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CMIP6 (41469)
HighResMIP (48370)
primWP5 (20823)
Model Cohort
Published (1162)
Registered (41148)
model-output (69193)
Source ID
AWI-CM-1-1-HR (176)
AWI-CM-1-1-LR (177)
BCC-CSM2-HR (778)
CAMS-CSM1-0 (63)
CESM1-CAM5-SE-HR (345)
CESM1-CAM5-SE-LR (377)
CMCC-CM2-HR4 (591)
CMCC-CM2-VHR4 (591)
CNRM-CM6-1 (15189)
CNRM-CM6-1-HR (5309)
EC-Earth3P (6560)
EC-Earth3P-HR (6005)
EC-Earth3P-VHR (3)
FGOALS-f3-H (413)
FGOALS-f3-L (160)
GFDL-CM4C192 (397)
HadGEM3-GC31-HH (739)
HadGEM3-GC31-HM (2908)
HadGEM3-GC31-LL (3632)
HadGEM3-GC31-LM (1589)
HadGEM3-GC31-MH (292)
HadGEM3-GC31-MM (3193)
HiRAM-SIT-HR (229)
HiRAM-SIT-LR (283)
INM-CM5-H (535)
IPSL-CM6A-LR (278)
MPI-ESM1-2-HR (863)
MPI-ESM1-2-XR (865)
MRI-AGCM3-2-H (344)
MRI-AGCM3-2-S (344)
MetUM-GOML2-HR (1440)
MetUM-GOML2-LR (1396)
NICAM16-7S (158)
NICAM16-8S (158)
NICAM16-9S (158)
Institution ID
AS-RCEC (512)
AWI (353)
BCC (778)
CAMS (63)
CAS (573)
CMCC (1182)
EC-Earth-Consortium (12568)
ECMWF (10020)
INM (535)
IPSL (2913)
MIROC (474)
MOHC (11622)
MPI-M (1728)
MRI (688)
NCAR (722)
NCAS (2836)
NERC (731)
Source Type
AER (909)
AGCM (21310)
AOGCM (47883)
Nominal Resolution
10 km (437)
100 km (19306)
1x1 degree (440)
25 km (8349)
250 km (18100)
50 km (22561)
Experiment ID
control-1950 (5515)
highres-future (7596)
highresSST-future (8247)
highresSST-present (13063)
hist-1950 (11840)
primWP5-amv-neg (10464)
primWP5-amv-pos (10359)
spinup-1950 (2109)
Variant Label
r10i1p1f1 (446)
r10i1p1f2 (1269)
r10i1p2f1 (226)
r11i1p1f1 (440)
r11i1p1f2 (529)
r11i1p2f1 (226)
r12i1p1f1 (434)
r12i1p1f2 (528)
r12i1p2f1 (203)
r13i1p1f1 (434)
r13i1p1f2 (528)
r13i1p2f1 (203)
r14i1p1f1 (434)
r14i1p1f2 (528)
r14i1p2f1 (203)
r15i1p1f1 (434)
r15i1p1f2 (528)
r15i1p2f1 (203)
r16i1p1f1 (126)
r16i1p2f1 (203)
r17i1p1f1 (126)
r17i1p2f1 (203)
r18i1p1f1 (126)
r18i1p2f1 (98)
r19i1p1f1 (126)
r19i1p2f1 (98)
r1i14p1f1 (282)
r1i15p1f1 (282)
r1i1p1f1 (20275)
r1i1p1f2 (4822)
r1i1p2f1 (1757)
r1i2p1f1 (2388)
r1i3p1f1 (2389)
r1i4p1f1 (489)
r1i5p1f1 (244)
r1i6p1f1 (244)
r1i7p1f1 (244)
r1i8p1f1 (244)
r20i1p1f1 (126)
r20i1p2f1 (98)
r21i1p1f1 (126)
r21i1p2f1 (98)
r22i1p1f1 (126)
r22i1p2f1 (98)
r23i1p1f1 (126)
r23i1p2f1 (98)
r24i1p1f1 (126)
r24i1p2f1 (98)
r25i1p1f1 (126)
r25i1p2f1 (98)
r26i1p1f1 (126)
r27i1p1f1 (126)
r28i1p1f1 (126)
r29i1p1f1 (126)
r2i1p1f1 (1839)
r2i1p1f2 (2284)
r2i1p2f1 (1707)
r30i1p1f1 (126)
r3i1p1f1 (1795)
r3i1p1f2 (2281)
r3i1p2f1 (1249)
r4i1p1f1 (874)
r4i1p1f2 (1268)
r4i1p2f1 (203)
r5i1p1f1 (919)
r5i1p1f2 (1268)
r5i1p2f1 (226)
r6i1p1f1 (919)
r6i1p1f2 (1268)
r6i1p2f1 (226)
r7i1p1f1 (705)
r7i1p1f2 (1268)
r7i1p2f1 (226)
r8i1p1f1 (705)
r8i1p1f2 (1268)
r8i1p2f1 (226)
r9i1p1f1 (446)
r9i1p1f2 (1261)
r9i1p2f1 (226)
Grid Label
gm (36)
gn (31882)
gnz (112)
gr (36207)
gr1 (535)
gr2 (2)
gr3 (370)
grz (49)
Table ID
3hr (2144)
6hrLev (48)
6hrPlev (387)
6hrPlevPt (1573)
AERday (31)
AERmon (1447)
AERmonZ (17)
Amon (21128)
CF3hr (21)
CFday (1669)
CFmon (3692)
E1hr (76)
E3hr (364)
E3hrPt (185)
Eday (888)
EdayZ (370)
Efx (38)
Emon (2016)
EmonZ (214)
Eyr (30)
LImon (1445)
Lmon (3168)
Oday (405)
Ofx (246)
Omon (5842)
Prim1hr (100)
Prim3hr (235)
Prim3hrPt (349)
Prim6hr (869)
Prim6hrPt (214)
PrimO6hr (6)
PrimOday (527)
PrimOmon (631)
PrimSIday (438)
Primday (1491)
PrimdayPt (224)
Primmon (79)
PrimmonZ (332)
SIday (860)
SImon (5262)
day (9751)
fx (381)
1hr (176)
3hr (2814)
3hrPt (484)
6hr (2169)
6hrPt (928)
day (16654)
fx (665)
mon (45137)
monC (54)
monPt (82)
yr (24)
yrPt (6)
aerosol (1640)
atmos (45825)
atmosChem (246)
land (6160)
landIce (1971)
ocean (7554)
ocnBgChem (515)
ocnBgchem (2)
seaIce (6581)
abs550aer (26)
agesno (65)
agessc (37)
albisccp (100)
areacella (64)
areacello (54)
areacellr (30)
baresoilFrac (104)
basin (32)
bigthetao (45)
bigthetaoga (43)
bldep (6)
c3PftFrac (65)
c4PftFrac (64)
cLeaf (5)
cLitter (5)
cLitterAbove (5)
cLitterBelow (5)
cRoot (5)
cSoil (5)
cSoilMedium (5)
cSoilSlow (5)
cStem (5)
cVeg (8)
ccb (174)
cct (178)
cdnc (10)
cfc11global (6)
cfc12global (6)
ch4 (4)
ch4global (64)
ci (147)
cl (190)
clc (27)
clcalipso (79)
cldicemxrat (3)
cldwatmxrat (3)
clhcalipso (79)
cli (170)
clic (27)
clis (27)
clisccp (88)
clivi (273)
cllcalipso (79)
clmcalipso (79)
cls (27)
clt (975)
cltc (55)
cltcalipso (79)
cltisccp (158)
clw (170)
clwc (27)
clws (27)
clwvi (281)
clwvic (14)
co2 (4)
co2mass (68)
cod (71)
concdust (2)
cropFrac (97)
cropFracC3 (41)
cropFracC4 (41)
deptho (43)
drybc (3)
drydust (3)
dryoa (3)
dryso2 (3)
dryso4 (3)
dryss (3)
edt (10)
emibc (3)
emidust (3)
emioa (3)
emiso2 (3)
emiss (3)
epfy (26)
epfz (26)
evs (22)
evspsbl (554)
evspsblpot (89)
evspsblsoi (152)
evspsblveg (149)
evu (10)
fVegLitter (5)
fVegSoil (3)
fco2nat (3)
fgco2 (2)
ficeberg (105)
fracLut (14)
friver (116)
fsitherm (21)
gpp (152)
gppGrass (4)
gppTree (4)
grassFrac (97)
grassFracC3 (41)
grassFracC4 (41)
hcont300 (12)
hfbasin (56)
hfbasinpadv (6)
hfbasinpmadv (14)
hfbasinpmdiff (6)
hfcorr (184)
hfds (260)
hfdsn (111)
hfevapds (7)
hfgeou (39)
hfls (891)
hflso (5)
hfrainds (40)
hfrunoffds (7)
hfss (906)
hfsso (5)
hfx (57)
hfy (57)
htovgyre (51)
htovovrt (51)
hur (869)
hurs (551)
hursmax (165)
hursmin (164)
hus (1125)
hus10 (7)
hus100 (7)
hus1000 (23)
hus23 (89)
hus4 (48)
huss (705)
intuadse (47)
intuaw (47)
intvadse (47)
intvaw (47)
lai (148)
landCoverFrac (31)
loaddust (2)
lwp (127)
lwsffluxaero (4)
lwsnl (116)
masscello (84)
masso (48)
mc (94)
mcd (27)
mcu (27)
mfo (51)
mlotst (401)
mlotstmax (15)
mlotstmin (45)
mlotstsq (65)
mrfso (115)
mrlsl (138)
mrlso (9)
mrro (623)
mrros (227)
mrsfl (14)
mrsll (14)
mrso (488)
mrsofc (44)
mrsol (79)
mrsos (334)
mrtws (43)
msftbarot (9)
msftmz (9)
msftmzmpa (9)
msftmzsmpa (3)
msftyz (45)
n2o (4)
n2oglobal (64)
nbp (3)
nep (53)
npp (142)
nwdFracLut (41)
o3 (20)
obvfsq (15)
od440aer (10)
od550aer (68)
od550aerh2o (10)
od550bc (68)
od550dust (26)
od550lt1aer (13)
od550no3 (10)
od550oa (26)
od550so4 (26)
od550ss (26)
od870aer (10)
omldamax (27)
opottemptend (12)
orog (95)
parasolRefl (58)
pbo (97)
pctisccp (100)
pfull (93)
phalf (91)
pr (1197)
prc (858)
prcsh (18)
prmax (93)
prmin (93)
prra (2)
prsn (860)
prveg (94)
prw (275)
ps (937)
psitem (5)
psl (1293)
pso (2)
ptp (96)
rGrowth (5)
rMaint (5)
ra (103)
reffclwtop (68)
residualFrac (58)
rh (100)
rivo (41)
rld (118)
rld4co2 (64)
rldcs (118)
rldcs4co2 (65)
rlds (875)
rldscs (625)
rlntds (3)
rls (33)
rlu (118)
rlu4co2 (65)
rlucs (118)
rlucs4co2 (65)
rlus (873)
rlut (809)
rlut4co2 (65)
rlutaf (85)
rlutcs (655)
rlutcs4co2 (65)
rlutcsaf (85)
rootd (38)
rsd (118)
rsd4co2 (65)
rsdcs (118)
rsdcs4co2 (65)
rsdo (75)
rsds (1125)
rsdscs (616)
rsdsdiff (120)
rsdt (653)
rsntds (81)
rss (33)
rsu (118)
rsu4co2 (65)
rsucs (118)
rsucs4co2 (65)
rsus (859)
rsuscs (695)
rsut (658)
rsut4co2 (65)
rsutaf (85)
rsutcs (575)
rsutcs4co2 (65)
rsutcsaf (43)
rtmt (98)
rv850 (23)
sbl (197)
sci (76)
sconcdust (4)
sconcso4 (4)
sconcss (4)
sfcWind (971)
sfcWindmax (437)
sfdsi (27)
sftgif (70)
sftgrf (79)
sftlf (65)
sftof (9)
shrubFrac (3)
siage (101)
siareaacrossline (35)
siarean (53)
siareas (53)
sicompstren (68)
siconc (501)
siconca (97)
sidconcdyn (47)
sidconcth (47)
sidivvel (134)
sidmassdyn (76)
sidmassevapsubl (66)
sidmassgrowthbot (35)
sidmassgrowthwat (33)
sidmasslat (35)
sidmassmeltbot (68)
sidmassmelttop (68)
sidmasssi (39)
sidmassth (82)
sidmasstranx (47)
sidmasstrany (47)
siextentn (61)
siextents (61)
sifb (41)
siflcondbot (72)
siflcondtop (72)
siflfwbot (72)
siflfwdrain (66)
sifllatstop (79)
sifllwdtop (35)
sifllwutop (69)
siflsenstop (35)
siflsensupbot (74)
siflswdbot (39)
siflswdtop (96)
siflswutop (69)
siforcecoriolx (6)
siforcecorioly (6)
siforceintstrx (43)
siforceintstry (43)
sihc (76)
siitdconc (3)
simass (109)
simassacrossline (56)
sipr (66)
sisali (12)
sisaltmass (49)
sishevel (39)
sisnconc (90)
sisnhc (76)
sisnmass (98)
sisnthick (216)
sispeed (167)
sistrxdtop (216)
sistrxubot (129)
sistrydtop (216)
sistryubot (129)
sitempbot (66)
sitempsnic (43)
sitemptop (200)
sithick (475)
sitimefrac (178)
siu (289)
siv (289)
sivol (157)
sivoln (61)
sivols (61)
sltovgyre (13)
sltovovrt (13)
snc (260)
snd (210)
sndmassdyn (39)
sndmassmelt (35)
sndmasssi (35)
sndmasssnf (42)
sndmasssubl (33)
snm (177)
snmassacrossline (33)
snw (560)
so (169)
sob (28)
soga (98)
somint (45)
sootsn (2)
sos (463)
sosga (52)
sossq (3)
t2 (20)
t20d (75)
ta (1354)
ta10 (7)
ta100 (7)
ta23 (89)
ta700 (65)
ta850 (30)
tas (1259)
tasmax (922)
tasmin (804)
tatp (65)
tauu (685)
tauuo (251)
tauv (685)
tauvo (251)
thetao (290)
thetaoga (67)
thetaot (30)
thetaot2000 (30)
thetaot300 (30)
thetaot700 (30)
thetapv2 (50)
thkcello (146)
tnhus (65)
tnhusa (65)
tnhusc (69)
tnhusd (10)
tnhusmp (65)
tnhusscpbl (65)
tnt (65)
tnta (65)
tntc (77)
tntmp (76)
tntnogw (3)
tntogw (3)
tntr (65)
tntrl (10)
tntrlcs (5)
tntrs (10)
tntrscs (5)
tntscp (8)
tntscpbl (65)
tob (27)
tomint (6)
tos (548)
tosga (29)
tossq (187)
toz (85)
tran (85)
treeFrac (97)
treeFracBdlDcd (8)
treeFracBdlEvg (8)
treeFracNdlDcd (8)
treeFracNdlEvg (8)
treeFracPrimDec (8)
treeFracPrimEver (8)
ts (796)
tsl (260)
tslsi (226)
tsn (139)
tso (17)
ttop (55)
twap (20)
u2 (20)
u2o (66)
ua (1580)
ua10 (7)
ua100 (7)
ua1000 (23)
ua100m (55)
ua23 (89)
ua4 (48)
ua50m (55)
uas (1100)
umo (120)
uneutrals (89)
uo (343)
uqint (78)
uso (68)
ut (20)
utendepfd (9)
utendnogw (74)
utendogw (68)
utendvtem (5)
utendwtem (5)
uto (68)
uv (20)
uwap (20)
v2 (19)
v2o (66)
va (1575)
va10 (7)
va100 (7)
va1000 (23)
va100m (55)
va23 (89)
va4 (48)
va50m (55)
vas (1100)
vegFrac (41)
vmo (119)
vneutrals (89)
vo (340)
volcello (10)
volo (88)
vortmean (50)
vqint (78)
vso (68)
vstarbar (52)
vt (20)
vtem (114)
vtendnogw (10)
vto (68)
vwap (20)
w2o (33)
wa (3)
wap (785)
wap10 (7)
wap2 (20)
wap23 (89)
wap500 (65)
wbptemp (28)
wetbc (3)
wetdust (3)
wetoa (3)
wetso2 (3)
wetso4 (3)
wetss (3)
wfcorr (64)
wfo (111)
wmo (118)
wo (151)
wsgmax (93)
wso (35)
wstarbar (52)
wtd (43)
wtem (114)
wto (35)
xnonoroggwdparam (52)
zfull (38)
zfullo (33)
zg (1269)
zg10 (10)
zg1000 (30)
zg23 (89)
zg500 (83)
zg7h (62)
zmla (3)
zos (365)
zossq (134)
zostoga (55)
ztp (94)
CF Standard Name
age of sea ice (101)
age of surface snow (65)
air pressure (184)
air pressure at cloud top (100)
air pressure at convective cloud base (174)
air pressure at convective cloud top (178)
air pressure at mean sea level (38)
air pressure at sea level (526)
air temperature (4537)
air temperature at cloud top (55)
ambient aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm (3)
ambient aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550nm (3)
ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm (55)
ambient aerosol optical thickness at 550nm (3)
ambient fine aerosol optical depth at 550nm (3)
area fraction (924)
atmosphere absorption optical thickness due to ambient aerosol (12)
atmosphere absorption optical thickness due to ambient aerosol particles (8)
atmosphere boundary layer thickness (9)
atmosphere cloud condensed water content (186)
atmosphere cloud ice content (178)
atmosphere cloud liquid water content (49)
atmosphere convective cloud condensed water content (14)
atmosphere downdraft convective mass flux (27)
atmosphere heat diffusivity (10)
atmosphere mass content of cloud condensed water (95)
atmosphere mass content of cloud ice (95)
atmosphere mass content of cloud liquid water (78)
atmosphere mass content of dust dry aerosol particles (2)
atmosphere mass content of water vapor (69)
atmosphere mass of carbon dioxide (68)
atmosphere momentum diffusivity (10)
atmosphere net upward convective mass flux (94)
atmosphere optical thickness due to ambient aerosol particles (30)
atmosphere optical thickness due to black carbon ambient aerosol (68)
atmosphere optical thickness due to cloud (71)
atmosphere optical thickness due to dust ambient aerosol (12)
atmosphere optical thickness due to dust ambient aerosol particles (8)
atmosphere optical thickness due to nitrate ambient aerosol (2)
atmosphere optical thickness due to nitrate ambient aerosol particles (8)
atmosphere optical thickness due to particulate organic matter ambient aerosol (12)
atmosphere optical thickness due to particulate organic matter ambient aerosol particles (8)
atmosphere optical thickness due to pm1 ambient aerosol (2)
atmosphere optical thickness due to pm1 ambient aerosol particles (8)
atmosphere optical thickness due to sea salt ambient aerosol particles (8)
atmosphere optical thickness due to seasalt ambient aerosol (12)
atmosphere optical thickness due to sulfate ambient aerosol (2)
atmosphere optical thickness due to sulfate ambient aerosol particles (8)
atmosphere optical thickness due to water in ambient aerosol (2)
atmosphere optical thickness due to water in ambient aerosol particles (8)
atmosphere relative vorticity (73)
atmosphere updraft convective mass flux (27)
atmosphere water vapor content (206)
carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to autotrophic (plant) respiration on land (41)
carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to growth autotrophic respiration on land (5)
carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to heterotrophic respiration on land (38)
carbon mass flux into atmosphere due to maintenance autotrophic respiration on land (5)
carbon mass flux into soil from vegetation excluding litter (3)
carbon mass flux out of atmosphere due to gross primary production on land (141)
carbon mass flux out of atmosphere due to gross primary production on land [kgc m-2 s-1] (1)
carbon mass flux out of atmosphere due to net primary production on land (141)
carbon mass in above-ground litter (5)
carbon mass in below-ground litter (5)
carbon mass in leaves (5)
carbon mass in litter pool (5)
carbon mass in medium soil pool (5)
carbon mass in roots (5)
carbon mass in slow soil pool (5)
carbon mass in soil pool (5)
carbon mass in stem (5)
cell area (148)
cell thickness (146)
cloud albedo (100)
cloud area fraction (1212)
cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (594)
cloud ice mixing ratio (3)
cloud liquid water mixing ratio (3)
compressive strength of sea ice (68)
convection time fraction (147)
convective cloud area fraction (55)
convective cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (27)
convective precipitation flux (858)
coriolis force term in force balance (x-component) (6)
coriolis force term in force balance (y-component) (6)
depth below geoid (33)
depth of isosurface of sea water potential temperature (75)
divergence of sea ice velocity (134)
downward sea ice basal salt flux (27)
downward x stress at sea water surface (1)
downward y stress at sea water surface (1)
downwelling longwave flux in air (182)
downwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (183)
downwelling shortwave flux in air (183)
downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (183)
downwelling shortwave flux in sea water (75)
downwelling shortwave flux under sea ice (39)
dry deposition rate of black carbon aerosol mass (3)
dry deposition rate of dry aerosol total organic matter (3)
dry deposition rate of dust (3)
dry deposition rate of sea-salt aerosol (3)
dry deposition rate of so2 (3)
dry deposition rate of so4 (3)
dust aod@550nm (3)
dust optical thickness at 550nm (3)
eastward atmosphere dry static energy transport across unit distance (37)
eastward atmosphere water transport across unit distance (37)
eastward neutral wind (89)
eastward wind (2964)
effective radius of cloud liquid water particle at liquid water cloud top (68)
equivalent thickness at stp of atmosphere ozone content (85)
evaporation (114)
evaporation including sublimation and transpiration (62)
evs (6)
fraction of time steps with sea ice (100)
fraction of time with sea ice area fraction above threshold (60)
freshwater flux from sea-ice surface (66)
freshwater flux from sea ice (37)
frozen water content of soil layer (14)
geopotential height (1543)
global average sea water conservative temperature (43)
global average thermosteric sea level change (55)
gross primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon (18)
grounded ice sheet area fraction (79)
heat content of upper 300 meters (12)
heat flux correction (184)
height above reference ellipsoid (38)
heterotrophic respiration carbon flux (62)
integral of product of eastward wind and specific humidity wrt height (2)
integral of product of northward wind and specific humidity wrt height (2)
integral of sea ice temperature wrt depth expressed as heat content (12)
integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and prognostic salinity (45)
integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and prognostic temperature (6)
integral wrt height of product of eastward wind and specific humidity (8)
integral wrt height of product of northward wind and specific humidity (8)
integrated eastward wind times humidity (68)
integrated northward wind times humidity (68)
internal stress term in force balance (x-component) (43)
internal stress term in force balance (y-component) (43)
lagrangian tendency of air pressure (946)
land area fraction (65)
land ice area fraction (70)
lateral sea ice melt rate (3)
leaf area index (148)
liquid water content of snow layer (72)
liquid water content of soil layer (23)
liquid water content of surface snow (142)
mass concentration of dust dry aerosol particles in air (6)
mass concentration of sea salt dry aerosol particles in air (4)
mass concentration of sulfate dry aerosol particles in air (4)
mass content of water in soil (16)
mass content of water in soil layer (36)
mass fraction of cloud ice in air (170)
mass fraction of cloud liquid water in air (170)
mass fraction of convective cloud ice in air (27)
mass fraction of convective cloud liquid water in air (27)
mass fraction of stratiform cloud ice in air (27)
mass fraction of stratiform cloud liquid water in air (27)
mass of salt in sea ice per area (13)
maximum shear of sea-ice velocity field (39)
moisture content of soil layer (444)
moisture in upper portion of soil column (58)
mole fraction of carbon dioxide in air (4)
mole fraction of cfc11 in air (6)
mole fraction of cfc12 in air (6)
mole fraction of methane in air (68)
mole fraction of nitrous oxide in air (68)
mole fraction of ozone in air (20)
net conductive heat flux in ice at the surface (37)
net conductive heat fluxes in ice at the bottom (72)
net downward radiative flux at top of atmosphere model (98)
net downward shortwave flux at sea water surface (81)
net primary production on land as carbon mass flux [kgc m-2 s-1] (1)
northward atmosphere dry static energy transport across unit distance (37)
northward atmosphere water transport across unit distance (37)
northward eliassen palm flux in air (26)
northward neutral wind (89)
northward ocean heat transport (56)
northward ocean heat transport due to gyre (51)
northward ocean heat transport due to overturning (51)
northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized eddy advection (6)
northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized mesoscale advection (14)
northward ocean heat transport due to parameterized mesoscale diffusion (6)
northward ocean salt transport due to gyre (13)
northward ocean salt transport due to overturning (13)
northward transformed eulerian mean air velocity (166)
northward wind (2959)
number concentration of cloud liquid water particles in air (10)
ocean barotropic mass streamfunction (9)
ocean heat x transport (57)
ocean heat y transport (57)
ocean mass x transport (120)
ocean mass y transport (119)
ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction (9)
ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction due to parameterized mesoscale advection (9)
ocean meridional overturning mass streamfunction due to parameterized submesoscale advection (3)
ocean mixed layer thickness defined by mixing scheme (27)
ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t (461)
ocean volume (10)
ocean y overturning mass streamfunction (45)
opottemptend (6)
plant respiration carbon flux (62)
precipitation flux (1383)
precipitation flux from shallow convection (18)
precipitation flux onto canopy (94)
primary emission and chemical production of dry aerosol organic matter (3)
product of eastward wind and air temperature (20)
product of eastward wind and northward wind (20)
product of eastward wind and omega (20)
product of northward wind and air temperature (20)
product of northward wind and omega (20)
product of omega and air temperature (20)
rainfall flux (68)
region (32)
relative humidity (1749)
rendency of eastward wind due to tem northward advection and coriolis term (4)
rendency of eastward wind due to tem upward advection (4)
residual mean vert wstarbar (52)
river discharge (41)
root depth (38)
runoff flux (623)
sea-ice heat content per unit area (34)
sea-ice mass change from dynamics (40)
sea-ice mass change from thermodynamics (40)
sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation (1)
sea-ice mass change through snow-to-ice conversion (1)
sea-salt aerosol optical depth at 550nm (3)
sea area fraction (9)
sea floor depth below geoid (43)
sea ice amount (109)
sea ice area (106)
sea ice area flux through straits (35)
sea ice area fraction (601)
sea ice extent (122)
sea ice freeboard (41)
sea ice mass content of salt (30)
sea ice salinity (12)
sea ice salt mass (6)
sea ice speed (167)
sea ice surface temperature (243)
sea ice temperature expressed as heat content (30)
sea ice thickness (632)
sea ice time fraction (6)
sea ice transport across line (56)
sea ice volume (122)
sea ice x transport (47)
sea ice x velocity (289)
sea ice y transport (47)
sea ice y velocity (289)
sea level pressure (729)
sea salt aod@550nm (3)
sea surface height above geoid (365)
sea surface salinity (515)
sea surface temperature (594)
sea water age since surface contact (37)
sea water convervative temperature (45)
sea water mass (48)
sea water mass per unit area (84)
sea water potential temperature (477)
sea water potential temperature at sea floor (27)
sea water pressure at sea floor (97)
sea water pressure at sea water surface (2)
sea water salinity (267)
sea water salinity at sea floor (28)
sea water surface downward x stress (6)
sea water surface downward y stress (6)
sea water transport across line (51)
sea water volume (88)
sea water x velocity (343)
sea water y velocity (340)
shallow convection time fraction (76)
sidmassevapsubl (6)
sidmasssi (6)
sidmassth (6)
sitimefrac (12)
snow mass flux through straits (33)
snow mass rate of change through avection by sea-ice dynamics (7)
snow mass rate of change through evaporation or sublimation (1)
snow mass rate of change through snow-to-ice conversion (3)
snowfall flux (902)
soil frozen water content (115)
soil moisture content (234)
soil moisture content at field capacity (44)
soil temperature (260)
soot content of surface snow (2)
specific humidity (2004)
square of air temperature (20)
square of brunt vaisala frequency in sea water (15)
square of eastward wind (20)
square of lagrangian tendency of air pressure (20)
square of northward wind (19)
square of ocean mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t (65)
square of sea surface height above geoid (134)
square of sea surface salinity (3)
square of sea surface temperature (187)
stratiform cloud area fraction in atmosphere layer (27)
sulfate aerosol optical depth at 550nm (3)
sulfate aod@550nm (13)
surface air pressure (937)
surface altitude (95)
surface diffuse downwelling shortwave flux in air (120)
surface downward eastward stress (685)
surface downward heat flux in sea water (260)
surface downward heat flux in snow (111)
surface downward latent heat flux (5)
surface downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon (2)
surface downward northward stress (685)
surface downward sensible heat flux (40)
surface downward x stress (460)
surface downward y stress (460)
surface downwelling longwave flux in air (910)
surface downwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (625)
surface downwelling longwave flux in air due to volcanic ambient aerosol particles (4)
surface downwelling shortwave flux in air (1221)
surface downwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (616)
surface net downward longwave flux (36)
surface net downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to all land processes (3)
surface net downward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to all land processes excluding anthropogenic land use change (53)
surface net downward shortwave flux (33)
surface runoff flux (227)
surface snow amount (560)
surface snow and ice sublimation flux (197)
surface snow area fraction (350)
surface snow melt flux (212)
surface snow sublimation flux (2)
surface snow thickness (426)
surface temperature (1022)
surface upward latent heat flux (970)
surface upward mass flux of carbon dioxide expressed as carbon due to emission from natural sources (3)
surface upward sensible heat flux (941)
surface upwelling longwave flux in air (942)
surface upwelling shortwave flux in air (928)
surface upwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (695)
temperature at ice-ocean interface (66)
temperature flux due to evaporation expressed as heat flux out of sea water (7)
temperature flux due to rainfall expressed as heat flux into sea water (40)
temperature flux due to runoff expressed as heat flux into sea water (7)
temperature in surface snow (139)
temperature tendency due to non-orographic gravity wave dissipation (3)
temperature tendency due to orographic gravity wave dissipation (3)
tendency of air temperature (65)
tendency of air temperature due to advection (65)
tendency of air temperature due to convection (77)
tendency of air temperature due to longwave heating (10)
tendency of air temperature due to longwave heating assuming clear sky (5)
tendency of air temperature due to model physics (76)
tendency of air temperature due to radiative heating (65)
tendency of air temperature due to shortwave heating (10)
tendency of air temperature due to shortwave heating assuming clear sky (5)
tendency of air temperature due to stratiform cloud and precipitation and boundary layer mixing (65)
tendency of air temperature due to stratiform clouds and precipitation (8)
tendency of atmosphere mass content of sulfur dioxide due to emission (3)
tendency of atmosphere mass content of water vapor due to sublimation of surface snow and ice (30)
tendency of eastward wind due to eliassen palm flux divergence (9)
tendency of eastward wind due to nonorographic gravity wave drag (74)
tendency of eastward wind due to orographic gravity wave drag (68)
tendency of eastward wind due to tem northward advection and coriolis term (1)
tendency of eastward wind due to tem upward advection (1)
tendency of sea ice amount due to basal melting (68)
tendency of sea ice amount due to congelation ice accumulation (35)
tendency of sea ice amount due to conversion of snow to sea ice (30)
tendency of sea ice amount due to dynamics (6)
tendency of sea ice amount due to frazil ice accumulation in leads (31)
tendency of sea ice amount due to freezing in open water (2)
tendency of sea ice amount due to lateral melting (32)
tendency of sea ice amount due to sea ice dynamics (30)
tendency of sea ice amount due to sea ice thermodynamics (30)
tendency of sea ice amount due to snow conversion (2)
tendency of sea ice amount due to surface melting (68)
tendency of sea ice amount due to thermodynamics (6)
tendency of sea ice area fraction due to dynamics (47)
tendency of sea ice area fraction due to thermodynamics (47)
tendency of sea water potential temperature (6)
tendency of snow mass due to sea ice dynamics (2)
tendency of specific humidity (65)
tendency of specific humidity due to advection (65)
tendency of specific humidity due to convection (69)
tendency of specific humidity due to diffusion (10)
tendency of specific humidity due to model physics (65)
tendency of specific humidity due to stratiform cloud and precipitation and boundary layer mixing (65)
tendency of surface snow amount due to conversion of snow to sea ice (32)
tendency of surface snow amount due to sea ice dynamics (30)
thermal energy content of surface snow (76)
theta on pv +/- 2 surface (50)
toa bidirectional reflectance (58)
toa incoming shortwave flux (653)
toa outgoing clear-sky, aerosol-free shortwave radiation (33)
toa outgoing longwave flux (959)
toa outgoing longwave flux assuming clear sky (805)
toa outgoing shortwave flux (808)
toa outgoing shortwave flux assuming clear sky (650)
total carbon mass flux from vegetation to litter (5)
total emission rate of black carbon aerosol mass (3)
total emission rate of dust (3)
total emission rate of sea-salt aerosol (3)
total organic aerosol aod@550nm (3)
total organic aerosol optical depth at 550nm (3)
total soil moisture content (238)
total water content of soil layer (13)
total water storage in a grid cell (43)
transformed eulerian mean mass stramfunction (5)
transformed eulerian mean upward wind (114)
transpiration flux (85)
tropopause air pressure (96)
tropopause air temperature (65)
tropopause altitude (94)
upward air velocity (3)
upward eliassen palm flux in air (26)
upward geothermal heat flux at sea floor (39)
upward ocean mass transport (118)
upward sea ice basal heat flux (74)
upward sea water velocity (151)
upward x stress at sea ice base (84)
upward y stress at sea ice base (84)
upwelling longwave flux in air (183)
upwelling longwave flux in air assuming clear sky (183)
upwelling shortwave flux in air (183)
upwelling shortwave flux in air assuming clear sky (183)
us (68)
ut (68)
uu (66)
v-tendency nonorographic gravity wave drag (10)
vegetation carbon content (8)
vertically integrated eastward dry transport (cp.t +zg).u (mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by dry static energy per mass unit) (10)
vertically integrated eastward moisture transport (mass weighted vertical integral of the product of eastward wind by total water mass per unit mass) (10)
vertically integrated northward dry transport (cp.t +zg).v (mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by dry static energy per mass unit) (10)
vertically integrated northward moisture transport (mass weighted vertical integral of the product of northward wind by total water mass per unit mass) (10)
vs (68)
vt (68)
vv (66)
water evaporation flux (403)
water evaporation flux from canopy (149)
water evaporation flux from soil (152)
water evaporation flux where ice free ocean over sea (5)
water evapotranspiration flux (45)
water flux correction (64)
water flux into sea water (111)
water flux into sea water due to sea ice thermodynamics (56)
water flux into sea water from icebergs (105)
water flux into sea water from rivers (116)
water potential evaporation flux (89)
water table depth from surface. (43)
wet bulb potential temperature (28)
wet deposition rate of black carbon aerosol mass (3)
wet deposition rate of dry aerosol total organic matter (3)
wet deposition rate of dust (3)
wet deposition rate of sea-salt aerosol (3)
wet deposition rate of so2 (3)
wet deposition rate of so4 (3)
wind speed (1408)
wind speed of gust (93)
ws (35)
wt (35)
ww (33)
x-component of ocean stress on sea ice (45)
x gravity wave drag param (52)
y-component of ocean stress on sea ice (45)
Data Node (778) (63) (573) (8684) (397) (722) (474) (688) (3) (52480) (512) (906) (2913)
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