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Obs4MIPs at CEDA
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  • UOE (1)
  • UW (2)
  • AIRS-1-0 (2)
  • AIRS-2-0 (3)
  • AIRS-2-1 (3)
  • ARC-SST-1-1 (1)
  • ATSR2-AATSR (1)
  • AVISO-1-0 (1)
  • Aura-MLS-v04-2 (3)
  • CALIPSO (30)
  • CERES-EBAF (1)
  • CERES-EBAF Surface (1)
  • CloudSat (4)
  • ERA-interim (1)
  • ESA-CCI-SST-v2-1 (1)
  • GERB-HR-ED01-1-0 (2)
  • GERB-HR-ED01-1-1 (2)
  • GNSS-RO-1-3 (2)
  • GPCP-V1.2 (1)
  • GPCP-V1.3 (1)
  • GPCP-V2.2 (1)
  • GPCP-V2.3 (1)
  • ISCCP (5)
  • MISR (3)
  • MODIS (2)
  • MODIS-1-0 (1)
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  • OLR (2)
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  • QuikSCAT-v20110531 (3)
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  • XCO2 CRDP3 (1)
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  • night (10)
  • atmos (106)
  • atmosChem (1)
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  • seaIce ocean (4)
  • albisccp (1)
  • albisccpunweighted (1)
  • cfad2Lidarsr532 (3)
  • cfadDbze94 (1)
  • cfadLidarsr532 (3)
  • clCCI (3)
  • clMISR (1)
  • clcalipso (3)
  • clccalipso (3)
  • clhcalipso (3)
  • cli (1)
  • cliNobs (1)
  • cliStderr (1)
  • clisccp (1)
  • clivi (3)
  • cllcalipso (3)
  • clmcalipso (3)
  • clrcalipso (3)
  • clt (1)
  • cltCCI (3)
  • cltcalipso (3)
  • cltcloudsat (1)
  • cltisccp (1)
  • clwCCI (3)
  • clwtCCI (3)
  • clwvi (3)
  • crs (1)
  • cttisccp (1)
  • cttisccpunweighted (1)
  • fpar (1)
  • hur (2)
  • hus (4)
  • lai (1)
  • lat (1)
  • latitude bounds (2)
  • lon (1)
  • longitude bounds (2)
  • missingdatafraction (1)
  • od550aer (3)
  • od550aerNobs (2)
  • od550aerStdv (2)
  • overpasses (1)
  • parasolRefl (2)
  • pctCCI (3)
  • pctisccp (1)
  • pctisccpunweighted (1)
  • pr (6)
  • prStderr (2)
  • prw (2)
  • rlds (1)
  • rldscs (1)
  • rlus (1)
  • rlut (5)
  • rlutcs (1)
  • rsds (1)
  • rsdscs (1)
  • rsdt (1)
  • rsus (1)
  • rsuscs (1)
  • rsut (3)
  • rsutcs (1)
  • samplesMISR (1)
  • sfcWind (2)
  • sic (4)
  • sza (2)
  • ta (5)
  • time (1)
  • time bnds (1)
  • time bounds (2)
  • tos (5)
  • tro3 (1)
  • ua (1)
  • uas (1)
  • uncalipso (3)
  • va (1)
  • vas (1)
  • xch4 (1)
  • xco2 (1)
  • zg (1)
  • zos (1)
  • (1)
  • Air Temperature (4)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm (3)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm Number of Observations (1)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550 nm Standard Deviation (1)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm Number of Observations (1)
  • Ambient Aerosol Optical Thickness at 550nm Standard Deviation (1)
  • CALIPSO 3D Clear fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO 3D Undefined fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO Clear Cloud Fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO Cloud Fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO High Level Cloud Fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO Low-Level Cloud Fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO Mid Level Cloud Fraction (3)
  • CALIPSO Scattering Ratio (6)
  • CALIPSO Total Cloud Fraction (3)
  • CCI Cloud Area Fraction (3)
  • CCI Liquid Cloud Area Fraction (3)
  • CCI Mean Cloud Top Pressure (3)
  • CCI Total Cloud Fraction (3)
  • CCI Total Liquid Cloud Area Fraction (3)
  • Cloud Fraction retrieved by MISR (1)
  • CloudSat 94GHz radar Total Cloud Fraction (1)
  • CloudSat Radar Reflectivity CFAD (1)
  • Condensed Water Path (3)
  • Eastward Near-Surface Wind (1)
  • Eastward Wind (1)
  • Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (1)
  • Geopotential Height (1)
  • ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction (Joint histogram of optical thickness and cloud top pressure) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Albedo (Cloud-fraction weighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Albedo (Unweighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure (Cloud-fraction weighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure (Unweighted, daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Temperature (Cloud-fraction weighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Temperature (Unweighted & daytime only) (1)
  • ISCCP Total Cloud Fraction (daytime only) (1)
  • Ice Water Path (3)
  • Latitude bounds (2)
  • Leaf Area Index (1)
  • Longitude bounds (2)
  • Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice (1)
  • Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice Number of Observations (1)
  • Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice Standard Error (1)
  • Missing data fraction due to the effects of ground clutter and surface elevation (1)
  • Mole Fraction of O3 (1)
  • Monthly Average Near-Surface Wind Speed (1)
  • Near-Surface Wind Speed (1)
  • Northward Near-Surface Wind (1)
  • Northward Wind (1)
  • Number of CloudSat Profiles Contributing to the Calculation (1)
  • Number of MISR Samples (1)
  • PARASOL Reflectance (2)
  • Precipitation (6)
  • Precipitation Standard Error (2)
  • Relative Humidity (2)
  • Sea Ice Area Fraction (4)
  • Sea Surface Height Above Geoid (1)
  • Sea Surface Temperature (4)
  • Specific Humidity (4)
  • Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (1)
  • Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (1)
  • Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation (1)
  • Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation (1)
  • Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (1)
  • Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation (1)
  • Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation (1)
  • TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation (1)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation (1)
  • TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation (1)
  • TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation (5)
  • TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation (3)
  • Temperature (1)
  • Total Cloud Fraction (1)
  • Water Vapor Path (1)
  • column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (1)
  • column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (1)
  • latitude (1)
  • longitude (1)
  • monthly average atmosphere water vapor content over ice-free oceans (1)
  • sea surface temperature (1)
  • solar zenith angle (2)
  • time (1)
  • time bounds (2)
  • air pressure at cloud top (4)
  • air temperature (4)
  • air temperature at cloud top (1)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm number of observations (1)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm standard deviation (1)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550nm number of observations (1)
  • ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550nm standard deviation (1)
  • atmosphere cloud condensed water content (3)
  • atmosphere cloud ice content (3)
  • atmosphere optical thickness due to ambient aerosol (3)
  • atmosphere water vapor content (2)
  • calipso 3d clear fraction (3)
  • calipso 3d undefined fraction (3)
  • calipso scattering ratio (6)
  • cci liquid cloud area fraction (3)
  • cci total liquid cloud area fraction (3)
  • cloud albedo (1)
  • cloud area fraction (12)
  • cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (15)
  • cloud fraction retrieved by misr (1)
  • column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric carbon dioxide (1)
  • column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric methane (1)
  • crs (1)
  • eastward wind (2)
  • fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (1)
  • geopotential height (1)
  • histogram of equivalent reflectivity factor over height above reference ellipsoid (1)
  • isccp cloud area fraction (joint histogram of optical thickness and cloud top pressure) (1)
  • isccp mean cloud albedo (unweighted & daytime only) (1)
  • isccp mean cloud top pressure (unweighted, daytime only) (1)
  • isccp mean cloud top temperature (unweighted & daytime only) (1)
  • latitude (3)
  • leaf area index (1)
  • longitude (3)
  • mass fraction of cloud ice in air (1)
  • mass fraction of cloud ice number of observations (1)
  • mass fraction of cloud ice standard error (1)
  • missing data fraction due to the effects of ground clutter and surface elevation (1)
  • mole fraction of ozone in air (1)
  • northward wind (2)
  • number of cloudsat profiles contributing to the calculation (1)
  • number of misr samples (1)
  • precipitation flux (6)
  • precipitation standard error (2)
  • relative humidity (1)
  • sea ice area fraction (4)
  • sea surface height above geoid (1)
  • sea surface temperature (5)
  • solar zenith angle (2)
  • specific humidity (3)
  • surface downwelling longwave flux in air (1)
  • surface downwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (1)
  • surface downwelling shortwave flux in air (1)
  • surface downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (1)
  • surface upwelling longwave flux in air (1)
  • surface upwelling shortwave flux in air (1)
  • surface upwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (1)
  • time (3)
  • time bnds (1)
  • toa bidirectional reflectance (2)
  • toa incoming shortwave flux (1)
  • toa outgoing longwave flux (5)
  • toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky (1)
  • toa outgoing shortwave flux (3)
  • toa outgoing shortwave flux assuming clear sky (1)
  • wind speed (2)
  • (19)
  • (12)
  • (1)
  • (8)
  • (3)
  • (29)
  • (1)
  • (45)

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