm/ocn flux cool skin (1)
  • atm/ocn flux cool skin at night (1)
  • atm/ocn flux daily max increment (1)
  • atm/ocn flux increment counter (1)
  • atm/ocn flux q-solar daily avg (1)
  • atm/ocn flux q-solar increment (1)
  • atm/ocn flux regime (1)
  • atm/ocn flux salting (1)
  • atm/ocn flux speed (1)
  • atm/ocn flux temperature bulk (1)
  • atm/ocn flux temperature skin (1)
  • atm/ocn flux temperature skin at day (1)
  • atm/ocn flux temperature skin at night (1)
  • atm/ocn flux warming (1)
  • atm/ocn flux warming dialy max (1)
  • atm/ocn flux wind daily avg (1)
  • atm/ocn flux wind daily max (1)
  • atm/ocn flux wind daily max increment (1)
  • atm/ocn flux wind increment (1)
  • atmosphere cloud condensed water content (43)
  • atmosphere cloud ice content (43)
  • atmosphere relative vorticity (8)
  • atmosphere water vapor content (69)
  • atmospheric N deposition to soil mineral N (3)
  • atmospheric P deposition to soil mineral P (3)
  • atmospheric air potential temperature (7)
  • atmospheric air temperature (7)
  • atmospheric incident solar radiation (7)
  • atmospheric longwave radiation (7)
  • atmospheric partial pressure of CH4 (3)
  • atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 (7)
  • atmospheric pressure (7)
  • atmospheric rain (7)
  • atmospheric reference height (7)
  • atmospheric snow (7)
  • atmospheric specific humidity (7)
  • atmospheric wind velocity magnitude (7)
  • autotrophic respiration (MR + GR) (3)
  • average of decomposition scalar (3)
  • average over an hour of 2-m temperature (1)
  • average over an hour of rural 2-m temperature (1)
  • average over an hour of urban 2-m temperature (1)
  • barotropic velocity, used in split-explicit time-stepping (1)
  • base date (YYYYMMDD) (94)
  • base day (94)
  • baseflow (14)
  • basin upstream areatotal (2)
  • bc a1 concentration (8)
  • bc a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • bc a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • bc a1 in bottom layer (82)
  • bc a1 squared (53)
  • bc a1 surface flux (29)
  • bc a3 concentration (8)
  • bc a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • bc a3 in bottom layer (29)
  • bc a3 surface flux (29)
  • bc a4 concentration (8)
  • bc a4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • bc a4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • bc a4 in bottom layer (29)
  • bc a4 surface flux (29)
  • bc c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • bc c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • bc c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • bc c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • bc c4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • bc c4 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • belowground NPP (3)
  • biochemical rate of P mineralization (3)
  • biomass burning BC emissions (1)
  • biomass burning C10H16 emissions (1)
  • biomass burning C2H2 emissions (1)
  • biomass burning C2H4 emissions (1)
  • biomass burning C2H4O emissions (1)
  • biomass burning C2H5OH emissions (1)
  • biomass burning C2H6 emissions (1)
  • biomass burning C2H6S emissions (1)
  • biomass burning C3H6 emissions (1)
  • biomass burning C3H6O emissions (1)
  • biomass burning C3H8 emissions (1)
  • biomass burning C5H8 emissions (1)
  • biomass burning C6H6 emissions (1)
  • biomass burning C7H8 emissions (1)
  • biomass burning C8H10 emissions (1)
  • biomass burning CH2O emissions (1)
  • biomass burning CH3COCHO emissions (1)
  • biomass burning CH3COOH emissions (1)
  • biomass burning CH3OH emissions (1)
  • biomass burning CH4 emissions (1)
  • biomass burning CO emissions (1)
  • biomass burning H2 emissions (1)
  • biomass burning HCN emissions (1)
  • biomass burning HCOOH emissions (1)
  • biomass burning HOCH2CHO emissions (1)
  • biomass burning Higher Alkanes emissions (1)
  • biomass burning Higher Alkenes emissions (1)
  • biomass burning MEK emissions (1)
  • biomass burning N2O emissions (1)
  • biomass burning NH3 emissions (1)
  • biomass burning NMVOC emissions (1)
  • biomass burning NOx emissions (1)
  • biomass burning OC emissions (1)
  • biomass burning SO2 emissions (1)
  • biomass burning Toluene lump emissions (1)
  • boundaries for time-averaging interval (7583)
  • bounds of geomagnetic latitude (2)
  • bounds of wavelength bin (3)
  • calendar type (1)
  • canopy botton (1)
  • canopy evaporation (7)
  • canopy top (4)
  • canopy transpiration (7)
  • canopy water (1)
  • carbon in soil pool on Land-use tiles (70)
  • carbon in litter pools on land use tiles (400)
  • carbon in soil pool on land use tiles (400)
  • carbon in vegetation on land use tiles (400)
  • cell index along first dimension (215117)
  • cell index along second dimension (215117)
  • cell-wise product of component of horizontal velocity in the eastward direction and temperature (1)
  • cell-wise product of component of horizontal velocity in the northward direction and temperature (1)
  • cell-wise square of component of horizontal velocity in the eastward direction (1)
  • cell-wise square of component of horizontal velocity in the northward direction (1)
  • cell-wise square of sea surface height (1)
  • ch4 volume mixing ratio (94)
  • climatology of ozone in LINOZ (29)
  • cloud emissivity (53)
  • cloud liquid water path (49)
  • cloud optical depth (10)
  • cloud area fraction (71)
  • cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (69)
  • co2 volume mixing ratio (94)
  • coarse woody debris C heterotrophic respiration (3)
  • coarse woody debris C loss (3)
  • column active flag (1=active, 0=inactive) (1)
  • column index of corresponding pft (1)
  • column landunit type (see global attributes) (1)
  • column latitude (1)
  • column longitude (1)
  • column to landunit scale type (1)
  • column type (see global attributes) (1)
  • column weight relative to corresponding gridcell (1)
  • column weight relative to corresponding landunit (1)
  • column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (1)
  • column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (1)
  • column-level sink for P truncation (3)
  • commercial biofuels fraction of wood harvest biomass carbon (14)
  • component of horizontal velocity in the eastward direction (9)
  • component of horizontal velocity in the northward direction (9)
  • computed basin upstream areatotal (2)
  • continuous snow cover time (1)
  • convective precipitation flux (69)
  • conversion area fraction of BET and BDT that burned (3)
  • coordinate lake levels (7)
  • coordinate soil levels (7)
  • cosine of solar zenith angle (1)
  • country codes (1)
  • cpool fire loss (3)
  • cpool fire mortality to litter (3)
  • cpool mortality to litter (3)
  • current active layer thickness (3)
  • current date (1)
  • current date (YYYYMMDD) (102)
  • current day (from base day) (102)
  • current seconds of current date (102)
  • current seconds of current day (102)
  • current time of day (1)
  • current timestep (94)
  • daily maximum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (K) (1)
  • daily maximum of average 2-m temperature (7)
  • daily minimum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (K) (1)
  • daily minimum of average 2-m temperature (7)
  • daily planetary Ap index (6)
  • daily planetary Kp index (6)
  • day of Gregorian calendar (6)
  • dead coarse root C (3)
  • dead coarse root C growth from storage (3)
  • dead coarse root C mortality (3)
  • dead coarse root C storage (3)
  • dead coarse root C storage fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead coarse root C storage mortality (3)
  • dead coarse root C transfer (3)
  • dead coarse root C transfer mortality (3)
  • dead coarse root N (3)
  • dead coarse root N fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead coarse root N growth from storage (3)
  • dead coarse root N mortality (3)
  • dead coarse root N storage (3)
  • dead coarse root N storage mortality (3)
  • dead coarse root N transfer (3)
  • dead coarse root N transfer mortality (3)
  • dead coarse root P (3)
  • dead coarse root P growth from storage (3)
  • dead coarse root P storage (3)
  • dead coarse root P transfer (3)
  • dead coarse root growth respiration (3)
  • dead coarse root growth respiration from storage (3)
  • dead coarse root growth respiration to storage (3)
  • dead root C fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead root C transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead stem C (3)
  • dead stem C fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead stem C growth from storage (3)
  • dead stem C mortality (3)
  • dead stem C storage (3)
  • dead stem C storage fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead stem C storage mortality (3)
  • dead stem C transfer (3)
  • dead stem C transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead stem C transfer mortality (3)
  • dead stem N (3)
  • dead stem N fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead stem N growth from storage (3)
  • dead stem N mortality (3)
  • dead stem N storage (3)
  • dead stem N storage mortality (3)
  • dead stem N transfer (3)
  • dead stem N transfer mortality (3)
  • dead stem P (3)
  • dead stem P growth from storage (3)
  • dead stem P storage (3)
  • dead stem P transfer (3)
  • dead stem growth respiration (3)
  • dead stem growth respiration from storage (3)
  • dead stem growth respiration to storage (3)
  • decomp. of coarse woody debris C to litter 2 C (3)
  • decomp. of coarse woody debris C to litter 3 C (3)
  • decomp. of coarse woody debris N to litter 2 N (3)
  • decomp. of coarse woody debris N to litter 3 N (3)
  • decomp. of coarse woody debris P to litter 2 N (3)
  • decomp. of coarse woody debris P to litter 3 N (3)
  • decomp. of litter 1 C to soil 1 C (3)
  • decomp. of litter 1 N to soil 1 N (3)
  • decomp. of litter 1 P to soil 1 N (3)
  • decomp. of litter 2 C to soil 2 C (3)
  • decomp. of litter 2 N to soil 2 N (3)
  • decomp. of litter 2 P to soil 2 N (3)
  • decomp. of litter 3 C to soil 3 C (3)
  • decomp. of litter 3 N to soil 3 N (3)
  • decomp. of litter 3 P to soil 3 N (3)
  • decomp. of soil 1 C to soil 2 C (3)
  • decomp. of soil 1 N to soil 2 N (3)
  • decomp. of soil 1 P to soil 2 N (3)
  • decomp. of soil 2 C to soil 3 C (3)
  • decomp. of soil 2 N to soil 3 N (3)
  • decomp. of soil 2 P to soil 3 N (3)
  • decomp. of soil 3 C to soil 4 C (3)
  • decomp. of soil 3 N to soil 4 N (3)
  • decomp. of soil 3 P to soil 4 N (3)
  • delta-13C in atmospheric CO2 (6)
  • denitrification N2O flux (3)
  • denitrification flux (3)
  • density (9)
  • deployment of retranslocated N (3)
  • deployment of retranslocated P (3)
  • deployment of soil mineral N uptake (3)
  • deployment of soil mineral P uptake (3)
  • depth of water table for methane production used in non-inundated area (3)
  • desorp P flux (3)
  • difference between lai month one and month two (1)
  • diffuse nir incident solar radiation (7)
  • diffuse nir reflected solar radiation (7)
  • diffuse solar absorbed by impervious road per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
  • diffuse solar absorbed by pervious road per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
  • diffuse solar absorbed by roof per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
  • diffuse solar absorbed by shadewall per unit wall area per unit incident flux (1)
  • diffuse solar absorbed by sunwall per unit wall area per unit incident flux (1)
  • diffuse vis incident solar radiation (7)
  • diffuse vis incident solar radiation at local noon (7)
  • diffuse vis reflected solar radiation (7)
  • diffusive surface CH4 flux for inundated / lake area; (+ to atm) (3)
  • diffusive surface CH4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) (3)
  • direct nir incident solar radiation (7)
  • direct nir incident solar radiation at local noon (7)
  • direct nir reflected solar radiation (7)
  • direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon (7)
  • direct solar absorbed by impervious road per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
  • direct solar absorbed by pervious road per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
  • direct solar absorbed by roof per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
  • direct solar absorbed by shadewall per unit wall area per unit incident flux (1)
  • direct solar absorbed by sunwall per unit wall area per unit incident flux (1)
  • direct vis incident solar radiation (7)
  • direct vis incident solar radiation at local noon (7)
  • direct vis reflected solar radiation (7)
  • direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon (7)
  • displayed veg carbon, excluding storage and cpool (3)
  • displayed vegetation nitrogen (3)
  • displayed vegetation phosphorus (3)
  • down diffuse flux below veg per unit diffuse flux (1)
  • down diffuse flux below veg per unit direct flux (1)
  • down direct flux below veg per unit direct flux (1)
  • dry deposition flux (29)
  • drynhx (11)
  • drynoy (11)
  • dst a1 concentration (8)
  • dst a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • dst a1 dust surface emission (29)
  • dst a1 in bottom layer (82)
  • dst a1 squared (53)
  • dst a1 surface flux (29)
  • dst a3 concentration (8)
  • dst a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • dst a3 dust surface emission (29)
  • dst a3 in bottom layer (82)
  • dst a3 squared (53)
  • dst a3 surface flux (29)
  • dst c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • dst c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • dst c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • dst c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • dynamic land cover change conversion energy flux (7)
  • eastward sea ice velocity (41)
  • eastward sea water velocity (33)
  • eastward wind (68)
  • ebullition surface CH4 flux for inundated / lake area; (+ to atm) (3)
  • ebullition surface CH4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) (3)
  • effective fraction of ground covered by snow (7)
  • effective radius of ambient aerosol particles (1)
  • electricity consumption (1)
  • electricity consumption anomaly (22)
  • elevation (1)
  • emitted infrared (longwave) radiation (8)
  • evaporation (1570)
  • excess snowfall due to snow capping (7)
  • excess snowfall due to snow capping not including correction for land use change (7)
  • experiment description (4)
  • exposed one-sided leaf area index (7)
  • exposed one-sided stem area index (7)
  • f11 volume mixing ratio (94)
  • f12 volume mixing ratio (94)
  • factor limiting ground evap (7)
  • fertilization rate for C3 annual crops (14)
  • fertilization rate for C3 nitrogen-fixing crops (14)
  • fertilization rate for C3 perennial crops (14)
  • fertilization rate for C4 annual crops (14)
  • fertilization rate for C4 perennial crops (14)
  • fine root growth respiration from storage (3)
  • fine root growth respiration to storage (3)
  • fine root C (3)
  • fine root C allocation (3)
  • fine root C fire mortality to litter (3)
  • fine root C growth from storage (3)
  • fine root C litterfall (3)
  • fine root C loss (3)
  • fine root C mortality (3)
  • fine root C storage (3)
  • fine root C storage fire mortality to litter (3)
  • fine root C storage mortality (3)
  • fine root C transfer (3)
  • fine root C transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
  • fine root C transfer mortality (3)
  • fine root N (3)
  • fine root N growth from storage (3)
  • fine root N litterfall (3)
  • fine root N mortality (3)
  • fine root N storage (3)
  • fine root N storage mortality (3)
  • fine root N transfer (3)
  • fine root N transfer mortality (3)
  • fine root P (3)
  • fine root P growth from storage (3)
  • fine root P storage (3)
  • fine root P transfer (3)
  • fine root growth respiration (3)
  • fine root maintenance respiration (3)
  • fire counts valid only in Reg.C (3)
  • flood water flux (1)
  • flooded fraction of C3 annual crop area (e.g. for paddy rice (14)
  • flux absorbed by shaded leaf per unit diffuse flux (1)
  • flux absorbed by shaded leaf per unit direct flux (1)
  • flux absorbed by sunlit leaf per unit diffuse flux (1)
  • flux absorbed by sunlit leaf per unit direct flux (1)
  • flux absorbed by veg per unit diffuse flux (1)
  • flux absorbed by veg per unit direct flux (1)
  • forested primary land (14)
  • fraction by which decomposition is reduced due to anoxia (3)
  • fraction of C3 perennial crops biomass carbon harvested annually (14)
  • fraction of C4 perennial crops biomass carbon harvested annually (14)
  • fraction of canopy that is wet (0 to 1) (1)
  • fraction of grid cell for each land use tile (400)
  • fraction of ground covered by h2osfc (0 to 1) (1)
  • fraction of ground covered by snow (7)
  • fraction of ground covered by snow (0 to 1) (1)
  • fraction of ground covered by surface water (7)
  • fraction of land use tile tile that is non-woody vegetation (e.g. herbaceous crops) (400)
  • fraction of potential gpp due to N limitation (3)
  • fraction of potential gpp due to P limitation (3)
  • fraction of potential immobilization of nitrogen (3)
  • fraction of potential immobilization of phosphorus (3)
  • fraction of total cropland area area grown as 2nd generation biofuels (11)
  • fraction of vegetation not covered by snow (0 or 1) (1)
  • fractional area burned for crop (3)
  • fractional area burned in peatland (3)
  • fractional area with water table at surface (7)
  • fractional impermeable area (7)
  • fractional inundated area of vegetated columns (3)
  • friction velocity for lakes (1)
  • frost table depth (1)
  • frost table depth (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • frostdays:number of days when height corrected daily minimum temperature < corrected threshold equivalent to 0 degrees C (726)
  • fuelwood fraction of wood harvest biomass carbon (14)
  • geomagnetic latitude (4)
  • geopotential height (67)
  • gll grid areas (17)
  • global ocean (35)
  • grid cell areas (5)
  • grid cell topography (7)
  • gridcell index of corresponding column (1)
  • gridcell index of corresponding landunit (1)
  • gridcell index of corresponding pft (1)
  • gridcell latitude (1)
  • gridcell longitude (1)
  • gridcell mean snow height (7)
  • gross primary production (3)
  • gross primary production on land use tile (400)
  • gross rate of N mineralization (3)
  • gross rate of P mineralization (3)
  • ground albedo (direct) (0 to 1) (1)
  • ground albedo (indirect) (0 to 1) (1)
  • ground evaporation (7)
  • ground momentum roughness length (1)
  • ground temperature (8)
  • growth respiration storage (3)
  • growth respiration storage fire mortality to litter (3)
  • growth respiration storage mortality (3)
  • growth respiration transfer (3)
  • growth respiration transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
  • growth respiration transfer mortality (3)
  • heat content of soil/snow/lake (7)
  • heat flux between soil layers 1 and 2 (7)
  • heat flux from urban building interior to walls and roof (7)
  • heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt and lake / snow light transmission (7)
  • heating degree day: accumulated difference of height corrected a#ir-temperatur below threshold<corrected threshold equivalent to 17 degrees C (342)
  • heating degree day: accumulated difference of height corrected air-temperatur below threshold<corrected threshold equivalent to 17 degrees C (384)
  • height (12)
  • heterotrophic respiration on Shrub tiles (400)
  • heterotrophic respiration on grass tiles (400)
  • heterotrophic respiration on tree tiles (400)
  • high cloud cover derived in priority order GA, GF, GD - see ISD documentation. Units are Oktas (2)
  • history time interval endpoints (9)
  • horizonal velocity, normal component to an edge (10)
  • hybrid A coefficient at layer interfaces (97)
  • hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints (97)
  • hybrid B coefficient at layer interfaces (97)
  • hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints (97)
  • hybrid level at interfaces (1000*(A+B)) (97)
  • ice dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux (7)
  • ice lens (1)
  • ice/water fraction (1)
  • icedays:number of days when height corrected daily maximum temperature < corrected threshold equi#valent to 0 degrees C (726)
  • imbalance in snow depth (liquid water) (7)
  • industrial roundwood fraction of wood harvest biomass carbon (14)
  • infiltration (7)
  • initial gridcell total heat content (7)
  • initial gridcell total ice content (7)
  • initial gridcell total liq content (7)
  • instantaneous daily max of average 2 m height surface air temp (K) (1)
  • instantaneous daily min of average 2 m height surface air temp (K) (1)
  • instataneous flow out of main channel in cell (1)
  • integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and prognostic salinity (45)
  • integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and prognostic temperature (6)
  • intercepted water (7)
  • interception (7)
  • internal urban building temperature (7)
  • intersite correlation (rbar) (2)
  • irrigated fraction of C3 annual crops (14)
  • irrigated fraction of C3 nitrogen-fixing crops (14)
  • irrigated fraction of C3 perennial crops (14)
  • irrigated fraction of C4 annual crops (14)
  • irrigated fraction of C4 perennial crops (14)
  • irrigation rate (1)
  • kinetic energy at a depth of approximately 250 m (1)
  • kinetic energy at surface (1)
  • lagrangian tendency of air pressure (68)
  • lake layer ice fraction (1)
  • lake layer ice mass fraction (7)
  • lake layer node depth (7)
  • lake layer thickness (7)
  • lake temperature (8)
  • land area fraction (27)
  • land fraction (7)
  • land ice area fraction (11)
  • land sea mask (1)
  • land/ocean mask (0.=ocean and 1.=land) (5)
  • land ice area fraction (10)
  • landcover change-driven addition to 10-yr wood product pool (3)
  • landcover change-driven addition to 100-yr wood product pool (3)
  • landunit active flag (1=active, 0=inactive) (1)
  • landunit index of corresponding column (1)
  • landunit index of corresponding pft (1)
  • landunit latitude (1)
  • landunit longitude (1)
  • landunit to gridpoint scale type (1)
  • landunit type (see global attributes) (1)
  • landunit weight relative to corresponding gridcell (1)
  • latitude (4)
  • latitude boundaries of T cells (7583)
  • layer index (6)
  • layer thickness (10)
  • layer thickness tendency due to frazil processes (9)
  • leaf C (3)
  • leaf C allocation (3)
  • leaf C fire mortality to litter (3)
  • leaf C growth from storage (3)
  • leaf C litterfall (3)
  • leaf C loss (3)
  • leaf C mortality (3)
  • leaf C storage (3)
  • leaf C storage mortality (3)
  • leaf C transfer (3)
  • leaf C transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
  • leaf C transfer mortality (3)
  • leaf N (3)
  • leaf N growth from storage (3)
  • leaf N litterfall (3)
  • leaf N mortality (3)
  • leaf N storage (3)
  • leaf N storage mortality (3)
  • leaf N transfer (3)
  • leaf N transfer mortality (3)
  • leaf P (3)
  • leaf P growth from storage (3)
  • leaf P storage (3)
  • leaf P transfer (3)
  • leaf area index average over timestep (1)
  • leaf growth respiration (3)
  • leaf growth respiration from storage (3)
  • leaf growth respiration to storage (3)
  • leaf maintenance respiration (3)
  • leaf np imbalance partial C partial P/partial C partial N (3)
  • liq dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux (7)
  • liquid water (1)
  • litter 1 C leaching loss (3)
  • litter 1 N tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • litter 1 P tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • litter 2 C leaching loss (3)
  • litter 2 N tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • litter 2 P tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • litter 3 C leaching loss (3)
  • litter 3 N tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • litter 3 P tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • litter C (3)
  • litter C heterotrophic respiration (3)
  • litter C loss (3)
  • litter fire losses (3)
  • litter heterotrophic respiration (3)
  • litterfall (leaves and fine roots) (3)
  • live coarse root C (3)
  • live coarse root C fire mortality to litter (3)
  • live coarse root C growth from storage (3)
  • live coarse root C mortality (3)
  • live coarse root C storage (3)
  • live coarse root C storage mortality (3)
  • live coarse root C transfer (3)
  • live coarse root C transfer mortality (3)
  • live coarse root N (3)
  • live coarse root N growth from storage (3)
  • live coarse root N mortality (3)
  • live coarse root N storage (3)
  • live coarse root N storage mortality (3)
  • live coarse root N transfer (3)
  • live coarse root N transfer mortality (3)
  • live coarse root P (3)
  • live coarse root P growth from storage (3)
  • live coarse root P storage (3)
  • live coarse root P transfer (3)
  • live coarse root growth respiration (3)
  • live coarse root growth respiration from storage (3)
  • live coarse root growth respiration to storage (3)
  • live coarse root maintenance respiration (3)
  • live root C fire mortality to litter (3)
  • live root C transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
  • live stem C (3)
  • live stem C fire mortality to litter (3)
  • live stem C growth from storage (3)
  • live stem C mortality (3)
  • live stem C storage (3)
  • live stem C storage fire mortality to litter (3)
  • live stem C storage mortality (3)
  • live stem C transfer (3)
  • live stem C transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
  • live stem C transfer mortality (3)
  • live stem N (3)
  • live stem N growth from storage (3)
  • live stem N mortality (3)
  • live stem N storage (3)
  • live stem N storage mortality (3)
  • live stem N transfer (3)
  • live stem N transfer mortality (3)
  • live stem P (3)
  • live stem P growth from storage (3)
  • live stem P storage (3)
  • live stem P transfer (3)
  • live stem growth respiration (3)
  • live stem growth respiration from storage (3)
  • live stem growth respiration to storage (3)
  • live stem maintenance respiration (3)
  • long name (2)
  • longitude (4)
  • longitude boundaries of T cells (7583)
  • loss from 1-yr crop product pool (3)
  • loss from 10-yr wood product pool (3)
  • loss from 100-yr wood product pool (3)
  • low cloud cover derived in priority order GA, GF, GD - see ISD documentation. Units are Oktas (2)
  • maintenance respiration (3)
  • managed pasture (14)
  • mask denoting forest (1) or non-forest (0) (1)
  • mass flux due to disapperance of last snow layer (1)
  • mass of BC in snow column (7)
  • mass of BC in top snow layer (7)
  • mass of OC in snow column (7)
  • mass of OC in top snow layer (7)
  • mass of dust in snow column (7)
  • mass of dust in top snow layer (7)
  • mass of snow in top snow layer (7)
  • mass concentration of H2SO4 in ambient aerosol (1)
  • mass concentration of H2SO4 of ambient aerosol (1)
  • mass concentration of H2SO4 in ambient aeroso (1)
  • maximum CFL number over the full domain (9)
  • maximum annual active layer thickness (3)
  • maximum prior year active layer thickness (3)
  • mean elevation on glacier elevation classes (1)
  • mean gridbox variance (sbar2) (2)
  • mean number of stations within gridbox (2)
  • mean significant wave height (1)
  • mean temperature (1)
  • mean radius of aerosol (3)
  • meridional surface stress (7)
  • mid cloud cover derived in priority order GA, GF, GD - see ISD documentation. Units are Oktas (2)
  • mineral N flux for decomp. of LITR1to SOIL1 (3)
  • mineral N flux for decomp. of LITR2to SOIL2 (3)
  • mineral N flux for decomp. of LITR3to SOIL3 (3)
  • mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL1to SOIL2 (3)
  • mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL2to SOIL3 (3)
  • mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL3to SOIL4 (3)
  • mineral N flux for decomp. of SOIL4 (3)
  • mineral P flux for decomp. of LITR1to SOIL1 (3)
  • mineral P flux for decomp. of LITR2to SOIL2 (3)
  • mineral P flux for decomp. of LITR3to SOIL3 (3)
  • mineral P flux for decomp. of SOIL1to SOIL2 (3)
  • mineral P flux for decomp. of SOIL2to SOIL3 (3)
  • mineral P flux for decomp. of SOIL3to SOIL4 (3)
  • mineral P flux for decomp. of SOIL4 (3)
  • mixed layer depth based on density threshold (10)
  • mixed layer depth based on temperature threshold (10)
  • model time, with format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' (1)
  • moisture content of soil layer (43)
  • mole (1843)
  • mole fraction of cfc11 eq in air (5)
  • mole fraction of cfc12 eq in air (5)
  • mole fraction of hfc134a eq in air (5)
  • mole fraction of o3 in air (54)
  • mole fraction of pfc3110 in air (5)
  • mole fraction of pfc4112 in air (5)
  • mole fraction of pfc5114 in air (5)
  • mole fraction of pfc6116 in air (5)
  • mole fraction of pfc7118 in air (5)
  • mom a1 concentration (8)
  • mom a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • mom a1 in bottom layer (29)
  • mom a1 seasalt surface emission (29)
  • mom a1 surface flux (29)
  • mom a2 concentration (8)
  • mom a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom a2 in bottom layer (29)
  • mom a2 seasalt surface emission (29)
  • mom a2 surface flux (29)
  • mom a3 concentration (8)
  • mom a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom a3 in bottom layer (29)
  • mom a3 surface flux (29)
  • mom a4 concentration (8)
  • mom a4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom a4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • mom a4 in bottom layer (29)
  • mom a4 seasalt surface emission (29)
  • mom a4 surface flux (29)
  • mom c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • mom c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • mom c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • mom c4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom c4 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • month of Gregorian calendar (6)
  • month starting from 1850 01 (1)
  • monthly average atmosphere water vapor content over ice-free oceans (1)
  • n2o volume mixing ratio (94)
  • ncl a1 concentration (8)
  • ncl a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • ncl a1 in bottom layer (82)
  • ncl a1 seasalt surface emission (29)
  • ncl a1 squared (53)
  • ncl a1 surface flux (29)
  • ncl a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • ncl a2 in bottom layer (82)
  • ncl a2 seasalt surface emission (29)
  • ncl a2 squared (53)
  • ncl a2 surface flux (29)
  • ncl a3 concentration (8)
  • ncl a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • ncl a3 in bottom layer (82)
  • ncl a3 seasalt surface emission (29)
  • ncl a3 squared (53)
  • ncl a3 surface flux (29)
  • ncl c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • ncl c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • ncl c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • ncl c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • ncl c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • ncl c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • near surface (~2m) air temperature (2)
  • near surface (~2m) air temperature anomaly (2)
  • near surface (~2m) dew point depression (2)
  • near surface (~2m) dew point depression anomaly (2)
  • near surface (~2m) dew point depression climatology (2)
  • near surface (~2m) dew point depression standard deviation (2)
  • near surface (~2m) dew point temperature (2)
  • near surface (~2m) dew point temperature anomaly (2)
  • near surface (~2m) relative humidity (2)
  • near surface (~2m) relative humidity anomaly (2)
  • near surface (~2m) specific humidity (2)
  • near surface (~2m) specific humidity anomaly (2)
  • near surface (~2m) vapour pressure (2)
  • near surface (~2m) vapour pressure anomaly (2)
  • near surface (~2m) wet bulb temperature (2)
  • near surface (~2m) wet bulb temperature anomaly (2)
  • near surface temperature anomaly (100)
  • net biome production, includes fire, landuse, and harvest flux, positive for sink (3)
  • net change in total water mass (7)
  • net ecosystem exchange of carbon, includes fire, landuse, harvest, and hrv xsmrpool flux, positive for source (3)
  • net ecosystem production, excludes fire, landuse, and harvest flux, positive for sink (3)
  • net heat flux into lake/snow surface, excluding light transmission (7)
  • net heat flux into sea water (1)
  • net infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
  • net primary production (3)
  • net primary productivity on land use tile (400)
  • net rate of N mineralization (3)
  • net rate of P mineralization (3)
  • net snow melt (1)
  • net downward radiative flux at top of atmosphere model (50)
  • nitrification N2O flux (3)
  • nitrification flux (3)
  • non-forested primary land (14)
  • northward ocean heat transport (2)
  • northward sea ice velocity (41)
  • northward sea water velocity (33)
  • northward wind (68)
  • num a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num a1 dust surface emission (29)
  • num a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • num a1 in bottom layer (82)
  • num a1 surface flux (29)
  • num a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num a2 in bottom layer (82)
  • num a2 surface flux (29)
  • num a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num a3 dust surface emission (29)
  • num a3 in bottom layer (82)
  • num a3 surface flux (29)
  • num a4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num a4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • num a4 in bottom layer (29)
  • num a4 surface flux (29)
  • num c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • num c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • num c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • num c4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num c4 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • number of canopy layers (1)
  • number of canopy layers, above snow for radiative transfer (1)
  • number of irrigation time steps left (1)
  • number of snow layers (1)
  • o2 decomp depth unsat (3)
  • occurence of freezing rain exceeding 10mm/24h (19)
  • occurence of freezing rain exceeding 25mm/24h (19)
  • ocean grid mask (7583)
  • ocean input data: chla (29)
  • ocean input data: mlip (29)
  • ocean input data: mpoly (29)
  • ocean input data: mprot (29)
  • ocean temperature at 250 m (1)
  • ocean temperature at bottom (1)
  • ocean temperature at top layer (1)
  • ocean meridional overturning streamfunction (1)
  • omega (=dp/dt) (8269)
  • one-sided leaf area index, no burying by snow (1)
  • one-sided leaf area index, with burying by snow (1)
  • one-sided stem area index, no burying by snow (1)
  • one-sided stem area index, with burying by snow (1)
  • optical depth (15)
  • ozone column above (29)
  • ozone vmr loss by PSCs using Carille et al. (1990) (29)
  • ozone vmr tendency by linearized ozone chemistry (29)
  • ozone volume mixing ratio (16)
  • pH (471)
  • pH at Surface (455)
  • patch-level fire loss (3)
  • perched water table depth (1)
  • perched water table depth (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • perched wt drainage (7)
  • pft active flag (1=active, 0=inactive) (1)
  • pft column type (see global attributes) (1)
  • pft landunit type (see global attributes) (1)
  • pft latitude (1)
  • pft longitude (1)
  • pft real/fake mask (0.=fake and 1.=real) (7)
  • pft vegetation type (1)
  • pft weight relative to corresponding column (1)
  • pft weight relative to corresponding gridcell (1)
  • pft weight relative to corresponding landunit (1)
  • photosynthesis (7)
  • photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 1 (48)
  • photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 2 (47)
  • photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 3 (47)
  • plant carbon flux to cwd (3)
  • plant nitrogen flux to cwd (3)
  • plant phosphorus flux to cwd (3)
  • plant pool of retranslocated N (3)
  • plant pool of retranslocated P (3)
  • plant respiration on land use tile (400)
  • plant uptake of soil mineral N (3)
  • plant uptake of soil mineral P (3)
  • pom a1 concentration (8)
  • pom a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • pom a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • pom a1 in bottom layer (82)
  • pom a1 squared (53)
  • pom a1 surface flux (29)
  • pom a3 concentration (8)
  • pom a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • pom a3 in bottom layer (29)
  • pom a3 surface flux (29)
  • pom a4 concentration (8)
  • pom a4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • pom a4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • pom a4 in bottom layer (29)
  • pom a4 surface flux (29)
  • pom c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • pom c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • pom c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • pom c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • pom c4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • pom c4 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • potential N immobilization (3)
  • potential P immobilization (3)
  • potential biomass carbon (1)
  • potential biomass carbon content (1)
  • potential denitrification flux (3)
  • potential density: density displaced adiabatically to the mid-depth of top layer (9)
  • potential nitrification flux (3)
  • potential temperature (10)
  • potential temperature extrapolated to ocean surface (1)
  • potential temperature tendency due to horizontal advection (9)
  • potential temperature tendency due to kpp non-local flux (9)
  • potential temperature tendency due to penetrating shortwave (9)
  • potential temperature tendency due to surface fluxes (9)
  • potential temperature tendency due to vertical advection (9)
  • potential temperature tendency due to vertical mixing (9)
  • potentially forested secondary land (14)
  • potentially non-forested secondary land (14)
  • precipitation (32)
  • precipitation flux (114)
  • pressure (11070)
  • previous radiation nstep (1)
  • profile weight to recover global mean (4)
  • qflx evap soi + qflx evap can + qflx tran veg (3)
  • rangeland (14)
  • reconstructed spectral solar irradiance at 1 AU (6)
  • reconstructed total solar irradiance at 1 AU (6)
  • reference date (1)
  • reference pressure (98)
  • reference time of day (1)
  • reflected solar radiation (7)
  • relative vorticity at cell centers at a depth of approximately 250 m (1)
  • relative humidity (68)
  • remote sensing forest loss remaining (1)
  • residual mean merid vstarbar (52)
  • residual mean vert wstarbar (52)
  • retranslocated N pool mortality (3)
  • ridged ice cell fraction (9)
  • ridged ice cell volume (9)
  • river channel main channel water storage (7)
  • river channel total water storage (7)
  • root respiration (fine root MR + total root GR) (3)
  • runmean N limitation factor (3)
  • runmean P limitation factor (3)
  • runoff (14)
  • runoff (runoff) (1)
  • runoff from river flooding (7)
  • runoff grid area (2)
  • runoff mask (2)
  • runoff flux (69)
  • rural daily maximum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (K) (1)
  • rural daily minimum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (K) (1)
  • rural ground temperature (1)
  • rural instantaneous daily max of average 2 m height surface air temp (K) (1)
  • rural instantaneous daily min of average 2 m height surface air temp (K) (1)
  • salinity (10)
  • salinity at 250 m (1)
  • salinity at bottom (1)
  • salinity at top layer (1)
  • salinity extrapolated to ocean surface (1)
  • salinity tendency due to horizontal advection (9)
  • salinity tendency due to kpp non-local flux (9)
  • salinity tendency due to surface fluxes (9)
  • salinity tendency due to vertical advection (9)
  • salinity tendency due to vertical mixing (9)
  • saturated hydraulic conductivity (7)
  • saturated soil matric potential (7)
  • saturated soil water content (porosity) (7)
  • saturation excess drainage (7)
  • sea surface height (10)
  • sea surface height adjusted by sea surface pressure (10)
  • sea surface temperature (226)
  • sea-ice area fraction change from dynamics (30)
  • sea-ice area fraction change from thermodynamics (30)
  • sea-ice mass change from dynamics (30)
  • sea-ice mass change from thermodynamics (30)
  • sea-ice mass change through basal growth (30)
  • sea-ice mass change through bottom melting (30)
  • sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation (38)
  • sea-ice mass change through growth in supercooled open water (aka frazil) (30)
  • sea-ice mass change through snow-to-ice conversion (30)
  • sea-ice mass change through surface melting (30)
  • sea floor depth below geoid (18)
  • sea ice area fraction (42)
  • sea ice thickness (42)
  • sea surface height above geoid (37)
  • sea surface temperature (31)
  • sea water potential density (35)
  • sea water potential temperature (35)
  • sea water salinity (35)
  • secondary mean age (14)
  • secondary mean biomass carbon density (14)
  • seconds component of timestep size (1)
  • seconds of base date (94)
  • seconds of base day (94)
  • sensible heat (7)
  • sensible heat flux from heating/cooling sources of urban waste heat (7)
  • sensible heat flux put into canyon due to heat removed from air conditioning (7)
  • sensible heat from ground (7)
  • sensible heat from veg (7)
  • sensible heat not including correction for land use change (7)
  • shaded canopy scaling coefficient (1)
  • shaded leaf photosynthesis (3)
  • shaded projected leaf area index (7)
  • size of wavelength bin (6)
  • slope of soil water retention curve (7)
  • snow albedo (diffuse) (0 to 1) (1)
  • snow albedo (direct) (0 to 1) (1)
  • snow area fraction (2)
  • snow depth (7460)
  • snow depth (liquid water) (7)
  • snow height of snow covered area (7)
  • snow ice (7)
  • snow interface depth (1)
  • snow layer depth (1)
  • snow layer dust species 1 mass (1)
  • snow layer dust species 2 mass (1)
  • snow layer dust species 3 mass (1)
  • snow layer dust species 4 mass (1)
  • snow layer effective radius (1)
  • snow layer flux absorption factors (diffuse, NIR) (1)
  • snow layer flux absorption factors (diffuse, VIS) (1)
  • snow layer flux absorption factors (direct, NIR) (1)
  • snow layer flux absorption factors (direct, VIS) (1)
  • snow layer hydrophilic black carbon mass (1)
  • snow layer hydrophilic organic carbon mass (1)
  • snow layer hydrophobic black carbon mass (1)
  • snow layer hydrophobic organic carbon mass (1)
  • snow layer ice freezing rate (1)
  • snow layer thickness (1)
  • snow liquid water (7)
  • snow mass change through snow fall (31)
  • snow melt (7)
  • snow melt heat flux (7)
  • snow sinks (liquid water) (7)
  • snow sources (liquid water) (7)
  • snow water (1)
  • snow water equivalent intercepted by the vegetation (10)
  • snow/sea ice broadband albedo (12)
  • snow cover fraction (14)
  • snow water equivalent (14)
  • snowfall flux (63)
  • so4 a1 concentration (8)
  • so4 a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • so4 a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • so4 a1 in bottom layer (82)
  • so4 a1 squared (53)
  • so4 a1 surface flux (29)
  • so4 a2 concentration (8)
  • so4 a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • so4 a2 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • so4 a2 in bottom layer (82)
  • so4 a2 squared (53)
  • so4 a2 surface flux (29)
  • so4 a3 concentration (8)
  • so4 a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • so4 a3 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • so4 a3 in bottom layer (82)
  • so4 a3 squared (53)
  • so4 a3 surface flux (29)
  • so4 c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • so4 c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • so4 c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • so4 c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • so4 c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • so4 c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • soa a1 concentration (8)
  • soa a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • soa a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • soa a1 in bottom layer (82)
  • soa a1 squared (53)
  • soa a1 surface flux (29)
  • soa a2 concentration (8)
  • soa a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • soa a2 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • soa a2 in bottom layer (82)
  • soa a2 squared (53)
  • soa a2 surface flux (29)
  • soa a3 concentration (8)
  • soa a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • soa a3 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • soa a3 in bottom layer (29)
  • soa a3 surface flux (29)
  • soa c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • soa c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • soa c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • soa c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • soa c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • soa c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • soil 1 C leaching loss (3)
  • soil 1 N tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil 1 P tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil 2 C leaching loss (3)
  • soil 2 N tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil 2 P tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil 3 C leaching loss (3)
  • soil 3 N tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil 3 P tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil 4 C leaching loss (3)
  • soil 4 N tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil 4 P tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil C (3)
  • soil C heterotrophic respiration (3)
  • soil C loss (3)
  • soil Labile P (3)
  • soil NO3 pool loss to leaching (3)
  • soil NO3 pool loss to runoff (3)
  • soil albedo (direct) (0 to 1) (1)
  • soil albedo (indirect) (0 to 1) (1)
  • soil depth (7)
  • soil heat content (7)
  • soil heterotrophic respiration on land use tile (400)
  • soil ice (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • soil labile P (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil liquid water (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil (veg landunits only) (7)
  • soil mineral N (3)
  • soil mineral NH4 (3)
  • soil mineral NH4 (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil mineral NO3 (3)
  • soil mineral NO3 (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil mineral P (3)
  • soil mineral P (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil mineral P pool loss to leaching (3)
  • soil occluded P (3)
  • soil occluded P (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil organic matter fire losses (3)
  • soil organic matter heterotrophic respiration (3)
  • soil pressure (1)
  • soil primary P (3)
  • soil primary P (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil secondary P (3)
  • soil secondary P (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil solution P (3)
  • soil solution P (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil temperature (ice landunits only) (7)
  • soil temperature (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • soil temperature in top 10cm of soil (7)
  • soil thickness (7)
  • soil water as frac. of whc for top 0.05 m (3)
  • soil water potential in each soil layer (3)
  • soil-snow temperature (1)
  • soil/lake energy conservation error (7)
  • soil frozen water content (41)
  • soil moisture content (68)
  • solar capacity factor (46)
  • solar cycle number (5)
  • solar cycle phase (5)
  • solar rad absorbed by ground (7)
  • solar rad absorbed by veg (7)
  • solar radiation conservation error (7)
  • solar zenith angle (2)
  • solar zenith angle in LINOZ (29)
  • specific humidity (105)
  • spectral truncation parameter K (53)
  • spectral truncation parameter M (53)
  • spectral truncation parameter N (53)
  • spectral wavelength of bin center (6)
  • speed = sqrt(2*ke), where kinetic energy is computed from barotropic velocity = sum(h*u)/sum(h) over the full depth of an edge (1)
  • speed = sum(h*sqrt(2*ke)), where ke is kineticEnergyCell and the sum is over the full column at cell centers. (10)
  • start date (1)
  • start time of day (1)
  • steady state ozone in LINOZ (29)
  • stored vegetation carbon, excluding cpool (3)
  • stored vegetation nitrogen (3)
  • stored vegetation phosphorus (3)
  • sub-surface drainage (7)
  • sulfur dioxide mass emitted by individual eruptions (1)
  • sum of aerosol water of interstitial modes wat a1+wat a2+wat a3+wat a4 (29)
  • sum of bc mass concentration bc a1+bc c1+bc a3+bc c3+bc a4+bc c4 (29)
  • sum of dst mass concentration dst a1+dst c1+dst a3+dst c3 (29)
  • sum of mom mass concentration mom a1+mom c1+mom a2+mom c2+mom a3+mom c3+mom a4+mom c4 (29)
  • sum of ncl mass concentration ncl a1+ncl c1+ncl a2+ncl c2+ncl a3+ncl c3 (29)
  • sum of pom mass concentration pom a1+pom c1+pom a3+pom c3+pom a4+pom c4 (29)
  • sum of so4 mass concentration so4 a1+so4 c1+so4 a2+so4 c2+so4 a3+so4 c3 (29)
  • sum of soa mass concentration soa a1+soa c1+soa a2+soa c2+soa a3+soa c3 (29)
  • sum of the areaCell variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
  • sum of the areaEdge variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
  • sum of the areaTriangle variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
  • sum of the volumeCell variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
  • sum of the volumeEdge variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
  • summerdays:number of days when height corrected daily maximum temperature > corrected threshold equivalent to 25 degrees C (726)
  • sunlit canopy scaling coefficient (1)
  • sunlit fraction for canopy layer (1)
  • sunlit fraction of canopy (1)
  • sunlit leaf photosynthesis (3)
  • sunlit projected leaf area index (7)
  • supplemental N supply (3)
  • supplemental P supply (3)
  • surface albedo (diffuse) (0 to 1) (1)
  • surface albedo (direct) (0 to 1) (1)
  • surface energy conservation error (7)
  • surface mask (0=invalid and 1=valid) (2)
  • surface pressure (27)
  • surface pressure forcing due to weight of frazil ice (1)
  • surface runoff (7)
  • surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only), wetlands, lakes (7)
  • surface tracer conductance (3)
  • surface water (1)
  • surface water depth (7)
  • surface water runoff (7)
  • surface water storage at hillslopes in cell (1)
  • surface water temperature (8)
  • surface air pressure (69)
  • surface air temperature (14)
  • surface altitude (21)
  • surface area density of aerosol (1)
  • surface area density of ambient aerosol (2)
  • surface area density of ambient aerosol particles (1)
  • surface area density of big ambient aerosol (3)
  • surface downward eastward stress (76)
  • surface downward northward stress (76)
  • surface downwelling longwave flux in air (94)
  • surface downwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (31)
  • surface downwelling shortwave flux in air (106)
  • surface downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (43)
  • surface runoff flux (69)
  • surface snow amount where land (42)
  • surface snow area fraction where land (42)
  • surface snow melt flux where land (42)
  • surface snow thickness (69)
  • surface temperature (69)
  • surface upward latent heat flux (93)
  • surface upward sensible heat flux (107)
  • surface upwelling longwave flux in air (42)
  • surface upwelling shortwave flux in air (105)
  • surface upwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (42)
  • symbiotic/asymbiotic N fixation to soil mineral N (3)
  • temperature (39)
  • temperature inhibition of decomposition (3)
  • temporary photosynthate C pool (3)
  • temporary plant N pool (3)
  • temporary plant P pool (3)
  • thickness of lake ice (including physical expansion on freezing) (7)
  • throughfall (7)
  • time (4)
  • time step (9)
  • time tendency of layer thickness (9)
  • time tendency of potential temperature (9)
  • time tendency of salinity measured as change in practical salinity units per second (9)
  • time-lagged inundated fraction of vegetated columns (3)
  • time-lagged surface runoff for soil columns (3)
  • time bounds (2)
  • timestep (94)
  • timestep fractional area burned (3)
  • tlai increment for canopy layer (1)
  • toa adjusted longwave forcing (1)
  • toa adjusted longwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • toa adjusted shortwave forcing (1)
  • toa adjusted shortwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • toa incoming shortwave flux (69)
  • toa instantaneous longwave forcing (1)
  • toa instantaneous longwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • toa instantaneous shortwave forcing (1)
  • toa instantaneous shortwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • toa outgoing longwave flux (75)
  • toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky (52)
  • toa outgoing shortwave flux (50)
  • toa outgoing shortwave flux assuming clear sky (47)
  • top lake layer eddy conductivity (1)
  • top lake level eddy thermal conductivity (7)
  • total BC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (7)
  • total C emitted from land cover conversion and wood product pools (3)
  • total N deployed in new growth (3)
  • total N loss from wood product pools (3)
  • total OC deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (7)
  • total P deployed in new growth (3)
  • total PFT-level nitrogen (3)
  • total PFT-level phosphorus (3)
  • total aboveground vegetation carbon, excluding cpool (3)
  • total allocated C flux (3)
  • total allocated P flux (3)
  • total amount to dribble over the year for eflx dynbal (1)
  • total amount to dribble over the year for qflx ice dynbal (1)
  • total amount to dribble over the year for qflx liq dynbal (1)
  • total belowground CH4, (0 for non-lake special landunits) (3)
  • total carbon loss from land cover conversion (3)
  • total carbon loss from wood product pools (3)
  • total cloud fraction (2)
  • total column carbon, incl veg and cpool (3)
  • total column-level N (3)
  • total column-level P (3)
  • total column-level fire C loss for non-peat fires outside land-type converted region (3)
  • total column-level fire N loss (3)
  • total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (7)
  • total ecosystem N (3)
  • total ecosystem P (3)
  • total ecosystem carbon, incl veg but excl cpool (3)
  • total ecosystem respiration, autotrophic + heterotrophic (3)
  • total excess respiration (3)
  • total flux of C from SOM pools due to leaching (3)
  • total flux of salinity (including thickness contributions) through ocean surface (9)
  • total flux of temperature (including thickness contributions) through ocean surface (9)
  • total growth respiration (3)
  • total heterotrophic respiration (3)
  • total latent heat flux [+ to atm] (7)
  • total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) (7)
  • total liquid runoff (does not include QSNWCPICE) not including correction for land use change (7)
  • total litter N (3)
  • total litter P (3)
  • total litter P to 1 meter (3)
  • total litter carbon (3)
  • total litter carbon to 1 meter depth (3)
  • total nitrogen loss from landcover conversion (3)
  • total nloss from veg to litter due to fire mortality (3)
  • total nloss from veg to litter due to gap mortality (3)
  • total nloss from veg to litter due to harvest mortality (3)
  • total nloss from veg to litter pool due to senescence (3)
  • total patch-level carbon, including cpool (3)
  • total patch-level fire C loss for non-peat fires outside land-type converted region (3)
  • total pft-level fire N loss (3)
  • total ploss from veg to litter due to fire mortality (3)
  • total ploss from veg to litter due to gap mortality (3)
  • total ploss from veg to litter due to harvest mortality (3)
  • total ploss from veg to litter pool due to senescence (3)
  • total projected leaf area index (7)
  • total projected stem area index (7)
  • total rate of denitrification (3)
  • total runoff (16)
  • total soil organic matter N (3)
  • total soil organic matter P (3)
  • total soil organic matter P to 1 meter (3)
  • total soil organic matter carbon (3)
  • total soil organic matter carbon to 1 meter depth (3)
  • total soil respiration (HR + root resp) (3)
  • total soil-atm. CO2 exchange (3)
  • total solar irradiance (94)
  • total solar irradiance at top of atmosphere (4)
  • total surface dust emission (7)
  • total vegetation carbon, excluding cpool (3)
  • total vegetation nitrogen (3)
  • total vegetation phosphorus (3)
  • total vertically resolved heterotrophic respiration (3)
  • total vertically resolved soil-atm. CO2 exchange (3)
  • total water conservation error (7)
  • total water storage (7)
  • total water storage at the beginning of a month (3)
  • total water storage at the end of a month (3)
  • total wood product C (3)
  • total wood product N (3)
  • total wood product P (3)
  • transpiration beta factor (7)
  • tropical nights:number of days when height corrected daily minimum temperature > corrected threshold equivalent to 20 degrees C (726)
  • tropopause adjusted longwave forcing (1)
  • tropopause adjusted longwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • tropopause adjusted shortwave forcing (1)
  • tropopause adjusted shortwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • tropopause instantaneous longwave forcing (1)
  • tropopause instantaneous longwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • tropopause instantaneous shortwave forcing (1)
  • tropopause instantaneous shortwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • tsai increment for canopy layer (1)
  • uncorrelated 1 sigma adjustment uncertainty for gridbox (2)
  • uncorrelated 1 sigma climatology uncertainty for gridbox (2)
  • uncorrelated 1 sigma measurement uncertainty for gridbox (2)
  • uncorrelated 1 sigma sampling uncertainty for gridbox (2)
  • uncorrelated 1 sigma station uncertainty for gridbox (2)
  • uncorrelated combined 1 sigma uncertainty for gridbox (2)
  • unknown (1)
  • upward sea water velocity (20)
  • urban air conditioning flux (8)
  • urban canopy air temperature (1)
  • urban canopy specific humidity (1)
  • urban daily maximum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (K) (1)
  • urban daily minimum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (K) (1)
  • urban factor limiting ground evap (7)
  • urban ground temperature (1)
  • urban heating flux (8)
  • urban instantaneous daily max of average 2 m height surface air temp (K) (1)
  • urban instantaneous daily min of average 2 m height surface air temp (K) (1)
  • urban land (14)
  • urface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (15)
  • vegetation temperature (8)
  • vertical diffusion defined at the cell center (horizontally) and top (vertically) (9)
  • vertical tracer-transport velocity defined at center (horizontally) and top (vertically) of cell. This is not the vertical ALE transport, but is Eulerian (fixed-frame) in the vertical, and computed from the continuity equation from the horizontal GM Bolu (9)
  • vertical velocity defined at center (horizontally) and top (vertically) of cell (9)
  • vertical viscosity defined at the cell center (horizontally) and top (vertically) (9)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for SO2 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for SOAG (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for bc a4 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for num a1 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for num a2 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for num a4 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for pom a4 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for so4 a1 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for so4 a2 (29)
  • vmro3 (2)
  • volume density of ambient aerosol (3)
  • volume density of ambient aerosol particles (1)
  • volumetric soil water (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • vorticity mean 850 700 (18)
  • wap (51)
  • water added through irrigation (7)
  • water in the unconfined aquifer (1)
  • water in the unconfined aquifer (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • water storage in main channel in cell (1)
  • water storage in tributary channels in cell (1)
  • water table depth (1)
  • water table depth (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • water volume change in cell (dvolrdt) (1)
  • water volume in cell (volr) (1)
  • weighted heating degree day (24)
  • wet-bulb potential temperature (12)
  • wetnhx (11)
  • wetnoy (11)
  • wind capacity factor : formula 1 (2)
  • wind capacity factor : formula 2 (3)
  • wind capacity factor : formula 3 (2)
  • wind gusts from turbulence (53)
  • wood C (3)
  • wood C eallocation (3)
  • wood C loss (3)
  • wood harvest N (to product pools) (3)
  • wood harvest area from primary forest land (3)
  • wood harvest area from primary non forest land (3)
  • wood harvest area from primary vegetation on LUH2 potential forest land (11)
  • wood harvest area from primary vegetation on LUH2 potential non-forest land (11)
  • wood harvest area from secondary mature forest land (3)
  • wood harvest area from secondary mature vegetation on LUH2 potential forest land (11)
  • wood harvest area from secondary non forest land (3)
  • wood harvest area from secondary vegetation on LUH2 potential non-forest land (11)
  • wood harvest area from secondary young forest land (3)
  • wood harvest area from secondary young vegetation on LUH2 potential forest land (11)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from primary forest land (3)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from primary non forest land (3)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from primary vegetation on LUH2 potential forest land (11)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from primary vegetation on LUH2 potential non-forest land (11)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary mature forest land (3)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary mature vegetation on LUH2 potential forest land (11)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary non forest land (3)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary vegetation on LUH2 potential non-forest land (11)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary young forest land (3)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary young vegetation on LUH2 potential forest land (11)
  • wood harvest carbon (to product pools) (3)
  • x-component 10m wind (36)
  • x-component of windstress anomaly (1)
  • x-coordinate in Cartesian system (1)
  • x gravity wave drag param (52)
  • y-component 10m wind (36)
  • y-component of windstress anomaly (1)
  • y-coordinate in Cartesian system (1)
  • year of Gregorian calendar (6)
  • z (280)
  • zonal surface stress (7)
  • (1)
  • % of each landunit on grid cell (7)
  • % of each pft on the natural vegetation (i.e., soil) landunit (7)
  • 1-yr crop product n (3)
  • 1.0 if ice present, 0.0 if ice not present (12)
  • 10-day running mean of 2-m temperature (1)
  • 10-m wind (7)
  • 10-yr wood product c (3)
  • 10-yr wood product n (3)
  • 100-yr wood product c (3)
  • 100-yr wood product n (3)
  • 10m wind (1)
  • 10m wind speed (82)
  • 1st dimension type (1)
  • 1st output dimension type (1)
  • 2-d maximum convective available potential energy (3)
  • 2-m specific humidity (36)
  • 240hr average of diffuse solar radiation (1)
  • 240hr average of direct solar radiation (1)
  • 240hr average of vegetation temperature (1)
  • 24hr average of diffuse solar radiation (1)
  • 24hr average of direct solar radiation (1)
  • 24hr average of vegetation temperature (1)
  • 2d latitude index of corresponding column (1)
  • 2d latitude index of corresponding gridcell (1)
  • 2d latitude index of corresponding landunit (1)
  • 2d latitude index of corresponding pft (1)
  • 2d longitude index of corresponding column (1)
  • 2d longitude index of corresponding gridcell (1)
  • 2d longitude index of corresponding landunit (1)
  • 2d longitude index of corresponding pft (1)
  • 2m air temperature (7)
  • 2m dew point temperature (8)
  • 2m height surface air temperature (1)
  • 2m relative humidity (7)
  • 2m specific humidity (7)
  • 2nd dimension type (1)
  • 3d-field of transported co2 (10)
  • 3d surface area density of aerosols (6)
  • a2x faxa bcphidry (1)
  • a2x faxa bcphiwet (1)
  • a2x faxa bcphodry (1)
  • a2x faxa dstdry1 (1)
  • a2x faxa dstdry2 (1)
  • a2x faxa dstdry3 (1)
  • a2x faxa dstdry4 (1)
  • a2x faxa dstwet1 (1)
  • a2x faxa dstwet2 (1)
  • a2x faxa dstwet3 (1)
  • a2x faxa dstwet4 (1)
  • a2x faxa lwdn (1)
  • a2x faxa ocphidry (1)
  • a2x faxa ocphiwet (1)
  • a2x faxa ocphodry (1)
  • a2x faxa rainc (1)
  • a2x faxa rainl (1)
  • a2x faxa snowc (1)
  • a2x faxa snowl (1)
  • a2x faxa swndf (1)
  • a2x faxa swndr (1)
  • a2x faxa swnet (1)
  • a2x faxa swvdf (1)
  • a2x faxa swvdr (1)
  • a2x sa co2diag (1)
  • a2x sa co2prog (1)
  • a2x sa dens (1)
  • a2x sa pbot (1)
  • a2x sa pslv (1)
  • a2x sa ptem (1)
  • a2x sa shum (1)
  • a2x sa tbot (1)
  • a2x sa topo (1)
  • a2x sa u (1)
  • a2x sa v (1)
  • a2x sa z (1)
  • aboveground npp (3)
  • aboveground wood npp (3)
  • absorbed par by vegetation at local noon (7)
  • absorbed shaded leaf diffuse par (per unit lai+sai) for canopy layer (1)
  • absorbed shaded leaf direct par (per unit lai+sai) for canopy layer (1)
  • absorbed solar radiation (7)
  • absorbed sunlit leaf diffuse par (per unit lai+sai) for canopy layer (1)
  • absorbed sunlit leaf direct par (per unit lai+sai) for canopy layer (1)
  • accre enhan (1)
  • accumulated difference of air-temperatur below threshold (57)
  • accumulated downwelling lw flux at top (6)
  • accumulated global value of accumulatedlandicefrazilmass in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of accumulatedlandiceheat in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of accumulatedlandicemass in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of evaporationflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of highfreqthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of icerunoffflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of kineticenergy in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of landicefreshwaterflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of layerthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of layerthicknessedge on ocean edges. (9)
  • accumulated global value of lowfreqdivergence in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of normalizedabsolutevorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • accumulated global value of normalvelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • accumulated global value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of previous step layerthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of rainflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of relativevorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • accumulated global value of riverrunoffflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of salinityflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of salinityrestoringflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of seaicefreshwaterflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of snowflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of tangentialvelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • accumulated global value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of temperatureflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of the montgomery potential in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of vertaletransporttop in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated global value of vertvelocitytop in ocean cells. (9)
  • accumulated morton areal potential evapotranspiration (120)
  • accumulated swe (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • accumulated total grid scale snow and ice (6)
  • accumulated water equivalent snow amount (7)
  • accuumulated snow (1)
  • acgcme (1)
  • acnum (1)
  • acprecl (1)
  • actual n immobilization (3)
  • actual number of stations within gridbox (2)
  • actual p immobilization (3)
  • adjusted f10.7 solar radio flux (3)
  • adjusted top of the atmosphere longwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic carbon dioxide (26)
  • adjusted top of the atmosphere longwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic greenhouse gases (4)
  • adjusted top of the atmosphere longwave clear-sky forcing due to total sulfate aerosol (1)
  • adjusted top of the atmosphere shortwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic carbon dioxide (26)
  • adjusted top of the atmosphere shortwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic greenhouse gases (4)
  • adjusted top of the atmosphere shortwave clear-sky forcing due to total sulfate aerosol (1)
  • adjusted tropopause longwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic carbon dioxide (31)
  • adjusted tropopause longwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic greenhouse gases (4)
  • adjusted tropopause longwave clear-sky forcing due to total sulfate aerosol (1)
  • adjusted tropopause shortwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic carbon dioxide (31)
  • adjusted tropopause shortwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic greenhouse gases (4)
  • adjusted tropopause shortwave clear-sky forcing due to total sulfate aerosol (1)
  • adsorb p flux (3)
  • aerenchyma surface ch4 flux for inundated area; (+ to atm) (3)
  • aerenchyma surface ch4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) (3)
  • aerosol absorption (6)
  • aerosol absorption optical depth 550 nm (29)
  • aerosol absorption optical depth 550 nm from bc (29)
  • aerosol burden mode 1 (53)
  • aerosol burden mode 2 (53)
  • aerosol burden mode 3 (53)
  • aerosol extinction (29)
  • aerosol extinction directly read from prescribed input file (19)
  • aerosol optical depth 350 nm (29)
  • aerosol optical depth 550 nm (83)
  • aerosol optical depth 550 nm from bc (29)
  • aerosol optical depth 550 nm from dust (30)
  • aerosol optical depth 550 nm from pom (29)
  • aerosol optical depth 550 nm from seasalt (30)
  • aerosol optical depth 550 nm from so4 (29)
  • aerosol optical depth 550 nm from soa (29)
  • aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 1 (29)
  • aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 2 (29)
  • aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 3 (29)
  • aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 4 (29)
  • aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 1 from dust (82)
  • aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 3 from dust (82)
  • aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 4 from dust (29)
  • aerosol optical depth 850 nm (29)
  • aerosol singel-scatter albedo (29)
  • age of sea ice (131)
  • air density (25)
  • air potential temperature (1)
  • air pressure (6173)
  • air pressure at cloud top (895)
  • air pressure at convective cloud base (2643)
  • air pressure at convective cloud top (3381)
  • air pressure at mean sea level (257)
  • air pressure at sea level (42411)
  • air temperature (113167)
  • air temperature anomaly (2)
  • air temperature at cloud top (1)
  • airoceandragcoefficientratio (1)
  • aist (1)
  • allocation to dead coarse root c (3)
  • allocation to dead coarse root n (3)
  • allocation to dead coarse root p (3)
  • allocation to dead stem c (3)
  • allocation to dead stem n (3)
  • allocation to dead stem p (3)
  • allocation to fine root c (3)
  • allocation to fine root n (3)
  • allocation to fine root p (3)
  • allocation to leaf c (3)
  • allocation to leaf n (3)
  • allocation to leaf p (3)
  • allocation to live coarse root c (3)
  • allocation to live coarse root n (3)
  • allocation to live coarse root p (3)
  • allocation to live stem c (3)
  • allocation to live stem n (3)
  • allocation to live stem p (3)
  • alst (1)
  • altitude (3)
  • am evp st (1)
  • ambient aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550nm (13)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm number of observations (1)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm standard deviation (1)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550nm (20)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550nm number of observations (1)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550nm standard deviation (1)
  • ambient fine aerosol optical depth at 550nm (10)
  • amv index (1)
  • angle the edge normal makes with local eastward direction. (1)
  • anthropogenic pasture fraction (400)
  • aquifer recharge rate (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • area (53)
  • area fraction (4643)
  • area of each cell (triangle) in the dual grid. (1)
  • area of each cell in the primary grid. (1)
  • area of grid cell (1)
  • area of t grid cells (7583)
  • area of the portions of each dual cell that are part of each cellsonvertex. (1)
  • ast (1)
  • asymmetry factor of ambient aerosol particles (1)
  • atm/ocn flux cool skin (1)
  • atm/ocn flux cool skin at night (1)
  • atm/ocn flux daily max increment (1)
  • atm/ocn flux increment counter (1)
  • atm/ocn flux q-solar daily avg (1)
  • atm/ocn flux q-solar increment (1)
  • atm/ocn flux regime (1)
  • atm/ocn flux salting (1)
  • atm/ocn flux speed (1)
  • atm/ocn flux temperature bulk (1)
  • atm/ocn flux temperature skin (1)
  • atm/ocn flux temperature skin at day (1)
  • atm/ocn flux temperature skin at night (1)
  • atm/ocn flux warming (1)
  • atm/ocn flux warming dialy max (1)
  • atm/ocn flux wind daily avg (1)
  • atm/ocn flux wind daily max (1)
  • atm/ocn flux wind daily max increment (1)
  • atm/ocn flux wind increment (1)
  • atmosphere absorption optical thickness due to ambient aerosol (1350)
  • atmosphere boundary layer thickness (1321)
  • atmosphere cloud condensed water content (6620)
  • atmosphere cloud ice content (6146)
  • atmosphere cloud liquid water content (59)
  • atmosphere content of sulfate aerosol (19)
  • atmosphere convective available potential energy wrt surface (27)
  • atmosphere convective cloud condensed water content (10)
  • atmosphere convective inhibition energy wrt surface (1)
  • atmosphere convective inhibition wrt surface (26)
  • atmosphere convective mass flux (128)
  • atmosphere downdraft convective mass flux (72)
  • atmosphere heat diffusivity (55)
  • atmosphere hybrid sigma pressure coordinate (97)
  • atmosphere mass content of ammonium dry aerosol (234)
  • atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol (2627)
  • atmosphere mass content of cloud condensed water (202)
  • atmosphere mass content of cloud ice (213)
  • atmosphere mass content of cloud liquid water (20)
  • atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol (2605)
  • atmosphere mass content of graupel (5)
  • atmosphere mass content of hail (2)
  • atmosphere mass content of methane (7)
  • atmosphere mass content of nitrate dry aerosol (23)
  • atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol (2074)
  • atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol (459)
  • atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol (2625)
  • atmosphere mass content of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol (359)
  • atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol (2628)
  • atmosphere mass content of water (3)
  • atmosphere mass content of water vapor (198)
  • atmosphere mass of carbon dioxide (1168)
  • atmosphere momentum diffusivity (59)
  • atmosphere net upward convective mass flux (2099)
  • atmosphere net upward deep convective mass flux (42)
  • atmosphere net upward shallow convective mass flux (42)
  • atmosphere number content of cloud droplets (776)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to ambient aerosol (1404)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to black carbon ambient aerosol (3)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to cloud (10)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to convective cloud (2)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to dust ambient aerosol (3)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to particulate organic matter ambient aerosol (3)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to pm1 ambient aerosol (1315)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to seasalt ambient aerosol (3)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to stratiform cloud (2)
  • atmosphere relative vorticity (26)
  • atmosphere updraft convective mass flux (264)
  • atmosphere water vapor content (6750)
  • atmospheric air potential temperature (7)
  • atmospheric air temperature (7)
  • atmospheric incident solar radiation (7)
  • atmospheric longwave radiation (7)
  • atmospheric methane (ch4) decay rate (7)
  • atmospheric n deposition to soil mineral n (3)
  • atmospheric p deposition to soil mineral p (3)
  • atmospheric partial pressure of ch4 (3)
  • atmospheric partial pressure of co2 (7)
  • atmospheric pressure (7)
  • atmospheric rain (7)
  • atmospheric reference height (7)
  • atmospheric snow (7)
  • atmospheric specific humidity (7)
  • atmospheric wind velocity magnitude (7)
  • autotrophic respiration (mr + gr) (3)
  • autotrophic respiration on grass tiles (410)
  • autotrophic respiration on shrub tiles (410)
  • autotrophic respiration on tree tiles (410)
  • average area of a surface cell (9)
  • average area of cell within region layer (9)
  • average area of cell within region volume (9)
  • average brunt vaisala frequency within region layer (9)
  • average brunt vaisala frequency within region volume (9)
  • average cloud ice number conc (82)
  • average cloud water number conc (82)
  • average divergence within region layer (9)
  • average divergence within region volume (9)
  • average droplet effective radius (82)
  • average horizontal salinity advection within region layer (9)
  • average horizontal salinity advection within region volume (9)
  • average horizontal temperature advection within region layer (9)
  • average horizontal temperature advection within region volume (9)
  • average ice effective radius (82)
  • average in-situ density within region layer (9)
  • average in-situ density within region volume (9)
  • average kinetic energy within region layer (9)
  • average kinetic energy within region volume (9)
  • average meridional velocity within region layer (9)
  • average meridional velocity within region volume (9)
  • average of decomposition scalar (3)
  • average over an hour of 2-m temperature (1)
  • average over an hour of rural 2-m temperature (1)
  • average over an hour of urban 2-m temperature (1)
  • average potential density within region layer (9)
  • average potential density within region volume (9)
  • average rain mixing ratio (78)
  • average rain number conc (78)
  • average relative enstrophy within region layer (9)
  • average relative enstrophy within region volume (9)
  • average relative vorticity within region layer (9)
  • average relative vorticity within region volume (9)
  • average salinity non local tend within region layer (9)
  • average salinity non local tend within region volume (9)
  • average salinity surface flux tend within region layer (9)
  • average salinity surface flux tend within region volume (9)
  • average salinity vertical mixing within region layer (9)
  • average salinity vertical mixing within region volume (9)
  • average snow mixing ratio (78)
  • average snow number conc (78)
  • average surface salinity within region layer (9)
  • average surface salinity within region volume (9)
  • average surface temperature within region layer (9)
  • average surface temperature within region volume (9)
  • average temperature non local tend within region layer (9)
  • average temperature non local tend within region volume (9)
  • average temperature shortwave tend within region layer (9)
  • average temperature shortwave tend within region volume (9)
  • average temperature surface flux tend within region layer (9)
  • average temperature surface flux tend within region volume (9)
  • average temperature vertical mixing within region layer (9)
  • average temperature vertical mixing within region volume (9)
  • average thickness within region layer (9)
  • average thickness within region volume (9)
  • average total primary production in a grid cell (3)
  • average value of accumulatedlandicefrazilmass in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of accumulatedlandiceheat in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of accumulatedlandicemass in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of evaporationflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of highfreqthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of icerunoffflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of kineticenergy in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of landicefreshwaterflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of layerthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of layerthicknessedge on ocean edges. (9)
  • average value of lowfreqdivergence in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of normalizedabsolutevorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • average value of normalvelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • average value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of previous step layerthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of rainflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of relativevorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • average value of riverrunoffflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of salinityflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of salinityrestoringflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of seaicefreshwaterflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of snowflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of tangentialvelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • average value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of temperatureflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of the montgomery potential in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of vertaletransporttop in ocean cells. (9)
  • average value of vertvelocitytop in ocean cells. (9)
  • average vertical salinity advection within region layer (9)
  • average vertical salinity advection within region volume (9)
  • average vertical temperature advection within region layer (9)
  • average vertical temperature advection within region volume (9)
  • average vertical velocity within region layer (9)
  • average vertical velocity within region volume (9)
  • average zonal velocity within region layer (9)
  • average zonal velocity within region volume (9)
  • averaging flag (1)
  • avg evaporation (36)
  • avg latent heat flux (36)
  • avg sensible heat flux (36)
  • avg soil moisture 1 (36)
  • bare sea ice albedo (13)
  • bare soil fraction (400)
  • barotropic velocity, used in split-explicit time-stepping (1)
  • basal downward heat flux in sea ice (60)
  • base date (yyyymmdd) (94)
  • base day (94)
  • baseflow (14)
  • basin upstream areatotal (2)
  • bc a1 (1)
  • bc a1 concentration (8)
  • bc a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • bc a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • bc a1 in bottom layer (82)
  • bc a1 squared (53)
  • bc a1 surface flux (29)
  • bc a3 (1)
  • bc a3 concentration (8)
  • bc a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • bc a3 in bottom layer (29)
  • bc a3 surface flux (29)
  • bc a4 (1)
  • bc a4 concentration (8)
  • bc a4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • bc a4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • bc a4 in bottom layer (29)
  • bc a4 surface flux (29)
  • bc aircraft anthropogenic emissions (8)
  • bc anthropogenic aircraft emissions (2)
  • bc anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • bc c1 (1)
  • bc c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • bc c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • bc c3 (1)
  • bc c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • bc c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • bc c4 (1)
  • bc c4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • bc c4 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • bc open burning sector shares (9)
  • bc solid biofuel anthropogenic emissions - supplemental data (1)
  • bc total open burning emissions (9)
  • bcphidry (1)
  • bcphodry (1)
  • beg time (1)
  • beginning time (1)
  • belowground npp (3)
  • biochemical rate of p mineralization (3)
  • biogenic phosphorus production (22)
  • biological nitrogen fixation (10)
  • biomass burning carbon flux (35)
  • black carbon aerosol burden (61)
  • bolus velocity in gent-mcwilliams eddy parameterization (9)
  • boundaries for time-averaging interval (7583)
  • bounds of geomagnetic latitude (2)
  • bounds of wavelength bin (3)
  • bounds time (3)
  • bulk salinity of ice in a cell (12)
  • c10h16 anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • c2h2 anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • c2h4 anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • c2h4o anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • c2h5oh anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • c2h6 anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • c2h6s anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • c3 grass area percentage (400)
  • c3 pasture area percentage (400)
  • c3h6 anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • c3h6o anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • c3h8 anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • c4 grass area percentage (400)
  • c4 pasture area percentage (400)
  • c5h8 anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • c6h6 anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • c7h8 anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • c8h10 anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • c fixation from shaded canopy (3)
  • c fixation from sunlit canopy (3)
  • c flux available for allocation (3)
  • calendar type (1)
  • calipso 3d clear fraction (3)
  • calipso 3d undefined fraction (3)
  • calipso cloud area fraction (4)
  • calipso cloud fraction (3)
  • calipso high level cloud fraction (9)
  • calipso low level cloud fraction (8)
  • calipso mid level cloud fraction (8)
  • calipso scattering ratio (6)
  • calipso total cloud fraction (7)
  • canopy botton (1)
  • canopy evaporation (7)
  • canopy top (4)
  • canopy transpiration (7)
  • canopy water (1)
  • carbon content of products of anthropogenic land use change (367)
  • carbon in above and below-ground litter pools on land-use tiles (10)
  • carbon in litter pools on land use tiles (400)
  • carbon in soil pool on land-use tiles (10)
  • carbon in soil pool on land use tiles (400)
  • carbon in vegetation on land use tiles (400)
  • carbon mass content of forestry and agricultural products (120)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to autotrophic (plant) respiration on land (440)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to co2 emission from fire (400)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to heterotrophic respiration from soil on land (410)
  • carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to heterotrophic respiration on land (447)
  • carbon mass flux into forestry and agricultural products due to anthropogenic land use or land cover change (60)
  • carbon mass flux into soil from litter (315)
  • carbon mass flux into soil from vegetation excluding litter (88)
  • carbon mass flux out of atmosphere due to gross primary production on land (453)
  • carbon mass flux out of atmosphere due to net biospheric production on land (412)
  • carbon mass flux out of atmosphere due to net primary production on land (453)
  • carbon mass in each model soil pool (summed over vertical levels) (10)
  • carbon mass in litter of shrub tiles (400)
  • carbon mass in litter of tree tiles (400)
  • carbon mass in litter on grass tiles (410)
  • carbon mass in litter on shrub tiles (10)
  • carbon mass in litter on tree tiles (10)
  • carbon mass in litter pool (33)
  • carbon mass in litter pools (400)
  • carbon mass in model soil pool (20)
  • carbon mass in products of land-use change (20)
  • carbon mass in products of land use change (12)
  • carbon mass in soil on grass tiles (410)
  • carbon mass in soil on shrub tiles (410)
  • carbon mass in soil on tree tiles (410)
  • carbon mass in soil pool (400)
  • carbon mass in vegetation (400)
  • carbon mass in vegetation on grass tiles (400)
  • carbon mass in vegetation on shrub tiles (400)
  • carbon mass in vegetation on tree tiles (400)
  • cc ni (1)
  • cc nl (1)
  • cc qi (1)
  • cc ql (1)
  • cc qlst (1)
  • cc qv (1)
  • cc t (1)
  • cci liquid cloud area fraction (3)
  • cci total liquid cloud area fraction (3)
  • ccn concentration at s=0.1% (82)
  • cell-wise product of component of horizontal velocity in the eastward direction and temperature (1)
  • cell-wise product of component of horizontal velocity in the northward direction and temperature (1)
  • cell-wise square of component of horizontal velocity in the eastward direction (1)
  • cell-wise square of component of horizontal velocity in the northward direction (1)
  • cell-wise square of sea surface height (1)
  • cell area (1867)
  • cell average algal nitrogen for each type and ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • cell average ammonium for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • cell average brine height (3)
  • cell average dissolved dmsp for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • cell average dissolved iron for each type and ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • cell average dms for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • cell average humic carbon for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • cell average nitrate for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • cell average nonreactive nitrate for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • cell average silicate for each ice bio-grid layer (3)
  • cell index along first dimension (215117)
  • cell index along second dimension (215117)
  • cell thickness (1586)
  • cflx0001 (1)
  • cflx0002 (1)
  • cflx0003 (1)
  • cflx0004 (1)
  • cflx0005 (1)
  • cflx0006 (1)
  • cflx0007 (1)
  • cflx0008 (1)
  • cflx0009 (1)
  • cflx0010 (1)
  • cflx0011 (1)
  • cflx0012 (1)
  • cflx0013 (1)
  • cflx0014 (1)
  • cflx0015 (1)
  • cflx0016 (1)
  • cflx0017 (1)
  • cflx0018 (1)
  • cflx0019 (1)
  • cflx0020 (1)
  • cflx0021 (1)
  • cflx0022 (1)
  • cflx0023 (1)
  • cflx0024 (1)
  • cflx0025 (1)
  • cflx0026 (1)
  • cflx0027 (1)
  • cflx0028 (1)
  • cflx0029 (1)
  • cflx0030 (1)
  • cflx0031 (1)
  • cflx0032 (1)
  • cflx0033 (1)
  • cflx0034 (1)
  • cflx0035 (1)
  • cflx0036 (1)
  • cflx0037 (1)
  • cflx0038 (1)
  • cflx0039 (1)
  • cflx0040 (1)
  • ch2o anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • ch3cocho anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • ch3cooh anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • ch3oh anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • ch4 additional flux due to changing fsat, vegetated landunits only (3)
  • ch4 aircraft anthropogenic emissions (11)
  • ch4 anthropogenic emissions (11)
  • ch4 open burning sector shares (9)
  • ch4 soil concentration for inundated / lake area (3)
  • ch4 soil concentration for non-inundated area (3)
  • ch4 solid biofuel anthropogenic emissions - supplemental data (1)
  • ch4 total open burning emissions (9)
  • ch4 volume mixing ratio (94)
  • cld (1)
  • cldice (1)
  • cldliq (1)
  • cldo (1)
  • clear-sky surface downwelling longwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky surface downwelling shortwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky surface upwelling longwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky surface upwelling shortwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky toa outgoing longwave radiation (20)
  • clear-sky toa outgoing shortwave radiation (20)
  • clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface (84)
  • clearsky net longwave flux at surface (84)
  • clearsky net longwave flux at top of model (84)
  • clearsky net solar flux at surface (84)
  • clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere (84)
  • clearsky net solar flux at top of model (84)
  • clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model (84)
  • clearsky upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere (31)
  • climatology of ozone in linoz (29)
  • cloud-top effective droplet radius (10)
  • cloud albedo (911)
  • cloud area fraction (28955)
  • cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (8479)
  • cloud base altitude (2)
  • cloud droplet number concentration at cloud top (9)
  • cloud emissivity (53)
  • cloud fraction (120)
  • cloud fraction from misr simulator (29)
  • cloud fraction retrieved by misr (1)
  • cloud liquid water mixing ratio (38)
  • cnv nm1 (1)
  • co2 (4)
  • co2 aircraft anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • co2 anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • co2 column burden (4)
  • co2 fff (4)
  • co2 fff column burden (4)
  • co2 fff surface flux (4)
  • co2 lnd (4)
  • co2 lnd column burden (4)
  • co2 lnd surface flux (4)
  • co2 ocn (4)
  • co2 ocn column burden (4)
  • co2 ocn surface flux (4)
  • co2 surface flux (4)
  • co2 volume mixing ratio (94)
  • co aircraft anthropogenic emissions (8)
  • co anthropogenic aircraft emissions (2)
  • co anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • co open burning sector shares (9)
  • co solid biofuel anthropogenic emissions - supplemental data (1)
  • co total open burning emissions (9)
  • coarse woody debris c heterotrophic respiration (3)
  • coarse woody debris c loss (3)
  • cold spell duration indicator (684)
  • column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (1)
  • column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (1)
  • column-level sink for p truncation (3)
  • column active flag (1=active, 0=inactive) (1)
  • column index of corresponding pft (1)
  • column integrated cloud ice content (1)
  • column landunit type (see global attributes) (1)
  • column latitude (1)
  • column longitude (1)
  • column to landunit scale type (1)
  • column type (see global attributes) (1)
  • column weight relative to corresponding gridcell (1)
  • column weight relative to corresponding landunit (1)
  • component of horizontal velocity in the eastward direction (9)
  • component of horizontal velocity in the northward direction (9)
  • compressive strength of sea ice (323)
  • computed basin upstream areatotal (2)
  • concentration of dust (23)
  • concentration of no3 aerosol (9)
  • concld (1)
  • condensed water path (7)
  • congelation sea ice growth rate (22)
  • consecutive dry days is the greatest number of consecutive days per time period with daily precipitation amount below 1 mm. the time period should be defined by the bounds of the time coordinate. (12)
  • continuous snow cover time (1)
  • convection time fraction (1263)
  • convective available potential energy (cape) (29)
  • convective cloud area fraction (11)
  • convective cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (224)
  • convective cloud cover (28)
  • convective cloud longwave emissivity (2)
  • convective inhibition (cin) (6)
  • convective precipitation (7)
  • convective precipitation flux (16605)
  • convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) (85)
  • convective rainfall flux (5)
  • convective snow rate (water equivalent) (82)
  • convective snowfall flux (10)
  • conversion area fraction of bet and bdt that burned (3)
  • coordinate lake levels (7)
  • coordinate of southern edge of meridional heat transport bin, either in latitude or y, for plotting. (9)
  • coordinate soil levels (7)
  • coriolis parameter at cell centers. (1)
  • coriolis parameter at edges. (1)
  • coriolis parameter at vertices. (1)
  • cosine of solar zenith angle (1)
  • cosp cnt init (1)
  • cosp ht bnds (41)
  • cosp htmisr bnds (41)
  • cosp mean height for lidar and radar simulator outputs (41)
  • cosp mean isccp optical depth (41)
  • cosp mean isccp pressure (41)
  • cosp mean modis optical depth (41)
  • cosp mean scattering ratio for lidar simulator cfad output (41)
  • cosp misr height (41)
  • cosp parasol sza (41)
  • cosp prs bnds (41)
  • cosp sr bnds (41)
  • cosp subcolumn (41)
  • cosp tau bnds (41)
  • cosp tau modis bnds (41)
  • country codes (1)
  • cpath (1)
  • cpool fire loss (3)
  • cpool fire mortality to litter (3)
  • cpool mortality to litter (3)
  • crop fraction (400)
  • crs (19)
  • current active layer thickness (3)
  • current date (1)
  • current date (yyyymmdd) (102)
  • current day (from base day) (102)
  • current seconds of current date (102)
  • current seconds of current day (102)
  • current time of day (1)
  • current timestep (94)
  • cush (1)
  • cvmix/kpp: bulk richardson number (9)
  • cvmix/kpp: diagnosed depth of the ocean surface boundary layer (11)
  • cvmix/kpp: diagnosed surface buoyancy flux due to heat, salt and freshwater fluxes. positive flux increases buoyancy. (9)
  • cvmix/kpp: nonlocal boundary layer mixing term for temperature (10)
  • cvmix/kpp: smoothed boundary layer depth (9)
  • cwd c (3)
  • cwd c (vertically resolved) (3)
  • cwd n (3)
  • cwd n (vertically resolved) (3)
  • cwd p (3)
  • cwd p (vertically resolved) (3)
  • daily maximum near-surface air temperature (2)
  • daily maximum near-surface temperature maximum (22)
  • daily maximum near-surface wind speed of gust due to convection (2)
  • daily maximum near-surface wind speed of gust due to turbulence (2)
  • daily maximum of average 2-m temperature (7)
  • daily maximum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (k) (1)
  • daily minimum near-surface air temperature (2)
  • daily minimum near-surface temperature minimum (21)
  • daily minimum of average 2-m temperature (7)
  • daily minimum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (k) (1)
  • daily planetary ap index (3)
  • daily planetary kp index (3)
  • date written (102)
  • day of gregorian calendar (3)
  • dead coarse root c (3)
  • dead coarse root c growth from storage (3)
  • dead coarse root c mortality (3)
  • dead coarse root c storage (3)
  • dead coarse root c storage fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead coarse root c storage mortality (3)
  • dead coarse root c transfer (3)
  • dead coarse root c transfer mortality (3)
  • dead coarse root growth respiration (3)
  • dead coarse root growth respiration from storage (3)
  • dead coarse root growth respiration to storage (3)
  • dead coarse root n (3)
  • dead coarse root n fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead coarse root n growth from storage (3)
  • dead coarse root n mortality (3)
  • dead coarse root n storage (3)
  • dead coarse root n storage mortality (3)
  • dead coarse root n transfer (3)
  • dead coarse root n transfer mortality (3)
  • dead coarse root p (3)
  • dead coarse root p growth from storage (3)
  • dead coarse root p storage (3)
  • dead coarse root p transfer (3)
  • dead root c fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead root c transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead stem c (3)
  • dead stem c fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead stem c growth from storage (3)
  • dead stem c mortality (3)
  • dead stem c storage (3)
  • dead stem c storage fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead stem c storage mortality (3)
  • dead stem c transfer (3)
  • dead stem c transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead stem c transfer mortality (3)
  • dead stem growth respiration (3)
  • dead stem growth respiration from storage (3)
  • dead stem growth respiration to storage (3)
  • dead stem n (3)
  • dead stem n fire mortality to litter (3)
  • dead stem n growth from storage (3)
  • dead stem n mortality (3)
  • dead stem n storage (3)
  • dead stem n storage mortality (3)
  • dead stem n transfer (3)
  • dead stem n transfer mortality (3)
  • dead stem p (3)
  • dead stem p growth from storage (3)
  • dead stem p storage (3)
  • dead stem p transfer (3)
  • decomp. of coarse woody debris c to litter 2 c (3)
  • decomp. of coarse woody debris c to litter 3 c (3)
  • decomp. of coarse woody debris n to litter 2 n (3)
  • decomp. of coarse woody debris n to litter 3 n (3)
  • decomp. of coarse woody debris p to litter 2 n (3)
  • decomp. of coarse woody debris p to litter 3 n (3)
  • decomp. of litter 1 c to soil 1 c (3)
  • decomp. of litter 1 n to soil 1 n (3)
  • decomp. of litter 1 p to soil 1 n (3)
  • decomp. of litter 2 c to soil 2 c (3)
  • decomp. of litter 2 n to soil 2 n (3)
  • decomp. of litter 2 p to soil 2 n (3)
  • decomp. of litter 3 c to soil 3 c (3)
  • decomp. of litter 3 n to soil 3 n (3)
  • decomp. of litter 3 p to soil 3 n (3)
  • decomp. of soil 1 c to soil 2 c (3)
  • decomp. of soil 1 n to soil 2 n (3)
  • decomp. of soil 1 p to soil 2 n (3)
  • decomp. of soil 2 c to soil 3 c (3)
  • decomp. of soil 2 n to soil 3 n (3)
  • decomp. of soil 2 p to soil 3 n (3)
  • decomp. of soil 3 c to soil 4 c (3)
  • decomp. of soil 3 n to soil 4 n (3)
  • decomp. of soil 3 p to soil 4 n (3)
  • decomp type (1)
  • decomposition out of product pools to co2 in atmosphere (10)
  • deep conv. cloudbase level index (29)
  • deep conv. cloudbase vertical velocity (29)
  • deep conv. column-max updraft mass flux (29)
  • deforested biomass that goes into product pool as a result of anthropogenic land-use change (10)
  • deforested or harvested biomass as a result of anthropogenic land-use or change (10)
  • delta13co2 in air (1)
  • delta14co2 in air (1)
  • denitrification flux (3)
  • denitrification n2o flux (3)
  • density (9)
  • deployment of retranslocated n (3)
  • deployment of retranslocated p (3)
  • deployment of soil mineral n uptake (3)
  • deployment of soil mineral p uptake (3)
  • depth (1967)
  • depth at shallowest local minimum in vertical profile of mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water (348)
  • depth integral of product of sea water density and prognostic salinity (20)
  • depth of isosurface of sea water potential temperature (6091)
  • depth of the bottom of the ocean. given as a positive distance from sea level. (1)
  • depth of water table for methane production used in non-inundated area (3)
  • description here (12)
  • desorp p flux (3)
  • dew point depression (2)
  • dew point temperature (6114)
  • dgnum (1)
  • dgnumwet (1)
  • diagnostic co2 at the lowest model level (1)
  • diagnostic sub-grid vertical velocity (82)
  • difference between lai month one and month two (1)
  • diffuse albedo (near-infrared radiation) (1)
  • diffuse albedo (visible radiation) (1)
  • diffuse downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (62)
  • diffuse near-infrared incident solar radiation (1)
  • diffuse nir incident solar radiation (7)
  • diffuse nir reflected solar radiation (7)
  • diffuse solar absorbed by impervious road per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
  • diffuse solar absorbed by pervious road per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
  • diffuse solar absorbed by roof per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
  • diffuse solar absorbed by shadewall per unit wall area per unit incident flux (1)
  • diffuse solar absorbed by sunwall per unit wall area per unit incident flux (1)
  • diffuse vis incident solar radiation (7)
  • diffuse vis incident solar radiation at local noon (7)
  • diffuse vis reflected solar radiation (7)
  • diffuse visible incident solar radiation (1)
  • diffusive surface ch4 flux for inundated / lake area; (+ to atm) (3)
  • diffusive surface ch4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) (3)
  • direct albedo (near-infrared radiation) (1)
  • direct albedo (visible radiation) (1)
  • direct near-infrared incident solar radiation (1)
  • direct nir incident solar radiation (7)
  • direct nir incident solar radiation at local noon (7)
  • direct nir reflected solar radiation (7)
  • direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon (7)
  • direct solar absorbed by impervious road per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
  • direct solar absorbed by pervious road per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
  • direct solar absorbed by roof per unit ground area per unit incident flux (1)
  • direct solar absorbed by shadewall per unit wall area per unit incident flux (1)
  • direct solar absorbed by sunwall per unit wall area per unit incident flux (1)
  • direct vis incident solar radiation (7)
  • direct vis incident solar radiation at local noon (7)
  • direct vis reflected solar radiation (7)
  • direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon (7)
  • direct visible incident solar radiation (1)
  • displayed veg carbon, excluding storage and cpool (3)
  • displayed vegetation nitrogen (3)
  • displayed vegetation phosphorus (3)
  • dissolve oxygen concentration (270)
  • dissolve oxygen concentration at surface (287)
  • dissolved inorganic carbon concentration (9)
  • dissolved organic carbon content (10)
  • dissolved oxygen concentration (61)
  • dissolved oxygen concentration at saturation (20)
  • dissolved oxygen concentration at surface (71)
  • diurnal temperature range (196)
  • diurnal temperature range near-surface air temperature (2394)
  • divergence of sea ice velocity (96)
  • dms (1)
  • dms aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
  • dms in bottom layer (82)
  • dms surface flux (29)
  • down diffuse flux below veg per unit diffuse flux (1)
  • down diffuse flux below veg per unit direct flux (1)
  • down direct flux below veg per unit direct flux (1)
  • downdraft convective mass flux on full levels (1)
  • downward flux of particulate phosphorus (39)
  • downward heat flux at sea water surface (9)
  • downward heat flux into snow where land over land (12)
  • downward inorganic carbon flux at ocean bottom (10)
  • downward long wave heat flux at cell centers from coupler. positive into the ocean. (9)
  • downward longwave heat flux (1)
  • downward organic carbon flux at ocean bottom (10)
  • downward sea ice basal salt flux (1178)
  • downward solar radiation (1)
  • downwelling longwave flux at surface (85)
  • downwelling longwave flux in air (248)
  • downwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (925)
  • downwelling shortwave flux in air (254)
  • downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (244)
  • downwelling shortwave flux in sea water (402)
  • downwelling shortwave flux under sea ice (30)
  • downwelling solar flux at surface (84)
  • dp cldice (1)
  • dp cldliq (1)
  • dp flxprc (1)
  • dp flxsnw (1)
  • dpbc a1 (1)
  • dpbc a3 (1)
  • dpbc a4 (1)
  • dpcldice (1)
  • dpcldliq (1)
  • dpdms (1)
  • dpdst a1 (1)
  • dpdst a3 (1)
  • dph2o2 (1)
  • dph2so4 (1)
  • dpmom a1 (1)
  • dpmom a2 (1)
  • dpmom a3 (1)
  • dpmom a4 (1)
  • dpncl a1 (1)
  • dpncl a2 (1)
  • dpncl a3 (1)
  • dpnum a1 (1)
  • dpnum a2 (1)
  • dpnum a3 (1)
  • dpnum a4 (1)
  • dpnumice (1)
  • dpnumliq (1)
  • dpnumrai (1)
  • dpnumsno (1)
  • dpo3 (1)
  • dppom a1 (1)
  • dppom a3 (1)
  • dppom a4 (1)
  • dpq (1)
  • dprainqm (1)
  • dpsnowqm (1)
  • dpso2 (1)
  • dpso4 a1 (1)
  • dpso4 a2 (1)
  • dpso4 a3 (1)
  • dpsoa a1 (1)
  • dpsoa a2 (1)
  • dpsoa a3 (1)
  • dpsoag (1)
  • dry and wet deposition of reactive nitrogen onto land (10)
  • dry deposition flux (29)
  • drynhx (11)
  • drynoy (11)
  • dst a1 (1)
  • dst a1 concentration (8)
  • dst a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • dst a1 dust surface emission (29)
  • dst a1 in bottom layer (82)
  • dst a1 squared (53)
  • dst a1 surface flux (29)
  • dst a3 (1)
  • dst a3 concentration (8)
  • dst a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • dst a3 dust surface emission (29)
  • dst a3 in bottom layer (82)
  • dst a3 squared (53)
  • dst a3 surface flux (29)
  • dst c1 (1)
  • dst c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • dst c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • dst c3 (1)
  • dst c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • dst c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • dstdry1 (1)
  • dstdry2 (1)
  • dstdry3 (1)
  • dstdry4 (1)
  • dtcore (1)
  • duration of sunshine (3145)
  • dust aerosol burden (61)
  • dust dry deposition flux (size 1) (1)
  • dust dry deposition flux (size 2) (1)
  • dust dry deposition flux (size 3) (1)
  • dust dry deposition flux (size 4) (1)
  • dust flux (1)
  • dust wet deposition flux (size 1) (1)
  • dust wet deposition flux (size 2) (1)
  • dust wet deposition flux (size 3) (1)
  • dust wet deposition flux (size 4) (1)
  • dynamic land cover change conversion energy flux (7)
  • dynamic tendency of total (vertically integrated) moist static energy (29)
  • dynamic tendency of total (vertically integrated) specific humidity (29)
  • e1 (6028)
  • e2 (6028)
  • e3 (6028)
  • eastward atmosphere dry static energy transport across unit distance (30)
  • eastward atmosphere water transport across unit distance (30)
  • eastward momentum flux correction (1)
  • eastward near-surface wind (3)
  • eastward neutral wind (89)
  • eastward sea ice transport (9)
  • eastward sea ice velocity (325)
  • eastward sea water velocity (265)
  • eastward wind (55055)
  • ebullition surface ch4 flux for inundated / lake area; (+ to atm) (3)
  • ebullition surface ch4 flux for non-inundated area; (+ to atm) (3)
  • effective enrichment factor of marine organic matter (29)
  • effective fraction of ground covered by snow (7)
  • effective radius of cloud liquid water particle at liquid water cloud top (1072)
  • effective radius of convective cloud ice particle (5)
  • effective radius of convective cloud liquid water particle (554)
  • effective radius of convective cloud rain particle (4)
  • effective radius of convective cloud snow particle (4)
  • effective radius of stratiform cloud ice particle (5)
  • effective radius of stratiform cloud liquid water particle (599)
  • effective radius of stratiform cloud rain particle (4)
  • effective radius of stratiform cloud snow particle (4)
  • electricity consumption (1)
  • electricity consumption anomaly (22)
  • elevation (1)
  • emission rate of dry aerosol primary organic matter (9)
  • emitted infrared (longwave) radiation (8)
  • end of history file (1)
  • equivalent thickness at stp of atmosphere ozone content (30)
  • etccdi growing saeason length (tmean > 5c) (684)
  • evaporation (560)
  • evaporation flux at cell centers from coupler. positive into the ocean. (9)
  • evaporation including sublimation and transpiration (54)
  • evprain st (1)
  • evpsnow st (1)
  • excess snowfall due to snow capping (7)
  • excess snowfall due to snow capping not including correction for land use change (7)
  • experiment description (4)
  • exposed one-sided leaf area index (7)
  • exposed one-sided stem area index (7)
  • extinct lw h2o window band 7 output (19)
  • extinct lw h2o window band 7 output directly read from prescribed input file (19)
  • f11 volume mixing ratio (94)
  • f12 volume mixing ratio (94)
  • factor limiting ground evap (7)
  • fast soil pool carbon content (357)
  • fertilization rate for c3 annual crops (14)
  • fertilization rate for c3 nitrogen-fixing crops (14)
  • fertilization rate for c3 perennial crops (14)
  • fertilization rate for c4 annual crops (14)
  • fertilization rate for c4 perennial crops (14)
  • field name (1)
  • fieldnames (1)
  • fieldnames to exclude (1)
  • fieldnames to include (1)
  • fill flag (1)
  • fillvalue (1)
  • fincllonlat (1)
  • fine root c (3)
  • fine root c allocation (3)
  • fine root c fire mortality to litter (3)
  • fine root c growth from storage (3)
  • fine root c litterfall (3)
  • fine root c loss (3)
  • fine root c mortality (3)
  • fine root c storage (3)
  • fine root c storage fire mortality to litter (3)
  • fine root c storage mortality (3)
  • fine root c transfer (3)
  • fine root c transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
  • fine root c transfer mortality (3)
  • fine root growth respiration (3)
  • fine root growth respiration from storage (3)
  • fine root growth respiration to storage (3)
  • fine root maintenance respiration (3)
  • fine root n (3)
  • fine root n growth from storage (3)
  • fine root n litterfall (3)
  • fine root n mortality (3)
  • fine root n storage (3)
  • fine root n storage mortality (3)
  • fine root n transfer (3)
  • fine root n transfer mortality (3)
  • fine root p (3)
  • fine root p growth from storage (3)
  • fine root p storage (3)
  • fine root p transfer (3)
  • fire counts valid only in reg.c (3)
  • firstyearicearea (1)
  • flns (1)
  • flnt (1)
  • floating ice shelf area fraction (11)
  • flood water flux (1)
  • flux absorbed by shaded leaf per unit diffuse flux (1)
  • flux absorbed by shaded leaf per unit direct flux (1)
  • flux absorbed by sunlit leaf per unit diffuse flux (1)
  • flux absorbed by sunlit leaf per unit direct flux (1)
  • flux absorbed by veg per unit diffuse flux (1)
  • flux absorbed by veg per unit direct flux (1)
  • flux of inorganic carbon into ocean surface by runoff (10)
  • flux of organic carbon into ocean surface by runoff (10)
  • flux of salinity that is ignored coming into the ocean. positive into ocean. (9)
  • flux of salinity through the ocean surface. positive into ocean. (9)
  • flux of salinity through the ocean surface due to river runoff. positive into ocean. (9)
  • flux of temperature that is ignored coming into the ocean. positive into ocean. (9)
  • flux of temperature through the ocean surface. positive into ocean. (9)
  • flux of temperature through the ocean surface due to river runoff. positive into ocean. (9)
  • flwds (1)
  • forcinggroupnames (1)
  • forcinggrouprestarttimes (1)
  • forecast period (415364)
  • forecast period 0 bnds (8)
  • forecast period 2 bnds (9)
  • forecast period bnds (27831)
  • forecast reference time (20350)
  • fraction by which decomposition is reduced due to anoxia (3)
  • fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (1)
  • fraction of canopy that is wet (0 to 1) (1)
  • fraction of days with air temperature above threshold (56)
  • fraction of days with air temperature below threshold (56)
  • fraction of grid cell for each land use tile (400)
  • fraction of ground covered by h2osfc (0 to 1) (1)
  • fraction of ground covered by snow (7)
  • fraction of ground covered by snow (0 to 1) (1)
  • fraction of ground covered by surface water (7)
  • fraction of land use tile tile that is non-woody vegetation (e.g. herbaceous crops) (400)
  • fraction of potential gpp due to n limitation (3)
  • fraction of potential gpp due to p limitation (3)
  • fraction of potential immobilization of nitrogen (3)
  • fraction of potential immobilization of phosphorus (3)
  • fraction of precipitation due to events exceeding the 95 percentile (23)
  • fraction of sfc area covered by land (82)
  • fraction of sfc area covered by ocean (82)
  • fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice (82)
  • fraction of sw penetrating surface layer for diurnal cycle (1)
  • fraction of time convection occurs (341)
  • fraction of time shallow convection occurs (278)
  • fraction of time steps with sea ice (65)
  • fraction of time tmin > 90th percentile of daily tmin in 1961-1990 base period (23)
  • fraction of time with sea ice area fraction above threshold (120)
  • fraction of vegetation not covered by snow (0 or 1) (1)
  • fractional area burned for crop (3)
  • fractional area burned in peatland (3)
  • fractional area with water table at surface (7)
  • fractional ice content within cloud (82)
  • fractional impermeable area (7)
  • fractional inundated area of vegetated columns (3)
  • fractional occurrence of ice (82)
  • fractional occurrence of liquid (82)
  • fractional occurrence of rain (82)
  • fractional occurrence of snow (82)
  • frazil sea ice growth (leads) rate (22)
  • freezeonset (1)
  • freezing level altitude (3)
  • freezingmeltingpotential (1)
  • fresh water flux from ice runoff at cell centers from coupler. positive into the ocean. (9)
  • fresh water flux from rain at cell centers from coupler. positive into the ocean. (9)
  • fresh water flux from river runoff at cell centers from coupler. positive into the ocean. (9)
  • fresh water flux from sea ice at cell centers from coupler. positive into the ocean. (9)
  • fresh water flux from snow at cell centers from coupler. positive into the ocean. (9)
  • freshwater flux from sea-ice surface (30)
  • friction velocity for lakes (1)
  • frictional velocity in similarity theory (6)
  • frontga (1)
  • frontgf (1)
  • frost days index is the number of days where minimum of temperature is below 0 degree celsius. the time period should be defined by the bounds of the time coordinate. (16)
  • frost table depth (1)
  • frost table depth (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • frozen soil depth (12)
  • frozen water content of soil layer (3)
  • fsds (1)
  • fsns (1)
  • fsnt (1)
  • fv (29)
  • geomagnetic latitude (2)
  • geopotential heigh (3)
  • geopotential height (35673)
  • geopotential height (above sea level) (83)
  • geopotential z at 200 mbar pressure surface (2)
  • geopotential z at 500 mbar pressure surface (8)
  • gll grid areas (17)
  • global average sea level change (2968)
  • global average sea water conservative temperature (30)
  • global average steric sea level change (2708)
  • global average thermosteric sea level change (2939)
  • global mean mole fraction of c-c4f8 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of c2f6 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of c3f8 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of c4f10 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of c5f12 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of c6f14 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of c7f16 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of c8f18 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of cf4 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of cfc-11-eq (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of cfc-12-eq (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of ch2cl2 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of ch3ccl3 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of chcl3 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of hfc-125 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of hfc-134a (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of hfc-134a-eq (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of hfc-143a (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of hfc-152a (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of hfc-227ea (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of hfc-23 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of hfc-236fa (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of hfc-245fa (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of hfc-32 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of hfc-365mfc (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of hfc-43-10mee (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of nf3 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of sf6 (4)
  • global mean mole fraction of so2f2 (4)
  • global ocean (35)
  • global root mean square value of accumulatedlandicefrazilmass in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of accumulatedlandiceheat in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of accumulatedlandicemass in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of evaporationflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of highfreqthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of icerunoffflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of kineticenergy in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of landicefreshwaterflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of layerthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of layerthicknessedge on ocean edges. (9)
  • global root mean square value of lowfreqdivergence in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of normalizedabsolutevorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • global root mean square value of normalvelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • global root mean square value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of previous step layerthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of rainflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of relativevorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • global root mean square value of riverrunoffflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of salinityflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of salinityrestoringflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of seaicefreshwaterflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of snowflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of tangentialvelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • global root mean square value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of temperatureflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of the montgomery potential in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of vertaletransporttop in ocean cells. (9)
  • global root mean square value of vertvelocitytop in ocean cells. (9)
  • grid-box fraction covered by each isccp d level cloud type (29)
  • grid averaged methane emissions from wetlands (7)
  • grid box average ice water content (82)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount (81)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: advected tracers in ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: after surface coupling (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: after tphysac call (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: before tphysbc call (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: deep convection (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: diffusion, ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: diffusion of aerosols (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: final, after all processes (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: gravity wave, ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: initial, before processes (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: macrophysics (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: micro physics (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: radiation (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: rayleigh friction, ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: shallow convection (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice amount after process: wet deposition (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number (81)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: advected tracers in ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: after surface coupling (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: after tphysac call (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: before tphysbc call (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: deep convection (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: diffusion, ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: diffusion of aerosols (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: final, after all processes (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: gravity wave, ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: initial, before processes (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: macrophysics (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: micro physics (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: radiation (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: rayleigh friction, ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: shallow convection (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud ice number after process: wet deposition (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount (81)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: advected tracers in ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: after surface coupling (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: after tphysac call (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: before tphysbc call (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: deep convection (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: diffusion, ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: diffusion of aerosols (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: final, after all processes (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: gravity wave, ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: initial, before processes (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: macrophysics (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: micro physics (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: radiation (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: rayleigh friction, ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: shallow convection (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid amount after process: wet deposition (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number (81)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: advected tracers in ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: after surface coupling (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: after tphysac call (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: before tphysbc call (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: deep convection (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: diffusion, ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: diffusion of aerosols (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: final, after all processes (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: gravity wave, ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: initial, before processes (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: macrophysics (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: micro physics (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: radiation (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: rayleigh friction, ac (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: shallow convection (53)
  • grid box averaged cloud liquid number after process: wet deposition (53)
  • grid box averaged rain amount (28)
  • grid box averaged rain number (28)
  • grid box averaged snow amount (24)
  • grid box averaged snow number (28)
  • grid cell area in m^2 for 0.25x0.25 degree resolution (1)
  • grid cell areas (5)
  • grid cell topography (7)
  • grid eastward wind (464)
  • grid northward wind (464)
  • gridcell index of corresponding column (1)
  • gridcell index of corresponding landunit (1)
  • gridcell index of corresponding pft (1)
  • gridcell latitude (1)
  • gridcell longitude (1)
  • gridcell mean snow height (7)
  • gridcell net adjustment to nee passed to atm. for methane production (3)
  • gridcell oxidation of ch4 to co2 (3)
  • gridcell surface ch4 flux to atmosphere (+ to atm) (3)
  • gridcell total production of ch4 (3)
  • gridspec (198)
  • gross primary production (3)
  • gross primary production on grass tiles (410)
  • gross primary production on land use tile (400)
  • gross primary production on shrub tiles (410)
  • gross primary production on tree tiles (410)
  • gross primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon (300)
  • gross primary productivity of carbon (2373)
  • gross primary productivity on land-use tile (10)
  • gross rate of n mineralization (3)
  • gross rate of p mineralization (3)
  • ground albedo (direct) (0 to 1) (1)
  • ground albedo (indirect) (0 to 1) (1)
  • ground evaporation (7)
  • ground evaporation (soil/snow evaporation + soil/snow sublimation - dew) (7)
  • ground momentum roughness length (1)
  • ground temperature (8)
  • grounded ice sheet area fraction (60)
  • growing season length (117)
  • growth respiration storage (3)
  • growth respiration storage fire mortality to litter (3)
  • growth respiration storage mortality (3)
  • growth respiration transfer (3)
  • growth respiration transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
  • growth respiration transfer mortality (3)
  • h2 open burning sector shares (9)
  • h2 total open burning emissions (9)
  • h2o2 (1)
  • h2o2 aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
  • h2o2 in bottom layer (82)
  • h2o2 surface flux (29)
  • h2o2 wet deposition (29)
  • h2so4 (1)
  • h2so4 aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
  • h2so4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • h2so4 in bottom layer (82)
  • h2so4 surface flux (29)
  • h2so4 wet deposition (29)
  • harvested biomass that goes into product pool (10)
  • hcn anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • hcooh anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • heat content of soil/snow/lake (7)
  • heat flux between soil layers 1 and 2 (7)
  • heat flux correction (475)
  • heat flux from urban building interior to walls and roof (7)
  • heat flux into sea water due to freezing of frazil ice (849)
  • heat flux into sea water due to iceberg thermodynamics (206)
  • heat flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics (2356)
  • heat flux into sea water due to snow thermodynamics (192)
  • heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt and lake / snow light transmission (7)
  • heat wave duration index (117)
  • heating degree day: accumulated difference of height corrected a#ir-temperatur below threshold<corrected threshold equivalent to 17 degrees c (341)
  • heating degree day: accumulated difference of height corrected air-temperatur below threshold<corrected threshold equivalent to 17 degrees c (342)
  • height (13)
  • height above reference ellipsoid (36)
  • het. resp. from litter 1 (3)
  • het. resp. from litter 2 (3)
  • het. resp. from litter 3 (3)
  • het. resp. from soil 1 (3)
  • het. resp. from soil 2 (3)
  • het. resp. from soil 3 (3)
  • het. resp. from soil 4 (3)
  • heterotrophic respiration carbon flux (1308)
  • heterotrophic respiration on grass tiles (410)
  • heterotrophic respiration on shrub tiles (410)
  • heterotrophic respiration on tree tiles (410)
  • high cloud cover derived in priority order ga, gf, gd - see isd documentation. units are oktas (2)
  • higher-alkanes anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • higher-alkenes anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • highest precipitation amount for five day interval (including the calendar day as the last day). the time period should be defined by the bounds of the time coordinate. (12)
  • histogram of backscattering ratio over height above reference ellipsoid (228)
  • histogram of equivalent reflectivity factor over height above reference ellipsoid (229)
  • history filename (1)
  • history pointer index (1)
  • history time interval endpoints (9)
  • hno3 (6)
  • hoch2cho anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • horizonal velocity, normal component to an edge (10)
  • hot days:number of days when height corrected daily maximum temperature >= corrected threshold equivalent to 30 degrees c (684)
  • hourly maximum near-surface wind speed of gust due to convection (1)
  • hourly maximum near-surface wind speed of gust due to turbulence (1)
  • hrestpath (1)
  • hu nm1 (1)
  • hwrt prec (1)
  • hybrid a coefficient at layer interfaces (97)
  • hybrid a coefficient at layer midpoints (97)
  • hybrid b coefficient at layer interfaces (97)
  • hybrid b coefficient at layer midpoints (97)
  • hydrometeor effective radius of cloud liquid ice (1)
  • hydrometeor effective radius of cloud liquid water (1)
  • hydrophobic black carbon deposition flux (1)
  • hydrophobic black carbon dry deposition flux (1)
  • hydrophobic organic carbon dry deposition flux (1)
  • hydrophylic black carbon deposition flux (1)
  • hydrophylic black carbon dry deposition flux (1)
  • hydrophylic black carbon wet deposition flux (1)
  • hydrophylic organic carbon dry deposition flux (1)
  • hydrophylic organic carbon wet deposition flux (1)
  • ice cloud optical depth (10)
  • ice dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux (7)
  • ice integrated chlorophyll concentration per cell (3)
  • ice lens (1)
  • ice mixing ratio (38)
  • ice water path (8)
  • ice water path after process: advected tracers in ac (53)
  • ice water path after process: after surface coupling (53)
  • ice water path after process: after tphysac call (53)
  • ice water path after process: before tphysbc call (53)
  • ice water path after process: deep convection (53)
  • ice water path after process: diffusion, ac (53)
  • ice water path after process: diffusion of aerosols (53)
  • ice water path after process: final, after all processes (53)
  • ice water path after process: gravity wave, ac (53)
  • ice water path after process: initial, before processes (53)
  • ice water path after process: macrophysics (53)
  • ice water path after process: micro physics (53)
  • ice water path after process: radiation (53)
  • ice water path after process: rayleigh friction, ac (53)
  • ice water path after process: shallow convection (53)
  • ice water path after process: wet deposition (53)
  • iceage (1)
  • iceareacategory (1)
  • iceenthalpy (1)
  • icesalinity (1)
  • icevolumecategory (1)
  • iciwp (1)
  • iclwp (1)
  • imbalance in snow depth (liquid water) (7)
  • implied internal energy flux (15)
  • index to the last active ocean cell in each column. (1)
  • infiltration (7)
  • initial gridcell total heat content (7)
  • initial gridcell total ice content (7)
  • initial gridcell total liq content (7)
  • instantaneous daily max of average 2 m height surface air temp (k) (1)
  • instantaneous daily min of average 2 m height surface air temp (k) (1)
  • instantaneous top of the atmosphere longwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic carbon dioxide (26)
  • instantaneous top of the atmosphere longwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic greenhouse gases (4)
  • instantaneous top of the atmosphere longwave clear-sky forcing due to total sulfate aerosol (1)
  • instantaneous top of the atmosphere shortwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic carbon dioxide (28)
  • instantaneous top of the atmosphere shortwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic greenhouse gases (4)
  • instantaneous top of the atmosphere shortwave clear-sky forcing due to total sulfate aerosol (1)
  • instantaneous tropopause longwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic carbon dioxide (29)
  • instantaneous tropopause longwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic greenhouse gases (4)
  • instantaneous tropopause longwave clear-sky forcing due to total sulfate aerosol (1)
  • instantaneous tropopause shortwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic carbon dioxide (29)
  • instantaneous tropopause shortwave clear-sky forcing due to anthropogenic greenhouse gases (4)
  • instataneous flow out of main channel in cell (1)
  • integral of sea ice temperature wrt depth expressed as heat content (259)
  • integral with respect to depth of product of sea water density and potential temperature (20)
  • integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and potential temperature (60)
  • integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and prognostic salinity (45)
  • integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and prognostic temperature (6)
  • integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and salinity (60)
  • integral wrt depth of tendency of sea water alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent (260)
  • integral wrt depth of tendency of sea water alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent due to biological processes (298)
  • intercepted water (7)
  • interception (7)
  • internal stress term in force balance (x-component) (37)
  • internal stress term in force balance (y-component) (37)
  • internal urban building temperature (7)
  • interpolate gridtype (1)
  • interpolate nlat (1)
  • interpolate nlon (1)
  • interpolate output (1)
  • interpolate type (1)
  • intersite correlation (rbar) (2)
  • intra-annual extreme temperature range (117)
  • ion pair production rate by cosmic rays (2)
  • ion pair production rate by mee (2)
  • ion pair production rate by solar protons (2)
  • ipv index (1)
  • iron growth limitation of diazotrophs (60)
  • iron limitation of diazotrophs (10)
  • iron loss to sediments (10)
  • irrigated fraction of c3 annual crops (14)
  • irrigated fraction of c3 nitrogen-fixing crops (14)
  • irrigated fraction of c3 perennial crops (14)
  • irrigated fraction of c4 annual crops (14)
  • irrigated fraction of c4 perennial crops (14)
  • irrigation rate (1)
  • is subcol (1)
  • isccp cloud area fraction (339)
  • isccp cloud area fraction (joint histogram of optical thickness and cloud top pressure) (1)
  • isccp mean cloud albedo (8)
  • isccp mean cloud albedo (unweighted & daytime only) (1)
  • isccp mean cloud top pressure (5)
  • isccp mean cloud top pressure (unweighted, daytime only) (1)
  • isccp mean cloud top temperature (unweighted & daytime only) (1)
  • isccp total cloud fraction (3)
  • isccp total total cloud fraction (3)
  • kinetic energy at a depth of approximately 250 m (1)
  • kinetic energy at surface (1)
  • kvh (1)
  • kvm (1)
  • labile p to secondary mineral p (3)
  • lagrangian tendency of air pressure (8907)
  • lake layer ice fraction (1)
  • lake layer ice mass fraction (7)
  • lake layer node depth (7)
  • lake layer thickness (7)
  • lake temperature (8)
  • land/ocean mask (0.=ocean and 1.=land) (5)
  • land area fraction (2451)
  • land area fraction (19)
  • land fraction (7)
  • land ice area fraction (1185)
  • land ice calving flux (1)
  • land ice specific mass flux due to calving (1)
  • land ice surface specific mass balance flux (27)
  • land sea mask (1)
  • landcover change-driven addition to 10-yr wood product pool (3)
  • landcover change-driven addition to 100-yr wood product pool (3)
  • landm (1)
  • landunit active flag (1=active, 0=inactive) (1)
  • landunit index of corresponding column (1)
  • landunit index of corresponding pft (1)
  • landunit latitude (1)
  • landunit longitude (1)
  • landunit to gridpoint scale type (1)
  • landunit type (see global attributes) (1)
  • landunit weight relative to corresponding gridcell (1)
  • langmuir multiplier (1)
  • large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) (83)
  • large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) (82)
  • large scale precipitation amount (6)
  • large scale precipitation flux (4)
  • large scale rainfall flux (5)
  • large scale snowfall flux (10)
  • lat bounds (47)
  • latent heat flux at cell centers from coupler. positive into the ocean. (9)
  • lateral sea ice growth rate (13)
  • latitude (8508)
  • latitude bnds (3)
  • latitude boundaries of t cells (7583)
  • latitude location of cell centers in radians. (1)
  • latitude location of edge midpoints in radians. (1)
  • latitude location of vertices in radians. (1)
  • latitude longitude (2200)
  • latitude quadrature weights (normalized to sum to 2.0 on global grids) (28)
  • layer index (6)
  • layer thickness (10)
  • layer thickness tendency due to frazil processes (9)
  • layer thickness when the ocean is at rest, i.e. without ssh or internal perturbations. (1)
  • lcltod start (1)
  • lcltod stop (1)
  • leaf area index (2435)
  • leaf area index average over timestep (1)
  • leaf area index on land use tile (400)
  • leaf c (3)
  • leaf c allocation (3)
  • leaf c fire mortality to litter (3)
  • leaf c growth from storage (3)
  • leaf c litterfall (3)
  • leaf c loss (3)
  • leaf c mortality (3)
  • leaf c storage (3)
  • leaf c storage mortality (3)
  • leaf c transfer (3)
  • leaf c transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
  • leaf c transfer mortality (3)
  • leaf carbon content (493)
  • leaf growth respiration (3)
  • leaf growth respiration from storage (3)
  • leaf growth respiration to storage (3)
  • leaf maintenance respiration (3)
  • leaf n (3)
  • leaf n growth from storage (3)
  • leaf n litterfall (3)
  • leaf n mortality (3)
  • leaf n storage (3)
  • leaf n storage mortality (3)
  • leaf n transfer (3)
  • leaf n transfer mortality (3)
  • leaf np imbalance partial c partial p/partial c partial n (3)
  • leaf p (3)
  • leaf p growth from storage (3)
  • leaf p storage (3)
  • leaf p transfer (3)
  • length of each edge, computed as the distance between cellsonedge. (1)
  • length of each edge, computed as the distance between verticesonedge. (1)
  • levelicearea (1)
  • levelicevolume (1)
  • lhf (1)
  • lidar cloud fraction (532 nm) (8)
  • lidar high-level cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar high-level ice cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar high-level liquid cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar high-level undefined-phase cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar low-level cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar low-level ice cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar low-level liquid cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar low-level undefined-phase cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar mid-level cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar mid-level ice cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar mid-level liquid cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar mid-level undefined-phase cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar total cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar total ice cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar total liquid cloud fraction (29)
  • lidar total undefined-phase cloud fraction (29)
  • linoz data curr fname (1)
  • liq dynamic land cover change conversion runoff flux (7)
  • liquid cloud optical depth (10)
  • liquid water (1)
  • liquid water content of snow layer (108)
  • liquid water content of surface snow (240)
  • liquid water path after process: advected tracers in ac (53)
  • liquid water path after process: after surface coupling (53)
  • liquid water path after process: after tphysac call (53)
  • liquid water path after process: before tphysbc call (53)
  • liquid water path after process: deep convection (53)
  • liquid water path after process: diffusion, ac (53)
  • liquid water path after process: diffusion of aerosols (53)
  • liquid water path after process: final, after all processes (53)
  • liquid water path after process: gravity wave, ac (53)
  • liquid water path after process: initial, before processes (53)
  • liquid water path after process: macrophysics (53)
  • liquid water path after process: micro physics (53)
  • liquid water path after process: radiation (53)
  • liquid water path after process: rayleigh friction, ac (53)
  • liquid water path after process: shallow convection (53)
  • liquid water path after process: wet deposition (53)
  • list of cells that neighbor each cell. (1)
  • list of cells that share a vertex. (1)
  • list of cells that straddle each edge. (1)
  • list of edges that border each cell. (1)
  • list of edges that border each of the cells that straddle each edge. (1)
  • list of edges that share a vertex as an endpoint. (1)
  • list of global cell ids. (1)
  • list of global edge ids. (1)
  • list of global vertex ids. (1)
  • list of vertices that border each cell. (1)
  • list of vertices that straddle each edge. (1)
  • litr1 c (3)
  • litr1 c (vertically resolved) (3)
  • litr1 n (3)
  • litr1 n (vertically resolved) (3)
  • litr1 p (3)
  • litr1 p (vertically resolved) (3)
  • litr2 c (3)
  • litr2 c (vertically resolved) (3)
  • litr2 n (3)
  • litr2 n (vertically resolved) (3)
  • litr2 p (3)
  • litr2 p (vertically resolved) (3)
  • litr3 c (3)
  • litr3 c (vertically resolved) (3)
  • litr3 n (3)
  • litr3 n (vertically resolved) (3)
  • litr3 p (3)
  • litr3 p (vertically resolved) (3)
  • litter 1 c leaching loss (3)
  • litter 1 n tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • litter 1 p tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • litter 2 c leaching loss (3)
  • litter 2 n tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • litter 2 p tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • litter 3 c leaching loss (3)
  • litter 3 n tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • litter 3 p tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • litter c (3)
  • litter c heterotrophic respiration (3)
  • litter c loss (3)
  • litter carbon content (808)
  • litter carbon flux (745)
  • litter fire losses (3)
  • litter heterotrophic respiration (3)
  • litter mass content of carbon (360)
  • litter mass content of nitrogen (60)
  • litterfall (leaves and fine roots) (3)
  • live coarse root c (3)
  • live coarse root c fire mortality to litter (3)
  • live coarse root c growth from storage (3)
  • live coarse root c mortality (3)
  • live coarse root c storage (3)
  • live coarse root c storage mortality (3)
  • live coarse root c transfer (3)
  • live coarse root c transfer mortality (3)
  • live coarse root growth respiration (3)
  • live coarse root growth respiration from storage (3)
  • live coarse root growth respiration to storage (3)
  • live coarse root maintenance respiration (3)
  • live coarse root n (3)
  • live coarse root n growth from storage (3)
  • live coarse root n mortality (3)
  • live coarse root n storage (3)
  • live coarse root n storage mortality (3)
  • live coarse root n transfer (3)
  • live coarse root n transfer mortality (3)
  • live coarse root p (3)
  • live coarse root p growth from storage (3)
  • live coarse root p storage (3)
  • live coarse root p transfer (3)
  • live root c fire mortality to litter (3)
  • live root c transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
  • live stem c (3)
  • live stem c fire mortality to litter (3)
  • live stem c growth from storage (3)
  • live stem c mortality (3)
  • live stem c storage (3)
  • live stem c storage fire mortality to litter (3)
  • live stem c storage mortality (3)
  • live stem c transfer (3)
  • live stem c transfer fire mortality to litter (3)
  • live stem c transfer mortality (3)
  • live stem growth respiration (3)
  • live stem growth respiration from storage (3)
  • live stem growth respiration to storage (3)
  • live stem maintenance respiration (3)
  • live stem n (3)
  • live stem n growth from storage (3)
  • live stem n mortality (3)
  • live stem n storage (3)
  • live stem n storage mortality (3)
  • live stem n transfer (3)
  • live stem n transfer mortality (3)
  • live stem p (3)
  • live stem p growth from storage (3)
  • live stem p storage (3)
  • live stem p transfer (3)
  • lon bounds (47)
  • long descriptive names for fields (1)
  • long name (2)
  • longitude (10694)
  • longitude bnds (3)
  • longitude boundaries of t cells (7583)
  • longitude location of cell centers in radians. (1)
  • longitude location of edge midpoints in radians. (1)
  • longitude location of vertices in radians. (1)
  • longwave cloud forcing (82)
  • longwave heating rate (81)
  • loss from 1-yr crop product pool (3)
  • loss from 10-yr wood product pool (3)
  • loss from 100-yr wood product pool (3)
  • low cloud cover derived in priority order ga, gf, gd - see isd documentation. units are oktas (2)
  • lowest model level meridional wind (9)
  • lowest model level zonal wind (9)
  • lowest possible linoz level (29)
  • lw at toa (36)
  • lw downwelling at ground (36)
  • lwe thickness of precipitation amount (2)
  • lwe thickness of surface snow amount (7457)
  • lwe water evaporation rate (1570)
  • maintenance respiration (3)
  • marine organic aerosol burden (8)
  • mask denoting forest (1) or non-forest (0) (1)
  • mask for restoring region (5)
  • mass concentration of h2so4 in ambient aeroso (1)
  • mass concentration of ammonium dry aerosol in air (220)
  • mass concentration of biomass burning dry aerosol in air (292)
  • mass concentration of black carbon dry aerosol in air (2685)
  • mass concentration of calcareous phytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll in sea water (24)
  • mass concentration of diatoms expressed as chlorophyll in sea water (592)
  • mass concentration of diazotrophs expressed as chlorophyll in sea water (304)
  • mass concentration of dust dry aerosol in air (2663)
  • mass concentration of h2so4 in ambient aerosol (1)
  • mass concentration of h2so4 of ambient aerosol (1)
  • mass concentration of miscellaneous phytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll in sea water (592)
  • mass concentration of nitrate dry aerosol in air (220)
  • mass concentration of particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air (2114)
  • mass concentration of phytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll in sea water (1151)
  • mass concentration of picophytoplankton expressed as chlorophyll in sea water (103)
  • mass concentration of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air (469)
  • mass concentration of seasalt dry aerosol in air (2537)
  • mass concentration of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol in air (369)
  • mass concentration of sulfate dry aerosol in air (2685)
  • mass concentration of water in ambient aerosol in air (130)
  • mass content of carbon in vegetation and litter and soil and forestry and agricultural products (60)
  • mass content of nitrogen in vegetation and litter and soil and forestry and agricultural products (60)
  • mass content of water in soil (158)
  • mass content of water in soil layer (180)
  • mass flux due to disapperance of last snow layer (1)
  • mass flux of carbon into forestry and agricultural products due to crop harvesting (60)
  • mass flux of carbon out of soil due to leaching and runoff (60)
  • mass flux of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen out of litter and soil due to immobilisation and remineralization (60)
  • mass fraction of carbon dioxide tracer in air (60)
  • mass fraction of cloud ice (6)
  • mass fraction of cloud ice in air (4400)
  • mass fraction of cloud ice number of observations (1)
  • mass fraction of cloud ice standard error (1)
  • mass fraction of cloud liquid water (6)
  • mass fraction of cloud liquid water in air (4398)
  • mass fraction of convective cloud ice in air (83)
  • mass fraction of convective cloud liquid water in air (252)
  • mass fraction of methane in air (7)
  • mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air (112)
  • mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air (281)
  • mass fraction of water in air (5)
  • mass mixing ratio of ch4 (1)
  • mass mixing ration of co2 (1)
  • mass mixing ration of o3 (1)
  • mass of bc in snow column (7)
  • mass of bc in top snow layer (7)
  • mass of dust in snow column (7)
  • mass of dust in top snow layer (7)
  • mass of oc in snow column (7)
  • mass of oc in top snow layer (7)
  • mass of salt in sea ice per area (10)
  • mass of snow in top snow layer (7)
  • mass per unit area of frazil ice produced. reset to zero at each coupling interval (1)
  • mass per unit area of frazil ice produced under land ice. only computed when not coupled to a dynamic land-ice model. (1)
  • maximum 5-day precipitation total (94)
  • maximum 5 d precipitation total (23)
  • maximum annual active layer thickness (3)
  • maximum cfl number over the full domain (9)
  • maximum daily surface air temperature (1)
  • maximum global value of accumulatedlandicefrazilmass in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of accumulatedlandiceheat in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of accumulatedlandicemass in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of evaporationflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of highfreqthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of icerunoffflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of kineticenergy in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of landicefreshwaterflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of layerthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of layerthicknessedge on ocean edges. (9)
  • maximum global value of lowfreqdivergence in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of normalizedabsolutevorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • maximum global value of normalvelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • maximum global value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of previous step layerthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of rainflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of relativevorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • maximum global value of riverrunoffflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of salinityflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of salinityrestoringflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of seaicefreshwaterflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of snowflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of tangentialvelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • maximum global value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of temperatureflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of the montgomery potential in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of vertaletransporttop in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum global value of vertvelocitytop in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum number of consecutive dry days (117)
  • maximum prior year active layer thickness (3)
  • maximum reference height temperature over output period (12)
  • maximum screen temperature (36)
  • maximum shear of sea-ice velocity field (30)
  • maximum surface temperature over output period (82)
  • maximum vertical sum of accumulatedlandicefrazilmass in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of accumulatedlandiceheat in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of accumulatedlandicemass in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of evaporationflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of highfreqthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of icerunoffflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of kineticenergy in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of landicefreshwaterflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of layerthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of layerthicknessedge on ocean edges. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of lowfreqdivergence in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of normalizedabsolutevorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of normalvelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of previous step layerthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of rainflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of relativevorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of riverrunoffflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of salinityflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of salinityrestoringflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of seaicefreshwaterflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of snowflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of tangentialvelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of temperatureflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of the montgomery potential in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of vertaletransporttop in ocean cells. (9)
  • maximum vertical sum of vertvelocitytop in ocean cells. (9)
  • mdimnames (1)
  • mdims (1)
  • mean clear-sky infrared tb from isccp simulator (29)
  • mean cloud albedo*cldtot isccp (29)
  • mean cloud top pressure*cldtot isccp (29)
  • mean elevation on glacier elevation classes (1)
  • mean gridbox variance (sbar2) (2)
  • mean infrared tb from isccp simulator (29)
  • mean number of stations within gridbox (2)
  • mean optical thickness*cldtot isccp (29)
  • mean radius of aerosol (3)
  • mean sea level pressure (36)
  • medium soil pool carbon content (363)
  • mek anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • meridional (northward) component of wind stress at cell centers from coupler. positive northward. (9)
  • meridional bc a1 transport (53)
  • meridional complement (1)
  • meridional dst a1 transport (53)
  • meridional dst a3 transport (53)
  • meridional flux of zonal momentum (82)
  • meridional gradient of ssh reconstructed at cell centers (1)
  • meridional gravity wave surface stress (82)
  • meridional heat transport (82)
  • meridional ncl a1 transport (53)
  • meridional ncl a2 transport (53)
  • meridional ncl a3 transport (53)
  • meridional pom a1 transport (53)
  • meridional sea surface slope (1)
  • meridional so4 a1 transport (53)
  • meridional so4 a2 transport (53)
  • meridional so4 a3 transport (53)
  • meridional soa a1 transport (53)
  • meridional soa a2 transport (53)
  • meridional surface stress (90)
  • meridional surface velocity reconstructed at cell centers (1)
  • meridional velocity squared (82)
  • meridional water transport (82)
  • meridional wind (82)
  • meridional wind at 200 mbar pressure surface (8)
  • meridional wind at 200hpa (36)
  • meridional wind at 500hpa (36)
  • meridional wind at 850 mbar pressure surface (9)
  • meridional wind at 850hpa (36)
  • meridional wind component (39)
  • meridional wind stress (36)
  • mfilt (1)
  • mid cloud cover derived in priority order ga, gf, gd - see isd documentation. units are oktas (2)
  • mineral n flux for decomp. of litr1to soil1 (3)
  • mineral n flux for decomp. of litr2to soil2 (3)
  • mineral n flux for decomp. of litr3to soil3 (3)
  • mineral n flux for decomp. of soil1to soil2 (3)
  • mineral n flux for decomp. of soil2to soil3 (3)
  • mineral n flux for decomp. of soil3to soil4 (3)
  • mineral n flux for decomp. of soil4 (3)
  • mineral nitrogen in the soil (10)
  • mineral p flux for decomp. of litr1to soil1 (3)
  • mineral p flux for decomp. of litr2to soil2 (3)
  • mineral p flux for decomp. of litr3to soil3 (3)
  • mineral p flux for decomp. of soil1to soil2 (3)
  • mineral p flux for decomp. of soil2to soil3 (3)
  • mineral p flux for decomp. of soil3to soil4 (3)
  • mineral p flux for decomp. of soil4 (3)
  • minimum daily surface air temperature (1)
  • minimum depth of aragonite undersaturation in sea water (228)
  • minimum depth of calcite undersaturation in sea water (338)
  • minimum global value of accumulatedlandicefrazilmass in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of accumulatedlandiceheat in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of accumulatedlandicemass in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of evaporationflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of highfreqthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of icerunoffflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of kineticenergy in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of landicefreshwaterflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of layerthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of layerthicknessedge on ocean edges. (9)
  • minimum global value of lowfreqdivergence in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of normalizedabsolutevorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • minimum global value of normalvelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • minimum global value of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of previous step layerthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of rainflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of relativevorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • minimum global value of riverrunoffflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of salinityflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of salinityrestoringflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of seaicefreshwaterflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of snowflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of tangentialvelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • minimum global value of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of temperatureflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of the montgomery potential in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of vertaletransporttop in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum global value of vertvelocitytop in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum reference height temperature over output period (12)
  • minimum screen temperature (36)
  • minimum surface temperature over output period (82)
  • minimum vertical sum of accumulatedlandicefrazilmass in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of accumulatedlandiceheat in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of accumulatedlandicemass in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of enstrophy in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of evaporationflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of highfreqthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of icerunoffflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of kineticenergy in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of landicefreshwaterflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of layer thickness tendency due to frazil formation in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of layerthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of layerthicknessedge on ocean edges. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of lowfreqdivergence in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of normalizedabsolutevorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of normalvelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of pressure in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of previous step layerthickness in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of rainflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of relativevorticity on ocean vertices. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of riverrunoffflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of salinity in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of salinityflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of salinityrestoringflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of seaicefreshwaterflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of snowflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of tangentialvelocity on ocean edges. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of temperature in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of temperatureflux in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of the montgomery potential in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of vertaletransporttop in ocean cells. (9)
  • minimum vertical sum of vertvelocitytop in ocean cells. (9)
  • minus tendency of atmosphere mass content of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen due to deposition (60)
  • minus tendency of ocean mole content of elemental nitrogen due to denitrification and sedimentation (60)
  • minus tendency of ocean mole content of inorganic carbon due to sedimentation (60)
  • minus tendency of ocean mole content of iron due to sedimentation (60)
  • minus tendency of ocean mole content of organic carbon due to sedimentation (60)
  • miscellaneous living matter carbon content (287)
  • missing data fraction due to the effects of ground clutter and surface elevation (1)
  • mixed layer depth based on density threshold (10)
  • mixed layer depth based on temperature threshold (10)
  • mobilization flux at surface (29)
  • mobilization flux of marine organic matter at surface (29)
  • model level number (250)
  • model levels (3820)
  • model time, with format 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' (1)
  • modis cloud area fraction (29)
  • modis cloud ice water path*climodis (29)
  • modis cloud liquid water path*clwmodis (29)
  • modis cloud top pressure*cltmodis (29)
  • modis high level cloud fraction (29)
  • modis ice cloud fraction (29)
  • modis ice cloud optical thickness*climodis (29)
  • modis ice cloud optical thickness (log10 mean)*climodis (29)
  • modis ice cloud particle size*climodis (29)
  • modis liquid cloud fraction (29)
  • modis liquid cloud optical thickness*clwmodis (29)
  • modis liquid cloud optical thickness (log10 mean)*clwmodis (29)
  • modis liquid cloud particle size*clwmodis (29)
  • modis low level cloud fraction (29)
  • modis mid level cloud fraction (29)
  • modis total cloud fraction (29)
  • modis total cloud optical thickness*cltmodis (29)
  • modis total cloud optical thickness (log10 mean)*cltmodis (29)
  • moisture (dryness) inhibition of decomposition (3)
  • moisture content of soil layer (7336)
  • moisture in upper portion of soil column (450)
  • mole (1806)
  • mole concentration of ammonium in sea water (571)
  • mole concentration of aragonite expressed as carbon in sea water (70)
  • mole concentration of aragonite expressed as carbon in sea water at saturation (226)
  • mole concentration of bacteria expressed as carbon in sea water (33)
  • mole concentration of calcareous phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (24)
  • mole concentration of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water (642)
  • mole concentration of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water at saturation (629)
  • mole concentration of carbonate expressed as carbon at equilibrium with pure calcite in sea water (60)
  • mole concentration of carbonate expressed as carbon in sea water (809)
  • mole concentration of carbonate ion in equilibrium with pure calcite in sea water (10)
  • mole concentration of diatoms expressed as carbon in sea water (580)
  • mole concentration of diazotrophs expressed as carbon in sea water (164)
  • mole concentration of dimethyl sulfide in sea water (125)
  • mole concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water (1109)
  • mole concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphorus in sea water (60)
  • mole concentration of dissolved inorganic silicon in sea water (120)
  • mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water (899)
  • mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water (210)
  • mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at saturation (180)
  • mole concentration of dissolved molecular oxygen in sea water at shallowest local minimum in vertical profile (348)
  • mole concentration of dissolved organic carbon in sea water (685)
  • mole concentration of mesozooplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (342)
  • mole concentration of microzooplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (342)
  • mole concentration of miscellaneous phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (650)
  • mole concentration of miscellaneous zooplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (34)
  • mole concentration of molecular oxygen in sea water (1)
  • mole concentration of nitrate in sea water (1179)
  • mole concentration of organic detritus expressed as carbon in sea water (1026)
  • mole concentration of particulate matter expressed as silicon in sea water (776)
  • mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as iron in sea water (758)
  • mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as nitrogen in sea water (679)
  • mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as phosphorus in sea water (327)
  • mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as silicon in sea water (60)
  • mole concentration of phosphate in sea water (546)
  • mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (1207)
  • mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as iron in sea water (749)
  • mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as nitrogen in sea water (425)
  • mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as phosphorus in sea water (257)
  • mole concentration of phytoplankton expressed as silicon in sea water (562)
  • mole concentration of picophytoplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (103)
  • mole concentration of silicate in sea water (690)
  • mole concentration of zooplankton expressed as carbon in sea water (970)
  • mole fraction of brox (15)
  • mole fraction of bry (15)
  • mole fraction of c-c4f8 (36)
  • mole fraction of c2f6 (36)
  • mole fraction of c3f8 (36)
  • mole fraction of c4f10 (36)
  • mole fraction of c5f12 (36)
  • mole fraction of c6f14 (36)
  • mole fraction of c7f16 (36)
  • mole fraction of c8f18 (36)
  • mole fraction of carbon dioxide in air (269)
  • mole fraction of carbon monoxide in air (4)
  • mole fraction of carbon tetrachloride in air (47)
  • mole fraction of carbon tetrafluoride in air (5)
  • mole fraction of cf4 (36)
  • mole fraction of cfc-11-eq (37)
  • mole fraction of cfc-12-eq (36)
  • mole fraction of cfc113 in air (179)
  • mole fraction of cfc114 in air (47)
  • mole fraction of cfc115 in air (47)
  • mole fraction of cfc11 in air (179)
  • mole fraction of cfc12 in air (179)
  • mole fraction of ch2cl2 (36)
  • mole fraction of ch3ccl3 (36)
  • mole fraction of ch4 (6)
  • mole fraction of chcl3 (36)
  • mole fraction of chloroform in air (5)
  • mole fraction of clox (9)
  • mole fraction of cly (15)
  • mole fraction of co (15)
  • mole fraction of dichloromethane in air (5)
  • mole fraction of dimethyl sulfide in air (694)
  • mole fraction of halon1211 in air (47)
  • mole fraction of halon1301 in air (47)
  • mole fraction of halon2402 in air (47)
  • mole fraction of hcc140a in air (5)
  • mole fraction of hcfc141b in air (47)
  • mole fraction of hcfc142b in air (47)
  • mole fraction of hcfc22 in air (179)
  • mole fraction of hcl (9)
  • mole fraction of hfc-125 (36)
  • mole fraction of hfc-134a (36)
  • mole fraction of hfc-134a-eq (36)
  • mole fraction of hfc-143a (36)
  • mole fraction of hfc-152a (36)
  • mole fraction of hfc-227ea (36)
  • mole fraction of hfc-23 (36)
  • mole fraction of hfc-236fa (36)
  • mole fraction of hfc-245fa (36)
  • mole fraction of hfc-32 (36)
  • mole fraction of hfc-365mfc (36)
  • mole fraction of hfc-43-10mee (36)
  • mole fraction of hfc125 in air (5)
  • mole fraction of hfc134a in air (5)
  • mole fraction of hfc143a in air (5)
  • mole fraction of hfc152a in air (5)
  • mole fraction of hfc227ea in air (5)
  • mole fraction of hfc236fa in air (5)
  • mole fraction of hfc23 in air (5)
  • mole fraction of hfc245fa in air (5)
  • mole fraction of hfc32 in air (5)
  • mole fraction of hfc365mfc in air (5)
  • mole fraction of hfc4310mee in air (5)
  • mole fraction of hno3 (6)
  • mole fraction of methane in air (1026)
  • mole fraction of methyl bromide in air (47)
  • mole fraction of methyl chloride in air (47)
  • mole fraction of n2o (6)
  • mole fraction of nf3 (36)
  • mole fraction of nitrogen dioxide in air (6)
  • mole fraction of nitrogen monoxide in air (6)
  • mole fraction of nitrogen trifluoride in air (5)
  • mole fraction of nitrous oxide in air (1024)
  • mole fraction of no (6)
  • mole fraction of no2 (6)
  • mole fraction of nox (15)
  • mole fraction of o3 (6)
  • mole fraction of o3 in air (166)
  • mole fraction of oh (15)
  • mole fraction of ozone in air (1947)
  • mole fraction of pfc116 in air (5)
  • mole fraction of pfc218 in air (5)
  • mole fraction of pfc318 in air (5)
  • mole fraction of sf6 (36)
  • mole fraction of so2 (9)
  • mole fraction of so2f2 (36)
  • mole fraction of so4 (9)
  • mole fraction of sulfur dioxide in air (694)
  • mole fraction of sulfur hexafluoride in air (5)
  • mole fraction of sulfuryl fluoride in air (5)
  • mole fraction of water vapor in air (10)
  • moles of cfc11 per unit mass in sea water (5)
  • moles per unit mass of cfc11 in sea water (22)
  • mom a1 (1)
  • mom a1 concentration (8)
  • mom a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • mom a1 in bottom layer (29)
  • mom a1 seasalt surface emission (29)
  • mom a1 surface flux (29)
  • mom a2 (1)
  • mom a2 concentration (8)
  • mom a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom a2 in bottom layer (29)
  • mom a2 seasalt surface emission (29)
  • mom a2 surface flux (29)
  • mom a3 (1)
  • mom a3 concentration (8)
  • mom a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom a3 in bottom layer (29)
  • mom a3 surface flux (29)
  • mom a4 (1)
  • mom a4 concentration (8)
  • mom a4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom a4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • mom a4 in bottom layer (29)
  • mom a4 seasalt surface emission (29)
  • mom a4 surface flux (29)
  • mom c1 (1)
  • mom c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • mom c2 (1)
  • mom c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • mom c3 (1)
  • mom c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • mom c4 (1)
  • mom c4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • mom c4 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • month of gregorian calendar (3)
  • month starting from 1850 01 (1)
  • mosart direct discharge into ocean: ice (2)
  • mosart direct discharge into ocean: liq (2)
  • mosart input direct to ocean runoff: ice (2)
  • mosart input direct to ocean runoff: liq (2)
  • mosart input gwl runoff: ice (2)
  • mosart input gwl runoff: liq (2)
  • mosart input subsurface runoff: ice (2)
  • mosart input subsurface runoff: liq (2)
  • mosart input surface runoff: ice (2)
  • mosart input surface runoff: liq (2)
  • mosart river basin flow: ice (2)
  • mosart river basin flow: liq (2)
  • mosart river discharge into ocean: ice (2)
  • mosart river discharge into ocean: liq (2)
  • mosart storage: ice (2)
  • mosart storage: liq (2)
  • mosart total discharge into ocean: ice (2)
  • mosart total discharge into ocean: liq (2)
  • n2o volume mixing ratio (94)
  • n flux required to support initial gpp (3)
  • n limitation factor (3)
  • n pool mortality due to fire (3)
  • natural grass fraction (400)
  • ncl a1 (1)
  • ncl a1 concentration (8)
  • ncl a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • ncl a1 in bottom layer (82)
  • ncl a1 seasalt surface emission (29)
  • ncl a1 squared (53)
  • ncl a1 surface flux (29)
  • ncl a2 (1)
  • ncl a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • ncl a2 in bottom layer (82)
  • ncl a2 seasalt surface emission (29)
  • ncl a2 squared (53)
  • ncl a2 surface flux (29)
  • ncl a3 (1)
  • ncl a3 concentration (8)
  • ncl a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • ncl a3 in bottom layer (82)
  • ncl a3 seasalt surface emission (29)
  • ncl a3 squared (53)
  • ncl a3 surface flux (29)
  • ncl c1 (1)
  • ncl c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • ncl c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • ncl c2 (1)
  • ncl c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • ncl c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • ncl c3 (1)
  • ncl c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • ncl c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • ncprec (1)
  • ndens (1)
  • near-surface air temperature (675)
  • near-surface relative humidity (4)
  • near-surface specific humidity (25)
  • near-surface wind speed (400)
  • near surface (~2m) dew point depression anomaly (2)
  • near surface (~2m) dew point depression climatology (2)
  • near surface (~2m) dew point depression standard deviation (2)
  • near surface (~2m) dew point temperature anomaly (2)
  • near surface (~2m) relative humidity anomaly (2)
  • near surface (~2m) specific humidity anomaly (2)
  • near surface (~2m) vapour pressure anomaly (2)
  • near surface (~2m) wet bulb temperature anomaly (2)
  • near surface temperature anomaly (100)
  • nee minus land use flux, negative for update (3)
  • net biome production, includes fire, landuse, and harvest flux, positive for sink (3)
  • net carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to land use change (412)
  • net carbon mass flux out of atmosphere due to net ecosystem productivity on land (400)
  • net change in total water mass (7)
  • net conductive heat fluxes in ice at the bottom (40)
  • net downward radiative flux at top of atmosphere model (3856)
  • net downward shortwave flux at sea water surface (3002)
  • net downward shortwave flux in air (167)
  • net downward shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (149)
  • net downward shortwave radiation at sea water surface (9)
  • net ecosystem exchange of carbon, includes fire, landuse, harvest, and hrv xsmrpool flux, positive for source (3)
  • net ecosystem production, excludes fire, landuse, and harvest flux, positive for sink (3)
  • net heat flux into lake/snow surface, excluding light transmission (7)
  • net infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
  • net longwave flux at surface (84)
  • net longwave flux at top of model (83)
  • net nitrogen release from soil and litter as the outcome of nitrogen immobilisation and gross mineralisation (10)
  • net primary mole productivity of biomass expressed as carbon by diazotrophs (60)
  • net primary mole productivity of biomass expressed as carbon by phytoplankton (60)
  • net primary mole productivity of carbon by calcareous phytoplankton (17)
  • net primary mole productivity of carbon by diatoms (289)
  • net primary mole productivity of carbon by diazotrophs (61)
  • net primary mole productivity of carbon by miscellaneous phytoplankton (289)
  • net primary mole productivity of carbon by phytoplankton (542)
  • net primary mole productivity of carbon by picophytoplankton (51)
  • net primary mole productivity of carbon due to nitrate utilization (283)
  • net primary production (3)
  • net primary production on grass tiles (410)
  • net primary production on shrub tiles (410)
  • net primary production on tree tiles (410)
  • net primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon (300)
  • net primary productivity of carbon (1338)
  • net primary productivity of carbon accumulated in leaves (236)
  • net primary productivity of carbon accumulated in roots (236)
  • net primary productivity of carbon accumulated in wood (236)
  • net primary productivity on land-use tile (10)
  • net primary productivity on land use tile (400)
  • net rate of absorption of shortwave energy in ocean layer (80)
  • net rate of n mineralization (3)
  • net rate of p mineralization (3)
  • net shortwave radiation (1)
  • net shortwave radiation penetrating into ice and ocean (1)
  • net snow melt (1)
  • net solar flux at surface (84)
  • net solar flux at top of atmosphere (84)
  • net solar flux at top of model (83)
  • net upward longwave flux in air (154)
  • net upward longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (148)
  • newlyformedice (4)
  • nfils (1)
  • nflds (1)
  • nfpath (1)
  • nh3 aircraft anthropogenic emissions (8)
  • nh3 anthropogenic aircraft emissions (2)
  • nh3 anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • nh3 open burning sector shares (9)
  • nh3 solid biofuel anthropogenic emissions - supplemental data (1)
  • nh3 total open burning emissions (9)
  • nhfil (1)
  • nitrification flux (3)
  • nitrification n2o flux (3)
  • nitrogen gm (4)
  • nitrogen loss to sediments and through denitrification (10)
  • nitrogen mass content of forestry and agricultural products (60)
  • nitrogen mass flux into forestry and agricultural products due to anthropogenic land use or land cover change (60)
  • nitrogen mass flux out of land due to any human activity (10)
  • nitrogen mass in litter pool (10)
  • nitrogen mass in products of land-use change (10)
  • nitrogen mass in soil pool (10)
  • nitrogen mass in vegetation (10)
  • nitrogen production (10)
  • nmvoc aircraft anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • nmvoc anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • nmvoc open burning sector shares (9)
  • nmvoc solid biofuel anthropogenic emissions - supplemental data (1)
  • nmvoc total open burning emissions (9)
  • no of days with precipitaiton greater than or equal to 10 mm/day (23)
  • northward acceleration due to non-orographic gravity wave drag (20)
  • northward acceleration due to orographic gravity wave drag (10)
  • northward atmosphere dry static energy transport across unit distance (30)
  • northward atmosphere water transport across unit distance (30)
  • northward heat transport at locations defined at the binboundarymerheattrans coordinates. (9)
  • northward heat transport at locations defined at the binboundarymerheattrans coordinates by vertical level. (9)
  • northward momentum flux correction (1)
  • northward near-surface wind (4)
  • northward neutral wind (89)
  • northward ocean heat transport (3272)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to bolus advection (341)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to diffusion (209)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to gyre (86)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to overturning (1185)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized eddy advection (70)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized mesoscale advection (10)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized mesoscale diffusion (10)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized mesoscale eddy advection (60)
  • northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized mesoscale eddy diffusion (60)
  • northward ocean salt transport (2606)
  • northward ocean salt transport due to diffusion (8)
  • northward ocean salt transport due to gyre (8)
  • northward ocean salt transport due to overturning (28)
  • northward sea ice transport (9)
  • northward sea ice velocity (324)
  • northward sea water velocity (262)
  • northward transformed eulerian mean air velocity (52)
  • northward wind (54999)
  • nox aircraft anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • nox anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • nox open burning sector shares (9)
  • nox solid biofuel anthropogenic emissions - supplemental data (1)
  • nox total open burning emissions (9)
  • npvcf1 (1)
  • num a1 (1)
  • num a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num a1 dust surface emission (29)
  • num a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • num a1 in bottom layer (82)
  • num a1 surface flux (29)
  • num a2 (1)
  • num a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num a2 in bottom layer (82)
  • num a2 surface flux (29)
  • num a3 (1)
  • num a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num a3 dust surface emission (29)
  • num a3 in bottom layer (82)
  • num a3 surface flux (29)
  • num a4 (1)
  • num a4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num a4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • num a4 in bottom layer (29)
  • num a4 surface flux (29)
  • num c1 (1)
  • num c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • num c2 (1)
  • num c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • num c3 (1)
  • num c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • num c4 (1)
  • num c4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • num c4 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • number concentration of ambient aerosol in air (472)
  • number concentration of cloud liquid water particles in air (857)
  • number concentration of cloud liquid water particles in air at liquid water cloud top (944)
  • number concentration of ice crystals in air (564)
  • number concentration of ice crystals in air at ice cloud top (411)
  • number of canopy layers (1)
  • number of canopy layers, above snow for radiative transfer (1)
  • number of cloudsat profiles contributing to the calculation (1)
  • number of consecutive days with air temperature above threshold (56)
  • number of consecutive days with air temperature below threshold (56)
  • number of days between two periods with air temperature above and below threshold (56)
  • number of days for which precipitation rate exceeds 10 mm/day (94)
  • number of days with air temperature above or equal threshold (56)
  • number of days with air temperature above threshold (1480)
  • number of days with air temperature below threshold (1480)
  • number of days with lwe thickness of precipitation amount above or equal threshold (816)
  • number of days with lwe thickness of precipitation amount below threshold (272)
  • number of dry day periods (precipitation<corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (124)
  • number of dry days (precipitation<corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (1208)
  • number of edges that border each cell. (1)
  • number of edges that surround each of the cells that straddle each edge. these edges are used to reconstruct the tangential velocities. (1)
  • number of heavy precipitation days (precipitation>=corrected thr#eshold equivalent to 10mm) (182)
  • number of heavy precipitation days (precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 10mm) (1026)
  • number of irrigation time steps left (1)
  • number of misr samples (1)
  • number of periods with precipitation above equal threshold (56)
  • number of periods with precipitation below threshold (616)
  • number of snow layers (1)
  • number of time steps on file (1)
  • number of very heavy precipitation days (precipitation>=correcte#d threshold equivalent to 20mm) (524)
  • number of very heavy precipitation days (precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (1208)
  • number of very heavy precipitation days (precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 20mm) (684)
  • number of wet day periods (precipitation>=corrected threshold equivalent to 1mm) (684)
  • numice (1)
  • numlev (1)
  • numliq (1)
  • numrai (1)
  • numsno (1)
  • o2 decomp depth unsat (3)
  • o2 soil concentration for inundated / lake area (3)
  • o2 soil concentration for non-inundated area (3)
  • o3 (1)
  • o3 aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
  • o3 concentration (28)
  • o3 in bottom layer (29)
  • o3 surface flux (29)
  • observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a iec1 class turbine (1)
  • observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a iec2 class turbine (1)
  • observed tercile of wind power capacity factor for a iec3 class turbine (1)
  • oc aircraft anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • oc anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • oc open burning sector shares (9)
  • oc solid biofuel anthropogenic emissions - supplemental data (1)
  • oc total open burning emissions (9)
  • occurence of freezing rain exceeding 10mm/24h (19)
  • occurence of freezing rain exceeding 25mm/24h (19)
  • ocean barotropic mass streamfunction (2266)
  • ocean barotropic streamfunction (216)
  • ocean boundary layer depth (1)
  • ocean frazil production (1)
  • ocean grid mask (7583)
  • ocean heat x transport (1372)
  • ocean heat x transport due to bolus advection (741)
  • ocean heat x transport due to diffusion (738)
  • ocean heat y transport (1372)
  • ocean heat y transport due to bolus advection (745)
  • ocean heat y transport due to diffusion (740)
  • ocean input data: chla (29)
  • ocean input data: mlip (29)
  • ocean input data: mpoly (29)
  • ocean input data: mprot (29)
  • ocean kinetic energy dissipation per unit area due to vertical friction (16)
  • ocean kinetic energy dissipation per unit area due to xy friction (16)
  • ocean mass content of dissolved inorganic carbon (513)
  • ocean mass content of dissolved organic carbon (60)
  • ocean mass content of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon (60)
  • ocean mass x transport (3379)
  • ocean mass y transport (3378)
  • ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction (7419)
  • ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction due to bolus advection (3374)
  • ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction due to parameterized mesoscale advection (10)
  • ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction due to parameterized mesoscale eddy advection (60)
  • ocean meridional overturning streamfunction (227)
  • ocean mixed layer thickness (31)
  • ocean mixed layer thickness defined by mixing scheme (2494)
  • ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t (14414)
  • ocean momentum xy biharmonic diffusivity (11)
  • ocean momentum xy laplacian diffusivity (16)
  • ocean temperature at 250 m (1)
  • ocean temperature at bottom (1)
  • ocean temperature at top layer (1)
  • ocean tracer bolus laplacian diffusivity (20)
  • ocean tracer epineutral laplacian diffusivity (16)
  • ocean vertical heat diffusivity (98)
  • ocean vertical momentum diffusivity (24)
  • ocean vertical momentum diffusivity due to background (16)
  • ocean vertical momentum diffusivity due to tides (11)
  • ocean vertical salt diffusivity (98)
  • ocean vertical tracer diffusivity due to background (16)
  • ocean vertical tracer diffusivity due to tides (15)
  • ocean volume (702)
  • ocean y overturning mass streamfunction (1280)
  • ocean y overturning mass streamfunction due to bolus advection (1202)
  • oceanstresscellu (1)
  • oceanstresscellv (1)
  • ocphidry (1)
  • ocphodry (1)
  • offset (1)
  • offshore wind capacity factor (46)
  • omega (1)
  • omega (=dp/dt) (3)
  • one-sided leaf area index, no burying by snow (1)
  • one-sided leaf area index, with burying by snow (1)
  • one-sided stem area index, no burying by snow (1)
  • one-sided stem area index, with burying by snow (1)
  • onshore wind capacity factor (46)
  • optical depth (15)
  • output on 2d grid format (true) or vector format (false) (1)
  • oxygen gm (4)
  • ozone column above (29)
  • ozone vmr loss by pscs using carille et al. (1990) (29)
  • ozone vmr tendency by linearized ozone chemistry (29)
  • p flux available from retranslocation pool (3)
  • p flux required to support initial gpp (3)
  • p limitation factor (3)
  • p pool mortality due to fire (3)
  • parasol reflectance (10)
  • particulate organic carbon content (10)
  • patch-level fire loss (3)
  • pbl depth (36)
  • pbl height (82)
  • pblh (1)
  • pbuf time idx (1)
  • penetrative temperature flux at the surface due to solar radiation. positive is into the ocean. (9)
  • percent of annual total precipitation due to events exceeding the 1961-1990 95th percentile (94)
  • percent of incoming solar absorbed by lower snow layers (7)
  • percent of time tmin > the 90th percentile value of daily minimum temperature (94)
  • percentage cover by c3 crops (400)
  • percentage cover by c4 crops (400)
  • percentage of bc emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of bc emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of bc emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of bc emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of bc emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of bc emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c10h16 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of c10h16 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c10h16 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of c10h16 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of c10h16 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of c10h16 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h2 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of c2h2 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h2 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of c2h2 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h2 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h2 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h4 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of c2h4 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h4 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of c2h4 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h4 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h4 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h4o emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of c2h4o emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h4o emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of c2h4o emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h4o emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h4o emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h5oh emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of c2h5oh emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h5oh emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of c2h5oh emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h5oh emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h5oh emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h6 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of c2h6 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h6 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of c2h6 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h6 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h6 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h6s emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of c2h6s emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h6s emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of c2h6s emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h6s emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of c2h6s emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c3h6 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of c3h6 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c3h6 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of c3h6 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of c3h6 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of c3h6 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c3h6o emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of c3h6o emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c3h6o emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of c3h6o emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of c3h6o emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of c3h6o emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c3h8 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of c3h8 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c3h8 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of c3h8 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of c3h8 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of c3h8 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c5h8 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of c5h8 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c5h8 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of c5h8 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of c5h8 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of c5h8 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c6h6 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of c6h6 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c6h6 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of c6h6 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of c6h6 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of c6h6 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c7h8 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of c7h8 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c7h8 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of c7h8 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of c7h8 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of c7h8 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c8h10 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of c8h10 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of c8h10 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of c8h10 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of c8h10 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of c8h10 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of ch2o emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of ch2o emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of ch2o emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of ch2o emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of ch2o emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of ch2o emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of ch3cocho emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of ch3cocho emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of ch3cocho emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of ch3cocho emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of ch3cocho emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of ch3cocho emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of ch3cooh emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of ch3cooh emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of ch3cooh emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of ch3cooh emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of ch3cooh emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of ch3cooh emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of ch3oh emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of ch3oh emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of ch3oh emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of ch3oh emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of ch3oh emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of ch3oh emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of ch4 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of ch4 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of ch4 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of ch4 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of ch4 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of ch4 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of co emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of co emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of co emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of co emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of co emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of co emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of days when tmax < 10th percentile (684)
  • percentage of days when tmax > 90th percentile (684)
  • percentage of h2 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of h2 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of h2 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of h2 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of h2 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of h2 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of hcn emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of hcn emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of hcn emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of hcn emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of hcn emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of hcn emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of hcooh emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of hcooh emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of hcooh emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of hcooh emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of hcooh emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of hcooh emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of higher alkanes emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of higher alkanes emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of higher alkanes emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of higher alkanes emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of higher alkanes emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of higher alkanes emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of higher alkenes emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of higher alkenes emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of higher alkenes emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of higher alkenes emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of higher alkenes emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of higher alkenes emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of hoch2cho emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of hoch2cho emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of hoch2cho emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of hoch2cho emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of hoch2cho emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of hoch2cho emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of mek emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of mek emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of mek emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of mek emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of mek emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of mek emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of n2o emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of n2o emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of n2o emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of n2o emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of n2o emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of n2o emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of nh3 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of nh3 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of nh3 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of nh3 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of nh3 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of nh3 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of nmvoc bulk emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of nmvoc bulk emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of nmvoc bulk emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of nmvoc bulk emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of nmvoc bulk emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of nmvoc bulk emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of nox emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of nox emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of nox emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of nox emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of nox emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of nox emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of oc emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of oc emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of oc emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of oc emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of oc emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of oc emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of so2 emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of so2 emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of so2 emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of so2 emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of so2 emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of so2 emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • percentage of the grid cell occupied by lake (1)
  • percentage of toluene lump emissions related to agricultural waste burning (1)
  • percentage of toluene lump emissions related to boreal forest fires (1)
  • percentage of toluene lump emissions related to fires used in deforestation (1)
  • percentage of toluene lump emissions related to peat fires (1)
  • percentage of toluene lump emissions related to savanna, grassland, and shrubland fires (1)
  • percentage of toluene lump emissions related to temperate forest fires (1)
  • perched water table depth (1)
  • perched water table depth (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • perched wt drainage (7)
  • period of precipitation report (2)
  • pft active flag (1=active, 0=inactive) (1)
  • pft column type (see global attributes) (1)
  • pft landunit type (see global attributes) (1)
  • pft latitude (1)
  • pft longitude (1)
  • pft real/fake mask (0.=fake and 1.=real) (7)
  • pft to column scale type (1)
  • pft vegetation type (1)
  • pft weight relative to corresponding column (1)
  • pft weight relative to corresponding gridcell (1)
  • pft weight relative to corresponding landunit (1)
  • phis (1)
  • phosphorus production (49)
  • photosynthesis (7)
  • photosynthetically active radiation (6)
  • photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 1 (48)
  • photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 2 (47)
  • photovoltaic capacity factor : formula 3 (47)
  • photovoltaic capacity factor averaged by country (1)
  • plant carbon flux to cwd (3)
  • plant nitrogen flux to cwd (3)
  • plant phosphorus flux to cwd (3)
  • plant pool of retranslocated n (3)
  • plant pool of retranslocated p (3)
  • plant respiration carbon flux (1350)
  • plant respiration on land-use tile (10)
  • plant respiration on land use tile (400)
  • plant uptake of soil mineral n (3)
  • plant uptake of soil mineral p (3)
  • plev bnds (27)
  • pom a1 (1)
  • pom a1 concentration (8)
  • pom a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • pom a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • pom a1 in bottom layer (82)
  • pom a1 squared (53)
  • pom a1 surface flux (29)
  • pom a3 (1)
  • pom a3 concentration (8)
  • pom a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • pom a3 in bottom layer (29)
  • pom a3 surface flux (29)
  • pom a4 (1)
  • pom a4 concentration (8)
  • pom a4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • pom a4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • pom a4 in bottom layer (29)
  • pom a4 surface flux (29)
  • pom aerosol burden (61)
  • pom c1 (1)
  • pom c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • pom c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • pom c3 (1)
  • pom c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • pom c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • pom c4 (1)
  • pom c4 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • pom c4 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • pondarea (1)
  • ponddepth (1)
  • pondlidmeltfluxfraction (1)
  • pondlidthickness (1)
  • pondsnowdepthdifference (1)
  • potential denitrification flux (3)
  • potential density: density displaced adiabatically to the mid-depth of top layer (9)
  • potential evapotranspiration (6)
  • potential n immobilization (3)
  • potential nitrification flux (3)
  • potential p immobilization (3)
  • potential temperature (10)
  • potential temperature extrapolated to ocean surface (1)
  • potential temperature tendency due to horizontal advection (9)
  • potential temperature tendency due to kpp non-local flux (9)
  • potential temperature tendency due to penetrating shortwave (9)
  • potential temperature tendency due to surface fluxes (9)
  • potential temperature tendency due to vertical advection (9)
  • potential temperature tendency due to vertical mixing (9)
  • prc (4)
  • precipitation (3347)
  • precipitation flux (47399)
  • precipitation flux onto canopy (3054)
  • precipitation standard error (2)
  • precpitation amount from wet days above threshold (112)
  • prer evap (1)
  • prescraero randn seed (1)
  • pressure (5494)
  • pressure at the sea surface due to sea ice. (1)
  • pressure at the sea surface due to the atmosphere. (1)
  • previous radiation nstep (1)
  • primary mineral p to labile p (3)
  • primary organic carbon production by all types of phytoplankton (10)
  • product-limited photosynthesis (7)
  • profile weight to recover global mean (4)
  • prognostic co2 at the lowest model level (1)
  • prognostic in-cloud ice mixing ratio (82)
  • prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio (82)
  • projection lambert (1)
  • projection x coordinate (1)
  • projection y coordinate (1)
  • ps (1)
  • q (1)
  • q-flux (11)
  • q tendency due to moist processes (82)
  • qflx evap soi + qflx evap can + qflx tran veg (3)
  • qist (1)
  • qlst (1)
  • qm1 (1)
  • qrl (1)
  • qrs (1)
  • rad clubb (1)
  • radiation wavelength (6)
  • rainfall flux (2597)
  • rainqm (1)
  • ram1 (29)
  • rate of melt at sea ice base (22)
  • rate of melt at upper surface of sea ice (22)
  • realization (14697)
  • reconstructed spectral solar irradiance at 1 au (3)
  • reconstructed total solar irradiance at 1 au (3)
  • reconstruction weights associated with each of the edgesonedge. (1)
  • reference date (1)
  • reference depth of ocean for each vertical level. used in 'z-level' type runs. (1)
  • reference height humidity (89)
  • reference height relative humidity (4)
  • reference height temperature (91)
  • reference pressure (98)
  • reference time of day (1)
  • reflected solar radiation (7)
  • region (608)
  • relative humidity (15054)
  • relative vorticity at cell centers at a depth of approximately 250 m (1)
  • relvar (1)
  • remineralization of organic carbon (10)
  • remote sensing forest loss remaining (1)
  • residual mean vert wstarbar (52)
  • restart history filename (1)
  • retranslocated n pool mortality (3)
  • rgnht (1)
  • ridged ice cell fraction (9)
  • ridged ice cell volume (9)
  • rinfw (1)
  • river channel main channel water storage (7)
  • river channel main channel water volume (1)
  • river channel total water storage (7)
  • river channel total water volume (1)
  • river discharge (36)
  • root carbon content (487)
  • root depth (351)
  • root respiration (fine root mr + total root gr) (3)
  • root zone soil moisture (10)
  • rst calendar (1)
  • rst curr tod (1)
  • rst curr ymd (1)
  • rst nstep (1)
  • rst perp cal int (1)
  • rst perp ymd (1)
  • rst ref tod (1)
  • rst ref ymd (1)
  • rst start tod (1)
  • rst start ymd (1)
  • rst step days (1)
  • rst step sec (1)
  • rst stop tod (1)
  • rst stop ymd (1)
  • rtm (1)
  • rtp2 nadv (1)
  • rtpthlp nadv (1)
  • rubisco-limited photosynthesis (7)
  • rubp-limited photosynthesis (7)
  • runmean n limitation factor (3)
  • runmean p limitation factor (3)
  • runoff (50)
  • runoff (runoff) (1)
  • runoff flux (16211)
  • runoff from river flooding (7)
  • runoff grid area (2)
  • runoff mask (2)
  • rural 2m air temperature (7)
  • rural 2m height surface air temperature (1)
  • rural 2m specific humidity (7)
  • rural absorbed solar radiation (7)
  • rural daily maximum of average 2-m temperature (7)
  • rural daily maximum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (k) (1)
  • rural daily minimum of average 2-m temperature (7)
  • rural daily minimum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (k) (1)
  • rural emitted infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
  • rural ground temperature (8)
  • rural heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt and snow light transmission (7)
  • rural instantaneous daily max of average 2 m height surface air temp (k) (1)
  • rural instantaneous daily min of average 2 m height surface air temp (k) (1)
  • rural net infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
  • rural sensible heat (7)
  • rural snow melt heat flux (7)
  • rural solar rad penetrating top soil or snow layer (7)
  • rural total evaporation (7)
  • rural total runoff (7)
  • salinity (10)
  • salinity associated with accumulatedfrazilicemass. reset to zero at each coupling interval (1)
  • salinity at 250 m (1)
  • salinity at bottom (1)
  • salinity at top layer (1)
  • salinity extrapolated to ocean surface (1)
  • salinity tendency due to horizontal advection (9)
  • salinity tendency due to kpp non-local flux (9)
  • salinity tendency due to surface fluxes (9)
  • salinity tendency due to vertical advection (9)
  • salinity tendency due to vertical mixing (9)
  • salt flux into sea water from rivers (115)
  • sampling seq (1)
  • saturated hydraulic conductivity (7)
  • saturated soil matric potential (7)
  • saturated soil water content (porosity) (7)
  • saturation excess drainage (7)
  • screen temperature (36)
  • sea-ice area flux through straits (10)
  • sea-ice heat content per unit area (10)
  • sea-ice mass change from dynamics (10)
  • sea-ice mass change from thermodynamics (10)
  • sea area fraction (721)
  • sea floor depth (2)
  • sea floor depth below geoid (969)
  • sea ice albedo (516)
  • sea ice amount (204)
  • sea ice and surface snow amount (2573)
  • sea ice area (200)
  • sea ice area flux through straits (30)
  • sea ice area fraction (15871)
  • sea ice area transport across line (60)
  • sea ice basal pressure (1)
  • sea ice concentration (9)
  • sea ice extent (200)
  • sea ice flag (6)
  • sea ice freeboard (100)
  • sea ice heat flux at cell centers from coupler. positive into the ocean. (9)
  • sea ice mass content of salt (90)
  • sea ice salinity (108)
  • sea ice salinity flux at cell centers from coupler. positive into the ocean. (9)
  • sea ice speed (155)
  • sea ice surface temperature (872)
  • sea ice temperature expressed as heat content (90)
  • sea ice thickness (16097)
  • sea ice transport across line (895)
  • sea ice volume (200)
  • sea ice x transport (2228)
  • sea ice x velocity (4230)
  • sea ice y transport (2231)
  • sea ice y velocity (4230)
  • sea level pressure (818)
  • sea surface height (10)
  • sea surface height above geoid (8019)
  • sea surface height adjusted by sea surface pressure (10)
  • sea surface salinity (5433)
  • sea surface temperature (18356)
  • sea water age since surface contact (155)
  • sea water alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent (1015)
  • sea water convervative temperature (30)
  • sea water mass (3023)
  • sea water mass per unit area (880)
  • sea water ph reported on total scale (926)
  • sea water potential density (2642)
  • sea water potential temperature (16756)
  • sea water potential temperature at sea floor (70)
  • sea water pressure at sea floor (2761)
  • sea water pressure at sea water surface (61)
  • sea water salinity (14881)
  • sea water salinity at sea floor (70)
  • sea water temperature (14)
  • sea water transport across line (1138)
  • sea water volume (1775)
  • sea water x velocity (16170)
  • sea water y velocity (16158)
  • seasalt aerosol burden (61)
  • seasurfacetemperature (1)
  • secondary mean age (14)
  • secondary mineral p to labile p (3)
  • secondary mineral p to occluded p (3)
  • seconds component of timestep size (1)
  • seconds of base date (94)
  • seconds of base day (94)
  • sensible heat (7)
  • sensible heat flux at cell centers from coupler. positive into the ocean. (9)
  • sensible heat flux from heating/cooling sources of urban waste heat (7)
  • sensible heat flux put into canyon due to heat removed from air conditioning (7)
  • sensible heat from ground (7)
  • sensible heat from veg (7)
  • sensible heat not including correction for land use change (7)
  • sgh (1)
  • sgh30 (1)
  • shaded canopy scaling coefficient (1)
  • shaded leaf photosynthesis (3)
  • shaded projected leaf area index (7)
  • shallow conv. cloudbase level index (29)
  • shallow conv. cloudbase vertical velocity (29)
  • shallow conv. column-max updraft mass flux (29)
  • shallow convection time fraction (699)
  • shf (1)
  • short wave flux at cell centers from coupler. positive into the ocean. (9)
  • shortwave cloud forcing (82)
  • shortwave radiative flux on the vertical biology grid per category (3)
  • shortwaveirdiffusedown (1)
  • shortwaveirdirectdown (1)
  • shortwavescalingfactor (1)
  • shortwavevisiblediffusedown (1)
  • shortwavevisibledirectdown (1)
  • shrub fraction (400)
  • significant height of wind and swell waves (1)
  • simple daily intensity index (23)
  • simple daily precipitation index (94)
  • simulationstarttime (1)
  • single scattering albedo in air due to ambient aerosol particles (1)
  • sinking mole flux of aragonite expressed as carbon in sea water (57)
  • sinking mole flux of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water (907)
  • sinking mole flux of particulate iron in sea water (500)
  • sinking mole flux of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water (907)
  • sinking mole flux of particulate organic nitrogen in sea water (123)
  • sinking mole flux of particulate organic phosphorus in sea water (18)
  • sinking mole flux of particulate silicon in sea water (790)
  • size of second dimension (1)
  • size of wavelength bin (3)
  • slope of soil water retention curve (7)
  • slow soil pool carbon content (241)
  • smoothed sunspot number (3)
  • snow-ice formation rate (22)
  • snow/sea ice broadband albedo (12)
  • snow albedo (diffuse) (0 to 1) (1)
  • snow albedo (direct) (0 to 1) (1)
  • snow amount (302)
  • snow area fraction (203)
  • snow cover fraction (414)
  • snow depth (1)
  • snow depth (liquid water) (43)
  • snow depth over ice (82)
  • snow height of snow covered area (7)
  • snow ice (7)
  • snow interface depth (1)
  • snow layer depth (1)
  • snow layer dust species 1 mass (1)
  • snow layer dust species 2 mass (1)
  • snow layer dust species 3 mass (1)
  • snow layer dust species 4 mass (1)
  • snow layer effective radius (1)
  • snow layer flux absorption factors (diffuse, nir) (1)
  • snow layer flux absorption factors (diffuse, vis) (1)
  • snow layer flux absorption factors (direct, nir) (1)
  • snow layer flux absorption factors (direct, vis) (1)
  • snow layer hydrophilic black carbon mass (1)
  • snow layer hydrophilic organic carbon mass (1)
  • snow layer hydrophobic black carbon mass (1)
  • snow layer hydrophobic organic carbon mass (1)
  • snow layer ice freezing rate (1)
  • snow layer thickness (1)
  • snow liquid water (7)
  • snow mass flux through straits (40)
  • snow mass rate of change through advection by sea-ice dynamics (10)
  • snow melt (243)
  • snow melt heat flux (7)
  • snow melt rate (9)
  • snow sinks (liquid water) (7)
  • snow sources (liquid water) (7)
  • snow temperature (12)
  • snow transport across line due to sea ice dynamics (60)
  • snow water (1)
  • snow water equivalent (14)
  • snow water equivalent intercepted by the vegetation (10)
  • snowenthalpy (1)
  • snowfall flux (16827)
  • snowfallrate (1)
  • snowqm (1)
  • snowvolumecategory (1)
  • so2 (1)
  • so2 aircraft anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • so2 anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • so2 aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
  • so2 concentration (28)
  • so2 in bottom layer (82)
  • so2 open burning sector shares (9)
  • so2 solid biofuel anthropogenic emissions - supplemental data (1)
  • so2 surface flux (29)
  • so2 total open burning emissions (9)
  • so2 wet deposition (29)
  • so4 a1 (1)
  • so4 a1 concentration (8)
  • so4 a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • so4 a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • so4 a1 in bottom layer (82)
  • so4 a1 squared (53)
  • so4 a1 surface flux (29)
  • so4 a2 (1)
  • so4 a2 concentration (8)
  • so4 a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • so4 a2 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • so4 a2 in bottom layer (82)
  • so4 a2 squared (53)
  • so4 a2 surface flux (29)
  • so4 a3 (1)
  • so4 a3 concentration (8)
  • so4 a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • so4 a3 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • so4 a3 in bottom layer (82)
  • so4 a3 squared (53)
  • so4 a3 surface flux (29)
  • so4 aqueous phase chemistry due to h2o2 (4)
  • so4 aqueous phase chemistry due to o3 (4)
  • so4 c1 (1)
  • so4 c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • so4 c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • so4 c2 (1)
  • so4 c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • so4 c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • so4 c3 (1)
  • so4 c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • so4 c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • soa a1 (1)
  • soa a1 concentration (8)
  • soa a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • soa a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • soa a1 in bottom layer (82)
  • soa a1 squared (53)
  • soa a1 surface flux (29)
  • soa a2 (1)
  • soa a2 concentration (8)
  • soa a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • soa a2 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • soa a2 in bottom layer (82)
  • soa a2 squared (53)
  • soa a2 surface flux (29)
  • soa a3 (1)
  • soa a3 concentration (8)
  • soa a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • soa a3 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • soa a3 in bottom layer (29)
  • soa a3 surface flux (29)
  • soa aerosol burden (61)
  • soa c1 (1)
  • soa c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • soa c1 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • soa c2 (1)
  • soa c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • soa c2 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • soa c3 (1)
  • soa c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb) (29)
  • soa c3 wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • soag (1)
  • soag aqueous chemistry (for gas species) (29)
  • soag gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency (29)
  • soag in bottom layer (82)
  • soag surface flux (29)
  • soil-snow temperature (1)
  • soil/lake energy conservation error (7)
  • soil1 c (3)
  • soil1 c (vertically resolved) (3)
  • soil1 n (3)
  • soil1 n (vertically resolved) (3)
  • soil1 p (3)
  • soil1 p (vertically resolved) (3)
  • soil2 c (3)
  • soil2 c (vertically resolved) (3)
  • soil2 n (3)
  • soil2 n (vertically resolved) (3)
  • soil2 p (3)
  • soil2 p (vertically resolved) (3)
  • soil3 c (3)
  • soil3 c (vertically resolved) (3)
  • soil3 n (3)
  • soil3 n (vertically resolved) (3)
  • soil3 p (3)
  • soil3 p (vertically resolved) (3)
  • soil4 c (3)
  • soil4 c (vertically resolved) (3)
  • soil4 n (3)
  • soil4 n (vertically resolved) (3)
  • soil4 p (3)
  • soil4 p (vertically resolved) (3)
  • soil 1 c leaching loss (3)
  • soil 1 n tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil 1 p tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil 2 c leaching loss (3)
  • soil 2 n tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil 2 p tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil 3 c leaching loss (3)
  • soil 3 n tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil 3 p tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil 4 c leaching loss (3)
  • soil 4 n tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil 4 p tendency due to vertical transport (3)
  • soil albedo (direct) (0 to 1) (1)
  • soil albedo (indirect) (0 to 1) (1)
  • soil c (3)
  • soil c heterotrophic respiration (3)
  • soil c loss (3)
  • soil carbon content (1382)
  • soil depth (7)
  • soil erodibility factor (29)
  • soil frozen water content (6431)
  • soil heat content (7)
  • soil heterotrophic respiration on land-use tile (10)
  • soil heterotrophic respiration on land use tile (400)
  • soil ice (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • soil labile p (3)
  • soil labile p (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil liquid water (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • soil liquid water + ice in top 10cm of soil (veg landunits only) (7)
  • soil mass content of carbon (420)
  • soil mass content of inorganic nitrogen expressed as nitrogen (60)
  • soil mass content of nitrogen (60)
  • soil mineral n (3)
  • soil mineral nh4 (3)
  • soil mineral nh4 (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil mineral no3 (3)
  • soil mineral no3 (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil mineral p (3)
  • soil mineral p (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil mineral p pool loss to leaching (3)
  • soil moisture content (24895)
  • soil moisture content at field capacity (756)
  • soil moisture saturation point (8)
  • soil moisture wilting point (8)
  • soil no3 pool loss to leaching (3)
  • soil no3 pool loss to runoff (3)
  • soil occluded p (3)
  • soil occluded p (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil organic matter fire losses (3)
  • soil organic matter heterotrophic respiration (3)
  • soil pressure (1)
  • soil primary p (3)
  • soil primary p (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil secondary p (3)
  • soil secondary p (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil solution p (3)
  • soil solution p (vert. res.) (3)
  • soil temperature (4643)
  • soil temperature (ice landunits only) (7)
  • soil temperature (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • soil temperature in top 10cm of soil (7)
  • soil thickness (7)
  • soil water as frac. of whc for top 0.05 m (3)
  • soil water potential in each soil layer (3)
  • solar capacity factor (46)
  • solar cycle number (2)
  • solar cycle phase (2)
  • solar downwelling at ground (36)
  • solar heating rate (81)
  • solar in at toa (36)
  • solar insolation (82)
  • solar irradiance (3)
  • solar irradiance per unit wavelength (3)
  • solar out at toa (36)
  • solar rad absorbed by ground (7)
  • solar rad absorbed by veg (7)
  • solar radiation conservation error (7)
  • solar zenith angle (6)
  • solar zenith angle in linoz (29)
  • solarzenithanglecosine (1)
  • solid angle subtended by gridcell (28)
  • solid precipitation (6)
  • soll (1)
  • solld (1)
  • sols (1)
  • solsd (1)
  • solvevelocityprevious (1)
  • soot content of surface snow (633)
  • source of data (1)
  • specific algal growth rate per grid cell (3)
  • specific humidity (32929)
  • specific humidity after process: advected tracers in ac (53)
  • specific humidity after process: after surface coupling (53)
  • specific humidity after process: after tphysac call (53)
  • specific humidity after process: before tphysbc call (53)
  • specific humidity after process: deep convection (53)
  • specific humidity after process: diffusion, ac (53)
  • specific humidity after process: diffusion of aerosols (53)
  • specific humidity after process: final, after all processes (53)
  • specific humidity after process: gravity wave, ac (53)
  • specific humidity after process: initial, before processes (53)
  • specific humidity after process: macrophysics (53)
  • specific humidity after process: micro physics (53)
  • specific humidity after process: radiation (53)
  • specific humidity after process: rayleigh friction, ac (53)
  • specific humidity after process: shallow convection (53)
  • specific humidity after process: wet deposition (53)
  • specific humidity at 200hpa (36)
  • specific humidity at 850hpa (36)
  • spectral truncation parameter k (53)
  • spectral truncation parameter m (53)
  • spectral truncation parameter n (53)
  • speed = sqrt(2*ke), where kinetic energy is computed from barotropic velocity = sum(h*u)/sum(h) over the full depth of an edge (1)
  • speed = sum(h*sqrt(2*ke)), where ke is kineticenergycell and the sum is over the full column at cell centers. (10)
  • square of brunt vaisala frequency in sea water (70)
  • square of exch. coeff (tracers) (1)
  • square of ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t (661)
  • square of sea surface height above geoid (1003)
  • square of sea surface salinity (80)
  • square of sea surface temperature (2420)
  • square of upward ocean mass transport (1741)
  • start date (1)
  • start time of day (1)
  • static ener ac (1)
  • station reports of past significant weather phenomena (2)
  • steady state ozone in linoz (29)
  • stokes drift depth (1)
  • stokes drift u component (1)
  • stokes drift v component (1)
  • storage p pool mortality (3)
  • stored vegetation carbon, excluding cpool (3)
  • stored vegetation nitrogen (3)
  • stored vegetation phosphorus (3)
  • strain rate divergence of sea ice (215)
  • stratiform cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (111)
  • stratiform cloud longwave emissivity (2)
  • stratospheric aerosol optical depth at 550nm (6)
  • stratospheric radiative heating rate (6)
  • stratus liquid cloud fraction (53)
  • stress-equivalent wind at 10 m u-component (1)
  • stress-equivalent wind at 10 m v-component (1)
  • stress11var (1)
  • stress12var (1)
  • stress22var (1)
  • sub-surface drainage (7)
  • subsurface litter carbon content (197)
  • subsurface runoff (6)
  • subsurface runoff flux (210)
  • sulfate aerosol burden (61)
  • sulfate aod@550nm (3)
  • sum of aerosol water of interstitial modes wat a1+wat a2+wat a3+wat a4 (29)
  • sum of bc mass concentration bc a1+bc c1+bc a3+bc c3+bc a4+bc c4 (29)
  • sum of dst mass concentration dst a1+dst c1+dst a3+dst c3 (29)
  • sum of mom mass concentration mom a1+mom c1+mom a2+mom c2+mom a3+mom c3+mom a4+mom c4 (29)
  • sum of ncl mass concentration ncl a1+ncl c1+ncl a2+ncl c2+ncl a3+ncl c3 (29)
  • sum of pom mass concentration pom a1+pom c1+pom a3+pom c3+pom a4+pom c4 (29)
  • sum of region mask, represents total number of cells in region (9)
  • sum of so4 mass concentration so4 a1+so4 c1+so4 a2+so4 c2+so4 a3+so4 c3 (29)
  • sum of soa mass concentration soa a1+soa c1+soa a2+soa c2+soa a3+soa c3 (29)
  • sum of the areacell variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
  • sum of the areaedge variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
  • sum of the areatriangle variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
  • sum of the volumecell variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
  • sum of the volumeedge variable over the full domain, used to normalize global statistics (9)
  • sum value of mask within region volume (should always be greater than 0 for valid layer) (9)
  • sum value of mask within region volume (should always be greater than 0 for valid volumes) (9)
  • sunlit canopy scaling coefficient (1)
  • sunlit fraction for canopy layer (1)
  • sunlit fraction of canopy (1)
  • sunlit leaf photosynthesis (3)
  • sunlit projected leaf area index (7)
  • sunshine hours (36)
  • supplemental n supply (3)
  • supplemental p supply (3)
  • surface air pressure (13715)
  • surface air temperature (15)
  • surface albedo (5944)
  • surface albedo (diffuse) (0 to 1) (1)
  • surface albedo (direct) (0 to 1) (1)
  • surface altitude (2850)
  • surface area-weighted average of downwelling long wave heat flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of evaporation in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of ice run off in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of latent heat flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of meridional wind stress in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of net surface fresh water flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of net surface heat flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of net surface salinity flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of rain flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of river run off in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of sea-surface height (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of sea ice energy in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of sea ice heat flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of sea ice melt rate in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of sea ice salinity flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of sea surface pressure in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of sensible heat flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of short wave heat flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of snow flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of surface boundary layer depth in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of surface salinity flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of surface salinity in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of surface temperature flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of surface temperature in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of surface thickness flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of upwelling long wave heat flux in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of wind stress magnitude in each region (9)
  • surface area-weighted average of zonal wind stress in each region (9)
  • surface area density of aerosol (1)
  • surface area density of ambient aerosol (2)
  • surface area density of big ambient aerosol (3)
  • surface carbon dioxide partial pressure difference between sea water and air (436)
  • surface diffuse downwelling shortwave flux in air (1821)
  • surface diffuse downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (1091)
  • surface direct downwelling shortwave radiation (4)
  • surface dissolved oxygen concentration at saturation (10)
  • surface downward co2 flux (9)
  • surface downward diffuse shortwave radiation (7)
  • surface downward eastward stress (9924)
  • surface downward eastward wind stress (5)
  • surface downward heat flux in sea water (2603)
  • surface downward heat flux in snow (1532)
  • surface downward latent heat flux (1380)
  • surface downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon (689)
  • surface downward mole flux of molecular oxygen (423)
  • surface downward northward stress (9926)
  • surface downward northward wind stress (5)
  • surface downward sensible heat flux (2026)
  • surface downward x stress (7858)
  • surface downward x stress correction (94)
  • surface downward y stress (7857)
  • surface downward y stress correction (94)
  • surface downwelling clear-sky longwave radiation (7)
  • surface downwelling longwave flux in air (25118)
  • surface downwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (6360)
  • surface downwelling longwave radiation (406)
  • surface downwelling shortwave flux in air (35258)
  • surface downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (7063)
  • surface downwelling shortwave radiation (407)
  • surface downwelling shortwave radiation (diffuse) (6)
  • surface emissivity (221)
  • surface energy conservation error (7)
  • surface fraction velocity in ocean (1)
  • surface geopotential (134)
  • surface latent heat flux (83)
  • surface litter carbon content (197)
  • surface longwave emissivity (4)
  • surface mask (0=invalid and 1=valid) (2)
  • surface mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as silicon in sea water (10)
  • surface molecular oxygen partial pressure difference between sea water and air (318)
  • surface net downward longwave flux (13913)
  • surface net downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to all land processes (1099)
  • surface net downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to all land processes excluding anthropogenic land use change (831)
  • surface net downward shortwave flux (9572)
  • surface net upward longwave flux (1)
  • surface net upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from anthropogenic land use change (912)
  • surface partial pressure of carbon dioxide in sea water (454)
  • surface pressure (91)
  • surface pressure forcing due to weight of frazil ice (1)
  • surface rainfall rate into the sea ice portion of the grid cell (22)
  • surface roughness length (1)
  • surface runoff (407)
  • surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only), wetlands, lakes (7)
  • surface runoff flux (7817)
  • surface saturation specific humidity in ocean (1)
  • surface sensible heat flux (83)
  • surface snow amount (10040)
  • surface snow amount where land (42)
  • surface snow and ice melt heat flux (1)
  • surface snow and ice sublimation flux (6251)
  • surface snow area fraction (7621)
  • surface snow area fraction where land (42)
  • surface snow melt (400)
  • surface snow melt flux (9385)
  • surface snow melt flux where land (42)
  • surface snow melt heat flux (1)
  • surface snow thickness (13389)
  • surface snowfall rate into the sea ice portion of the grid cell (27)
  • surface temperature (19965)
  • surface temperature (radiative) (90)
  • surface temperature of sea ice (22)
  • surface tracer conductance (3)
  • surface upward carbon mass flux due to plant respiration for biomass growth (450)
  • surface upward carbon mass flux due to plant respiration for biomass maintenance (411)
  • surface upward heat flux in air (2)
  • surface upward latent heat flux (30110)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from crop harvesting (325)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from fires excluding anthropogenic land use change (809)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from grazing (109)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from natural sources (693)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to heterotrophic respiration (300)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to plant respiration (300)
  • surface upward mass flux of carbon due to heterotrophic respiration in soil (60)
  • surface upward mass flux of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen (60)
  • surface upward mass flux of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen due to all land processes excluding fires (60)
  • surface upward mass flux of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen due to emission from fires (60)
  • surface upward mass flux of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen out of vegetation and litter and soil (60)
  • surface upward mass flux of nitrous oxide expressed as nitrogen out of vegetation and litter and soil (60)
  • surface upward mole flux of dimethyl sulfide (118)
  • surface upward sensible heat flux (30648)
  • surface upward water vapor flux in air (6)
  • surface upwelling longwave flux in air (14990)
  • surface upwelling longwave radiation (408)
  • surface upwelling shortwave flux in air (16658)
  • surface upwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (6987)
  • surface upwelling shortwave radiation (406)
  • surface vapor pressure (130)
  • surface water (1)
  • surface water depth (7)
  • surface water flux (82)
  • surface water runoff (7)
  • surface water storage at hillslopes in cell (1)
  • surface water temperature (8)
  • surface wind speed (2)
  • surfacetemperature (1)
  • symbiotic/asymbiotic n fixation to soil mineral n (3)
  • t (1)
  • t grid center latitude (7583)
  • t grid center longitude (7583)
  • t tendency - moist processes (82)
  • t ttend (1)
  • t vertical diffusion (53)
  • tau bnds (15)
  • temperature (82)
  • temperature after process: advected tracers in ac (53)
  • temperature after process: after surface coupling (53)
  • temperature after process: after tphysac call (53)
  • temperature after process: before tphysbc call (53)
  • temperature after process: deep convection (53)
  • temperature after process: diffusion, ac (53)
  • temperature after process: diffusion of aerosols (53)
  • temperature after process: final, after all processes (53)
  • temperature after process: gravity wave, ac (53)
  • temperature after process: initial, before processes (53)
  • temperature after process: macrophysics (53)
  • temperature after process: micro physics (53)
  • temperature after process: radiation (53)
  • temperature after process: rayleigh friction, ac (53)
  • temperature after process: shallow convection (53)
  • temperature after process: wet deposition (53)
  • temperature at 200 mbar pressure surface (2)
  • temperature at 500 mbar pressure surface (2)
  • temperature at ice-ocean interface (30)
  • temperature at interface between sea ice and snow (9)
  • temperature flux due to evaporation expressed as heat flux out of sea water (434)
  • temperature flux due to rainfall expressed as heat flux into sea water (434)
  • temperature flux due to runoff expressed as heat flux into sea water (452)
  • temperature in surface snow (1778)
  • temperature inhibition of decomposition (3)
  • temperature of soil (400)
  • temperature tendency due to non-orographic gravity wave dissipation (10)
  • temperature tendency due to orographic gravity wave dissipation (10)
  • temporary photosynthate c pool (3)
  • temporary plant n pool (3)
  • temporary plant p pool (3)
  • tendency of air temperature (558)
  • tendency of air temperature due to advection (551)
  • tendency of air temperature due to boundary layer mixing (10)
  • tendency of air temperature due to convection (585)
  • tendency of air temperature due to diabatic processes (2)
  • tendency of air temperature due to longwave heating (30)
  • tendency of air temperature due to model physics (597)
  • tendency of air temperature due to radiative heating (577)
  • tendency of air temperature due to shortwave heating (30)
  • tendency of air temperature due to stratiform cloud and precipitation and boundary layer mixing (577)
  • tendency of air temperature due to stratiform clouds and precipitation (20)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of ammonia due to dry deposition (234)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of ammonia due to emission (234)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of ammonium dry aerosol due to dry deposition (234)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of ammonium dry aerosol due to wet deposition (211)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol due to dry deposition (1069)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol due to emission (1355)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of black carbon dry aerosol due to wet deposition (1046)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to anthropogenic emission (229)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from forestry and agricultural products (60)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from fossil fuel combustion (142)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dimethyl sulfide due to dry deposition (557)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dimethyl sulfide due to emission (1162)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dimethyl sulfide due to wet deposition (113)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol due to dry deposition (1351)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol due to emission (1351)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol due to wet deposition (1236)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of methane due to emission (7)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen due to anthropogenic emission (60)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to dry deposition (674)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to net chemical production and emission (858)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to wet deposition (674)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to dry deposition (303)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to emission (640)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of primary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to wet deposition (280)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol due to dry deposition (831)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol due to emission (987)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of seasalt dry aerosol due to wet deposition (808)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to dry deposition (234)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of secondary particulate organic matter dry aerosol due to wet deposition (211)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol due to dry deposition (2301)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate dry aerosol due to emission (804)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfate expressed as sulfur dry aerosol due to wet deposition (2214)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to dry deposition (2237)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to emission (1360)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to wet deposition (2214)
  • tendency of atmosphere mass content of water vapor due to sublimation of surface snow and ice (30)
  • tendency of atmosphere moles of nox expressed as nitrogen (7)
  • tendency of eastward wind due to nonorographic gravity wave drag (90)
  • tendency of eastward wind due to orographic gravity wave drag (80)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air (7)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air due to advection (16)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air due to autoconversion to rain (23)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air due to autoconversion to snow (7)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air due to boundary layer mixing (7)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air due to cloud microphysics (7)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air due to condensation and evaporation (23)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud condensed water in air due to icefall (23)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air (15)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to accretion to snow (7)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to advection (15)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to aggregation (7)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to bergeron findeisen process from cloud liquid (7)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to boundary layer mixing (15)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to cloud microphysics (7)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to convective detrainment (7)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to deposition and sublimation (22)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to evaporation of melting ice (14)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to heterogeneous nucleation from cloud liquid water (14)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to heterogeneous nucleation from water vapor (14)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to homogeneous nucleation (14)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to icefall (22)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to melting to cloud liquid water (7)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to melting to rain (22)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to riming from cloud liquid water (14)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air due to riming from rain (14)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air (15)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to accretion to rain (14)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to accretion to snow (14)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to advection (15)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to autoconversion (22)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to bergeron findeisen process to cloud ice (8)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to cloud microphysics (7)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to condensation and evaporation (31)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to convective detrainment (16)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to heterogeneous nucleation (15)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to homogeneous nucleation (15)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to melting from cloud ice (7)
  • tendency of mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air due to riming (15)
  • tendency of mole concentration of aragonite expressed as carbon in sea water due to biological production (31)
  • tendency of mole concentration of aragonite expressed as carbon in sea water due to dissolution (18)
  • tendency of mole concentration of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water due to biological production (338)
  • tendency of mole concentration of calcite expressed as carbon in sea water due to dissolution (320)
  • tendency of mole concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon in sea water due to biological processes (154)
  • tendency of mole concentration of dissolved inorganic iron in sea water due to biological processes (154)
  • tendency of mole concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in sea water due to biological processes (154)
  • tendency of mole concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphate in sea water due to biological processes (18)
  • tendency of mole concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphorus in sea water due to biological processes (70)
  • tendency of mole concentration of dissolved inorganic silicate in sea water due to biological processes (84)
  • tendency of mole concentration of dissolved inorganic silicon in sea water due to biological processes (70)
  • tendency of mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water due to dissolution from inorganic particles (31)
  • tendency of mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water due to grazing of phytoplankton (268)
  • tendency of mole concentration of dissolved iron in sea water due to scavenging by inorganic particles (97)
  • tendency of mole concentration of iron in sea water due to biological production (330)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to grazing of phytoplankton (120)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production (553)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production by diatoms (261)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production by diazotrophs (171)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production by miscellaneous phytoplankton (335)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to net primary production by picophytoplankton (31)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to nitrate utilization (261)
  • tendency of mole concentration of particulate organic matter expressed as carbon in sea water due to remineralization (60)
  • tendency of mole concentration of silicon in sea water due to biological production (338)
  • tendency of northward wind due to nonorographic gravity wave drag (60)
  • tendency of northward wind due to orographic gravity wave drag (60)
  • tendency of ocean eddy kinetic energy content due to bolus transport (16)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of aragonite expressed as carbon due to biological production (39)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of calcite expressed as carbon due to biological production (382)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of carbon due to runoff and sediment dissolution (39)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of carbon due to sedimentation (190)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic carbon (260)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic carbon due to biological processes (304)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic iron (149)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic iron due to biological processes (187)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (259)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic nitrogen due to biological processes (304)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (149)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic phosphorus due to biological processes (115)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic silicon (149)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of dissolved inorganic silicon due to biological processes (187)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of elemental nitrogen due to denitrification and sedimentation (79)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of elemental nitrogen due to deposition and fixation and runoff (109)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of elemental nitrogen due to fixation (429)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of inorganic carbon due to runoff and sediment dissolution (60)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of iron due to biological production (387)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of iron due to deposition and runoff and sediment dissolution (396)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of iron due to sedimentation (157)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of nitrogen due to biological production (60)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of organic carbon due to runoff and sediment dissolution (60)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of phosphorus due to biological production (60)
  • tendency of ocean mole content of silicon due to biological production (387)
  • tendency of ocean potential energy content (16)
  • tendency of ocean potential energy content due to background (16)
  • tendency of ocean potential energy content due to tides (11)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to basal melting (1124)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to congelation ice accumulation (942)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to conversion of snow to sea ice (30)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to frazil ice accumulation in leads (1034)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to lateral growth of ice floes (835)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to lateral melting (30)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to sea ice dynamics (90)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to sea ice thermodynamics (90)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to snow conversion (1218)
  • tendency of sea ice amount due to surface melting (1124)
  • tendency of sea ice area fraction due to dynamics (100)
  • tendency of sea ice area fraction due to ridging (185)
  • tendency of sea ice area fraction due to thermodynamics (100)
  • tendency of sea water alkalinity expressed as mole equivalent due to biological processes (154)
  • tendency of sea water potential temperature (6)
  • tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content (70)
  • tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized dianeutral mixing (10)
  • tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized eddy advection (70)
  • tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized eddy dianeutral mixing (60)
  • tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized mesoscale diffusion (10)
  • tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized mesoscale eddy diffusion (60)
  • tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content due to residual mean advection (70)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content (70)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized dianeutral mixing (10)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized eddy advection (70)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized eddy dianeutral mixing (60)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized mesoscale diffusion (10)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized mesoscale eddy diffusion (60)
  • tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to residual mean advection (70)
  • tendency of soil and vegetation mass content of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen due to fixation (60)
  • tendency of specific humidity (556)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to advection (552)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to boundary layer mixing (10)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to convection (571)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to diffusion (479)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to model physics (579)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to stratiform cloud and precipitation and boundary layer mixing (575)
  • tendency of specific humidity due to stratiform clouds and precipitation (10)
  • tendency of surface snow amount due to conversion of snow to sea ice (30)
  • tendency of surface snow amount due to sea ice dynamics (90)
  • tendency of vegetation mass content of nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen due to fixation (60)
  • teout (1)
  • test average after process: advected tracers in ac (53)
  • test average after process: after surface coupling (53)
  • test average after process: after tphysac call (53)
  • test average after process: before tphysbc call (53)
  • test average after process: deep convection (53)
  • test average after process: diffusion, ac (53)
  • test average after process: diffusion of aerosols (53)
  • test average after process: final, after all processes (53)
  • test average after process: gravity wave, ac (53)
  • test average after process: initial, before processes (53)
  • test average after process: macrophysics (53)
  • test average after process: micro physics (53)
  • test average after process: radiation (53)
  • test average after process: rayleigh friction, ac (53)
  • test average after process: shallow convection (53)
  • test average after process: wet deposition (53)
  • the value of the moc streamfunction for each latitude-bin (first dimension) and depth (second dimension) (9)
  • thermal energy content of surface snow (100)
  • theta difference 700 mb - 1000 mb (29)
  • theta on pv +/- 2 surface (50)
  • thickness of lake ice (including physical expansion on freezing) (7)
  • thlm (1)
  • thlp2 nadv (1)
  • throughfall (7)
  • time (225)
  • time-lagged inundated fraction of vegetated columns (3)
  • time-lagged surface runoff for soil columns (3)
  • time 0 bnds (4)
  • time bnds (1)
  • time elapsed since the start of the forecast (8)
  • time filtered meridional gradient of ssh (1)
  • time filtered zonal gradient of ssh (1)
  • time since simulationstarttime, for plotting (10)
  • time step (9)
  • time tendency of layer thickness (9)
  • time tendency of potential temperature (9)
  • time tendency of salinity measured as change in practical salinity units per second (9)
  • time written (102)
  • timemonthly avg airtemperature (12)
  • timemonthly avg bareicealbedocell (3)
  • timemonthly avg basalicemelt (12)
  • timemonthly avg congelation (12)
  • timemonthly avg dayssincestartofsim (12)
  • timemonthly avg divergence (12)
  • timemonthly avg firstyeariceareacell (12)
  • timemonthly avg frazilformation (12)
  • timemonthly avg freezingmeltingpotential (12)
  • timemonthly avg iceagecell (12)
  • timemonthly avg iceagetendencythermodynamics (12)
  • timemonthly avg iceagetendencytransport (12)
  • timemonthly avg iceareacell (12)
  • timemonthly avg iceareatendencythermodynamics (12)
  • timemonthly avg iceareatendencytransport (12)
  • timemonthly avg iceenthalpycell (3)
  • timemonthly avg icepressure (12)
  • timemonthly avg icesalinitycell (3)
  • timemonthly avg icevolumecell (12)
  • timemonthly avg icevolumetendencythermodynamics (12)
  • timemonthly avg icevolumetendencytransport (12)
  • timemonthly avg lateralicemelt (12)
  • timemonthly avg leveliceareacell (12)
  • timemonthly avg levelicevolumecell (12)
  • timemonthly avg longwavedown (12)
  • timemonthly avg oceanfreshwaterflux (12)
  • timemonthly avg oceanheatflux (12)
  • timemonthly avg oceansaltflux (12)
  • timemonthly avg oceanshortwaveflux (12)
  • timemonthly avg pondalbedocell (3)
  • timemonthly avg pondareacell (3)
  • timemonthly avg principalstress1var (12)
  • timemonthly avg principalstress2var (12)
  • timemonthly avg seasurfacesalinity (12)
  • timemonthly avg seasurfacetemperature (12)
  • timemonthly avg shear (12)
  • timemonthly avg shortwavedown (12)
  • timemonthly avg shortwavescalingfactor (12)
  • timemonthly avg snowalbedocell (3)
  • timemonthly avg snowiceformation (12)
  • timemonthly avg snowmelt (12)
  • timemonthly avg snowthicknesschange (3)
  • timemonthly avg snowvolumecell (12)
  • timemonthly avg surfaceicemelt (12)
  • timemonthly avg surfacetemperaturecell (12)
  • timemonthly avg uairvelocity (12)
  • timemonthly avg vairvelocity (12)
  • timemonthly counter (21)
  • timestep (94)
  • timestep fractional area burned (3)
  • tke (1)
  • tlai increment for canopy layer (1)
  • tm1 (1)
  • toa adjusted longwave forcing (30)
  • toa adjusted longwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • toa adjusted shortwave forcing (39)
  • toa adjusted shortwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • toa bidirectional reflectance (825)
  • toa incoming shortwave flux (13228)
  • toa instantaneous longwave forcing (32)
  • toa instantaneous longwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • toa instantaneous shortwave forcing (32)
  • toa instantaneous shortwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • toa net downward radiative flux (541)
  • toa outgoing clear-sky, aerosol-free shortwave radiation (30)
  • toa outgoing clear-sky longwave radiation (7)
  • toa outgoing clear-sky shortwave radiation (2)
  • toa outgoing longwave flux (29613)
  • toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky (7106)
  • toa outgoing longwave radiation (407)
  • toa outgoing shortwave flux (12566)
  • toa outgoing shortwave flux assuming clear sky (6441)
  • toa outgoing shortwave radiation (402)
  • toluene-lump anthropogenic emissions (18)
  • top-of-atmosphere upward shortwave radiation (1)
  • top lake layer eddy conductivity (1)
  • top lake level eddy thermal conductivity (7)
  • total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) (16)
  • total (vertically integrated) meridional mse flux (29)
  • total (vertically integrated) meridional water flux (36)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water (89)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: advected tracers in ac (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: after surface coupling (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: after tphysac call (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: before tphysbc call (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: deep convection (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: diffusion, ac (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: diffusion of aerosols (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: final, after all processes (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: gravity wave, ac (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: initial, before processes (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: macrophysics (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: micro physics (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: radiation (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: rayleigh friction, ac (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: shallow convection (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) precipitable water after process: wet deposition (53)
  • total (vertically integrated) zonal mse flux (29)
  • total (vertically integrated) zonal water flux (36)
  • total aboveground vegetation carbon, excluding cpool (3)
  • total aerosol optical depth in visible band (84)
  • total allocated c flux (3)
  • total allocated p flux (3)
  • total amount to dribble over the year for eflx dynbal (1)
  • total amount to dribble over the year for qflx ice dynbal (1)
  • total amount to dribble over the year for qflx liq dynbal (1)
  • total atmospheric mass of co2 (403)
  • total bc deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (7)
  • total belowground ch4, (0 for non-lake special landunits) (3)
  • total c3 pft cover fraction (400)
  • total c4 pft cover fraction (400)
  • total c emitted from land cover conversion and wood product pools (3)
  • total carbon in all terrestrial carbon pools (410)
  • total carbon loss from land cover conversion (3)
  • total carbon loss from wood product pools (3)
  • total carbon mass flux from vegetation directly to soil (12)
  • total carbon mass flux from vegetation to litter (13)
  • total cloud ave (36)
  • total cloud fraction (408)
  • total cloud fraction calculated by the isccp simulator (29)
  • total column-level fire c loss for non-peat fires outside land-type converted region (3)
  • total column-level fire n loss (3)
  • total column-level n (3)
  • total column-level p (3)
  • total column carbon, incl veg and cpool (3)
  • total dissolved inorganic phosphorus concentration (10)
  • total dissolved inorganic silicon concentration (20)
  • total dust deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (7)
  • total ecosystem carbon, incl veg but excl cpool (3)
  • total ecosystem n (3)
  • total ecosystem p (3)
  • total ecosystem respiration, autotrophic + heterotrophic (3)
  • total evapotranspiration (400)
  • total excess respiration (3)
  • total flux of c from som pools due to leaching (3)
  • total flux of salinity (including thickness contributions) through ocean surface (9)
  • total flux of temperature (including thickness contributions) through ocean surface (9)
  • total grazing of phytoplankton by zooplankton (20)
  • total grid-box cloud ice water path (82)
  • total grid-box cloud liquid water path (83)
  • total grid-box cloud water path (liquid and ice) (82)
  • total growth respiration (3)
  • total heterotrophic respiration (3)
  • total incoming solar radiation at toa (6)
  • total land n2o flux (10)
  • total latent heat flux [+ to atm] (7)
  • total liquid runoff (does not include qsnwcpice) (7)
  • total liquid runoff (does not include qsnwcpice) not including correction for land use change (7)
  • total litter carbon (3)
  • total litter carbon to 1 meter depth (3)
  • total litter n (3)
  • total litter p (3)
  • total litter p to 1 meter (3)
  • total n deployed in new growth (3)
  • total n loss from wood product pools (3)
  • total nitrogen in all terrestrial nitrogen pools (10)
  • total nitrogen loss from landcover conversion (3)
  • total nitrogen loss to leaching or runoff (sum of ammonium, nitrite and nitrate) (10)
  • total nitrogen lost (including nhx, nox, n2o, n2 and leaching) (10)
  • total nitrogen lost to the atmosphere (including nhx, nox, n2o, n2) from all processes except fire (10)
  • total nitrogen lost to the atmosphere (including nhx, nox, n2o, n2) from fire (10)
  • total nitrogen lost to the atmosphere (sum of nhx, nox, n2o, n2) (10)
  • total nloss from veg to litter due to fire mortality (3)
  • total nloss from veg to litter due to gap mortality (3)
  • total nloss from veg to litter due to harvest mortality (3)
  • total nloss from veg to litter pool due to senescence (3)
  • total number of frost days (23)
  • total number of frost days in year (94)
  • total oc deposition (dry+wet) from atmosphere (7)
  • total p deployed in new growth (3)
  • total patch-level carbon, including cpool (3)
  • total patch-level fire c loss for non-peat fires outside land-type converted region (3)
  • total pft-level fire n loss (3)
  • total pft-level nitrogen (3)
  • total pft-level phosphorus (3)
  • total plant nitrogen uptake (sum of ammonium and nitrate) irrespective of the source of nitrogen (10)
  • total ploss from veg to litter due to fire mortality (3)
  • total ploss from veg to litter due to gap mortality (3)
  • total ploss from veg to litter due to harvest mortality (3)
  • total ploss from veg to litter pool due to senescence (3)
  • total precipitation amount when precip > 95th percentile on wet days (precip >= 1.0mm) (684)
  • total precipitation amount when precip > 99th percentile on wet days (precip >= 1.0mm) (684)
  • total projected leaf area index (7)
  • total projected stem area index (7)
  • total rate of ammonium uptake by algae weighted by ice area (3)
  • total rate of denitrification (3)
  • total rate of nitrate uptake by algae weighted by ice area (3)
  • total runoff (400)
  • total soil-atm. co2 exchange (3)
  • total soil moisture content (687)
  • total soil organic matter carbon (3)
  • total soil organic matter carbon to 1 meter depth (3)
  • total soil organic matter n (3)
  • total soil organic matter p (3)
  • total soil organic matter p to 1 meter (3)
  • total soil respiration (hr + root resp) (3)
  • total soil wetness index (7)
  • total solar irradiance (94)
  • total solar irradiance at top of atmosphere (4)
  • total surface dust emission (7)
  • total vegetated fraction (400)
  • total vegetation carbon, excluding cpool (3)
  • total vegetation nitrogen (3)
  • total vegetation phosphorus (3)
  • total vertically resolved heterotrophic respiration (3)
  • total vertically resolved soil-atm. co2 exchange (3)
  • total water conservation error (7)
  • total water content of soil layer (423)
  • total water path after process: advected tracers in ac (53)
  • total water path after process: after surface coupling (53)
  • total water path after process: after tphysac call (53)
  • total water path after process: before tphysbc call (53)
  • total water path after process: deep convection (53)
  • total water path after process: diffusion, ac (53)
  • total water path after process: diffusion of aerosols (53)
  • total water path after process: final, after all processes (53)
  • total water path after process: gravity wave, ac (53)
  • total water path after process: initial, before processes (53)
  • total water path after process: macrophysics (53)
  • total water path after process: micro physics (53)
  • total water path after process: radiation (53)
  • total water path after process: rayleigh friction, ac (53)
  • total water path after process: shallow convection (53)
  • total water path after process: wet deposition (53)
  • total water storage (7)
  • total water storage at the beginning of a month (3)
  • total water storage at the end of a month (3)
  • total water storage in a grid cell (30)
  • total wood product c (3)
  • total wood product n (3)
  • total wood product p (3)
  • tpert (1)
  • tracer cnst curr fname (1)
  • tracers are ordered: diatom nitrogen, smallplankton nitrogen, phaeocystis nitrogen, nitrate, polysaccarid carbon, lipid carbon, ammonium, silicate, dmspp, dmspd, dms, nonreactive nitrate, protein nitrogen, dissolved iron in umol/m2, particulate iron in um (3)
  • tracers are ordered: diatom nitrogen, smallplankton nitrogen, phaeocystis nitrogen, nitrate, polysaccarid carbon, lipid carbon, ammonium, silicate, dmspp, dmspd, dms, nonreactive nitrate, protein nitrogen, dissolved iron in umol/m2/s, particulate iron in (3)
  • tracers are ordered: diatom nitrogen, smallplankton nitrogen, phaeocystis nitrogen, nitrate, polysaccarid carbon, lipid carbon, ammonium, silicate, dmspp, dmspd, dms, nonreactive nitrate, protein nitrogen, dissolved iron in umol/m3, particulate iron in um (3)
  • transpiration (400)
  • transpiration beta factor (7)
  • transpiration flux (3389)
  • tree cover fraction (400)
  • trefmnav (1)
  • trefmxav (1)
  • tropopause adjusted longwave forcing (37)
  • tropopause adjusted longwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • tropopause adjusted shortwave forcing (37)
  • tropopause adjusted shortwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • tropopause air pressure (30)
  • tropopause altitude (30)
  • tropopause instantaneous longwave forcing (36)
  • tropopause instantaneous longwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • tropopause instantaneous shortwave forcing (35)
  • tropopause instantaneous shortwave forcing assuming clear sky (1)
  • tropopause pressure (29)
  • tropopause temperature (29)
  • true eastwards ice velocity (9)
  • true eastwards ocean velocity (9)
  • true eastwards sea ice-air stress (9)
  • true northwards ice velocity (9)
  • true northwards ocean velocity (9)
  • true northwards sea ice-air stress (9)
  • tsai increment for canopy layer (1)
  • turbulent kinetic energy (3)
  • u (1)
  • um (1)
  • uncorrelated 1 sigma adjustment uncertainty for gridbox (2)
  • uncorrelated 1 sigma climatology uncertainty for gridbox (2)
  • uncorrelated 1 sigma measurement uncertainty for gridbox (2)
  • uncorrelated 1 sigma sampling uncertainty for gridbox (2)
  • uncorrelated 1 sigma station uncertainty for gridbox (2)
  • uncorrelated combined 1 sigma uncertainty for gridbox (2)
  • units for each history field output (1)
  • unknown (1)
  • up2 nadv (1)
  • updraft convective mass flux on full levels (1)
  • upward air velocity (181)
  • upward flux of methane (ch4) from soil uptake. (7)
  • upward flux of methane (ch4) generated by biomass burning. (7)
  • upward flux of methane (ch4) generated by herbivorous mammals. (2)
  • upward flux of methane (ch4) generated by termites (7)
  • upward geothermal heat flux at sea floor (83)
  • upward long wave heat flux at cell centers from coupler. positive into the ocean. (9)
  • upward ocean mass transport (5369)
  • upward sea ice basal heat flux (38)
  • upward sea water velocity (1735)
  • upward solar radiation (1)
  • upward x stress at sea ice base (905)
  • upward y stress at sea ice base (905)
  • upwelling longwave flux at top of model (94)
  • upwelling longwave flux in air (248)
  • upwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (248)
  • upwelling longwave radiation (36)
  • upwelling shortwave flux in air (254)
  • upwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (254)
  • upwelling shortwave radiation (36)
  • upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere (84)
  • upwp (1)
  • urban 2m air temperature (7)
  • urban 2m height surface air temperature (1)
  • urban 2m relative humidity (7)
  • urban absorbed solar radiation (7)
  • urban air conditioning flux (8)
  • urban canopy air temperature (1)
  • urban canopy specific humidity (1)
  • urban daily maximum of average 2-m temperature (7)
  • urban daily maximum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (k) (1)
  • urban daily minimum of average 2-m temperature (7)
  • urban daily minimum of average 2 m height surface air temperature (k) (1)
  • urban emitted infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
  • urban factor limiting ground evap (7)
  • urban ground temperature (8)
  • urban heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt (7)
  • urban heating flux (8)
  • urban instantaneous daily max of average 2 m height surface air temp (k) (1)
  • urban instantaneous daily min of average 2 m height surface air temp (k) (1)
  • urban net infrared (longwave) radiation (7)
  • urban sensible heat (7)
  • urban snow melt heat flux (7)
  • urban total evaporation (7)
  • urban total runoff (7)
  • us (68)
  • ut (68)
  • uu (66)
  • uvelocity (1)
  • v (1)
  • value of density function used to generate a particular mesh at cell centers. (1)
  • vegetation area fraction (10)
  • vegetation carbon content (1407)
  • vegetation mass content of nitrogen (60)
  • vegetation temperature (8)
  • vertical diffusion defined at the cell center (horizontally) and top (vertically) (9)
  • vertical diffusion of q (53)
  • vertical heat flux (82)
  • vertical integral of mass content of hail (1)
  • vertical tracer-transport velocity defined at center (horizontally) and top (vertically) of cell. this is not the vertical ale transport, but is eulerian (fixed-frame) in the vertical, and computed from the continuity equation from the horizontal gm bolu (9)
  • vertical velocity (pressure) (81)
  • vertical velocity at 500 mbar pressure surface (38)
  • vertical velocity defined at center (horizontally) and top (vertically) of cell (9)
  • vertical viscosity defined at the cell center (horizontally) and top (vertically) (9)
  • vertically-integrated droplet concentration (84)
  • vertically-integrated high cloud (82)
  • vertically-integrated low cloud (83)
  • vertically-integrated mid-level cloud (82)
  • vertically-integrated total cloud (83)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for bc a4 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for num a1 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for num a2 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for num a4 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for pom a4 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for so2 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for so4 a1 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for so4 a2 (29)
  • vertically intergrated external forcing for soag (29)
  • virtual salt flux correction (260)
  • virtual salt flux into sea water (1230)
  • virtual salt flux into sea water due to evaporation (66)
  • virtual salt flux into sea water due to rainfall (66)
  • virtual salt flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics (1058)
  • virtual salt flux into sea water from rivers (66)
  • vm (1)
  • voc01 alcohols anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc02 ethane anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc03 propane anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc04 butanes anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc05 pentanes anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc06 hexanes plus higher alkanes anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc07 ethene anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc08 propene anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc09 ethyne anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc12 other alkenes and alkynes anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc13 benzene anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc14 toluene anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc15 xylene anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc16 trimethylbenzenes anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc17 other aromatics anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc18 esters anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc19 ethers anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc20 chlorinated hydrocarbons anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc21 methanal anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc22 other alkanals anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc23 ketones anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc24 acids anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc25 other voc anthropogenic emissions (10)
  • voc aircraft anthropogenic emissions (9)
  • voc anthropogenic emissions (9)
  • voc open burning sector shares (9)
  • voc total open burning emissions (9)
  • volume density of ambient aerosol (3)
  • volume extinction coefficient in air due to ambient aerosol (822)
  • volume extinction coefficient in air due to ambient aerosol particles (1)
  • volumetric soil water (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • vp2 nadv (1)
  • vpwp (1)
  • vs (68)
  • vt (68)
  • vv (66)
  • vvelocity (1)
  • warm spell duration indicator (684)
  • water added through irrigation (7)
  • water equivalent snow depth (82)
  • water equivalent snow melt (7)
  • water evaporation flux (14145)
  • water evaporation flux from canopy (4086)
  • water evaporation flux from soil (2998)
  • water evaporation flux where sea ice (16)
  • water evapotranspiration flux (189)
  • water flux correction (345)
  • water flux due to runoff (frozen) (1)
  • water flux from land (frozen) (1)
  • water flux from land (liquid glacier, wetland, and lake) (1)
  • water flux from land (liquid subsurface) (1)
  • water flux from land (liquid surface) (1)
  • water flux from land direct to ocean (1)
  • water flux into ocean (226)
  • water flux into sea water (3733)
  • water flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics (1647)
  • water flux into sea water from icebergs (335)
  • water flux into sea water from rivers (1164)
  • water flux into sea water without flux correction (803)
  • water in the unconfined aquifer (1)
  • water in the unconfined aquifer (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • water potential evaporation flux (494)
  • water storage in main channel in cell (1)
  • water storage in tributary channels in cell (1)
  • water sublimation flux (148)
  • water table depth (1)
  • water table depth (vegetated landunits only) (7)
  • water table depth from surface. (30)
  • water vap ac (1)
  • water vapor partial pressure in air (2)
  • water vapor path (6)
  • water volume change in cell (dvolrdt) (1)
  • water volume in cell (volr) (1)
  • waterrflux due to flooding (1)
  • weather regime distance (22)
  • weather regime frequency for a season (2)
  • weighted heating degree day (24)
  • weights used for distribution of sea surface heigh purturbations through multiple vertical levels. (1)
  • wet-bulb potential temperature (12)
  • wet bulb temperature (2)
  • wet deposition flux at surface (29)
  • wetnhx (11)
  • wetnoy (11)
  • wind capacity factor : formula 1 (2)
  • wind capacity factor : formula 2 (3)
  • wind capacity factor : formula 3 (2)
  • wind capacity factor for a iec1 turbine (44)
  • wind capacity factor for a iec2 turbine (44)
  • wind capacity factor for a iec3 turbine (44)
  • wind from direction (29)
  • wind gusts from turbulence (53)
  • wind power capacity factor for a iec1 class turbine (1)
  • wind power capacity factor for a iec2 class turbine (1)
  • wind power capacity factor for a iec3 class turbine (1)
  • wind speed (20763)
  • wind speed of gust (705)
  • wind speed squared at 10 meters (1)
  • wind speeed of gust (2)
  • winter bioenergy production conditions index (1)
  • wood c (3)
  • wood c eallocation (3)
  • wood c loss (3)
  • wood carbon content (493)
  • wood debris carbon content (39)
  • wood harvest area from primary forest land (2)
  • wood harvest area from primary non forest land (2)
  • wood harvest area from primary vegetation on luh2 potential forest land (11)
  • wood harvest area from primary vegetation on luh2 potential non-forest land (11)
  • wood harvest area from secondary mature forest land (2)
  • wood harvest area from secondary mature vegetation on luh2 potential forest land (11)
  • wood harvest area from secondary non forest land (2)
  • wood harvest area from secondary vegetation on luh2 potential non-forest land (11)
  • wood harvest area from secondary young forest land (2)
  • wood harvest area from secondary young vegetation on luh2 potential forest land (11)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from primary forest land (2)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from primary non forest land (2)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from primary vegetation on luh2 potential forest land (11)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from primary vegetation on luh2 potential non-forest land (11)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary mature forest land (2)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary mature vegetation on luh2 potential forest land (11)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary non forest land (2)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary vegetation on luh2 potential non-forest land (11)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary young forest land (2)
  • wood harvest biomass carbon from secondary young vegetation on luh2 potential forest land (11)
  • wood harvest carbon (to product pools) (3)
  • wood harvest n (to product pools) (3)
  • wp2 nadv (1)
  • wp3 nadv (1)
  • wprtp nadv (1)
  • wpthlp nadv (1)
  • ws (35)
  • wt (35)
  • ww (33)
  • x-component 10m wind (36)
  • x-component of ocean stress on sea ice (50)
  • x-component of sea ice mass transport (22)
  • x2a fall flxdst1 (1)
  • x2a fall flxdst2 (1)
  • x2a fall flxdst3 (1)
  • x2a fall flxdst4 (1)
  • x2a faxx evap (1)
  • x2a faxx lat (1)
  • x2a faxx lwup (1)
  • x2a faxx sen (1)
  • x2a faxx taux (1)
  • x2a faxx tauy (1)
  • x2a sf ifrac (1)
  • x2a sf lfrac (1)
  • x2a sf ofrac (1)
  • x2a si snowh (1)
  • x2a sl fv (1)
  • x2a sl ram1 (1)
  • x2a sl snowh (1)
  • x2a so re (1)
  • x2a so ssq (1)
  • x2a so t (1)
  • x2a so ustar (1)
  • x2a sx anidf (1)
  • x2a sx anidr (1)
  • x2a sx avsdf (1)
  • x2a sx avsdr (1)
  • x2a sx qref (1)
  • x2a sx t (1)
  • x2a sx tref (1)
  • x2a sx u10 (1)
  • x bnds (128)
  • x coordinate in cartesian space of cell centers. (1)
  • x coordinate in cartesian space of edge midpoints. (1)
  • x coordinate in cartesian space of vertices. (1)
  • x gravity wave drag param (52)
  • xtime (1)
  • xtime endmonthly (21)
  • xtime startmonthly (21)
  • xyfill (1)
  • y-component 10m wind (36)
  • y-component of ocean stress on sea ice (50)
  • y-component of sea ice transport (22)
  • y bnds (128)
  • y coordinate in cartesian space of cell centers. (1)
  • y coordinate in cartesian space of edge midpoints. (1)
  • y coordinate in cartesian space of vertices. (1)
  • year of gregorian calendar (3)
  • z (280)
  • z coordinate in cartesian space of cell centers. (1)
  • z coordinate in cartesian space of edge midpoints. (1)
  • z coordinate in cartesian space of vertices. (1)
  • zg850 (6)
  • zonal (eastward) component of wind stress at cell centers from coupler. positive eastward. (9)
  • zonal complement (1)
  • zonal gradient of ssh reconstructed at cell centers (1)
  • zonal gravity wave surface stress (82)
  • zonal sea surface slope (1)
  • zonal surface stress (90)
  • zonal surface velocity reconstructed at cell centers (1)
  • zonal velocity squared (82)
  • zonal wind (82)
  • zonal wind at 200 mbar pressure surface (14)
  • zonal wind at 200hpa (36)
  • zonal wind at 500hpa (36)
  • zonal wind at 850 mbar pressure surface (15)
  • zonal wind at 850hpa (36)
  • zonal wind stress (36)
  • ACCESS1-0 (10)
  • ACCESS1-3 (9)
  • BNU-ESM (9)
  • CCCma-CanESM2 (15511)
  • CCSM4 (9)
  • CMCC-CMCC-CM (34)
  • CMCC-CMS (9)
  • CNRM-CM5 (9)
  • CSIRO-BOM-ACCESS1-0 (4859)
  • CSIRO-BOM-ACCESS1-3 (3646)
  • CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 (9)
  • CSIRO-QCCCE-CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 (3564)
  • CanESM2 (9)
  • EC-EARTH (32)
  • ECHAM5 (33)
  • ECMWF-ERA40 (64)
  • ECMWF-ERA5 (64)
  • ECMWF-ERAINT (19263)
  • GFDL-ESM2G (9)
  • GFDL-ESM2M (9)
  • HadGEM2-CC (9)
  • ICHEC-EC-EARTH (35565)
  • IPSL-CM5A-LR (9)
  • IPSL-CM5A-MR (9)
  • IPSL-CM5B-LR (9)
  • IPSL-IPSL-CM5A-LR (879)
  • IPSL-IPSL-CM5A-MR (6002)
  • MIROC-ESM (9)
  • MIROC-MIROC5 (12311)
  • MIROC5 (9)
  • MOHC-HadGEM2-CC (312)
  • MOHC-HadGEM2-ES (30411)
  • MPI-ESM-LR (9)
  • MPI-ESM-MR (9)
  • MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR (35291)
  • MPI-M-MPI-ESM-MR (5786)
  • MRI-CGCM3 (9)
  • NCAR-CCSM4 (291)
  • NCC-NorESM1-M (21134)
  • NCC-NorESM1-ME (75)
  • NOAA-GFDL-GFDL-CM3 (252)
  • NorESM1-M (9)
  • SMHI-EC-EARTH (142)
  • bcc-csm1-1-m (9)
  • hadGEM2-ES (1)
  • (2)
  • (38337)
  • (1)
  • (16170)
  • (8808)
  • (2729)
  • (4680)
  • (180)
  • (1)
  • (1660)
  • (82748)
  • (1890)
  • (676)
  • (4312)
  • (5538)
  • (2)
  • (7794)
  • (514)
  • (3)
  • (1568)
  • (20578)
  • (1)
  • (638)
  • (201)
  • (300)
  • (1)
  • (471245)
  • (4511)
  • (1613)
  • (3)
  • (56)
  • (20095)
  • (153223)
  • (30350)
  • (608)
  • (6879)

  • AFR-22 (5582)
  • AFR-44 (14554)
  • AFR-44i (3796)
  • ALP-3 (1533)
  • ANT-44 (2333)
  • ANT-44i (1734)
  • ARC-22 (79)
  • ARC-44 (4504)
  • ARC-44i (2249)
  • AUS (199)
  • AUS-22 (5500)
  • AUS-44 (7278)
  • AUS-44i (10849)
  • CAM-22 (3758)
  • CAM-44 (4292)
  • CAM-44i (2436)
  • CAN-1 (176)
  • CAS-22 (1160)
  • CAS-44 (227)
  • CEU-18km (542)
  • CEU-36km (542)
  • EAS-22 (3351)
  • EAS-44 (2541)
  • EAS-44i (80)
  • EUR-05 (10)
  • EUR-11 (73979)
  • EUR-11i (1650)
  • EUR-22 (1220)
  • EUR-25 (280)
  • EUR-44 (13867)
  • EUR-44i (3864)
  • EUR-6km (454)
  • GER-0275 (254)
  • IRELAND-4 (66)
  • MED-11 (536)
  • MNA-22 (806)
  • MNA-22i (420)
  • MNA-44 (1767)
  • MNA-44i (924)
  • NAM-11 (118)
  • NAM-22 (1759)
  • NAM-44 (2920)
  • NAM-44i (768)
  • REU-3 (177)
  • SAM-20 (38)
  • SAM-22 (3633)
  • SAM-44 (7067)
  • SAM-44i (2852)
  • SEA-22 (5851)
  • WAS-22 (6629)
  • WAS-44 (6690)
  • WAS-44i (4332)
  • ALADIN52 (784)
  • ALADIN53 (422)
  • ALADIN63 (2704)
  • ALADIN64 (6)
  • ALARO-0 (122)
  • AROME41t1 (131)
  • ARPEGE51 (24)
  • BOM-SDM (199)
  • CCAM (1512)
  • CCAM-1704 (1976)
  • CCAM-2008 (2747)
  • CCLM-0-9 (6)
  • CCLM4-21-2 (51)
  • CCLM4-8-17 (6626)
  • CCLM4-8-17-CLM3-5 (966)
  • CCLM5-0-15 (3882)
  • CCLM5-0-16 (254)
  • CCLM5-0-2 (1794)
  • CCLM5-0-6 (1984)
  • CCLM5-0-9 (252)
  • CCLM5-0-9-NEMOMED12-3-6 (530)
  • CLM3 (18)
  • CLM4 (36)
  • COSMO (454)
  • COSMO-crCLIM (705)
  • COSMO-crCLIM-v1-1 (9308)
  • CRCM5 (2266)
  • CRCM5-SN (129)
  • CanRCM4 (376)
  • DeepESD-EE (32)
  • EPISODES2018 (1370)
  • Eta (38)
  • HCLIM38-AROME (243)
  • HIRHAM5 (7847)
  • HadGEM3-RA (342)
  • HadREM3-GA7-05 (2391)
  • HadRM3P (2269)
  • MAR311 (70)
  • MAR36 (254)
  • RA (111)
  • RACMO21P (1880)
  • RACMO22E (7022)
  • RACMO22T (1892)
  • RCA4 (61135)
  • RCA4-SN (1150)
  • REMO2009 (7005)
  • REMO2015 (15807)
  • RRCM (645)
  • RegCM4 (199)
  • RegCM4-0 (22)
  • RegCM4-2 (45)
  • RegCM4-3 (2381)
  • RegCM4-4 (3611)
  • RegCM4-6 (3565)
  • RegCM4-7 (14867)
  • SNURCM (25)
  • STARS3 (14271)
  • VRF370 (85)
  • WETTREG2013 (13598)
  • WRF (194)
  • WRF331 (14)
  • WRF331F (534)
  • WRF331G (239)
  • WRF341E (752)
  • WRF341I (658)
  • WRF351 (39)
  • WRF360J (5382)
  • WRF360K (5466)
  • WRF360L (1197)
  • WRF361H (1161)
  • WRF381BB (71)
  • WRF381BG (58)
  • WRF381BI (13)
  • WRF381CA (71)
  • WRF381DA (221)
  • WRF381P (626)
  • fpsconv-x1n2-v1 (434)
  • fpsconv-x2yn2-v1 (1452)
  • r2 (376)
  • v0 (16794)
  • v01 (120)
  • v02 (119)
  • v1 (137553)
  • v1-r1 (3799)
  • v1-r10 (2429)
  • v1-r2 (2429)
  • v1-r3 (2429)
  • v1-r4 (2429)
  • v1-r5 (2429)
  • v1-r6 (2429)
  • v1-r7 (2429)
  • v1-r8 (2429)
  • v1-r9 (2429)
  • v1a (1433)
  • v2 (18944)
  • v2-r1 (143)
  • v2-r10 (143)
  • v2-r2 (143)
  • v2-r3 (143)
  • v2-r4 (143)
  • v2-r5 (143)
  • v2-r6 (143)
  • v2-r7 (143)
  • v2-r8 (143)
  • v2-r9 (143)
  • v201312 (1711)
  • v3 (8951)
  • v3-5-1 (182)
  • v4 (2291)
  • v4-4-rc8 (199)
  • v5 (1772)
  • x0n1-v1 (64)
  • x2yn2-v1 (241)
  • 20CRv2c (4)
  • ACCESS1-3-rcp85-1-0 (4)
  • AIRS-1-0 (2)
  • AIRS-2-0 (3)
  • AIRS-2-1 (3)
  • ARC-SST-1-1 (1)
  • ATSR2-AATSR (1)
  • AVISO-1-0 (1)
  • Aura-MLS-v04-2 (3)
  • C-GLORSv5 (1)
  • CALIPSO (30)
  • CAM 4 (32)
  • CCMI-hist-nat-1-1 (1)
  • CCMI-hist-sol-1-1 (1)
  • CCMI-hist-stratO3-1-0 (1)
  • CCMI-hist-volc-1-1 (1)
  • CCMI-ssp245-nat-1-0 (1)
  • CCMI-ssp245-sol-1-0 (1)
  • CCMI-ssp245-stratO3-1-0 (1)
  • CCMI-ssp245-volc-1-0 (1)
  • CCSM4-rcp26-1-0 (5)
  • CCSM4-rcp85-1-0 (8)
  • CEDS-2017-05-18 (9)
  • CEDS-2017-05-18-supplemental-data (32)
  • CEDS-2017-08-30 (8)
  • CEDS-2017-08-30-supplemental-data (1)
  • CEDS-2017-10-05 (1)
  • CERA-20C (2)
  • CERES-EBAF (1)
  • CERES-EBAF Surface (1)
  • CESM2-ssp585-1-0 (12)
  • CFSR (9)
  • CMCC-CM2-HR4 (53)
  • CMCC-CM2-VHR4 (53)
  • CNRM-CM6-1 (8236)
  • CNRM-CM6-1-HR (198)
  • CNRM-CM6-1-ssp126-1-0 (12)
  • CNRM-CM6-1-ssp585-1-0 (12)
  • CNRM-ESM2-1-ssp585-1-0 (12)
  • CR-CMIP-0-3-0 (230)
  • CREATE-MRE (3)
  • CSIRO-MK3-6-0-rcp85-1-0 (11)
  • CloudSat (4)
  • DCPP-C-amv-1-1 (4)
  • DCPP-C-ipv-1-1 (3)
  • E3SM-1-1-ECA (1)
  • EC-Earth3P (3773)
  • EC-Earth3P-HR (3276)
  • ECDAv31 (1)
  • ECMWF-IFS-HR (2221)
  • ECMWF-IFS-LR (4155)
  • ECMWF-IFS-MR (130)
  • ERA-Interim (4)
  • ERA-interim (1)
  • ERA40-CRUTS3-10 (1)
  • ERA5 (1)
  • ERAInterim-CRUTS3-10 (1)
  • ESA-CCI-SST-v2-1 (1)
  • GECCO2 (1)
  • GERB-HR-ED01-1-0 (2)
  • GERB-HR-ED01-1-1 (2)
  • GFDL-ESM4 (18)
  • GNSS-RO-1-3 (2)
  • GODAS (1)
  • GPCP-V1.2 (1)
  • GPCP-V1.3 (1)
  • GPCP-V2.2 (1)
  • GPCP-V2.3 (1)
  • HadGEM2-ES-rcp85-1-0 (12)
  • HadGEM3-GC31-HH (147)
  • HadGEM3-GC31-HM (571)
  • HadGEM3-GC31-LL (9021)
  • HadGEM3-GC31-LM (300)
  • HadGEM3-GC31-MH (59)
  • HadGEM3-GC31-MM (630)
  • IACETH-SAGE3lambda-3-0-0 (3)
  • IAMC-AIM-ssp370-1-1 (40)
  • IAMC-AIM-ssp370-1-1-supplemental-data (73)
  • IAMC-AIM-ssp370-lowNTCF-1-1 (40)
  • IAMC-AIM-ssp370-lowNTCF-1-1-supplemental-data (73)
  • IAMC-GCAM4-ssp434-1-1 (40)
  • IAMC-GCAM4-ssp434-1-1-supplemental-data (73)
  • IAMC-GCAM4-ssp460-1-1 (40)
  • IAMC-GCAM4-ssp460-1-1-supplemental-data (73)
  • IAMC-IMAGE-ssp119-1-1 (40)
  • IAMC-IMAGE-ssp119-1-1-supplemental-data (73)
  • IAMC-IMAGE-ssp126-1-1 (40)
  • IAMC-IMAGE-ssp126-1-1-supplemental-data (73)
  • IAMC-MESSAGE-GLOBIOM-ssp245-1-1 (40)
  • IAMC-MESSAGE-GLOBIOM-ssp245-1-1-supplemental-data (73)
  • IAMC-REMIND-MAGPIE-ssp534-over-1-1 (40)
  • IAMC-REMIND-MAGPIE-ssp534-over-1-1-supplemental-data (73)
  • IAMC-REMIND-MAGPIE-ssp585-1-1 (40)
  • IAMC-REMIND-MAGPIE-ssp585-1-1-supplemental-data (73)
  • IPSL-CM5A-MR-rcp26-1-0 (6)
  • IPSL-CM5A-MR-rcp85-1-0 (11)
  • IPSL-CM6A-LR (18)
  • ISCCP (5)
  • ImperialCollege-1-1 (1)
  • ImperialCollege-2-0 (1)
  • ImperialCollege-AIM-ssp370-1-0 (2)
  • ImperialCollege-GLOBIOM-ssp245-1-0 (2)
  • ImperialCollege-IMAGE-ssp119-1-0 (2)
  • ImperialCollege-IMAGE-ssp126-1-0 (2)
  • ImperialCollege-REMIND-MAGPIE-ssp534os-1-0 (2)
  • ImperialCollege-REMIND-MAGPIE-ssp585-1-0 (2)
  • ImperialCollege-ssp245-covid-4-8-1 (11)
  • JRA-25 (1)
  • JRA-55 (3)
  • JRA-55-mdl-iso (4)
  • MERRA (5)
  • MERRA-CRUTS3-10 (1)
  • MERRA2 (6)
  • MERRA2-ASM (1)
  • MIROC-ESM-CHEM-rcp26-1-0 (5)
  • MIROC-ESM-CHEM-rcp85-1-0 (8)
  • MIROC5-rcp26-1-0 (4)
  • MIROC5-rcp85-1-0 (4)
  • MISR (3)
  • MODIS (2)
  • MODIS-1-0 (1)
  • MOHC-HadISST-2-2-0-0-0 (2)
  • MOHC-highresSST-future-1-0-0 (2)
  • MOHC-highresSST-future-1-0-1 (2)
  • MOVE-G2i (1)
  • MPI-B-1pctNdep-1-0 (4)
  • MPI-ESM1-2-CR (648)
  • MPI-ESM1-2-CR-CH4 (772)
  • MPI-ESM1-2-HR (1308)
  • MPI-ESM1-2-LR (30350)
  • MPI-ESM1-2-XR (1290)
  • MPI-M-MACv2-SP-1-0 (1)
  • MRE2ensemble (1)
  • MRI-ESM2-0 (18)
  • MRI-JRA55-do-1-4-0 (21)
  • MRI-JRA55-do-1-5-0 (21)
  • MetUM-GOML2-HR (1440)
  • MetUM-GOML2-LR (1396)
  • NCAR-CCMI-2-0 (8)
  • NCAR-CCMI-ssp119-1-0 (4)
  • NCAR-CCMI-ssp126-1-0 (3)
  • NCAR-CCMI-ssp126-2-0 (1)
  • NCAR-CCMI-ssp245-1-0 (3)
  • NCAR-CCMI-ssp245-2-0 (1)
  • NCAR-CCMI-ssp370-1-0 (3)
  • NCAR-CCMI-ssp370-2-0 (1)
  • NCAR-CCMI-ssp434-1-0 (4)
  • NCAR-CCMI-ssp460-1-0 (4)
  • NCAR-CCMI-ssp534os-1-0 (4)
  • NCAR-CCMI-ssp585-1-0 (3)
  • NCAR-CCMI-ssp585-2-0 (1)
  • NCAS-2-1-0 (4)
  • NCEP-NCAR-CRUTS3-10 (1)
  • NorESM1-M-rcp26-1-0 (7)
  • NorESM1-M-rcp85-1-0 (12)
  • OISST (2)
  • OLR (2)
  • ORAP5 (1)
  • ORAS4 (1)
  • ORAensemble (1)
  • PARASOL (4)
  • PCMDI-AMIP-1-1-2 (6)
  • PCMDI-AMIP-1-1-8 (6)
  • PCMDI-AMIP-1-1-9 (6)
  • PMSIC (4)
  • QuikSCAT-v20110531 (3)
  • RSS-v7 (3)
  • SOLARIS-HEPPA-3-2 (3)
  • SSMI-MERIS (1)
  • TES-1-0 (1)
  • TRMM (2)
  • UCI-fu-prArctic-prAntarctic-1-0 (1)
  • UCI-fut2CAntarctic-1-0 (3)
  • UCI-fut2CArctic-1-0 (3)
  • UCI-fut2CArctic-2mAntarctic-1-0 (1)
  • UCI-fut2CBKSeas-1-0 (2)
  • UCI-fut2COkhotsk-1-0 (2)
  • UCI-pi-prArctic-prAntarctic-1-1 (1)
  • UCI-piAntarctic-1-0 (2)
  • UCI-piArctic-1-0 (2)
  • UCI-preindustrial-1-0 (2)
  • UCI-present-1-0 (4)
  • UCI-present-197901-201412-Arctic-Antarctic-1-0 (1)
  • UCI-present-197901-201412-clim-Arctic-Antarctic-1-0 (1)
  • UCI-present-2mAntarctic-1-0 (1)
  • UColorado-RFMIP-0-4 (1)
  • UColorado-RFMIP-1-0 (1)
  • UColorado-RFMIP-1-1 (1)
  • UColorado-RFMIP-1-2 (1)
  • UKESM1-0-LL (18)
  • UKESM1-0-LL-ssp585-1-0 (12)
  • UOEXETER-CMIP-1-1-3 (7)
  • UReading-CCMI-1-0 (2)
  • UReading-CCMI-ssp119-1-1 (1)
  • UReading-CCMI-ssp126-1-0 (1)
  • UReading-CCMI-ssp245-1-0 (1)
  • UReading-CCMI-ssp370-1-0 (1)
  • UReading-CCMI-ssp434-1-1 (1)
  • UReading-CCMI-ssp460-1-1 (1)
  • UReading-CCMI-ssp534os-1-1 (1)
  • UReading-CCMI-ssp585-1-0 (1)
  • UoM-AIM-ssp370-1-2-0 (184)
  • UoM-AIM-ssp370-1-2-1 (184)
  • UoM-AIM-ssp370-lowNTCF-1-2-0 (184)
  • UoM-AIM-ssp370-lowNTCF-1-2-1 (184)
  • UoM-CMIP-1-2-0 (184)
  • UoM-GCAM4-ssp434-1-2-0 (184)
  • UoM-GCAM4-ssp434-1-2-1 (184)
  • UoM-GCAM4-ssp460-1-2-0 (184)
  • UoM-GCAM4-ssp460-1-2-1 (184)
  • UoM-IMAGE-ssp119-1-2-0 (184)
  • UoM-IMAGE-ssp119-1-2-1 (184)
  • UoM-IMAGE-ssp126-1-2-0 (184)
  • UoM-IMAGE-ssp126-1-2-1 (184)
  • UoM-MESSAGE-GLOBIOM-ssp245-1-2-0 (184)
  • UoM-MESSAGE-GLOBIOM-ssp245-1-2-1 (184)
  • UoM-REMIND-MAGPIE-ssp534-over-1-2-0 (184)
  • UoM-REMIND-MAGPIE-ssp534-over-1-2-1 (184)
  • UoM-REMIND-MAGPIE-ssp585-1-2-0 (184)
  • UoM-REMIND-MAGPIE-ssp585-1-2-1 (184)
  • UoM-ssp126-1-1-0 (1)
  • UofMD-landState-2-1-h (1)
  • UofMD-landState-AIM-ssp370-2-1-f (4)
  • UofMD-landState-GCAM-ssp434-2-1-f (4)
  • UofMD-landState-GCAM-ssp460-2-1-f (4)
  • UofMD-landState-IMAGE-ssp119-2-1-f (4)
  • UofMD-landState-IMAGE-ssp126-2-1-e (4)
  • UofMD-landState-IMAGE-ssp126-2-1-f (4)
  • UofMD-landState-MAGPIE-ssp534-2-1-e (4)
  • UofMD-landState-MAGPIE-ssp534-2-1-f (4)
  • UofMD-landState-MAGPIE-ssp585-2-1-e (4)
  • UofMD-landState-MAGPIE-ssp585-2-1-f (4)
  • UofMD-landState-MESSAGE-ssp245-2-1-f (4)
  • UofMD-landState-high-2-1-h (3)
  • UofMD-landState-low-2-1-h (3)
  • VUA-CMIP-BB4CMIP6-1-2 (247)
  • XCH4 CRDP3 (1)
  • XCO2 CRDP3 (1)
  • S19010101 (147)
  • S19020101 (147)
  • S19030101 (147)
  • S19040101 (147)
  • S19050101 (147)
  • S19060101 (147)
  • S19070101 (147)
  • S19080101 (147)
  • S19090101 (147)
  • S19100101 (147)
  • S19110101 (147)
  • S19120101 (147)
  • S19130101 (147)
  • S19140101 (147)
  • S19150101 (147)
  • S19160101 (147)
  • S19170101 (147)
  • S19180101 (147)
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